【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind


「サッチモMy Life in New Orleans」を読む 第7回の2



Clarence loved buttermilk. When the buttermilk man came around hollering "But-ter-milk. But-termilk," Clarence would wake up and say: "Papa, there's the buttermilk man!" 

Clarence was going on two, and he was a cute kid. He became very much attached to me, and since I was a great admirer of kids we got on wonderfully together. He played an important part in my life.  





When the buttermilk man came around hollering 



Mrs. Laura kept the lunch wagon in front of Henry Matranga's honky-tonk. When the night lifers got full of liquor, which was much stronger than the present day juice, they would line up religiously before her counter and stuff themselves like pigs. We musicians used to eat on credit and pay at the end of the week. Mrs. Laura made a good deal of money, but her husband, who was much younger than she, used to waste it on other women. Mrs. Laura was not much on looks, but she was happy and that was all that mattered.  




liquor, which was much stronger than the present day juice 

リキュール、それは今どきの蒸留酒よりもはるかに強かった( , which) 




During this period of my life I worked for a time as a helper on a milk wagon for a driver who was a very fine white boy. He was very kind and he made my work as easy as possible. Our route covered the West End and the summer resorts at Spanish Fort, and we delivered our milk in the early hours of the morning. The roads were made of oyster shells which were ground down by the traffic into a firm road bed. One Sunday morning I jumped on the wagon after it had started. My foot missed the step and was caught under one of the wheels, which rolled over it and ground it into the sharp, broken bits of oyster shells. Since the wagon was heavily loaded the top of my big toe was torn wide open and tiny, sharp pieces of shell were driven into the wound. The pain was terrible, and the boss drove me to the Charity Hospital miles away in New Orleans.  




I like to have died at the hospital when the pieces of shell were taken out one by one. When the doctors learned that the accident had happened on a milk wagon of the Cloverland Company they asked me if I was going to sue them for damages.  

"No sir,”  I said. "I think too much of my boss for that. Besides it wasn't his fault."  





I think too much of my boss for that 



When I came home with my bandaged foot, Mayann went into a natural faint. She would always pass out cold whenever anything happened to her son Louis. Of course everybody in the neighborhood tried to persuade her to sue the milk company but she refused.  

"If my son says no, that's that," she said.  





If I had sued I could have probably gotten five hundred dollars, but I was not thinking about money. I was thinking about getting well, and about the fact that it was not my boss' fault, and about how kind he had been to me. The toe got well and the boss gave me a present anyway.  

The next week another kid who worked on an other wagon had an accident which was not serious at all, not nearly so serious as mine. He was the smart aleck type, and he sued. If he got anything out of the company at all he was lucky. The lawyers take the best part of any settlement they get. That is typical of the South.  





If I had sued I could have probably gotten five hundred dollars 

もし私が訴訟を起こしていたら、私は多分500ドルを手にできたはずだった(If I had sued) 


The kids who worked as helpers for the milk wagons used to get paid off around ten o'clock on Friday morning. After that we would go around the corner from the dairy and start a big crap game. I had not received a dime as settlement for my accident, but I was certainly lucky in those crap games. I used to come home with my pockets loaded with all kinds of dough, and finally Mayann got scared.  




I had not received a dime私は小銭すら受け取っていなかった(had not received) 


"Boy, where in the name of the Lord did you get all that money?" she asked.  

I had to confess to keep her from thinking I had stolen it. Then I got ready for the good whipping I was sure she would give me for gambling.  

"Son," she said instead, "be careful about your gambling. You remember the hard time your pa and I had getting the judge to let you out of the Waifs' Home."  

I said "yassum," and went down to Canal Street to buy mother, sister and Clarence some real sharp clothes. I even bought a pair of tailor-made short pants for myself. I did not have enough money to buy shoes so I just dressed up barefoot as usual. New pants and a new blouse were all that counted.  







I had to confess to keep her from thinking I had stolen it 


(keep her from thinking) 


For a long time after my accident I stayed with the milk company. Finally business slowed up. My boss was laid off and so was I. I had a hard time finding anything to do until the government opened up a big job on Poland and Dauphine Streets. The government was so short of workers that it had to have thousands shipped in from Puerto Rico. What a sight those fellows were! Most of them had scarcely any clothes, and some of them were barefooted like the boys in my neighborhood. We were glad enough to work with them although they had the nerve to look down on us because we were colored. We ignored that and managed to get along with them fairly well.  




