【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind


第41話The Climb: Miles to Go byマイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





The Climb 



When I read the script for the Hannah Montana movie, I was really happy. I didn't want it to be like an extra-long episode of the TV show. A movie should go further emotionally (and plotwise) than a half-hour comedy. The script had more depth than anyone expected, just what I was hoping for. I felt like I got to do much more serious acting. 



During the TV series, I'd become more and more of a Method actor. In Method acting you use experiences from real life to summon emotions for your character. When you have to be sad, you think about things that upset you. I started talking about Hannah as if she were a real person, because I really thought of her that way. She existed in my mind. During the movie, when Hannha is kind of a brat, I acted a little like the bratty, fit-throwing Hannah when I went home. I mean, I didn't exactly throw fits, but I was quiet and grumpy and exploring the character in my head. And then, in the movie, when Miley was herself again and is eating Southern food and hanging out with her grandmother, I did the same thing. 



★★★ 7 ways I'm not like Hannah Montana ★★★ 

1. I'm not perfect 

2. I don't like bright colors 

3. I don't like heels 

4. I don't wear a wig 

5. I'm bad at secrets 

6. I'm not cool 

7. My dad's not really my manager (thank goodness!) 

★★★ ハンナ・モンタナに私比べて私は・・・の7つ ★★★ 









I worked nine hours a day dancing, singing, and acting, but being in Tennessee made the time fly by. I was home. My family was around, and Mammie was there with me all day long, every single day. The environment was familiar, even though I hadn't been to all the movie locations. For one scene, I sat in the middle of a vast field of daisies with big electric fans behind me blowing a soft wind through the flowers. If you didn't look at the cameras, the lights, or the fans, the setting was captivating. 



The scariest moment came when I was shooting a scene with Lucas Till, who plays Travis Brody, my love interest in the movie. There's a scene where the two of us go to a waterfall where our characters used to hang out as kids. We were supposed to jump off a high rock ledge into the churning water of the waterfall. I'm a horrible swimmer. And I'd been eating crappy fried food for days. I was feeling fat and knew that my wet shirt would stick to all my bumps and lumps - not something I wanted on camera! But most of all I was scared of the big jump. And if that weren't enough, the water was cold. Ice cold. Dang it! 



Fear is the only obstacle that gets in the way of doing what we love. People are scared to travel, to try new things, to follow their dreams. Fear holds us back from living the lives we were made to live.  



Lucus had done his jump. No he was treading water at the pounding base of the waterfall, waiting for me to plunge in. I stood at the edge of the ledge, but I just couldn't do it. It was so far down! I hadn't tested the water, but I knew how cold it was. I thought I was going to die. Poor Lucas was down there, shirtless, freezing, yelling, “Hurry! You've gotta jump!” Finally I went. It was really freaking cold. But, wow! The exhilaration was worth it. When I came out of the water the director said, “That was amazing, and your cankles look great!” 




Right, about my cankles. They had become a big joke on the movie set. I'd tell the director, “I can't wear these shorts! They show my cankles,” or I'd say, “I can't eat this fried dough - it's going straight to my cankles.” And the director was always saying,”We need to try that again, but oh my gosh your cankles look fine.” Or “Good job! I didn't even notice your cankles.” I really meant it when I said I like to spin stuff in a positive way. “Cankles” may have bugged me at one point, but I took it and made it my own. Also, you have to admit it's just a funny word. So, there were my cankles, on full display for the movie cameras at the foot of a glorious waterfall in my hometown. Life could be worse. 



Life had been worse. When we moved away from Nashville I was at a low point. The Anti-Miley Club - a few mean girls at school - was making me miserable. Of course I'd been back to Nashville loads of times since then, but now I was coming home as a full-fledged movie star. (Well, I wasn't exactly a movie star yet. I was still in the making-the-movie phase, but close enough.) When I performed with The Cheetah Girls, I felt like I was proving those mean girls wrong. Now I had nothing to prove. Those girls didn't matter at all anymore. They had no power to make me unhappy, and, through Hannah Montana, I was the one with the power. I had the power to make lots of people laugh. In my little piece of the world, it felt like a triumph of good over evil. 



I'd left my Tennessee troubles behind, but it was still my home town. I didn't spend my childhood plunging into freezing waterfalls, but still, to have Miley Stewart come back to Tennessee, Miley Cyrus's home - it was life imitating art imitating life (like my dad always says). It tends to get me going in circles, thinking about how my character Miley's life is like mine and mine is like Miley's. Hannah Montana is all fiction, of course, but there's a thread through it that is connected with what's real in my world and the way I've been raised, being with my dad through the journey of music. 



In the movie, I sing a song called “The Climb,” which kind of captures the magic of what the show means to me. Dad always tells me that success is the progressive realization of worthy ideas or goals. That means that the best part - the part when you're most successful - is when you're taking steps forward toward your dream. When you're working to achieve it, not when you're on top. It's like Carl Perkins told me when he and my dad were rabbit hunting without guns. It's about enjoying the chase. 

映画の中で私が歌う「The Climb」は、この映画私にとって意味するもの、その魔法のようなものを描いた感じになっています。成功とは、自分にとって価値のある思いつきや、幾つも設定した目標を、途切れることなく実現し続けること、お父さんはいつもそう言います。ということは、最高の瞬間、つまり、結構うまくいっている時というのは、自分の夢に向かって歩みを止めないでいる時、てことね。「実現し」ようと頑張っている間、というのは、まだ頂点には届いていない。カール・パーキンスが言ってた言葉みたいね。彼とお父さんが、猟銃も持たずにウサギ狩りに行った時に、「追いかけ回すこと自体が楽しいんだよ」、あれよ。 


It's about having a dream and seeing it in the distance. It's about working for what you want. It's about the climb. 



At the end of the movie, as each actor finishes their part, they get “wrapped,” which means the director announces that the person is done and the whole crew claps. On our last day of shooting, after everyone left had wrapped, they called out, “Mammie,” who had sat there every day, no matter how hot it was or how long the shoot went. They wrapped Mammie, and everyone gave her a much-deserved standing ovation. It made me feel like my two families were now one.  



Go, Mammie! 
