chapter 10 (pp150-180)
THE BRICK HOUSE, in Gretna, Louisiana . . . In all my whole career the Brick House was one of the toughest joints I ever played in. It was the honkytonk where levee workers would congregate every Saturday night and trade with the gals who'd stroll up and down the floor and into the bar. Those guys would drink and fight one another like circle saws. Bottles would come flying over the bandstand like crazy, and there was lots of just plain common shooting and cut ting. But somehow all of that jive didn't faze me at all, I was so happy to have some place to blow my horn.
I was so happy to have some place to blow my horn
For about three Saturday nights straight I kept noticing one of the gals looking at me with the stuff in her eyes. I kept on playing, but I started giving her that righteous look in return. That chick was Daisy Parker.
I kept noticing one of the gals looking at me
私は女の子の中のひとりが私をじっと見ていることに気づき続けていた(kept noticing)
Of course, it was strictly business with her. And to me it was just another mash that's what we called flirting in those days. We would use the expression, "The lady has a mash on you," and then we would poke our chests 'way out as if we were pretty important.
Anyhow I did not find that out on my first meeting with Daisy, until I was in one of the rooms upstairs in the Brick House. She stated her price, which wasn't much in those days, so I told her I would see her after I finished work. She agreed and away I went, thinking: "Hmmm, but that's a good-looking Creole gal." I didn't know what I was in for.
She stated her price, which wasn't much in those days
彼女は自分の値段を示した。それは当時そんなに高額ではなかった( , which)
Sure enough, after work I made a beelme upstairs, and Daisy excused herself from her party and met me there. Since she was through work and I was too, we stayed in that room from five in the morning till 'way into the afternoon.
from five in the morning till 'way into the afternoon
朝の5時から午後に至るまでずっと(way into)
The first thing I noticed about Daisy that night but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to believe my eyes was that when she undressed she pulled off a pair of "sides," artificial hips she wore to give herself a good figure. I thought to myself: "Hmm, as much as I've been admiring this chick and her shape, here she comes bringing me a pair of waterwings." But before I could think another thing, she came out with the explanation. She said she was too skinny and only weighed less than a hundred pounds, The way she was built caused her to wear them. And they did give her a pretty fair shape. She was right, too, because along with her good looks, she was still "reet" with me. So I got used to it; in fact I even got used to seeing her put them on, and loved it.
reet (アイルランド英語:=wonderful)
We had several meetings after that, and Daisy and I commenced to fall deeply in love with each other. Daisy was twenty-one years of age, and I was eighteen. I was so gone over her we never mentioned that she had an "Old Man" the name we used to have for a common law husband though that was the first thing I usually asked a chick. Later on I found the reason for Daisy not telling me about the drummer who played in another honky-tonk in Gretna while she worked in the Brick House; the customers who visited the Brick House paid more money.
I found the reason for Daisy not telling me about the drummer
私はデイジーがそのドラム奏者について私に話さなかった理由を知った(not telling)
She and this drummer lived in Freetown, a little village between Gretna and Algiers. Since she kept on asking me to come over to her house and visit her some afternoon, I had just taken it for granted that she was living by herself, the same as a lot of other working girls I had played around with. Their pimps would come around and collect, do what comes naturally, and cut out either to their bachelor's quarters or home to their wives and kids.
I had just taken it for granted that she was living by herself
私は彼女が一人で暮らしていることを当然のことと思っていた(taken for granted)
Since Kid Ory had signed a contract to play at the rich folks' New Orleans Country Club every Saturday night, I put the Brick House down quicker'n I'd left Lady on Armistice Day. So for a whole month I didn't see Daisy, just talked to her on the telephone every now and then. She didn't know how to get over to the New Orleans side of the river because she'd spent all her life in Gretna and other little towns in Louisiana.
quicker'n (= quicker than )I'd left Lady on Armistice Day
I wanted to see Daisy so bad as bad as she wanted to see me that I decided one afternoon to put on my sharpest vine. I didn't have but one, and I treasured it by keeping it cleaned and pressed all the time. It was about two in the afternoon when I was ready to leave. Mayann, with whom I was still living at that time, asked me: "Where are you goin' , son? Looking so good and dressed up ..."
