【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind



2. A Human Thing 

June 18, 2003 

2.人間らしさ 2003年6月18日  




Dear Anthony, 

I've got a lot on my mind that needs passing to you. Today, I'd like to cover a good bit of ground: more lessons inherent in the great Charlie Parker, some tales from my own musician's road, and some thoughts about the three P words ― patience, persistence, and productivity. Man, you'll need to hold on to all three of those words to play jazz well ― not to mention writing letters. So don't get worked up if the pace of my writing is slower than your own. I promise to get to these letters when I can, jot a few lines to you during those gaps between the bus ride, the sound check, and the gig. Yeah, I realize you want to taste this life for yourself. May as well you some of the things you need to know. We'll keep this simple ― just a few thoughts back and forth between you and me. And it won't be all formal and overbearing, because that's not how jazz is made. I'll just pass you some thoughts on life and music, because, ultimately, they end up as one and the same. By the way, you wanted to know about coming to see me at my place in New York when you get here ― no problem, man. My house is always filled with people. We'll just hook things up when I get back to town. And don't call, just drop by. Otherwise you'll never catch me.  


君に伝えなければいけないことが、頭の中に沢山浮かんでいるところだ。今日は、沢山書いてゆこうと思う。名人・チャーリー・パーカーにまつわる、更に多くの教えや、僕自身のミュージシャンとして生きてきた中からの話、それから今日は、Pで始まる3つの単語 - 辛抱すること(patience)、粘り強くあること(persistence)、そして建設的に物を生み出す力のこと(productivity)- について。ジャズを上手に演奏しようとするなら、勿論、手紙を書く時も、この3つの単語については、しっかりとつかんでおかないといけない。だから、僕の手紙を書くペースが、君よりノロマだとしても、イライラしないこと。バスでの移動やサウンドチェック、そして本番の合間を見て、手紙を取り出しては2・3行ずつでも君宛てに書くことを約束するよ。君が人生を満喫したい気持ちは分かっているよ。だから君が知っておくべきことを、いくつか君に示してもいいかもしれない、と思っているんだ。面倒なものの言い方はしない。君と僕との間で、いくつか思うことを、行ったり来たりやり取りしよう。形式的な物の言い方や威圧的な態度は、全てありえないこと。なぜなら、そう言い方や態度を取らないことが、ジャズの作り方だからさ。人生のこと、それから音楽のことについて、僕の思いを伝えてゆくし、なぜなら、人生のことも音楽のことも、この二つは結局同じことなんだ。ところで話は変わるけれど、ニューヨークに来たら僕の家を訪ねてもいいか、君は知りたがっていたよね。勿論OKさ。我が家はいつでも人でいっぱいだ。僕は戻る時は片付けを皆でするから。そうそう、前もって電話をかけるようなことはしないこと。ふらりと来るように。でないと僕には会えない、と思っていてくれ。  



1.I've got a lot on my mind that needs passing to you 


現在完了(I've got) 関係詞(that needs) 動名詞(passing)  

6.you'll need to hold on to all three of those words to play jazz well - not to mention writing letters 


不定詞(need to hold to play) 動名詞(writing)  

(p.16,1) May as well show you some of the things you need to know 


仮定法(may as well) 関係詞・省略(the things [that] you need) 不定詞(to know)  



So let's rap about these P words a bit, patience first of all. Patience will enter in through many doors: You need patience with the arc of your own development, and you need patience with your fellow musicians, many of whom will be less than serious. You need patience with critics. With friends who are uninterested in any art. See, in jazz you need other people. You can't be as self-involved and narcissistic as you want to be, because jazz is your musical interaction with others. 





16.You can't be as self-involved and narcissistic as you want to be, because jazz is your musical interaction with others 


禁止(can't be) 同等比較(be as self-involved and narcissistic as you want to be)  



And persistence? You need persistence because playing jazz is a life replete with self-doubt and difficulties that never go away ― they just change. Once you get on this road, you gonna be on it. It won't get easier. It doesn't matter if your popularity grows, or if you make money. More money and popularity won't matter, because the act of creation and remaining invigorated to create can't be purchased or hyped. Gravity never stops pushing. Persistence helps you push back. 




