【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind



This article and interview (scaled down) appeared in the Jan-Feb 1997 issue of Piano and Keyboard magazine. The interview that is presented here between pianists Ted Rosenthal and Keith Jarrett is a virtually complete version of the entire interview.  

このインタビュー並びに関連記事は、「Piano and Keyboard」誌の1997年1月号および2月号に掲載されたものです(ここでは一部省略してあります)。インタビューを実質完全に掲載している本記事は、2人のピアノ奏者テッド・ローゼンタールとキース・ジャレットとの間で行われたものです 



The "insanity" of doing more than one (musical) thing  

by Ted Rosenthal  

Copyright 1996   








TR: Getting back to Mozart, is there something you could say about your rhythmic approach (to the concertos) as a jazz player.  




KJ: I once went to Japan and did Mozart performances there with a young Japanese orchestra. Something about that told me about the rhythm and where my (rhythmic) focus should be. The Japanese orchestra played Mozart in the way that I would imagine the pieces would have been played when they were first played. They were playing it like they were accompanying. I'm sure in the old days they didn't have all that much time to spend on phrasing every single little phrase the way a major conductor works on his version of something. They were relying on the conductor and, mostly the player to provide them with some information about what to do with the pulse. I remember saying to Dennis, "there's a key here somewhere that I didn't have to look up at the conductor, and look at the orchestra." In Japan, through the years of drum music and traditional relationship to pulse, they played Mozart as if you're playing with a jazz trio and you know that on "one," the bass player and drummer will be there. I talked to Dennis and said, "the dance side of pulse is OK, it's OK to have even meter. If you think about it, when they did performances in the past, they weren't preparing the one version that would be on CD for the rest of history. It would have been more casual -- as dressed up as they were! {laughter} It's only modern orchestras that start drawing these phrases into elastic non--metrical things. I remember when early instrument music performances started to happen Very early in that I was on their side, as far as my feeling about the pulse was concerned. Mozart was a player, so I can just imagine him thinking, "Let's just play." {laughter}  








TR: Would you compare it (the pulse) to a (jazz) groove?  




KJ: It depends on the piece. On the next release, there's a hunting type movement. We play it probably faster than it's ever been played. It turns into a trip, and it's just wonderful. That I can see happening in live performance in the past. They just start at a faster tempo then they thought they'd start at, and I can imagine Mozart sitting there going, "Wow! Far out! Let's see how this works!"  




TR: I'm curious, had you ever considered improvising in the cadenzas. I know it's somewhat of an obvious question.  




KJ: Everyone asks it. They either say that I should write them or improvise in them. There's a very simple answer to that. I don't improvise in historical context.  




TR: So even at home, you wouldn't sit down and improvise in a Mozart style?  




KJ: No, I never feel the impulse. I looked at various cadenzas. When Mozart writes one, I usually use it. If there's no Mozart, I tend to be using Badura--Skoda.  




TR: When I was listening to your "Book of Ways,"(clavichord improvisations) there were a number of pieces that were in a contrapuntal, perhaps baroque or early classical style. So I thought you were improvising in that style."  


あなたのアルバム『Book of Ways』(クラヴィコードによるインプロヴィゼーション集)を聴きましたが、対位法の、おそらくバロックや初期の古典派でしょうか、そういう様式の曲が多く収録されているので、その様式でインプロヴィゼーションもされていると思ったんです。 


KJ: Well, when sound takes me there, then it's not improvising in a style to me. It's the sound (and) how it relates to what I've heard maybe. It can turn into that especially if the instrument is so provocatively historical which, of course the clavichord is.  




TR: So those were completely spontaneous? The sound inspired you to go in that direction?  




KJ: Yeah, that whole recording was done in one afternoon and everything was a first take and nothing was coming from any pre-ordained thing. I had no material.  




TR: That was between two trio concerts I read...  




KJ: Yeah, in the middle of a tour. We flew to Stuttgart for the afternoon and that's where we did it. Hadn't seen these man's instruments yet.  




TR: From what you're telling me (about) not wanting to juxtapose jazz and classical performing close together, when I heard the "Book of Ways" I thought, "My God, this was between two trio concerts and here he is playing these...  


ジャズとクラシックの演奏会は、日程を空けたいという事でしたから、『Book of Ways』を聴いたときに思ったのは「なんてこった、これをスタンダーズの2回のコンサートの間に弾いてるのか…」と。 


KJ: But if you think about it just from sound, I wasn't juxtaposing anything. I was going from one context where the format and the material produced a sound that led me into jazz every time we made that sound. Then I sat at a clavichord and when I pressed the key down, it suggested a whole different thing. "Facing You"(Jarrett's first solo piano improvisational recording) was recorded between two Miles Davis concerts on electric piano... I think "Book of Ways, "is one of the recordings I wish more people would know. I think it has more of what I hear on it than a lot of things (I do) on piano because piano is piano. These two clavichords together made a different instrument. You could use vibrato on one of them and not the other one, and play unison. I was playing two at the same time as you probably could tell.  