Most of them had scarcely any clothes 

彼らの大半が衣服をまともに身に着けていなかった(scarcely any) 


I was rather proud of that big yellow button I wore for identification when I went in and out of the yard. You can imagine how tough things were when many well-known musicians had to work on that job. Among them was Kid Ory, a carpenter by trade and a good one at that. It was good to see him and a lot of the other boys, and it made me happy to be on that job with them. To my surprise I also ran into my teen age pal, Joe Lindsey. We were as happy to be together again as we were when we played in the little band together. At lunchtime we used to sit together on the logs they fed the pile driver, and talk endlessly. He told me about that woman he had left our little band to go to live with, and how she had finally left him for an older and more experienced man. That pretty near ruined him. 




it made me happy to be on that job with them 

彼らとともにその仕事ができることは私を幸せにした(it made me happy to be) 


I told him all about Irene and me and about the sensible way in which we had parted. She had gone back to Cheeky Black and had not told me anything about it. Joe had a good laugh when I told him how I found it out. 




After I returned from Houma I ran into Irene one day and she asked me out to her place. I was careful to ask her if she had anybody else.  

"Oh, no. Nobody," she said. 

So I felt perfectly safe to go up to her room. We were just about to doze off to sleep when I heard the door knob rattle. Irene nearly jumped out of her skin.  






We were just about to doze off to sleep 

私達は眠りにつこうとウトウトしかかっていた(were about to doze) 


"Who is it?" she asked.  

I did not pay much attention, thinking it was merely a passing acquaintance. The door knob started to rattle again.  

"Who is there?" she asked in a louder voice. 

"It's Cheeky Black."  







thinking it was merely a passing acquaintance 



Then I began to think fast. Cheeky was a tough character. In those days when a chick said she had company, the caller outside was supposed to go away. Nothing of the sort happened. I had locked the door carefully myself, but Cheeky threw himself against it and it flew open as though there were no lock at all.  

When Cheeky rushed in waving his razor Irene jumped out of bed screaming. She dodged past Cheeky and ran shrieking into the street with scarcely a stitch on. Cheeky was hot on her tail swinging that razor. Outside I could hear Irene's screams and the voices of people trying to pacify Cheeky and crying, "Don't cut her. Don't cut her."  





ran shrieking into the street with scarcely a stitch on 

ほとんど一糸まとわぬ状態で叫びながら通りへ走り出た(with scarcely a stitch on) 


While this was going on I was struggling to get into my clothes and get out of there as fast as I could. There was only one thought in my mind: Cheeky Black. What would happen to me if he came back? Finally I managed to get enough clothes on so that I could run all the way back home to Mayann. When I rushed in all out of breath she said:  

"Uh-huh! So you've been in another man's house with his old lady? This will teach you a lesson, won't it?" 

"Believe me, I'll never do it again, mother."  






Mayann laughed herself sick. She was not afraid of a living soul, and she told me not to worry. She would straighten things out with Cheeky Black. After all, I was innocent. Irene had no business asking me to her house while she was still living with Cheeky Black. 




she told me not to worry 

彼女は僕に心配しないよう言った(not to worry)  


After Joe Lindsey had a good laugh over this story, I told him that if I never saw Irene again it would be too soon. As a matter of fact I never have.  




if I never saw Irene again it would be too soon 




 When the government work was over I got a pretty good job with a wrecking company tearing down old houses. The amusing thing about that work is that you always have the hope that you will find some treasure that was hidden in the house years ago and forgotten. The boys I worked with told me they had had all kinds of luck in finding money and jewels. I worked away furiously with my crowbar hoping to be able to shout to the gang, "Look what I found." The foreman had told us, "Finders keepers." A lot of good my hard work did me; I never found a thing. Wrecking is dangerous business, and many house wreckers have been killed. After some of those brick walls had nearly fallen on me I decided I was not going to wait to find a hidden treasure. I cut out.  




A lot of good my hard work did me; I never found a thing 
















My next job was with old man Smooth, Isaac Smooth's daddy. For a long time Ike and I worked for his daddy, who lived in a part of the city called the Irish Channel. I always hated to go up to the old man's house because I was afraid I might run into some of those tough Irishmen who hung out in the saloons. Old man Smooth was a whitewashes and we helped him whitewash a huge building near those produce houses where as kids we used to collect the "soilies." Under old man Smooth's protection we had no more to fear than rabbits in a briar patch.  




I was afraid I might run into some of those tough Irishmen 




Ike certainly had beautiful sisters. One of them, Eva, had a very fine rooming house, and she can tell many a story about those good old days in Storyville. She has always been Ike's favorite sister, and her husband Tom was one of the best cotch players New Orleans ever had. That is saying a good deal because cotch is a tough game. It fascinated me so much that every time I could scrape up a nickel I would sit in with the four-flushing hustlers who really knew how to gamble. I always got washed out. Those boys could read my face like a book, and whenever I caught a good hand I always gave it away with a smile. Just the same the game gassed me. 

