【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind


英日対訳:アイザック・スターンIssac Stern インタビューTV interiew 1973,11.13(全体)

Violinist Issac Stern discusses the relationship between a performer and an audience, and the origins of his musical career. 

Host: James Day 

Original tape date: November 13, 1973 


聞き手:ジェーム・デイ  1973年11月13日収録 





James Day 

Mr. Stern, you once said the happiness in satisfaction is to play the kind of music that solves all human problems. That's a pretty big order, so what kind of music is it that solve all human problems? How does music impinge upon human problems? 




Isaac Stern: 

I don't know where I said that somewhat of a pompous statement. It seems to be a long time ago. 





Exotic profiled in New York. 




Oh, that was a long time ago, yes it's a pompous statement. 




You don't make it have statement any more? 




Oh, certainly! I do not quite say.I don't know if they solve, they involve human problem. Music, at its best, is a distillation of what a man can think and can try for. It's certainly non-verbal. I don't know who it was that wrote and very accurately that you can describe music but never explain it. Now, how to explain the fact... let this take an example that, the first sixteen measures of the slow movement of the Mozart's sinfonia concertante for violin and viola, have more sheer poignancy and more expression of a thoughtful sadness of life than any number of verbal ballads that are trying to express sadness today whether it's the pop vein or classic field, no matter what it is. 




Sounds like a distillation of poetry which is a distillation of prose 




Exactly. and again not using and much of poetry and it's very refined form, cannot stand examination word-for-word in a very literal sense, in the exact sense. The flow, the balance, the ... the balancing one word against the sound of the word. So, music, well, for me, music has always been in its most important form, the expression of one human-being to another whether it's a single one, or many people as a performer, or for me to myself or to the next person. And it comes if you want to be simplistic about it, the moment the fetus begins to have a life of its own, it starts with beats, the heart has to beat. That's your basic element of tempo and rhythm. 




If you say music has always been a part of you,  I won't go back to the fetus. But rather to.. when you were a young man your parents brought you here from Russia when you were... it brought you to San Francisco from Russia when you were ten month old. Were they themselves much involved in music? 




Not professionally. My father was an amateur painter. My mother was an amateur singer. They both played the piano a bit. The facts of the life, my father became a house painter and decorated to make a living. We went through very hardest time, I remember the days of depression, WPA, many many difficult periods. But music was not... music for the sake of music was a necessity in the need of living with in a civilized manner.  




Is that an old world of concept you think that's true of our own country now? 




Well, I think it's true of our own country a great measure today but I think it's come from the old world I think that's the way we came here. It wasn't indigenous to the American as such, depending again whom do you call American, Americans who came, or the Indian, or those who were brought over in servitude or those who came later under what circumstances. But it's certain supposedly that the music was brought over as part of the heritage in the training of people from Middle and Eastern Europe. 




As I just understood that you played instrument. Actually in fact you played the piano first. 




No. I was taught the piano as part of general education and then very unfancy friend of mine across the street was playing the violin. Because he was playing the violin I wanted to play the violin. I'm still playing the violin. He's selling insurance. But there's nothing... No, I did go to hear a concert when I was four and go home and cry for a fiddle or something like that. But I did start to study the violin when I was about eight. And not until I was twelve that I really began to feel something's happening in myself and to my fingers. 




What happened in yourself? 




You suddenly feel that you can do something. That is yours. You are not doing what somebody tells you, you are not doing what somebody tells you. You'll do this and therefore, that will happen, and still that's wrong you're doing and suddenly you do something and you change it You can actually create in effect, the psychic effect within yourself. Perhaps someone else. But yourself the first that accounts. And in music making it is always in the greatest errand of music making it's always yourself that accounts. There are several things that make up music, many hundreds things that make up music. But most difficult ones, I think, are to learn to develop a technique strong enough that becomes invisible. To develop a technique strong enough that you yourself don't think of it, but simply your head, your heart, your viscera simply say this is what must be tried and you do it, without trying to figure out how. 




Your sense of technique is instinctive that what you add is really connected. 




True. And then you try to do to discern what is in the music, what it has to say to you or to others. And eventually the most difficult thing of all is to learn how to be simple. 




That's difficult? 




Very. It's possible for very young children and very very experienced professionals. And in between is a long way. 




Your teacher was Naoum Blinder, the concert master of San Francisco Symphony, your only teacher, as a matter of fact. And he taught you only for a brief time. I still admire your virtuosity. 




