February 1989
Keith Jarrett: In Search Of The
Perfect E Minor Chord
By Josef Woodard
Like an unruly, self-determined river, Keith Jarrett’s pursuit of musical truth has taken him in a multiplicity of directions, either coursing a wide swath or branching off into tiny tangential rivulets. Similarly, his audience has been alternately swept up by the current, carried into the side streams, or been left behind on the riverbanks.
Nature analogies are a real temptation when discussing the current stage of Jarrett’s mercurial musical life. In the remote and small town on the western edge of New Jersey that Jarrett calls home, a sense of rural isolation prevails and the only local phone for use by strangers is in the municipal building. On the wintry day of our interview (Coleman-Hawkins’ would-be 84 birthday, it so happened), bleak, spindly trees ringed a humble lake, a holler away from Jarrett’s home/studio. It’s obvious that the pianist has hastened back to nature in a real way.
And in an aesthetic way. Asked about seeing the dichotomy of his engagements in both jazz and classical spheres—as well as his infrequent solo improvisational concerts—Jarrett likes to point to nature’s example: she is supremely indiscriminatory, evolutionary, irregular and yet unswerving, inspiring and yet unpredictable. And, one might add, deaf to the advice and admonitions of humans. Jarrett is striving to reach a state of inevitability in his music such as that which makes a river flow. Lofty as that may sound (and he has heroically fended off epithets of pretentiousness for nearly 20 years now), Jarrett has come close—especially recently—to achieving his goal.
Precious few jazz artists have finagled the migration into classical repertoire; fewer still have made the reverse trip. When, five years ago, Jarrett broke with his firmly-ensconced jazz ranks and announced his plan to delve into classical music, it wasn’t the late-blooming whim of a dilettante; rather, he was returning to the home turf on which a child prodigy from Allentown, Pennsylvania was weaned. Jazz bit the adolescent Jarrett hard. Rather than take the route to Julliard and studies with Nadia Boulanger, Jarrett hit Berklee and the New York scene. Catapulted into notoriety in Charles Lloyd’s popular crossover quartet (where Jarrett first met and played with Jack DeJohnette), Jarrett didn’t last long as a sideman. He played briefly—and gutsily—with Miles Davis, as heard on Live/Evil (playing Fender Rhodes; it was the last time, along with the simultaneous release of Ruta And Diatya—a duet with DeJohnette—that the acoustic purist Jarrett played an electric keyboard).
ジャズ・ミュージシャンがクラシック音楽のレパートリーへ手を出すのは、あざといやり方などでは到底無理で、成功した人間は過去にほとんど居ない。ましてやその逆となるとほぼ皆無だ。いまから5年前、ジャレットがそれまで盤石だったジャズ界での地位から一転、クラシック音楽を追求することを公言したのは、もちろんそこいらのディレッタントを気取った、素人の気まぐれが今ごろ「花ほころんだ」などという話では到底なかった。むしろ彼は、かつてペンシルベニア州アレンタウンの神童が生まれ育った故郷(幼いころに教育を受けていたクラシックの世界)に戻ろうとしていたのだ。ジャズは青年ジャレットを圧倒する存在だった。彼はあえてジュリアード音楽院へ行ったり、名伯楽ナディア・ブーランジェに師事する道を選ばず、バークリー音楽大学、そしてニューヨークの音楽シーンを衝撃で揺さぶったのだ。チャールズ・ロイドのポピュラー・クロスオーバー・カルテット(ジャレットはここで初めてジャック・ディジョネットと出会い、一緒に演奏をした)で、一躍人気者の仲間入りを果たした彼だったが、そう長くサイドマンに甘んじる男ではなかった。彼はマイルス・デイヴィスのバンドで短期間ではあるが精力的に活動し、その成果は『Live/Evil』に聴くことが出来る(フェンダーローズを演奏。ジャック・ディジョネットとのデュエットによる同時リリースの『Ruta And Daitya』とともに、アコースティック純粋主義のジャレットが電子キーボードを弾いた最後の作品)。
(訳注:『Live/Evil』では、キースはローズの他にオルガンも弾いている。またキースが最後にフェンダーローズを弾いたのは72年10月、フレディ・ハバードのCTI盤『Sky Dive』でのレコーディング。このセッションは単なる「お付き合い」以上のものはなく、特筆すべきことでもないが、一応指摘しておく。リーダー作としてなら『Ruta And Daitya』が最後ということになる。)
In the ‘70s, Jarrett bucked the Fusion mafia by dividing his energies between his American quartet (saxman Dewey Redman, bassist Charlie Haden and drummer Paul Motian), his Scandinavian group (saxist Jan Garbarek, bassist Palle Danielsson, and drummer Jon Christensen), and his improvisational solo piano concerts—epic consciousness streams that danced on the shores of impressionism, gospel, bop and other hybrid musical strains. Jarrett popularized the genre which, to his consternation, gave rise to George Winston and a spate of inane new age ivory ticklers of the ‘80s. In the early ‘80s, Jarrett repaired to his New Jersey woods to rehearse Bartok, Mozart, Bach, et al., and prepare for his descent into a demanding new musical realm. But before fully entering his latest phase, he felt the need to clear away emotional debris with Spirits—a deceptive work of folkish simplicity crudely overdubbed mostly with flutes and ethnic drums.