でも音のことだけで考えてみると、別にジャズとクラシックを並べてなんかいないんだ。まずトリオというフォーマットと素材(曲)が作り出す音があって、その音を作り出すたびに、僕をジャズへ導いてくれる。それが済んだらクラヴィコードに座って、鍵盤を押さえると、まったく別のものが聴こえてくるわけ。やってる僕がいる世界はひとつなんだ。『Facing You』(ジャレット初のソロピアノ・インプロヴィゼーションによる作品)もマイルスバンドでエレピを弾いてた時に、2回のコンサートの間に録音したものだけど…『Book of Ways』は、もっと多くの人々に知ってもらいたい録音のひとつだね。僕はいつもピアノでいろいろと多くのことをやってるけど、『Book of Ways』にはそれよりも多くのものが聴こえる。なぜならピアノはピアノでしかないからね。でも2台のクラヴィコードを一緒に使うと、別の楽器になるんだ。一方ではヴィブラートをかけ、もう一方はかけない状態で、ユニゾンで弾いたりできる。あの作品では同時に2台使って演奏してるから聴けば分かると思うけど。 


TR: That approach, short pieces of quite different moods, it's something you don't seem to do in the Vienna concert. It's just piano, and I was interested if you...  


全く異なる雰囲気の小品、というアプローチは、例えば『Vienna Concert』なんかではあまりやらないことですよね。ピアノだけですし。それでお聞きしたいのは、もしあなたが… 


KJ: I've tried it. There's a Japanese video called Solo Tribute, I've done standards too alone which can be nice. But if you just think of sound, I had four instruments with the clavichord(s). I went back and forth and when I went from one track to the next, I probably would move to another instrument. That gave me a new beginning in sonic differences. Once I'm playing the piano it's a relatively, in my opinion, boring instrument! That's probably why I work so hard to get more out of it. Einstein hated math, you know!  


やってみたよ。『Solo Tribute』っていう日本公演のビデオ作品があるんだけど、スタンダードも1人で弾いたんだ。良かったんじゃないかな。でも音のことだけを考えたら、『Book of Ways』では4台のクラヴィコードを使ったんだ。曲が変わるごとに、あっちに行ったりこっちに行ったり。おかげで僕にとっては、音色や響きの違いに新たな境地が開いた。僕の意見では、ピアノはどちらかと言えば退屈な楽器なんだ!それこそが、僕がピアノから少しでも多くのものを引き出そうと、かなり頑張っている理由なんだろうと思うけど。アインシュタインも数学が嫌いだったそうだよね! 


TR: I want to ask you about your physical approach because I haven't seen you perform classical (music), but I hear you're much more stationary at the keyboard.  




KJ: Yes.  




TR: And you're not singing along the way you do in your jazz performances?  




KJ: No.  




TR: Is there a connection to the music that changes? Is that what's going on?  


そうやって変えているのは演奏する音楽に関係があるのですか? そのせいでそうなっているとか? 


KJ: Well I think the singing comes from the fact that the subject matter is being dictated to me and I have to quickly "transcribe" it and then decide how to play it and in what dynamic and which finger and all that, so it's an explosive process. Whereas playing Mozart is not in that sense explosive. Although one of the most transcendent moments I think I've ever had in music happened at the last Mozart recording. It's an adagio in, let me see, was it a C major concerto? {actually it was the Andatino movement of the Eb concerto K.271} Anyway it's a C minor opening and the orchestra plays an introduction. Most of the motifs are in there as they usually are and then they stop and there's three pick up notes as they say and then I'm on one of the first bar and the orchestra's back in. And those are all octaves and with a grace note octave under it , G,C,E flat and then G at the top is the actual tutti. I don't think I ever had bigger musical experience than playing those three first notes.  


ええと、曲が僕に指示を出すんだ。だから歌う。指示を出されたら、僕は素早くそれを ”転写する” と言うか、音に反映させる。そしてその時に、どのように演奏するか、ダイナミクスはどうするか、どの指をどう使うか、そういうのを全部決めるんだ。そういうのが次々と爆発的に起きてくるわけ。でもモーツァルトを演奏するときは、そんな爆発的なものはない。とはいえ前回のモーツァルト収録の時、今までの音楽人生でいちばん理解を超えた、超越的な瞬間が起こるのを体験したんだ。アダージョの楽章で、えっと、たしかハ長調の協奏曲だったかな(実際は変ホ長調の協奏曲K271のアンダンティーノの楽章)。とにかくまず出だしがハ短調で、オーケストラが序奏を弾きだす。これはよくあるパターンだけど、ほとんどのモチーフが序奏部分に出てくる。そして全体が止まると、ピアノでいわゆる3つの導入音(G,C,Eb)が提示されて、続く最初の小節の1音目(G)を僕が弾くのと同時にオーケストラも戻ってくる。この3つの導入音はすべてオクターブ、つまり下に装飾的なオクターブのG,C,Eb、そしてGがトップに来たところで、実際トゥッティ(全体合奏)みたいになるんだけど、この最初の3つの導入音を弾くことほど大きな音楽的体験は、今までになかったと思うね。 

(訳注:キースの話す当該箇所は『W.A Mozart: Piano Concertos Ⅱ / Keith Jarrett, Stuttgarter Kammerorchester, Dennis Russell Davies (ECM1624/25)』 に収録されている。) 




TR: Why is that?  




KJ: I don't know. I think I inhabited the world in which the music was conceived. Because I wasn't, on purpose, familiarizing myself with what the orchestra was going to be doing, I was open to this fresh thing. They played, and then they stopped and it's the entrance of the piano, and it was like entering where all the music comes from. It was a simple minor arpeggio slowed down. But in the breath between the stopping of the orchestra and the first note I played I was transformed from me playing the instrument to where all this really is coming from. I went to lunch after that and I said to my wife, "These three notes are worth the whole thing."   