I studied with him until over seventeen. Now he had one great quality. He taught me how to teach myself. He never interfered with that which... I naturally gravitated to or which I did naturally, physically or musically. Whether I agreed with his concepts or not. But if it came out in a natural and healthy form he let it alone. Only if there were physical and musical errors very serious ones, that meant it could have interfered later on. And that was a great lesson to me. I always try to pass on to other young people, young performers. How to be as natural as possible in the making of music. It's again very difficult. There are so many elements, physical elements, emotional element, intellectual elements. And it is amazing how the psyche of performer comes through in a way he approaches his instrument. 




I want to ask you more about that in a few moments. I want to make passing reference the fact in your education you did have the assistance of a wealthy woman in San Francisco. I mention that, because too often that kind of chance thing becomes very important element developing an artist. The support the ability... 








Patron, yes. It ought not to be, I suppose. 



Why not? 




I don't know, I just brought up what you would say. It should be. 




I know I see no reason why not. I see no reason why people who recognize talent should not do their utmost to help it whether they do it with money or with affection or with care. 




I was thinking about the artists who didn't have the patron, who didn't have that. 




You know, I tell you something. There is almost no artist that didn't have a patron of some kind, needn't necessarily always been a wealthy woman or man, or a title person as though so often was in Europe. Don't forget there was so much a European tradition to have a patron. But there are the sheer facts of life, the daily necessity which must be taken care of. And the disciplines and the necessary hours of study, the  need for freedom to search to look to try does not come easily. It seems strange that very few there are not many examples of young people from well-to-do homes who have made successes then equal numbers to the number of people who come from... 




Why is that? 




I have no idea. Perhaps it's the stage to challenge to scratch to fight.  




You have to play their errors in a way. You have it to challenges anyway. 




You have to have a fire in your innards. You have to at all times. 




Who said that fire in your innards? 




God, I suppose. And that's something you have. And without that immense necessary driving desire that you must do it something is missing. The unfortunate thing that happens sometimes in music is that there's sometimes more desire than talent and it's sad to see because then it turns to frustration then it becomes a pitiful thing. But that desire that need must always be there and then in a performer most of all. He has to always have, he or she, has to always have the ability to impose his or her will on the listener. He must say “I'm here. I'm about to express an idea, a thought. Now, you will listen.” 




How does the artist do that? 




If he does it consciously, he's wrong. It's something that.. it has to be instinctive yes. It just means “I have something to say.” And it is... you'll find in all fields. It's the quality that makes a great actor, makes a great politician. What makes a Roosevelt or a Churchill... 




But it's so awful or rather charisma. 




Charisma is another word for it. Kennedy was that's where the word got popularized probably more than any other time, but that was a modern example but it's all throughout history. 




What about the other aspects of the education of Isaac Stern quite apart from musical? You've emphasized the fact that the human being behind the instrument, his psyche, is terribly important. What elements went into your own education of or did the musical education preconsume most of it? 




Now, I did not go to school very much as a youngster. I was taught at home called private tutoring which meant that I got away from murder. But fortunately I had and I still have an avid curiosity. I read a great deal. And because of the... at a certainly the precocity of my talent, I was thrown together with older musicians. And that's where you learn. You learn by being with people who are better than you who are more accomplished and who have experienced more. This constant symbiosis goes on all the time and you osmotic effect if you will. If you have a feeling for people that you absorb from them, and that's the way you learn. And then one thing leads to another. You read about composer, you read about a work, you read about performance, you hear about a comment about what a piece of music would have been thought, what an idea. All of these things what they can mean, and that leads you from one step to another. And I was interested in many things. I was interested in music, I was interested in things that went around me, I was interested in sports and politics, life in general. 