Word of new Jarrett releases is nothing shocking; with over 50 albums to date, he is music’s rival to the cinema’s Michael Caine for sheer prolificacy. But Jarrett’s last three albums have been particularly noteworthy and revealing. For his first official classical session, Jarrett chose to tackle the hoary studies of Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1; his two-record set, Still Live, offers persuasive evidence of his jazz muscle tone in his ongoing trio with bassist Gary Peacock and drummer Jack DeJohnette; Dark Intervals is his first solo piano concert recording since 1982.
ジャレットのアルバムが新たにリリースされたとのニュースは、別に驚くほどのことはない。今日まで50タイトル以上のアルバムを世に送り出した彼の多作ぶりは、映画界のマイケル・ケインと並び称される。それでもなお、ジャレットの最新アルバム3作品はとりわけ注目に値するし、彼のこれまで知られていなかった才覚を世に知らしめた。彼は最初のクラシック作品の公式な録音のために、歴史的作品であるバッハの『平均律クラヴィーア曲集第1巻』を徹底検証した。彼の2枚組アルバム『Still Live』は、ベーシストのゲイリー・ピーコック、ドラマーのジャック・ディジョネットらとともに現在活動中のトリオで、彼のジャズの腕前に説得力のあるところを見せつける。そして『Dark Intervals』は、1982年以来久しぶりにソロピアノ・コンサートを収めたものである。
(訳注:1982年は誤り。ECMのオフィシャルということなら1981年『Concerts』以来ということになるが、それ以外では84年の来日公演を日本チームが収録した映像作品『Last Solo』もあるので、『Dark Intervals』は、ソロコンサート作品としては3年ぶりとなる。)
This three-point study in Jarrettography tells a good deal about his split affinities; he doesn’t so much bounce from classical to jazz to piano-scapes as he slides over into separate but equal compartments of his musical being. Dark Intervals, particularly, is a testament to Jarrett’s recent objective of broadening his scope while paring down to the essence of music—and being. So, while he plots courses in parallel universes—planning to record Bach’s Goldberg Variations on harpsichord and new works by Lou Harrison and Alan Hohvaness in the classical world, and reviving jazz standards in his trio—Jarrett is also searching for new meaning in a basic E minor chord. He’s thinking about the river’s source as well as its effects.
キース・ジャレットを研究する際、この3つをポイントとして抑えることにより、彼のそれぞれの音楽活動について、大変多くを知ることができる。彼はクラシックからジャズ、そしてソロピアノへと、ドタバタと飛び回るわけではなく、実にスムーズに切り替えつつ、それぞれの音楽活動を等しくこなしてゆく。特に『Dark Intervals』は、彼が音楽そのもの、あるいは音楽の本質に迫りながら、自らの視野を広げてゆこうという最新の目的への姿勢を広く知らしめるものである。またクラシックの世界ではバッハの『ゴルトベルク変奏曲』のハープシコードによる演奏、ルー・ハリソンやアラン・ホヴァネスらの作品の録音を計画しているし、ジャズではトリオでスタンダードを蘇らせる。それぞれが一つの世界となっているものについて、同時にレコーディングを企画するというロードマップを描いてみせる一方で、ジャズの基本であるEマイナーのコードが持つ新しい意義をも探し続けている。彼は「3つの川」がもたらすものだけでなく、その源流についても、思いを馳せているのだ。
Josef Woodard: Have reports of your eclecticism been greatly exaggerated?
Keith Jarrett: Well, what’s the definition of eclecticism would you say?
JW: Let’s say purposely drawing from divergent areas for material and concepts.
KJ: Well, then I would say, yes, I’m eclectic except that if the definition means “divergent areas,” I’d have to disagree that they’re “divergent.”
I would put it differently. I would say that if I’m committed to my art, the way someone would be committed to, let’s say, a different kind of life than an artist’s, for someone to not use what he hears would be like someone not sleeping because it’s different from being awake. You don’t go to sleep in order to stay asleep. You go to sleep in order to be better when you’re awake. To me, all the so-called divergent things I do are all plusses to another. They create a synergy.