19.playing jazz is a life replete with self-doubt and difficulties that never go away - they just change 


形容詞の後置修飾(a life replete with) 関係詞(that never go)  

23.the act of creation and remaining invigorated to create can't be purchased or hyped 


動名詞(remaining) 過去分詞(invigorated) 不定詞(to create)  



And you have to be productive: What you do is what you will do. I had a friend I played football with back in Kenner, Louisiana. Before a game we would all be in the car braggin' and talkin' about what we were gonna do. But this friend would wait until you messed something up: You dropped a pass, got a flag thrown on you, missed an interaction or a tackle, you cost the team something. Then he would walk down the bench real slow, bend down into your face mask, and he would scream as loud as he could, “Let's see, motherfucker, let's see!” We'd laugh, 'cause it would break the tension after you'd messed up. But it also let you know that you had to get back up and redeem yourself: Let's see now; let's see what you're made of. That's always in your life, man. Whether you drop a football, mess up your solo, or initiate a bad relationship. How will you get up? “Let's see!” Continue to produce no matter what. 





5.Before a game we would all be in the car braggin' and talkin' about what we were gonna do 


過去の習慣(we would) 分詞構文(braggin' and talkin') 関係詞(what we were)  

12.it would break the tension after you'd messed up 


過去の習慣(would break) 過去完了(you had messed up)  

17.Continue to produce no matter what 


不定詞(to produce) 関係詞(no matter what =whatever)  



Coming to New York to become a jazz musician you'd better be prepared to drop a few footballs. Man, I remember when I came up. Word had spread: “There's a cat from New Orleans that can play. He's gonna come up here and he's gonna be playin' jazz.” I went to a jam session up in Harlem at the Red Rooster with a trumpeter named Bucky Thorpe; he was still alive back then. And Tom Browne was at this jam session. Now, Tom Browne had put out a hit called “Funkin' for Jamaica.” I'm thinking, “They don't have no integrity, man. He plays trumpet for a hobby. He's out here piloting airplanes and shit. I'm hungry. I'm up here to straighten all this shit out.” And the cats, the older guys, would say that, too. I was seventeen at the time. 




So I walk into the club, and the guys say, “Yeah, there's that cat from New Orleans! He gonna straighten this shit out. Yeah, go jump on Tom Browne.” So I pulled my horn out. And man, he cut a huge gaping hole in my ass, just tore me up that night. Then he looked at me as if to say, “You the kid that's supposed to be straightening this shit out?” And one of the older cats who had just boosted me up before I got on the bandstand shook his head and said, “Man, if you what they sending up here, Lord help us.” 





12.Then he looked at me as if to say “You the kid that's supposed to be straightening this shit out? 


仮定法・反実仮想(as if to say) 関係詞(that's) 不定詞(to be straightening)  

13.And one of the older cats who had just boosted me up before I got on the bandstand shook his head 


関係詞(who) 過去完了(had just boosted)   



But that was a good experience because that let me know that it's not about what you think, or what it appears to be. It's about what is. And what it was right then was Tom Browne's foot in my behind. Now with all that “Funkin' for Jamaica” and whatever condescending thoughts I had about funk music, once we started playing, he outplayed me. That was a wake-up call. 




17.that let me know that it's not about what you think 


使役動詞+O+原型不定詞(let me know) 関係詞(what) 



Another time I sat in with Mel Lewis's band. And it was the same murmuring: “Yeah, this boy here from New Orleans who can play.” He made me wait until the last tune. And then he called out a tune in D-flat minor, a shuffle. I had never played in the key of D-flat minor. I didn't know the tune. It showed. I sounded thoroughly sad. 




Afterward, nobody told me nothin'. Cats packed up their horns. Lewis just shook his head, like, “Oh man, you've got to be joking!” That was the message that was communicated to me: I'm too sad to be up here in New York. I got so depressed , because you tend to see everything you do as life's crucial moment. “Ain't been in town one month and already I got my head cut. I went to sit in with this man, and now he ain't even lookin' at me.” And I'm coming from New Orleans, where I'm being celebrated. Man, I wanted to go home. But then I thought about my homeboy: “Let's see, mothafucka.” You know, even now at forty-one, I still think about him in those types of moments. So, I got up the next morning and started dealing with D-flat minor. 





6.That was the message that was communicated to me: I' m too sad to be up here in New York. 


関係詞(that was) 否定表現(too sad to be)  

7.you tend to see everything you do as life's crucial moment 


不定詞(to see) 関係詞・省略(everything [that] you do)  



Our conversation before the tour got me thinking about roads. This road ― and this tour bus ― that I'll be on for the next few weeks, and the road you're walking down as you learn this art form. You seem so compelled to figure it out. Man, you sure packed enough questions into your first letter. Hey, that curiosity will work for you, but guard against it driving you to frustration. Answer won't always pop up, because when you learn music, you have to understand context in order to make sense of many things. You're always seeking meaning and form. Why is this here? What purpose does that serve? Ultimately, you want your playing to be purposeful. And those things that sound random, you want them to be random by design. You don't want that to be a case of “Oops! That's not what I meant. I hope it will come out okay.” Mastery is never a matter of not knowing. If it were, there would be more people lucking up into it. And you wouldn't need to seek information. 