I treasured it by keeping it cleaned and pressed all the time
(keep it cleaned and pressed)
I said: "Aw, nowheres in particular, mama. Just feel like putting on my Sunday-go-to-meeting suit.”
She gave a good hearty chuckle and went into the kitchen to stir that fine pot of red beans and rice, which sure did smell good. I almost changed my mind when I got a whiff of them.
It must have been around three-thirty when I reached Freetown. The bus I'd taken from Gretna stopped about three-quarters of a mile from where Daisy lived. I asked someone how to get to her house, which was easy to find as it was in the country, and everyone knows everyone else in the country.
It was a four-room house, with the rooms one be hind the other. You could stand at the front door and look all the way back to the kitchen. It was an old house, with poorly lighted rooms and a beat-up porch.
about three-quarters of a mile
The minute I knocked at the door, Daisy appeared, all miles. She led me into the parlor, and the minute she closed the door we kissed a long one. Then she took my hat and laid it on the old-fashioned sewing machine she had. Then she sat on my lap and we were really swinging with the kisses when, all of a sudden, a rap came on the door. "Who is it?" Daisy said, all excited.
That knocker happened to be her old man, who, to my surprise, had been hearing about me and Daisy canoeing from the first night we'd got together. He pushed in the door real hard and came in. Daisy jumped off my knee and ran into the next room, with him right behind her.
For a moment I thought of a million things. The first was the incident with Irene and Cheeky Black.
Just then I heard something hit the floor. Yep, it was Daisy. He had hit her a hard blow, and without saying a word, ithout even hollering, she went out like a light.
I commenced getting real busy getting out of there. As plainly as Daisy had put my hat on the sewing machine, and as easy as it was to get to, I just couldn't seem to find it and put it on my head fast enough. All the time I kept imagining what was coming for me next.
without saying a word, without even hollering, she went out like a light
一言も発せず、叫び声すら上げず、彼女は電灯のように失神した(without saying)
I finally did get out before he came in from the back room, but the whole time I was making it for that bus I never did get my hat on. In fact, I didn't even think of putting it on my head until I was safely on the ferry boat going back to New Orleans. I was, you see, still a kid when I found out it was better to run with your hat in your hand instead of on your head you make better time.
it was better to run with your hat in your hand
帽子を手に持って走ったほうが良かった(it was better to run)
When I hit that ferry boat I let out a big sigh. And I said to myself: "Ump! Once again, never again.”
Then I thought of how I'd said the same words when Cheeky Black caught Irene and me in the room together. But this time I meant it.
When I got back home to Mayann I was all upset, But I did a pretty fair job in not letting her see any signs of trouble on my face. She worried a great deal about Mama Lucy and me, because we used to get into trouble on the spur of the moment. She fixed supper beans and rice and the minute I put the first mouthful into my chops I forgot all about the mess.
I meant it僕は本気だった
I didn't see Daisy for almost a month after that scrimmage. I decided to give her up as a bad job any way. Then, too, Mayann didn't know about her. For one reason or another I just wouldn't tell about Daisy. And since I had decided to give her up, there just wasn't anything to tell.
Time went by, and then one day who should come around my neighborhood of Liberty and Perdido Streets looking for me, but Daisy! I was really surprised. Because the way she lied to me about her old man, I didn't think she really ared for me. I thought right away she was only using me for a playtoy or something.
I was speechless when she saw me standing on the corner with all the old-timers who'd just come from work in the coal yards, and ran up to me and kissed me with tears in her eyes, saying: "Darling, I've been so lonesome, blue, and unhappy, I just couldn't stand it any longer. I just had to see you."
