【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind



June, 1984 

The Keith Jarrett Interview 

By Art Lange



AL: Do you think you feel an affinity for the three you mentioned—Bach, Beethoven, and to a degree, Mozart…  




KJ: I should probably add Handel in there too…  




AL:…because they were the improvising keyboard artists of their time?  




KJ: I think the music is better because their relationship to improvising was so strong. I wouldn’t say I like their music because they were all improvisers, but there was something in the music, and I would say it is the ecstatic knowledge that comes through in Bach’s music and in Beethoven’s music. It’s the knowledge of the ecstatic state—which means that’s why their music conveys so much. [With Bach] almost every time and no matter what state you’re in—at least I should speak for myself—there is something coming through, whereas with almost every other composer’s music, I need to be in a certain mood to listen to it. So to me that means there’s less being communicated. I know that when you’re an improviser, a true improviser, you have to be familiar with ecstasy, otherwise you can’t connect with music. When you’re a composer, you can wait for those moments, you know, whenever. They might not be here today. But when you’re an improviser, at 8 o’clock tonight, for example, you have to be so familiar with that state that you can almost bring it on.  





AL: So you do that—you bring the state on, but you don’t bring on the music that that state leads to.  




KJ: And this is what I can give back to all the composers I play, who I believe were familiar with that state. Within their own language I might be able to give them just a little gift of having understood how tremendous their struggle was with a particular note. Classical players are aware of this process because they’re usually studious about everything they do—if they’re good—but that doesn’t mean they’re aware of the state as much as, “Oh yes, this phrase means this.” If you don’t have a relationship with the state that produced the phrase, you can’t be as good a player of the music. That’s what I hope I can bring.  




AL: So far you’ve only performed concertos in public. Do you see yourself doing solo classical recitals?  




KJ: Yes I do, but I’m not sure when.  




AL: Do you have any idea yet what music?  




KJ: Not really. I’ve been working on the Beethoven sonatas for about 13 years now, fairly regularly. I didn’t have this studio until several years ago, and before that I didn’t practice a hell of a lot because improvising and practicing don’t work well together.  




AL: I take it you wouldn’t consider doing a program of a Bach toccata, a Beethoven sonata, and a Jarrett improvisation.  




KJ: No, probably not. The subject has come up, as you can imagine. An orchestra says, “Would you do this concerto with us and would you improvise in the second half?” No. I feel that is using my music as a means of filling out the program.  




AL: You don’t feel that it might highlight some of those connections to the audience—you’ve played Bach and then you play your music so that they could hear some of the things you hear?  




KJ: It certainly would be possible, but it would be too easy. For them and me. Already we’re at the point where they want to hear rich ideas related to their favorite solo recordings. They do not want to see that next step, and they won’t accept that next step within the context of a solo improvised concert.  







I had an interesting interview with the Japanese composer, Toru Takemitsu, recently. He decided he wanted to interview me for their classical music magazine. He was asking me why my solo concerts were slowing down and stopping, and he said something about, “Is it because you don’t want to possess the music anymore?” And that was precisely right. The only reason I bring this up is because I don’t feel like a composer at this moment at all. And I talk to people about stopping the solo concerts, and they say, “Oh my god,” or “Well maybe you’ll be writing something soon.” And I tell them, “Wait a minute, you don’t understand. This is a positive thing that is happening to me.” It really is positive, in a sense that anyone who wants to listen to what I’m doing this year has to listen to other people’s music, who they may don’t have a relationship with, and come to terms with whether they can deal with my relationship to those people or not. Which is exactly what you do when you’re listening, you know? “What did I like or what didn’t I like about it? Was it the piece, or was it the way they played the piece? Or maybe I just don’t think he can do this; he shouldn’t be doing this.” All those things have no application to this point somewhere, he’s going to play his own music. Even now if I play a concerto and the audience wants an encore, they want me to improvise.  



AL: So in addition to broadening your own musical expertise, you’re trying to broaden the listener’s range of musical experience as well.  