I can give you an example. With these last solo concerts, I could never have played so little music so effectively if I had not been working on my technique. The way I balance a chord itself can be a message—at least a message that I’m there and present. Whereas with improvisers in general and especially in jazz, people listen to what they play they listen to the notes they play. Classical listeners listen to how a thing is played and they usually already know this piece. What I’m getting close to, because of this so-called eclecticism, is probably a way of playing for the few listeners who can listen to both what and how. But I could never have done that if I hadn’t worked in these so-called divergent disciplines.
Did nature decide what she was going to attempt and what she wasn’t going to attempt? Or did she just attempt something that was worth trying? From the point of view of not having a position, what is so different about doing the kinds of things that make people say, “Wait a minute, he just gave up jazz. No, he was never playing jazz. Now he’s playing classical, but he’s not classical. He’s a jazz pianist.” What if I legitimately hear these things? Is it illegal? [laughs] Certain birds or certain mammals, should they never have existed? Some of them have these funny problems with staying alive or moving around. Are we sad that they were ever invented?
JW: With an improvised piece, does it start with a seed and then grow, or do you have a vague sense of general structure?
KJ: I don’t have any sense of that. I don’t even have a seed when I start. I guess I’d say that it really does start with zero. The thing that’s changed is I can be comfortable with zero. For many listeners, they still want to live back in a previous time of my work. They don’t realize that I’m making both a musical statement and also a somewhat life-related statement all the time.
There was the period of time when melody was so important that it was all there was. But melody is an inspired thing. If I know that I could be a melody writer when I want to be, then the next things is, what is there besides that that I still have to do? One of those things is to see what there is behind the melody. Without the melodies, there’s the potential for a melody. Sometimes, potential is much stronger than actually doing it.
One of the greatest fallacies in the laymen’s concept of improvising is that it’s something that takes you over: you’re talented and you just go, man, you just play. It’s a gift. That’s maybe true on the beginning level. But nobody is really an improviser unless they throw away all their position papers, all their theses that they might have come up with—all the things they use to justify their work—and consciously make the music do something. There are many ways for music to do something. Some of them aren’t even musical in the traditional sense.
Years ago, someone once asked Andre Previn if he knew what I did, and his comment was that if anyone played for an hour-and-a-half straight, they’re bound to come up with something [laughs]. Where’s consciousness in it all? Also, Andre never tried it. I got him back. My dressing room was also his office in Pittsburgh at that time and I turned his clock back an hour. I thought that was appropriate.
JW: “Opening,” from Dark Intervals, is a case where you delve into areas that are non-pianistic. At various times, you’ve done experimental things—performed abuses, is one way to put it—with the piano as if to conquer its clichés. Lately, you’ve veered away from the extreme of hitting the piano or plucking strings. Is this piece an example of that impulse, in which you use the piano as an acoustic device?
『Dark Intervals』に収録されている「Opening」という曲ですが、これはあなたがピアニスティックではない領域に踏み込んだものです。あなたはこれまでも色々な機会に、実験的な取り組みをしてきています。演奏の悪用という言い方をされてしまうこともありますが、ピアノ演奏の常套手段を克服しようというのが、実際のところかとは思います。ここ最近はピアノの鍵盤でないところを叩いたり、中の弦を直接指で弾いたりといったような、極端な路線からは遠ざかっていますが、この曲はそういう衝動の一例として、あなたがピアノを音響装置として使っているのでしょうか?
KJ: Maybe. Those were expressions of energy. I was trying to let energy be energy rather than energy turned into music. It’s like satire; sometimes, I’m tired of satire. If you want to say something about the politics of the United States, why not say it? We need it to be said straight now. When else would it need to be said straighter? There are a zillion clever musicians in the world and I don’t think another one is needed. We don’t need any more interesting modulations. We need something that says, “Hey, it’s not about that.” Those are like a cover-up, in a way, for the fact that music comes from a deep place. Every deep place is like a scream. In the past, plucking the strings and the new record are similar in that way.
Since Spirits, too, I just don’t feel like a pianist anymore. I don’t have to try to use the piano to say what I hadn’t said yet before Spirits. Now I’m just trying to live in the spaces of the music when I’m playing. In the past, it’s been this kaleidoscopic thing—“Oh, man, it goes from Tatum to Chopin to Erik Satie to Poulenc, Faure, Debussy…,” some of those guys I don’t even like. That’s enough of that for me because I was never about that anyway. I now feel like it’s, “OK, take it straight. Drink this straight.” If I’m playing E minor, I’m not going to play E minor with some neat fourths and fifths in it that make it sound like jazz. Then I might not think about what should come next. Maybe E minor is strong. I’m not going to try to nicen it.