All the guys were watching me and saying: "Go on, Dipper! You with a fine looking gal like that pouring out her heart to you! Man, you must have really laid it."
Then it dawned on me that it was kind of nice to be able to signify in front of them for a change, with a fine chick breaking down all over me. Then I caught a-hold of myself and asked her: "Er.... what.... how did you get over on this side, honey?"
Then she told me her cousin showed her the way as he went to work at his job on Canal Street.
We went to Rampart and Lafayette Streets, to Kid Green's Hotel, and engaged a room for the evening so we could talk over many things.
Then it dawned on me that it was kind of nice to be able to signify in front of them
そしたら、彼らの前で発言する事ができることは、何かしら良いという考えが頭に降りてきた(it dawned it was nice )
Kid Green was an ex-prizefighter and was known from one end of the United States to the other. He was a good one in his day, but now he had retired on the money he'd saved. He had a pretty fair hotel, not the best in the world, but comfortable. He and I were good friends, and whenever I'd go there with a chick, he'd make room for me no matter how crowded he was. Kid Green had a reputation for wearing those "Stock Ties" which were very popular in those days; they are made of shirt goods, or silk, and are wrapped around the neck and tied with a great big knot in front. He was a master at wearing them. Every tooth in his head was gold, and there was a big diamond inserted in one of the front ones, the same as Jelly Roll Morton had. Kid Green had so much gold in his mouth they called him "Klondike," and when he smiled, you could see gold for miles and miles.
he'd make room for me no matter how crowded
どんなに混んでいても彼は私のために部屋を取ってくれた(no matter how)
While I was with Daisy at Kid Green's Hotel I had a good chance to really check up on her. I wouldn't say that she was "beautiful but dumb," because she was pretty clever and really knew how to make money. But she was very jealous.
I wouldn't say that she was "beautiful but dumb,"
I figured out that during Daisy's childhood in the country she had evidently been spoiled by her parents who let her have her own way and do whatever she pleased. She would play hookey from school whenever she wanted, and she grew up without any vocation or learning at all, not even a middle grade learning, which any ordinary kid would get in life. Later I found out she couldn't even read or write. All she knew how to do was fuss and fight.
not even a middle grade learning, which any ordinary kid would get in life
中等教育という、普通の子供なら誰でも障害で受けるものも、なかった( , which)
But it's a funny thing about two people being in love whatever little traits there are, no matter how unpleasant they may be, love will drown them out. So since I realized I was in love with Daisy for sure, I did not fight with myself any longer, and I gave over to my lovely feeling for her. Because she really did move me greatly. And that was that.
two people being in love 愛し合う二人(being )
When we left Kid Green's Hotel we went straight down to City Hall and got hitched. And that was when the lid blew off.
Before we got out of the City Hall, the news had spread all over my neighborhood. The old-timers such as Mrs. Magg, Mrs. Laura, Mrs. Martin, were surprised, of course, but they were the ones who were actually glad for me. But the rest of the neighborhood, especially those old gossipers, made a beeline for Mayann.
the lid blew off(=蓋が飛んだ)
They all upset Mayann by asking her: "Are you going to let him marry that whore?"
And Mayann (bless her heart!) told them very calmly: "Well, that's my son, and he has to live his own life." She shrugged her shoulders. "And he loves the woman enough to marry her, that's his business, and they both have my blessing. And I will also try my best to make her as happy as I can."
So the crowd, after seeing her point, agreed with her as they walked away.
After Daisy and I came out of the City Hall she caught a streetcar and went back to Freetown to pack up her clothes. I went home.
I will also try my best to make her as happy as I can.
