【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind


英日対訳:「ダウンビート」キース・ジャレットへのインタビュー(6) 1997/1 (5回目)


The "insanity" of doing more than one (musical) thing  

by Ted Rosenthal  

Copyright 1996   









TR: I have a couple of questions about the Vienna Concert, which it's been said is your favorite...   




KJ: Of the solo things, yeah... well let me qualify that -- as an object it's not my favorite one. But the solo things all along have been to get away from making an object. So as that, it is the only successful concert on CD or record. In the purest sense I have created the lack of an object. You hear the process and if you can't get into the process, it's nothing. My analogy was like pouring water through a sieve instead of wanting to have the water, you know? It's a philosophical thing. That part of my work requires more than when a musician listens.   




TR: So when you hear it , the things that are successful, and why you relate to it, are not about any kind of musical structure or content or...   




KJ: No, not really. The Mozart experience is it. I mean whether that was my C minor arpeggio slowed down or his doesn't matter. It matters, but not as much whether that is ever portrayed to someone else the way it was for me. You can't have that as a goal. I don't think Chick (Corea) talks like this now, but there was a time when he'd say he "wanted to communicate." I think you have to essentially go past that stage to the stage where you know you never, ever communicate. Then you'd start doing your work, because then it's for you. Someone asked me once about Cecil Taylor and I said, Yes, I really appreciate his stuff. We were talking about the differences, that I was chameleon--ish, I could sound differently at different times in different circumstances, and then there's guys like Cecil Taylor who's been working on this one (sound). I said, "Well, I'm more selfish than he is. {laughs} I want experiences more than he does then." That's one way to look at it.   




TR: Since you mentioned Chick, I recently came across an essay he wrote for Keyboard Magazine called "The myth of improvisation." I don't know if you're familiar with that.   




KJ: No.   




TR: Well he says essentially that improvisers are putting together things that they know, but in a new way at the time. And I wonder how that comes to bear with what you're saying, which seems to be very different. You've played the piano almost your whole life, so how do you start from "nothing?"   




KJ: Sure, there is no such thing as real nothing, for an organism. As soon as we go out in the world we're collecting experiences. But if I know what Chick was trying to say, which other people have said, I think it's a justification for not going further. Because I don't imagine Cecil would say that, I don't imagine Ornette would say that. I think they would be going back further in the process in admitting to themselves that, "We don't know. {laughs} You know, it sounds like a nice theory but, we don't know." Gary and Jack and I talk about that all the time. How come that tune on that night was that good? We felt like shit, we hated the sound, why was that? Try to do it again or try to do it under good circumstances, forget it. Don't mess with it! So there's more there than Chick can know.   




TR: I was curious how you see your influence on younger jazz pianists or jazz musicians?   




KJ: I don't know. I think it's too soon to know. Except that I think that without certain keys to listening and to the work to do to master an instrument, people won't know what they're hearing. So I'm not sure what the influence will be because I'm not sure what they're going to hear. Plus recordings are recordings...so I don't know.   




TR: You've expressed a strong feeling about very few individuals in the current scene. I was wondering if you have anything you could tell younger musicians about how to find your own voice today?   




KJ: I don't know. That's another I don't know. I honestly don't know.   




TR: If you were 20 today what do you think you'd do?   




KJ: Well I have sons who are musicians and they are that age, so I think about that a lot. I haven't thought of any answer partly because I think we've been given artificial power. We've been disconnected from our own volitionary powers. We don't have figures to look up to, to use as examples.   





TR: Do you think that you're one of them?   




KJ: I would hope to be, but I don't think one's enough, or two or three. I think there have to be enough dedicated individuals that you can't say it's a freak thing. I think basically we have a situation now where the dice have to be rolled and hope they'll come up lucky. But that would mean that we'd have to regress somehow. In order to do that we'd probably have to have a war or something first. Everyone's too cool. Young players think they can play just if they can play. That's not true. That's nothing!   




TR: I have a theory that in the last few years, jazz has taken on many of the trappings of classical music. With the programs at Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall, the degree programs in the colleges, the vast educational materials (available), and the marketing of (slick, well dressed, young musicians). I wonder, is any of this good? Is there any up--side to getting some more respect and exposure for jazz players?   




KJ: No, not that way. If the guys really did the stuff that we know who are forever great, if those guys didn't need the kind of respect you're talking about to do what they did, then I don't see it has any role to play at all. It reminds me of setting up a museum. That's what you put in museums, things that are finished. So maybe it is finished. Let's come to terms with that instead of trying to find the wrong audience for it. To me that's all they're going to do.  


いや、その方法ではだめなんだ。もし今の若い連中が、僕らが知っている永遠に偉大なジャズメン達の成しえた音楽を本当にやったとして、彼らがそのことに、きみが言うような尊敬の念は必要ないと思ってるなら、そんなもの(ジャズ・アット・リンカーン・センターだの音大の教育だの何だの)は何の役にも立たないと思うね。博物館の展示みたいなもんだ。そこに完成品を置いて、それでおしまい。だからそんなものはもう終わってるんだよたぶん。わざわざ間違った聴衆を探そうとする(音楽に完成品、つまり答えを望まない、彼らにとって ”間違った” 聴衆と面倒なやり取りをする)より、このやり方を受け入れようぜ、ってわけだよ。僕には彼らの目的はそれだけにしか見えないね。 


TR: Are you worried that it is finished in some way?   



KJ: Jazz at it's best signifies the vitality of the individual. If I look around and say "what's missing now that was around in the 60s" -- I think I could say the vitality of the individual is missing. The density of the center of an individual being is diffuse, not focused. (Individuals) probably exist still, but the news is now focusing away from anything to do with that. Everything's either money or marketing or economy, that's it. So if jazz doesn't die it would be kind of weird, you know!   

