【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind







An Interview with Marie-Ange Nguci 

by Sydney Symphony Orchestra 



Hello! My name is Marie-Ange Nguci, and I'm coming in the first week of March to Sydney to perform a solo piano recital with works by Prokofiev, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin and Kapustin, as well as the Saint-Saëns' second piano concerto with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. 



So, if I would have to describe Saint-Saëns' second piano concerto in a few words ... it's a very strong work, very powerful, very unexpectedly colorful, with a very interesting form and great virtuosity and a great soul to it. 



It has a very intricate, fine and noble style interaction also with the piano and the orchestra. And it's very ... it's a really work which is apart from a lot of, of course, Saint-Saëns' creation, and also romantic creation. So it's something that is worth listening.  



And I think this concerto really have a very special place in his creation by the ... yeah, the alchemy. He creates a very special message in a way he conveys through his choice of instruments.  



He chose a form, a kind of also tributes, maybe, he pays to what inspired him to come to this point in his life and creation and aesthetic.  



I'm coming from Albania, which is a small country in the Balkans who went through many difficult times and ordeals and difficult periods.  



And art in general and music in particular was kind of a very important way to get out of the burdens and the worries of every day's life.  



I always had a piano at home and a very music loving and art loving family. I learned at first the cello. So I grew up in that very full of culture, art and music environment. And I'm very grateful.  



I always dreamed about going outside the country and I had many possibilities; Germany, Italy, France.  



And, you know, life is also a lot of unpredictabilities. Fortunately, you know, things happen and I'm very grateful, they happen this way, and I could discover French culture, French way of thinking of musicianship, or thinking about music, thinking about the musical culture in general.  



It will be my first ever time coming to Australia and I'm incredibly grateful and very very much looking forward to discover this wonderful country and to meet these wonderful people.  



And I've heard so much and I've seen so much and read so much about Australia. I can't wait ... really I'm incredibly grateful to be able to come for a few days and to share this 

music and these experiences with the orchestra in the (Sydney) Opera House and with the audience. And it's really really wonderful time for me. 






Orchestre de Paris 

Saint-Saëns - Concerto n°2 op.22 

Marie Ange Nguci - conductor Julien Masmondet 

Paris Philharmonie, March 2021