On my way I ran into Black Benny, standing on the corner in his soldier's uniform. Although the war had ended, he was still in the Army, waiting to be discharged. He was a sergeant and could give orders still to the guys who were under him. At this time he had run into another soldier who had a lower ranking than he, and the guy in civilian life was one of those snobbish kind of fellows who gave Black Benny a tough time through life. So this day Benny waited until the private almost passed him, and then Benny hollered: "ATTENTION!!!" So the guy stood at attention, while Benny went all around the block, leaving the guy with his hand up, saluting. Finally Benny came back and said, "At ease!," and the guy went away with an awful frown. But he dared not say anything to Black Benny about it. Because Benny was a man among men, you can take it from me.
he was still in the Army, waiting to be discharged
When I came home, Mayann and I had a real heart-to-heart talk. First thing she asked me was: "Son, are you sure you love this girl?"
I said: "Mother, I've never been surer of anything in my whole life as my love for Daisy. She has convinced me that she's the woman for me."
''Well," mother said, "I hear she hasn't got much learning."
I've never been surer of anything in my whole life as my love for Daisy
私はこれまでの人生全体で、デイジーへの愛ほど確信しているものはない(surer of anything as )
"Mother," I said, "what's that got to do with our being in love with each other? You must realize that I didn't go any further than fifth grade in school myself. But with my good sense and mother-wit, and knowing how to treat and respect the feelings of other people, that's all I've needed through life. You taught me that, mother. And I haven't done so bad at it. Ain't that right?"
Mayann shrugged her shoulders. "I guess you're right, son." Then she said: "You must bring your wife to me; I want to meet her."
knowing how to treat and respect the feelings of other people,
With a palpitating heart I gave a big sigh of relief and said: "Oh, thanks, mom." Mayann was the one I wanted the o.k. from. I didn't much care about what anybody else said.
I gave my dear mother a great big hug and a kiss, and made a beeline to Daisy. I told her of the good news, and she was so happy that Mayann was satisfied with our marriage in spite of all the old gossipers in the neighborhood.
For a month or more Daisy and I only met a different places and hotels, because we didn't have enough money to get a place of our own. Then one day we found a two-room flat over an upholstering place on Melpomene Street in uptown New Orleans. The place we had was nothing elaborate. In order to get to where we lived we had to go by way of some stairs on the outside, the alley side. When it rained, it was something awful. The garbage that had been piled there for ages by the upholsterer-landlord and the other tenants who lived in the backyard made it very unpleasant for me to go home there from work every night. But it was a place to live, and a little place of privacy, and we could call it our own. So we gladly made the best of it.
made it very unpleasant for me to go home there from work every night
毎晩の仕事から帰宅することを私にとってとても不快にした(made it unpleasant to)
The place we lived in had two porches, a front one, and one in the back; but we called them "galleries," as the word "porch" was unheard of to us then. We lived on the second floor, and our gallery was an old one; it had begun to slant a little, and when it rained the water would run down it like down a wall.
One day when it was raining like mad, Daisy and I were in the front room listening to some new records I had just bought, new releases of the original Dixieland Jazz Band, which we were playing on an upright Victrola we were very proud of. The records were Livery Stable Blues and Tiger Rag, the first Tiger Rag to be recorded. (Between you and me, it's still the best.)
Clarence, my cousin Flora Miles' illegitimate son, was living with us at the time. He was about three years old and still in dresses. Down there all kids wore dresses until they were a real large size. Kids love to wander around a house, and Clarence was no exception. On this rainy day big sheets of rain were falling Clarence was playing with some toys I had bought for him. He was in the rear room, which was the kitchen for us, and we didn't notice him when he wandered out of the kitchen on to the back porch, where it was raining terribly hard.
コンマ( , )に続く関係詞→「そしてそれは」 と言う意味
All of a sudden, when Daisy and I were playing records, we heard Clarence crying frantically. So we ran to the rear door to see what was the matter. I was real frightened when I looked on the rear porch and couldn't see him, but I could hear him crying. Then I looked down to the ground, and there was Clarence coming up the steps crying and holding his head. He had slipped off the porch, it was so wet, and fallen to the ground. The average child probably would have gotten killed, but for Clarence the fall only set him back behind the average child.
