Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)
MILES TO GO by MILEY CYRUS with Hilary Liftin
MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと)
マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著
The Worst Trip Ever
My album Breakout was released right after we finished shooting the movie. I immediately started doing publicity for the album and another movie, Bolt, an animated movie which I am the voice of a girl named Penny.
When we were planning Breakout, I went into the studio with my producers, Antonina and Tim, and said I wanted to do an album that was more rock' n' roll than pop. I wanted the album to be successful, duh, especially because it was my first Hannah-free album. But more than I wanted it to be my music. The music I wanted to write.★
★And yes, a lot of the songs were about breaking up with Prince Charming! I'm human!
At the 50th Grammy Awards, I presented an award with Cyndi Lauper. We were hanging out backstage, talking about the Stones and other music - we seemed to have similar taste. And then she looked at me and said. “Well, don't be scared of anything. People waste their lives being scared. Lasso the moon. But don't do it because someone tells you it's the right idea.” I got what she was saying. It was exactly what I was trying to do with Breakout. And I thought Cyndi Lauper was so cool that I added a cover of “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” to the album.
第50回グラミー賞の表彰式で、私はシンディー・ローパーとプレゼンテーターをする機会に恵まれました。二人で舞台裏でつるんで、ストーンズや色んな音楽について話をしたんです。好みも似ているみたいです。シンディーは私をじっと見ると、こういいました「あのね、なんにも怖がることなんて無いのよ。恐怖心なんて、人生時間の無駄だわ。ほら、サイモン&ガーファンクルの歌にもあるじゃない、「夢でできた投げ縄があったら、月を捉えて君にあげよう」ってね。でもそれは誰かに言われたから、てやることじゃないわ。」私には彼女の言うことがよくわかりました。「Breakout」で、まさに私がやりたかったことです。シンディー・ローパーのことがカッコいいと思ってしまった私は、彼女の「Girls Just Wanna Have Fun」をカバーして、アルバムに加えちゃった。
Now it was time to promote it. In order to appear on Good Morning America I got on a plane in Los Angeles at seven p. m. It was me, my mom, and my sister Brandi on a private plane, and I don't know why, but Brandi and I just didn't sleep. We were too wired, playing Bon Jovi and Coldplay and watching the movie Juno. My mom kept telling me that I had to be on Good Morning America in just a few hours. In fact, it was already the same “morning.” She reminded me that it was live national television. But eventually she gave up.
そしてプロモーションが色々と始まりました。ABCの朝の情報番組「Good Morning America」への出演のため、私はロサンゼルスから飛行機に乗り込みます。時刻は午後7時。私と、お母さんと、姉のブランディが、我が家のプライベートジェット機に乗り込みました。理由はわからないのですが、ブランディも私もなかなか寝付けません。変にハイになりすぎて、ボン・ジョヴィだの、コールドプレイだのを歌ったり、映画の「Juno」を見たりしちゃったのです。お母さんはそんな私に、ずっと言葉をかけ続けます「もう2,3時間でGood Morning America」に出演するのよ」、て。実際、時刻は0時を回って、当日の「Morning」になっていました。全国向けの生放送なんだ、と言い続けてくれていたのですが、結局呆れられちゃった。
So we arrived in New York at three in the morning. I had to be at Good Morning America to get hair and makeup at 4:30. We checked into a hotel and tried to nap for half an hour. The three of us. In one bed. My mom is 5'7. Brandi is 5'6. I was curled up between them, trying to sleep, but Mom was all restless because she was so stressed about my being tired. It was a mess.
そんなこんなでニューヨークに到着したのが、午前3時でした。4時半には、「Good Morning America」出演のため、髪とメイクをしなければなりません。ホテルにチェックインをしたら、30分でも仮眠を取ろうということに。3人で同じベッドに川の字です。お母さんの身長が165cmくらい、ブランディが160cm弱かな。私は二人の間に横になって、身体をよじって、なんとか寝つこうとします。でもお母さんが全然落ち着きなくて。そりゃそうですよね、私に疲労が溜まっていることに、苛立っていたんです。もうメチャクチャ。
I “slept” for half an hour, went to hair and make-up, and showed up to do the sound check for the Good Morning America concert at six a. m. I performed at seven. The concert was no problem. The crowd gave me a rush, and I love performing. The concert finished at 8:30. Afterward, there was a half-hour meet and greet with a bunch of people. That's when I started feeling like a nap was in order. No such luck. I was due at the Today show.
30分「横になって」、髪とメイクをしてもらい、サウンドチェックをします。午前6時にはGood Morning Americaでのコンサートがあるのです。私の出番は7時。コンサートは無事に進みます。お客さん達は大満足って雰囲気でしたし、ホントに人前でのパフォーマンス、て大好き。8時半にはコンサートは全て終了。その後、30分ほどいろいろな人達を招いての交流会がありました。この時です。ようやくちゃんと眠りにつけるぞ、て気になり始めました。でもそんなに都合よく行くわけない。今度はNBCの朝の情報番組「Today」への出演時間になっちゃった。
In the car to the Today show, it hit me. Sleep. Must sleep. I dozed off and could have slept for hours. Unfortunately, it was only a seven-block car ride. Two minutes of rest is like eating one bite of a cookie - frustrating and completely unsatisfying. But there was no time for catnaps, much less naps. At nine o'clock I did a taped segment for Today. I tried my best, but I was so tired I don't even remember it. For all I know, I talked about how excited I was to be playing the role of Honky, Hannah Montana's prize-winning goose. Delirious. There were more interviews until eleven, when I spent an hour as the announcer at a marathon to promote Bolt. By then I could barely keep my eyes open. I did one more interview, then Brandi, my mom and I got in the car to the airport. I watched out the back window as the paparazzi chased the car. I was home in L. A. by three p. m. and back at work the next morning. Surprise, surprise, I was sick as a dog.
That felt like the hardest day ever. I know promotion is important. I always try to be professional about it, even though it can be pretty grueling. But if I knew how exhausting it would be, then why didn't I sleep on the plane? That's the ten-million-dollar question, isn't it? Was it worth watching Juno with Brandi? Sure didn't feel like it the next morning. But this is the problem when you're sixteen and you have grown-up responsibilities. You don't stop being sixteen.★
★Until your 17th birthday!
このニューヨークに行った日は、今までで一番つらかったかも。プロモーションは大事です。それはわかってる。だからボロボロだろうとなんだろうと、そこはお仕事、そう心がけてます。でもね~、疲れるって分かってたなら、なんで行きの機内で寝ないんだよ、て話ですよね。本当に、ワケわかんない。ですよね?ブランディと「Juno」見ちゃったけど、 睡眠時間削ってまですることか?翌朝になって「やめときゃよかった」、て気分。でもこれが、若干16歳にして大人の責任感が求められることの問題点ですよね。16歳で居ることをやめることはできません。★
I'm a kid. That's why, for the most part, we only did the big publicity and otherwise decided to let the album do whatever it was going to do. It was so weird not to do everything in my power to promote my first album under my own name. I am very proud of it and love what we came up with. But I also had to accept the reality of my situation. So much is happening all at once, so many opportunities. I want to make the most of them, but I also I need to stay sane.★ There will be a day, my parents constantly remind me, when I won't have so much going on. And when that day comes, I don't want to feel like an empty shell of a person.
★Sleep, eat, have real friendship, spend time with my family.