KJ: My experience has been that when you risk losing a listener, you’re either doing something terrible or something very important. I’ve come to terms with when I’m doing something terrible—I’m the first person to know it’s bad. If I continue that, then all I have to do is put those pieces together, and if I’m still risking the listening public, it’s got to be a right step, you know? With the exception of pure shock value—anyway, there’s no shock left.  




AL: Let’s talk about the difference between writing for orchestra and writing for a “jazz” quartet. You’ve had two well-known quartets that you’ve written for…  




KJ: The hard part of writing for an orchestra is writing for an orchestra. The hard part of the quartet situation is not the writing at all—it’s the question of how to make it a personal statement for everyone in the band. So that’s the separate thing. In other words, if you take these four people and subtract even one and put a different person in it, the music I would write for that group should be different. And if anyone ever does a study on it, they’ll see that the American quartet and the Scandinavian group and even the music I wrote for the trio at the Vanguard—I don’t know if it will ever get recorded—but you could put them beside each other—and even the string music for Jan—and see how much consideration went into who was playing.  



(訳注:ヴィレッジ・ヴァンガードのトリオとはスタンダーズのこと。83年10月の『Standards, Vol.1』発売に合わせて、スタンダーズのお披露目ライヴが83年9月、ヴィレッジ・ヴァンガードで6日間行われた。) 




AL: I think they sound very different…  


どれも、違う演奏でありサウンドだと思いますね… 。 


KJ: Yeah, but a lot of people attribute that to the players. Like they’ll say positive or negative things about “The Swedish band doesn’t exert enough.” Or, “Charlie Haden and Paul Motian were always pulling and stretching things, and we think that challenged Jarrett’s creativity.” But what they’re really hearing isn’t quite what they’re saying. What they’re saying is true, but what they’re hearing is how considerate I had to be to write for each of those bands. If I wrote the Belonging music with Charlie and Paul in the band they couldn’t be pulling in that way. The language wouldn’t work. I’d have to stop and say, “Listen, Charlie, you gotta come down on ‘one’ here.” If I wrote chords in a certain manner for Dewey, for example, and he was playing on changes, it would be a whole different sound. By Jan somehow changing his language, and the way the four of us played together, that worked. Someday I’m pretty sure that there’ll be some serious studies of a lot of things, and I hope to be alive to see a few of them [laughs]. Just for fun, to see if it ever really happens.  


そうです。でも多くの人達が、その違いはプレイヤーのせいだと思っているんです。良くも悪くも、こんなふうに言われます。「スウェーデンのバンドは十分実力を発揮していない」あるいは「チャーリー・ヘイデンポール・モチアンは常に演奏において引っ張ったり、広げたりして、それがジャレットの創造性を挑発したと思われる」。でもそういう彼らが本当に聴いていることと、言っていることとは、まったく違います。言っていることは事実ですが、彼らが聴いているのは、僕がどれだけそれぞれのバンドに曲を書くのに配慮しなければならなかったかということなんです。もしチャーリーとポールがいるバンドで、ビロンギングの曲を書いたら、彼らはあんなふうに(アメリカングループでやっているように)演奏を引っ張ることはできないでしょう。譜面に書かれている演奏の方法が、そうさせてくれないからです。僕は演奏を止めて「おい、チャーリー、ここは “Ⅰ” じゃないとだめだよ。」と言わねばならないでしょう。もし僕があるやり方でデューイにコードを書いて、彼がそのコードチェンジで吹いても、まったく違うものになってしまう。ヤンが何とか普段の演奏のやり方を変えて、さらに4人がみんなで演奏する時のやり方も変えることで上手くいったのです。いつか必ずいろいろなことが本格的に研究されると思いますが、そのうちの2つ3つでもいいから、生きているうちにその研究成果を見てみたいですね(笑)。本当に(僕の言ったように)そうなるのかどうか、楽しみながらね。 



AL: So whenever you’ve composed something, it’s been for very specific reasons or a specific situation. If you had to compose quartet music, it was for a particular group of jazz players…  




KJ: In jazz, yeah…  




AL: …and if it was an orchestral piece it was because you were commissioned or…  




KJ: Well, no, actually In The Light was a collection of pieces I wrote with no outlet at all. But we all have youthful flows of ideas at a certain stage of our lives, and whatever happens, happens in that period of time. What happened in that period for me was I was not working, I didn’t have a good instrument, I didn’t have a suitable place to live, and writing certainly made some sense. It was a way of expressing something.  