The average child probably would have gotten killed
標準的な子供はおそらく死んでいたかもしれなかった(would have gotten killed)
That fall hindered Clarence all through his life. I had some of the best doctors anyone could get examine him, and they all agreed that the fall had made him feeble-minded. His mind is four years behind the average child's.
I took him to all kinds of schools as he grew. I also enrolled him in a Catholic school; they kept him there several months and then sent him back to me saying the same as the rest said. I got so disgusted with all the running around they were giving Clarence I decided to take over and teach him myself.
the running around 言い訳
And since Clarence has always been a nervous sort of fellow and was never able to work and earn his own living, I set up a routine for him in which he'd be happy the rest of his days. I managed to teach him the necessary things in life, such as being courteous, having respect for other people, and last but not least, having good common sense. I always managed to have someone look after Clarence whenever I had to travel or go to work. The musicians, actors ― in fact, everybody whom I'd ever introduced Clarence to ― they've all taken a liking to him right away. As we used to say in New Orleans, Clarence never was a "sassy child."
During those days, when I wasn't playing with Kid Ory in a funeral or a parade or an advertising stint, I would be at the head of the New Basin Canal, hanging around the charcoal schooners. We youngsters would wait for them to clean the big lumps of coal, put them in large burlap sacks, and then throw the small pieces into a corner of the schooner. We would buy small pieces from them. We would carry them away in big burlap sacks, put them in water buckets and sell them at houses for five cents a bucket. That is how I earned my living when I married Daisy.
That is how I earned my living when I married Daisy
こうして私はデイジーと結婚した時お金を稼いだ(This is how)
Handling and selling charcoal was certainly a dirty job. My face and hands were always black, and most of the time I looked like Al Jolson when he used to get down on his knees and sing Mammy. But with that job and playing music I made a good living.
Whenever Daisy and I had a fuss ― and how I hated it ― I would put my clothes and Clarence's clothes into my charcoal sack and the two of us would move down to my mother's house intending to stay there forever. Then, two weeks later, along would come Daisy. She would make all kinds of apologies and promise never to upset me again and let me blow my trumpet in peace.
intending to stay there foreverそこに永久にとどまるつもりで(intending)
One day a member of my club, The Tammany Social Aid and Pleasure Club, died. The funeral left from the corner of Liberty and Perdido Streets. All the members had to wear black or real dark suits, and I had been lucky enough to get my black broadcloth suit out of pawn in time for the funeral. In those days we did a good bit of pawning. As soon as a guy got broke the first thing he thought of was the pawn shop. All out of pawn that day, I looked like a million dollars.
I had been lucky enough to get my black broadcloth suit out of pawn in time for the funeral
私は幸運にもその葬式に間に合うように黒のブロードクロスのスーツを質草から取り返せていた(had been lucky enough to get)
Living in our neighborhood was a gal named Rella Martin with whom I used to sweetheart. Somehow Daisy found out about this chick. She did not say anything about it to me but I suspected something was bugging her from the way she used to give me hell every time I came home only a half an hour late. Then we would just about tear the roof off the place calling each other nice names.
That day of the funeral, while the body was still in the church, I was standing on the corner talking to Rella and a dear friend of mine named Little Head with whom I had gone to the Fisk School. It had been raining all morning; the gutters were full of water and the streets real muddy. I had on a brand new Stetson hat (like the one in the song St, James Infirmary), my fine black suit and new patent leather shoes. Believe me, I was a sharp cat. The three of us were talking about nothing in particular, just killing time while we waited to walk the body to the cemetery. I was one of the pall bearers. All of a sudden I saw Daisy coming in our direction. "Oh, oh, now there will be trouble," I thought.
