【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind


第47話Sheba: Miles to Go byマイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 








When I was one or two, my mom gave my dad a dog named Sheba for Father's Day. It was a time in my dad's life when he was very successful ― on top of the mountain ― but he had the realization that he didn't have anything. So he let go of his music career and moved with the family and Sheba to the farm in Franklin to be the very best husband and dad he could be. Sheba was part of that, part of coming back home, part of choosing family over fame and fortune. Dad loved that dog ― she was the most loyal dog ever. She was with us for a long time, but unfortunately Sheba didn't have a good end. She was bitten by a tick, got paralyzed, and then, because she couldn't move, she got hit by a car. My dad was devastated. That was a few years ago. 



It was in June a couple years ago that my parents were walking around Pasadena when they saw a beautiful black dog who reminded them of Sheba. She was with a homeless woman wearing a shirt that said ANGEL. Mom and Dad stopped to pet the dog and started talking to the woman, who said her name was Joanne. She said, “I'm a Christian. My husband and I got divorced. I feel like I'm supposed to be here on the streets. I'm a missionary.” My dad asked what the dog's name was. Joanne said it was Sheba. 



Sheba! My parents were touched by Joanne's story and the whole Sheba dog connection. They tried to give Joanne some money, but she wouldn't accept it. She said she was fulfilling her calling. 



Now, I haven't talked much about religion and what God means to me and my family. I mean, you know I go to church on Sundays, but faith is more than that to me. It's part of who I am, the way I think, and how I live my life everyday. Meeting Joanne ― someone so dedicated to God ― was important and meaningful to my parents. God has all kinds of messengers, and I always have my eyes, ears, and heart open. 



Faith is having the strength to trust in something that you can't see with your eyes or prove scientifically. You believe because your heart tells you that's where you should go or who you should be. Your heart tells you what is right. 



A few days later, it was the Fourth of July. We didn't have any plans. Remember? My parents aren't big planners or partyers. It was a hot afternoon, and we were all just walking around Pasadena. My dad mentioned Sheba and wondered if she was afraid of the fireworks the way our Sheba had been. We looked for Joanne but couldn't find her. Then my little sister ― who'd never met Joanne ― said, “Oh, look at that dog.” She pointed across the street. It was Joanne and Sheba. 



This time Joanne allowed my parents to give her twenty dollars. Dad wanted to take her in to the Cheesecake Factory to get something to eat. She was afraid to leave her cart, which made sense to me. It was her home, and it wasn't under lock and key the way most of us keep our treasured possessions. We guarded her cart for her while she went in. People looked at us funny, like we didn't belong, and I wondered if she got looks like that every day. 



When Joanne reappeared, she was carrying Cokes for all of us. We talked with her for a long time that night. She said that these streets were her Africa, her Indonesia. Instead of going someplace far way, this was her mission field. Joanne was intelligent and calm. There wasn't a shred of bitterness in her. And she knew her Scripture. At the end of that night, my parents came right out and said, “Please let us help you get off the streets. You can come to our house. Or we'll get you a hotel and figure something out.” Joanne smiled and said, “I hope you 'll remember me, but you don't have to visit. Don't worry about me. I'm happy.” 



And it seemed to be true. Two months later my parents were back in Pasadena, and there she was, wearing a shirt saying I LOVE JESUS, and sitting with her dog. My parents couldn't fathom why someone would choose that life, but they had faith in her and the message she brought us. The person who we thought needed us the most didn't want anything from us She was full of love. She was content. She didn't want or need anything from anyone. She lived in a park. She followed her calling. God took care of her. Like Mammie says, “All things work together for the good of those who love God (Romans 8:28). 

どうやらジョアンさんの言う通りだったようです2ヶ月後お父さんとお母さんはパサデナに戻ってくると、ジョアンさんがいました。着ていたシャツには「I LOVE JESUS」とあります。彼女の犬と一緒に座っていました。自分からわざわざこんな生き方するか、普通?でもお父さんとお母さんは、ジョアンさんの中に、信仰心と、私達へのメッセージを感じ取りました。自分達を一番頼ってくるだろう、私達がそう思い込んでいたその人は、私達には何も求めなかった。愛に満たされ、心満たされ、他人に求めるものはなく、公園を住処とし、神の思し召しに従い、神に見守られている彼女。バアヤがよく言っていたわ「神を愛する人々のためには、神がすべてのことを働かせて益としてくださる」(ローマ人への手紙8章28節)。 


My mom grew up in a conservative church. For a long time she went to church because that's what you were supposed to do. Our whole family did. We were always looking for a good church to visit. Then, when I was in middle school, Brandi brought us to a new church in Franklin. The People's Church was different. It became a family for us. The members of our congregation hold each other accountable for the way we live our lives, and at the same time the church is a place where I have felt safe and unjudged, especially during those tough middle school years. For the first time, our family started making decisions based on our faith. I feel like we have more of a true relationship with God than we did when we went to church because it was a ritual. The People's Church really opened my heart. It has made me truly thankful. 

お母さんは伝統主義の教会のもとで育ちました。長い間、教会とは行くのが決まりごと、という理由で教会に通っていたのです。私達の家族も、全員それに倣いました。どこかに良い教会はないか、いつも探していたのです。そして、私が小学校6年生の時、姉のブランディが、フランクリンに新しい教会を見つけた、と家族に声をかけます。「People's Church」(みんなの教会)は今までのどの教会とも違いました。そこは私達の家族としての場所になったのです。皆が集まり祈ることで、自分達の生き方について、互いに責任を取り合い、同時ここは、私にとっては、特に学校にいるのが辛かった時期は、安全で、そして不当な裁きを受けずに済む場所となりました。この時初めて、私達家族は、色々な事を、自分達の信仰心を拠り所に決めるようになったのです。教会は行くのが決まりごと、そういう意識で通っていた頃よりも、神様としっかり結びつきができたと感じてます。「みんなの教会」は、私の心の扉をしっかりと開けてくれました。私に感謝の気持が満ち溢れるようになったのです。 


A lot of people at our church wear purity rings, which represent a commitment to remaining celibate until you're married. When Brandi turned twenty-one, she asked my mom for a purity ring, and my mom bought one for her. Brandi has always been independent and good at knowing what she wants and believes. She's so honest to everyone, including herself. I love her and respect her and think she's beautiful inside and out. We always talked openly about her ring and what it meant. When Brandi's boyfriend (whom she plans to marry) comes to visit, he'll often stay for a week. Every night at eleven they go to their separate rooms. My parents aren't telling Brandi to do that. She does it because she respects herself that much. 



When I got old enough and there were boys in the picture, I asked if it was time for me to get my own ring. My mom gave me one that has a circle on it, to represent the circle of marriage. There's a little diamond in the center of the circle for me, and when I get married, there will be another diamond added. But until then, it's just me. And it feels right. 



The press might make fun of some people for wearing purity rings, but I don't pay attention to that. They can think what they want. I have my moral! 



I also bring my faith to my career choices. I already told you that our family talks about being light in a dark world ― when it comes to my work I try to do projects that I can be proud of. I love that Hannah Montana is a sweet, good quality show that brings joy to people's lives. As I start doing more grown-up, dramatic projects, I want to stick with what I believe and what makes sense for a girl my age. I want to be a good role model. That's why I signed on to work with the writer Nicholas Sparks. His books and movies show strong morals, and loving, hard relationships. I can do meaningful work ― without compromising my values. 