いえいえ、実は『In The Light』の場合は、僕が以前書いて日の目を見ずにいた作品を集めたものなんです。私たちは皆、人生のある段階で、若さゆえのアイデアがどんどん流れ出てくることがありますよね。それが何であれ、それにふさわしい時期に自分の身に起きるわけです。僕の場合は仕事がなくて、まともな楽器も持っていなくて、住む場所もままならなくて、という時期でした。それでも曲を書くということは、確かに何かしらの意味がありました。それは何かを表現する方法だったのです。 


AL: You’ve titled a lot of pieces “Hymn,” even though they’re different sounding pieces in different contexts. Why “Hymn”?  




KJ: Well, in the sense that Bach always ended pieces with a dedication to God. It’s the same thing. If I could call everything I did Hymn, it would be appropriate, because that’s what they are when they’re correct. I connect every music-making experience I have, including every day here in the studio with a great [long pause] power, and if I do not surrender to it, nothing happens. In that sense everything feels like a hymn, because I don’t have access to this just by the fact of being Keith Jarrett and having recorded all the time. There’s no reason why I should have this experience ever. Every time it’s a gift. So if I want to acknowledge this gift, I would have to call it a hymn. Ritual was, in a way, just another word about something perhaps surrounding a state of prayer.  




AL: When trying to describe your solo concerts, a lot of people say they hear traces of all different kinds of music: Oriental music, Russian music, Mideastern music, Scottish bagpipe drones, English folk tunes, Indian folk music and all this other stuff. I don’t know if they think you’ve digested all this stuff, and are consciously or subconsciously throwing it in there. Why do you think that is?  





KJ: If I were a “stylist,” it wouldn’t happen. If I were a self-conscious artist the way most people think an artist is supposed to be for some reason—and mostly critics seem to think that — I would be saying something only I could say, and I would always be avoiding saying anything anyone else has ever said, and I would be somehow unique. Where to me—I’ve said this before—that’s step number one: you finally have your sound and what you like; you have a way of making your music. Now, throw that away, and that’s the beginning of being an artist. People want to stop at step one and say, “Listen, man, this sounds like everything; it’s electric!” Call it anything you want; all I know is that step two is that you have to throw that away. And if you throw it away, then at any moment you can sound like anything, except it won’t be that other thing.  




AL: Does it bother you when people use those “influences” to latch on to?  




KJ: It bothers me how easy it is to do it, and that they choose listening to it that way because it’s easier to do that. Associative listening, I guess I would call it.  




AL: Listening for recognizable events.  




KJ: If they come to hear me, they want to hear my music, and if I come out with the attitude that none of it’s mine, something’s gonna go wrong. You can see how directly it leads, from improvising and not wanting to possess the music I improvise, to playing other people’s music. Really, I’ve been feeling in the last few years, even while improvising, I am playing other people’s music, or other music. It isn’t mine.  





AL: So this is the reason for getting involved not only in public performances of concertos, but also the LP of standards with Jack DeJohnette and Gary Peacock.  




KJ: Yes. Standards was, believe it or not, the opening to the classical thing, like a stop-off in American Songwriterville, trying to pay back some of my debt to the kind of debt to the kind of music I felt Gary and Jack and I had as a kind of tribal language that we all grew up with. We had a very serious dinner the night before we recorded. I prepared in advance of this dinner to talk about non-possessivness, about how I didn’t have any arrangements, how there was not going to be any idea of how to do these things. Just, “Do you like this song?” I had a list of songs, and we’d decided to try one, and almost without exception that was a take. Including what everyone thinks was made for the mass market—God Bless The Child. It was absolutely nothing except that bass octave, and then Jack started to play the thing and that was it.  