St, James Infirmary Bluesサッチモのカバーが有名
"Folks," I said, "there's Daisy coming down the street,"
They knew what a jealous woman she was. Rella thought it best to leave me and Little Head standing there alone. As Daisy came closer we did not say a word and neither did she. Instead she whipped out her razor and began cursing. I swung around and started to run. I was fast on my feet and I made a fast start. As I jumped over the gutter my hat fell off, my good old John B. Stetson. That was the hat in those days, and I had struggled and saved a long time to buy it. Little Head was about to lean over and pick it up for me when Daisy rushed up to him and made a long swipe at his rear. He was off in a flash like me.
Little Head was about to lean over and pick it up for me
リトルヘッドは屈んでそれを僕のために拾おうとしていた(was about to lean)
Daisy was so furious she picked up my hat and started cutting it to ribbons. My Gawd! Did that burn me up! I was about to go back and have it out with her when my club fellows grabbed me and told me I could not win.
"Look out boy! She's got a razor. You haven't even got a penknife."
By this time Daisy had cut my hat to pieces and was starting back uptown. I was foaming at the mouth, but I took the boys' advice and let her cut out. But God knows I wasn't going to forget about what she had done.
let her cut out彼女に切らせてやった(let)
Just then the members started coming out of the church to the sad boom, boom, boom of the bass drum. Then the brass band struck up Nearer My God to Thee and we were on our way to the cemetery. All the time I was marching (with another boy's hat on in place of my cut-up one) I kept thinking about what Daisy had done to me in front of my friends, the members of the Tammany Social Club. The cemetery was not far from where Daisy and I lived. After the body was buried I did not wait to join the members as they marched back to the hall. I was so angry with Daisy I cut out at once and went straight home.
I kept thinking about what Daisy had done to me
私はデイジーが私にしたことについて考え続けていた(what Daisy had done)
When I got home Daisy was not in. She was sitting at the window of her friend's house with about ten bricks sitting beside her. But I did not know this. Just as I was about to put the key in the lock one of Daisy's bricks hit our door. Wham! This really scared me. To my surprise, when I turned to see where the bricks were coming from, I saw Daisy cursing and throwing bricks faster than Satchel Paige. There was not anything I could do but keep on ducking bricks until her supply ran out. And when it did she came flying downstairs to fight it out with me. Quick as a flash I stooped down and picked up one of the bricks she had thrown at me. I cocked up my right leg as though I was going to pitch a strike for the home team and let the brick fly. It hit Daisy right in the stomach. She doubled up in a knot screaming: "You've killed me. You've killed me."
when I turned to see where the bricks were coming from
私が振り返ってブロックがやってきた方向を見た時(to see)
I don't know what else she said because I was not there to hear it. Someone had called the police station (people will do those things) saying a man and a woman were fighting, and they were certainly right. When I heard the patrol bell ringing I tore out for the back fence and sailed over it so fast I did not even touch it. I could hear the policemen blowing their whistles and shooting their pistols into the air to try to stop me. That did not faze me. I was gone like the turkey through the corn.
I was gone like the turkey through the corn (ライトニング・ホプキンスの歌)
When the police are called to stop a fighting couple and find only one of them, they take that one to prison. That is what happened to Daisy. In spite of all her hollering, screaming and cursing they hauled her off. She raised particular hell with those cops. While they were trying to put her into the partol wagon she kicked one of them under the chin. He was so angry he hit her cute little Creole head with his licorice stick, making her head bleed terribly. She did not dare report that to the captain of the police because that same cop would have laid for her when she got out of jail and given her another head whipping. That is what the New Orleans cops did in those days.
that same cop would have laid for her when she got out of jail
彼女が牢屋を出た時同じ警官が彼女に報復したかもしれなかった(would have laid )
Daisy played it smart. She went to jail crying like an innocent babe regardless of all the hell she had just raised. Just like a woman.
