【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind



「サッチモMy Life in New Orleans」を読む 第9回の1

chapter 9 (pp136-149) ALONG ABOUT THE middle of the summer of 1918 Joe Oliver got an offer from Chicago to go there to play for Mrs. Major, who owned the Lincoln Gardens. He took Jimmie Noone with him to play the clarinet. [訳] 1918年夏の…

「サッチモMy Life in New Orleans」を読む 第8回の2

As he said that Isaiah made a pass at Benny. Now Benny was fast on his feet; he knew something about ring fighting and he had been in a great many battle royals. He ducked and came up with a right that floored Isaiah. When this happened th…

「サッチモMy Life in New Orleans」を読む 第8回の1

chapter 8 (pp124-135) EARLY IN 1918 the flu began to let up, and the United States started to get after the Kaiser and his boys in fine fashion. The last draft call was for men between eighteen and forty-five, so I went down to the draft b…

「サッチモMy Life in New Orleans」を読む 第7回の2

インフルエンザの大流行等で歓楽街は閉鎖、多くのミュージシャンが工事現場などで生活の糧を得なければならなくなります。17歳になったサッチモは、家族を支え、仲間と交流し、多くを学んでゆきます。 Clarence loved buttermilk. When the buttermilk man c…



「サッチモMy Life in New Orleans」を読む 第7回の1

chapter 7 (pp109-123) I TOOK A LOT OF ODD JOBS to keep my head above water and to help out Mayann and Mama Lucy. For instance, I worked on a junk wagon with a fellow named Lorenzo. He was a very funny fellow and he did not pay me much, but…