そうですね、私は子供の頃は学校には通いませんでした。所謂、在宅個人指導を受けていた、ということです。通り魔に殺されないようにするためにね(笑)。私は幸い、今でもそうですが、好奇心が人一倍旺盛で、本も沢山読みましたし… それと人より早く物事を身につけることが出来たおかげで、年上のプロの方達の中で一緒に過ごせたんですよ。そしてこれが為になったのです。自分より優れている人、完成された人、経験の豊富な人、そういう人達と一緒にいることで、学ぶんです。いつもこの人達の一緒にいることで、やる気さえあれば、どんどん吸収していくわけです。この人達から吸収してやる、そう思うことができれば、それが物事を学ぶ方法となってゆくのです。そうすれば、一つのことが次のことへと、どんどん繋がってゆきます。沢山本を読んだと言いましたが、作曲家のこと、作品のこと、過去に行われた演奏のこと、ある曲について、どんな曲なのか、どんな思いが込められているのか、それについて読み込んでいくのです。そういう事全てが、その意味も含めて、次々と学びの階段を登ってゆくよう導いていくのです。そして私は多くのことに興味を持つようにしていました。音楽のこと、身の回りのこと、スポーツのこと、政治のこと、生活全般のこと。 



Does this interest outside music tend to make you better musician? There's to contribute in any way to the quality of your musicianship or of your performance? 




That's hard for me to say. I cannot say what I could have quit, what I might have been had up in someone else because I've never been anybody else. I've always, I can only know that I am a result of all that I have done. If I were different if I would be more focused down in my disciplines to a narrower range of subjects. It may be that I would be far more knowing and far more able in a lesser number of subjects. 




The point I wanted to hear you make was that it is more than playing a note, you've said, the worst crime as playing notes instead of making music and you've said ... 




Oh, yeah, 




.... What you are other than a musician has a considerable effect upon what you can do. 




I feel that's true. I feel that whatever I do is an expression of whatever I am. And the more I can be as a reflection of as much knowledge as I can gather, as much experience as I can gather, the more I can convey them, the richer I can make my understanding of other people of their work, of their music, of my ability, to convey their understanding, the richer that ability will be. And I feel very strongly that this kind of all-embracing interest, this constant curiosity, his willingness to accept anything as being a final fact as being the beginning of all knowledge. I don't think knowledge ever that I'd only, anyone is capable of encompassing what there is available in terms of, now it's certainly not in music and then I'm taking only a very narrow area of music, which is a very narrow area of knowledge in general and if you can begin to do stay there you know you can go on studying in many fields for years and never reach an end. So I don't think that the mind should ever be a static thing, and the larger the mind, the larger the concerns, the greater the scope that you can bring to bear, the more you can have an objectivity in observing what you're doing and a subjectivity in believing what you're doing. At the same time this constant duality of doing and observing, of being and learning, of being experienced and naive, the satisfaction and dissatisfaction come to these constant challenges and things that are churning within you all the time. These are the things I think that make for an interesting human being in any field and certainly in an expressive field such as music. I think it's necessary. 




What goes through your mind when you're playing, for example, Beethoven concerto? As a listener you watch the violinist apparently intense concentration. I've always wondered, is he really thinking about what's happening, gonna happen when this is all over, or is he visualizing the score? What does go on? 




Neither one nor the other, I think. I can't answer always for my colleagues, I don't know. 




I'm just thinking only of yourself. 




For myself... In the first place you're not thinking. If you're thinking about what's going to happen afterwards, where you were good and have dinner whether the laundry is going to get back and whether you're going to make the plane.... 




You're in trouble. 




... the performance then becomes, it comes dead. You don't think of the score only, because the score is simply a map, it's a guide. The notes are there in profusion. Now what really concerns you is that millionth of a second between the notes, how do you get from one to the other and what occurs, and what you're really doing is you're singing, you're thinking you're doing the work in your own mind, almost in triplicate, you're seeing where you have been, you're listening where you are, and thinking what's coming. 




All in all. 




All in the same time, you're listening to the orchestra, or your accompanist, or if you're playing Bach for yourself, you listen to what you're doing. You know, that there are difficult moments physically. You have to prepare for them because those are the technical traps. You have to prepare as an athlete does where do you take off the jump or how you prepare the stroke or whatever the case may be. At the same time that you're doing it as part of a much larger picture that constantly goes as a steady stream of non-verbal personal involvement. It is a total involvement with what you're doing at that moment, absolutely total. You just focus down so that your whole head is filled with the sound with the idea, and you don't verbalize it. It simply is the making of music, and you hope that your hands wanted to feel with what you're doing. 




Do you have to love music to play it well? 




Oh, very much. You have to love a lot of things. You have to love in order to make music. And you also have to love music. No music without love... 




Why must you love in order to make music? 