In the meantime I had run back and caught up with my club's funeral, borrowed another good hat from a friend of mine who was a bystander and forgot all about the one Daisy had cut to ribbons. In those days when a fellow wore a John B. Stetson he was really a big shot, as big shots went at that time. We poor young musicians would have to save for months to get the fifteen dollars those hats cost then. We wanted them so badly we would save every nickel we could spare, but even at that some of the boys could not make the grade. They would pay a deposit on one of them and would nearly finish paying the instalments when they would run short of money. Then the hat store would sell the hat they had been paying for to someone else. Now you can see why I got so angry with Daisy for cutting my hat to pieces. But as I say I forgot all about it when I heard that brass band showering down on one of those real fine funeral marches. Those brass bands could play a funeral march so sweet and with so much soul you could actually feel it inside.
I heard that brass band showering down on one of those real fine funeral marches
私はブラスバンドが実に素晴らしい葬送行進曲の一曲を奏でるのを聞いた(heard band showering)
While I was walking in the funeral procession a fellow ran up to me and gave me a message from Daisy, who was still in jail and not even booked. It must have been one of the jail trusties because no one else could have found that out so soon. As I explained about Black Benny, a trustie can go out on the street whenever he wants to, and can make money running errands for the other prisoners. I gave the guy with the message a couple of bucks and he told me Daisy was not even booked. Mad at her as I had been, I softened up right away. I told the messenger to tell Daisy not to worry, that I still loved her and that all was forgotten.
It must have been one of the jail trusties because no one else could have found that out so soon
それは刑務所からの連絡人だったに違いない。なぜなら、誰もそんな早々とそのことを知ることはできなかったはずだからだ(would have bee could have found)
Luckily at that time I was still working on the boats, and my boss thought an awful lot of me. I knew that if I asked him to get Daisy out of jail he would do it quicker than I could say jackrabbit. As soon as the funeral was over I gave my pal back his John B. Stetson, thanked him, and made a beeline for the nearest grocery in our neighborhood. We always had to go to the grocery store to phone or receive a message.
I always kept in the good graces of the grocery man. It is important to be able to use his phone and to have him take messages for you, but even more important is the good credit he can let you have. All my gigs used to come in by phone, and old Tony, Mr. Gaspar, Matranga, or Segretta never failed to let me know. That goes to show that no matter how tough an ofay may seem, there is always some "black son of a bitch" he is wild about and loves to death just like one of his own relatives.
It is important to be able to use his phone
彼の電話を使えることが重要だ(It is important to be)
The day I called up my boss on the boat he immediately phoned the police station and had Daisy paroled. Of course I went down to the police station and waited to take her home. I noticed she was limping a little in her left leg when she came out. For a moment she was glad to see me, and we kissed and made up. Then we started to walk toward the firing line where she had thrown all those bricks at me. (Thank God she was such a bad shot.)
had Daisy paroled デイジーを仮釈放してもらった(had)
The nearer home we got the more she began to think about our fight. I could see by the expression on her face that she was getting more and more angry. I still did not say a word about it. Anyhow she could not pretend any longer. All of a sudden she turned on me and started to curse and call me all kinds of dirty names. She said I had crippled her and that she was going to get revenge if it was the last thing she did. That struck me as a very, very strange thing for her to say to me, especially as I had begun to think that everything was all right, and that we had thrown away the hatchet for good! What is more, we were even. She had cut my hat to ribbons and swung on me and my friend. When I went home she had showered a whole flock of bricks at me as well as everything else she could get her hands on.
she was going to get revenge if it was the last thing she did
もし最後の手段となるなら彼女は復讐する予定だった(the last thing she did)
So when Daisy started her angry jive at me on the streetcar I said to myself: "Well, boy, you better get ready for another one of Daisy's cheap scenes." For every name she called me I called her the same, and I hit her with a few real hard ones for lagniappe (or good measure), which is what we kids called the tokens of thanks the grocer gave us when we went there to pay the bill for our parents. We would get animal crackers or almost anything that did not cost very much for lagniappe, and the grocer who gave the most lagniappe would get the most trade from us kids.
you better get ready for another one of Daisy's cheap scenes
君はもう一つのデイジーの無価値な醜態に対処する準備をすべきだ(had bettter)
When we reached Melpomene and Dryades Streets near home we were still arguing like mad. After we got off the car we met a policeman patrolling the beat who happened to know me from my playing with Kid Dry's band in a lot of benefits around town. Instead of throwing the two of us back in jail he gave us a break.
