【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind


第10話Bottom of the Ocean: Miles to Go by マイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





The Bottom of the Ocean 



Remember Lyric and Melody? Trapped in their bowl? Well, one of the fish died. I'm pretty sure it was Melody. I was upset. I know ― weird to get that distraught over something you can't even pet, but fish were my thing. Then my mom got me another fish. I should have named him Dissonance. He promptly ate Lyric.★ After that, fish weren't my thing anymore. I had had enough with the strong picking on the weak. 

(★A harsh blow!) 




My perfect fishies were gone, but they taught me something lasting. Since then any time I want to write a song, I tell myself, Think outside the bowl. It's a reminder to push myself, not to get stuck ― not to see the world outside through a glass cage. 



“Bottom of the Ocean” started off as a song about Lyric and Melody. But once I began writing, it was about so much more than my silly fish.★ It was about anyone's dreams, boyfriends, a lost parent, an abusive relationship. It's saying if there's someone you've loved but for some reason you can't love them anymore, you have to take your feelings, scoop them out, and put them at the bottom of the ocean. Hide them there, carefully and respectfully, in the one place where they can't ever be found. “Bottom of the Ocean” is a “good-bye” song, a love song. You'd never think it was about fish. Well, except for the “ocean” part.  

私の「Bottom of the Ocean」と言う曲は、リリックメロディのことを書こうと思って作り始めました。でも、いざ書き始めると、おサカナ達のこと以上の内容に・・・。誰もが心に抱く夢のことや、男友達のこと、今はもう居ない親のこと、人との関係で心が傷ついたこと。この曲に込めたメッセージは、自分が他人に愛情を持っていたのに、何かの理由で、それが持てなくなってしまったら、つらい思いに負けないで、それをすくい取って、海の底深くに沈めてしまおう、二度と誰かに見つけられないようなところへ隠そう、気をつけて、丁寧に、というものです。「Bottom of the Ocean」は、さよならの歌であり、恋愛の歌です。普通、魚の歌だとは思わないですよね。「Ocean」っていうところはありますけど。 


My friends turned into my enemies, even my best friend. I had no idea why I was the one they hated or what I could do to make it all better. I didn't fit anywhere. Where does it all go? All the respect, all the friendship, all the love? I was powerless, lost, just kind of floating, and there was no end in sight. So I did what I talked about in “Bottom of the Ocean.” I put all the losses and pain and fear someplace where no one would find them again, down at the bottom of my own personal ocean.  

私の友人達は、私の敵に変わってしまいました。一番中の良かった友達でさえもね。どうしてみんな、私のことを憎むようになったのか、私はどうすれば良かったのか、全く分かりません。私の居場所は、もうどこにも無かったのです。尊敬、友情、愛情、全部どこかへ行ってしまった。何も出来ず、途方に暮れて、ただ流されるばかりで、終わりが見えない。だから私は、「Bottom of the Ocean」の詞の通り、悲しみ、辛さ、そして恐れを、全部しまい込みました。誰にも、二度と、見つけられよう、私の心の中にだけ広がる、海の底深くに。 


And then I got the final call about Hannah Montana.★ 



(★And if you're wondering about Dissonance ― he's long down the toilet.) 