Because it's part of ... it's an expression of the inwardness of man. It's the feeling of holding your child, embracing your woman of having, those feeling of, when you look across the room at a loved one you see someone even though you're having a conversation someone else you recognize you send a smile there's a certain, there's a personal thing. It's all this; it's the quality of touch, the quality of feeling. It's a experience in ecstasy, really. I think more than anything else. It doesn't always happen, but it certainly is what you're trying to say and to do to experience yourself.    



There must be tension with this as well. Is there... how do you control tension, do you put tension to work? 




No, you learn to live with it. It's just a simply, say, that you know that's going to be there and you try to do your best. I have seemingly... it seems from the outside less tension than many of my colleagues. It isn't true it's just that I've learned through to live with it or a mask it to it to a degree I do like to be on stage. I'm a stage person, and I can expand and do things on the spur of the moment onstage more than I could even do in a room. I don't contract. 




Is this because of a relationship you feel with your audience? 




Just the way I made, just I made. No, I feel as I like to be on stage. I like to be able to make music to people. But tension is always there. And without tension there's also something lacking in the performance. 




It must be there. 




(Laugh) It's always there, yeah. Oh, yes You know, people have often asked, “Are you still nervous after all these years?” Let me have a standard answer I've got to say it here that there are only two kinds of people that I know of they are never nervous. One is a child and the other is an idiot. And I don't think I'm one or the other.  




It reminds me of a different kind of tension and that is the possible tension between the soloist and the conductor. Since you place so much emphasis upon the interpretation or your own feeling about a piece of music, how do you resolve the difference between....  




Within a certain discipline... 




Well, I say. 




Oh, no, no. There are limits, there are boundaries ... 




Around those.... 




... about the boundaries, there're boundaries of taste, there're boundaries ... there are boundaries of knowledge, boundaries of what the composer wanted to say to what, to the degree that we can discern it... boundaries of the time in which the music was written, in which school it was. And to what extent you can take all these dissimilar elements and put them together into one visible oral edifice. Now, those boundaries can be that narrow or that wide or wider, it doesn't matter. There are many different kinds of boundaries. The larger your view, the larger boundaries and the more room you'll have in-between for personal interpretation. Now with the conductor, the least trouble I've ever had has been with great conductors.  




Was it really greatness itself, I suppose. 




No, it's because there... we recognize each other's... we respect each other's point of view. And we know that the other has roughly done the same kind work. And there's a give-and-take. It's with the smaller conductor who's not so sure of himself and has to exert his authority unnecessarily that there's sometimes difficulty. But they're always ways of dealing with that, too. Just turn your back and just close your eyes. 




(Laugh) I want to turn your attention reluctantly away from music for a moment, because you've been very much engaged in what you might call “politics,” I guess it IS politics. You've said “All of my politics are really devoted to propagandizing the value and the necessity of the artist to society.” You may think that's a bit pompous, but there is a great importance to the value of the artist to society, and you've been a cultural ambassador for life...  




I feel that very strongly in many ways. I think that the artist can at best represent what is best in many societies and therefore he has a chance to cross borders with and meet and cross the different boundaries that politics sometimes set up. I'm interested in politics not the sense of politics per se but simply the fact that the world we live in affects us daily. And one cannot live remotely today by any means.  




They want to be apart from that world. 




You can't. It enters your everyday life, and as long as it does, you might as well know what it's all about and then beyond that, too. For myself I can only say this that I have a very strong feeling about certain things in politics, certain ideals, certain standards, certain actions that I believe A man must take. And I believe you take your stand as a man regardless of whether you're musician, or painter, or a professor in an university, or a student. 




You are a man. 




You are a man. That's the first thing. And you have to believe... in rights of others and you're willing to stand up for their rights. And you try to do that where you can and when you can, in the ways that you think are most effective. For some people it means going to the streets shouting, for others it means acting at different levels. I don't believe in herds. I believe in people acting together, together. Not en masse because someone else has driven them to this. But this is not always possible. I don't believe in the use of the arts by a society for the benefit of the narrow ideological edge of that society, and pretending that the arts reflect a great idea simply because they come out of that society. I do believe that there are places and where the artist plays a singularly unique role in his time. I think that an interpretive artist such as I is not quite as important, NEVER! Never has been, never will be, as a creative man. I think the writer, the painter, the playwrite has more effect in the long run. But... he still... the playwrite and the composer needs someone to make their work come to life. That's where we come in. 




Thank you very much, Mr. Stern. 




Thank you.   