そうなんです。意外かもしれませんが、スタンダーズはクラシックへの取り組みの、オープニングを飾るもので、例えるなら「アメリカ人作曲家の村」へ立ち寄って、今までのお礼として、ゲイリーやジャック、僕達3人を育ててくれた「種族の言語」のような音楽へ恩返しをする、そんな感じです。この収録の前の晩に、僕達は夕食を取りながら真剣な話をしました。僕はこの食事の前に「音楽の非所有」「何のアレンジもしない」「どんな風にこれらのことをやるかという考えもない」ということについて、説明する準備をしました。単に候補曲のリストを見て「これなんかどう?」と話し合い、決めたらほぼ例外なくそれがテイクになりました。その中には「God Bless The Child」という、誰が見てもマスマーケット向きなものもあります。あの曲はピアノで弾くベースのオクターブ奏法以外は、どうってことのない曲でしたが、ジャックがそれ(ロック・ビート)を始めたんです。ただそれだけのことでした。 


AL: When you’re playing standards like that, the American popular song, do you hear the lyrics when you’re playing?  





KJ: Yes. That was the other thing I talked about the evening, although it was mainly for my benefit. I wasn’t going to play a melody that was nothing but notes; I was going to play only melodies that I was familiar with verbally.  




AL: So their lyrics are part of what you relate to…  





KJ: Well, I thought the these pieces have been played in trio contexts before but not in trio contexts with utter respect for the song above everything else—above how the solos are, above anything. Just respect for the song. So when we went in there the next day, I could tell we were all thinking the same thing. I would think of a song, and Jack might start singing the bridge and the lyrics and say, “Yeah, okay.” The second volume has a ballad on it that I think—not trying to sound too identified with the record since it’s mine—but I think it’s the best melody playing by a trio of a ballad I’ve ever heard. We’ll see. Most likely what I’ll hear is, “He’s singing too much on this.” [Laughs.]  


これらの曲は、これまでにもトリオという状況で演奏されたことはありましたが、外の何よりも曲に対する完全な敬意を払ったトリオの状況、つまりソロがどうこうというよりも、何よりただ曲に敬意を払って演奏したのです。なので、次の日にスタジオに入った時は、僕ら全員が同じことを考えているというのがわかりました。僕がある曲のことを考えていると、ジャックがその曲のブリッジと歌詞を口ずさみはじめ、そして「いいよ、OK」となる。『Standards, Vol.2』にあるバラードですが、僕のレコードなのであまり特定するつもりはありませんが、僕が思うには、今まで聴いたピアノトリオが演奏するバラードでは、いちばん出来の良いメロディの演奏だと思っています。聴いてもらえるとわかりますが、「ジャレットのやつ、弾きながら歌い過ぎだよ」なんて言われそうです。(笑) 



AL: Since so much of your creativity is concerned with the process rather than the end result, how important is the piano to you, specifically? Is it just a tool that, if you could get that source without the piano, you’d be willing to give up?  




KJ: Well, I’ve created a history, you know? A kind of architecture that includes the piano, and I’ve created an audience who, no matter what I say about them at any time, wouldn’t exist at this moment without my piano music. If I didn’t feel responsibility for them, then the piano wouldn’t be a necessary tool for anything—anyway, for getting into the state I spoke of previously. The other main reason it’s important is if I want to interpret other people’s music, the piano is becoming more important than it was a before. I have become a better pianist in the last year—probably three times better in the last year—than I was before by virtue of practicing and diligent discipline. But that doesn’t mean I need the piano. Actually, my favorite instrument is probably the tabla drums.  




AL: That’s interesting. Why’s that?  




KJ: I just think that the tablas have everything in them that you need to make music. And nothing more.  