"Dipper mouth," he said, "Why don't you take your wife home off the street before some other cop comes along and arrests the two of you."
That certainly made me feel good. I was recognized by one of the toughest policemen on the force. Instead of giving me a head whipping as the police usually did, he gave me advice and protected me.
When Daisy and I reached our little two-roomer the first thing I did was to lay my cards on the table and have a heart-to-heart talk with her.
"Daisy," I said, "listen, honey, this jive is not going to get us any place. I am a musician and not a boxer. Every time you get mad at me the first thing you do is to try your damnedest to hit me in the chops. Thank the lord I have been able to get out of your way every time. Now I am sick and tired of it all. The best thing for me and you to do is call it quits."
"Oh, no. Don't leave me," Daisy said, breaking into tears. "You know I am in love with you. That's why I'm so jealous."
the first thing you do is to try your damnedest to hit me in the chops
あなたが私にする最初のことは、私を侮辱するためにあなたが思いつく最もひどい言葉を投げかけることだ(the first thing you do)
As I said before, Daisy did not have any education. If a person is real ignorant and has no learning at all that person is always going to be jealous, evil and hateful. There are always two sides to every story, but an ignorant person just won't cope with either side. I have seen Daisy get furious when she saw me whispering to somebody. "I know you are talking about me because you are looking at me," she would say. Frightening, isn't it? However, it was because I understood Daisy so well that I was able to take four years of torture and bliss with her.
I have seen Daisy get furious when she saw me whispering to somebody
(seen Daisy get furious saw me whispering)
A man has to know something or he will always catch hell. But Daisy did not even read a newspaper or anything enlightening. Luckily she was a woman, and a good-looking chick at that. Looks make all the difference in the world, no matter whether a woman is dumb or not. So we made it up and toughed it out together a little while longer.
A man has to know something or he will always catch hell
At that time I was playing a lot of funerals with the Tuxedo Brass Band under the leadership of Oscar (Zost) Celestin, a marvelous trumpeter and a very fine musician. He was also one of the finest guys who ever hit New Orleans, I was the second trumpet player in his brass band. At the same time my dear friend Maurice Durand was playing in the Excelsior Brass Band, another top-notch band. Old Man Mauret was the leader and first cornet man, and he would pilot those musicians of his just as though they were a flock of angels. All his boys gave him wonderful support. They weren't like present day bands, only working because they have to, and mad because they have to take orders from the leader.
he would pilot those musicians of his just as though they were a flock of angels
彼は、自らの手兵であるミュージシャン達が、天使の集団であるかのように、彼らを操縦した(just as though)
That was not true of Maurice and those other boys who played for Celestin and Old Man Mauret. Maurice and I were youngsters together. Whenever we played at a parade or a funeral we were usually playing in different bands. Lots of times I would run across Maurice and would see how wonderful Old Man Mauret's discipline was and how much his musicians appreciated him. Celestin was equally well loved by his musicians.
Since I am on the subject of first rate brass bands, I want to speak about the cream of the crop, the one that topped them all ― the Onward Brass Band. On Labor Day and other holidays it was a thrilling experience to see the great King Oliver from Uptown and the past master Emmanuel Perez pass by blowing Panama. The memory of that is so wonderful that after all these years I would like nothing better than to be able to talk it all over again with Maurice, who is now living in San Francisco,
I would like nothing better than to be able to talk it
そのことを話すことができることよりも良いことなどないだろう(nothing better than)