You've told me of your love and reverence for Charlie Parker's music. Now, Charlie Parker was a genius of the first order. For all this personal problems, he had timeless insights into what it means to be alive. And he also set standards of technical excellence, a quickness of thought and depth of expression that will always challenge you. Here's the beautiful thing: As you grow as a musician, your understanding of him will deepen. And the way you hear his playing will deepen, as well. You'll love him even more. 





11.he had timeless insights into what it means to be alive 


関係詞(what) 仮主語(it means) 不定詞(to be alive)  



I'll tell you the main lesson in Parker's playing: Have confidence in how you feel about things. See, Parker played Charlie Parker, not bebop. People say he played bebop, but he played himself. As a musician you have to believe in your own expression, and you can't look around for the answer. How would anyone else know? That's the underlying lesson of Charlie Parker's music: Be yourself. Duke Ellington said it best: “It's better to be a number one yourself than a number two somebody else.” The paradox with listening to someone like Bird is that his personality is so strong it pulls you in his direction. But you earn your individuality by encountering these strong personalities and still deciding on your own way. 




23.How would anyone else know? 


反語(How?) 仮定法過去(would anyone else know)   



When you listen to the greatest musicians, someone like Charlie Parker, don't merely listen to the notes they play or the harmonic content. The notes are merely the covering, the facade. Listen to what they express. Then you will hear meaning. And that meaning, that reality, is far more important than the notes or the harmony, because the notes of the harmony are obvious and finite. You have to search for the meaning and there are infinite implications in each nuance. Over the next few weeks, I'll talk about one of the great misconceptions in our music ― the supposed battle between technical proficiency and emotional reality. In fact, you're probably gonna get tired of me harping on it. But much as I may urge the connection with emotion and feeling, keep in mind: Emotion and feeling don't make up the whole story, because if you can't play the notes and harmony, you're not going to be like Parker and the rest. You'll just be inept. 





Some folks are fortunate enough to be melodic wellsprings. Charlie Parker, of course, was surrounded by melodies, root melodies: church music, Kansas City blues, country blues, American popular song. He liked a lot of music, all kinds of melodic songs. They were a part of the fabric of his everyday life. That was his age. You don't live in that type of age. So you have to function like a griot or musicologist like Bela Bartok. You have to carry the melodic meaning of your culture with you. Sometimes an artist is born into a golden age. Then he or she can state the ideas already transpiring with greater clarity. In other ages, he may have to counterstate the trends, to bring things back, or to redirect them. We can't control what age we're born in. But responses and meaningful statements can be made in any age. 




As you listen to Charlie Parker and any of the great melodic jazz player, you'll wonder: Where will I get my melodies? Where will they come from? If you can't figure out wehre your melodies come from then you'll be reduced to playing scales on chords, and that will never produce good music. Unfortunately, you're learning in an age that's neither melodic nor romantic. So you've got to figure out where to go to get stuff if you want certain elements in your music. Search. Like when you hear a word whose meaning you don't know, you go look it up. What if you hear a phrase played by Charlie Parker and you don't know what it means? Well, you're probably not going to know you don't know what it means. In all likelihood, you won't have any idea that you don't know, because you will be the only one among your friends who's trying to play. Well, don't ask them. Try to find someone who knows. A visiting jazz musician or the local true jazz aficionado. Don't ever be discouraged. Search. 





12.If you can't figure out where your melodies come from then you'll be reduced to playing scales on chordsnu                                                                                            


疑問詞節(where your melodies) 動名詞(reduced to playing)  

16.So you've got to figure out where to go to get stuff if you want certain elements in your music 


疑問詞+不定詞(where to go) 不定詞(to get stuff)  

19.What if you hear a phrase played by Charlie Parker and you don't know what it means? 


過去分詞(a phrase played by) 疑問詞節(you don't know what it means)  



As a teen, I never heard any of my friends, those who were not musicians themselves, say the name of any jazz musician. Ever. Over seventeen years, of all the guys I grew up with, playing ball and everything else, I never heard any of them say the name of any jazz artist in any context. No Louis Armstrong. No Miles Davis. No Charlie Parker. I'm not talking preference. I'm not saying that someone might have said, “I don't like John Coltrane.” They'd never heard of him. I never looked down on anyone for that; the only reason I knew about jazz was because my daddy played. 




[p.23,3]I never heard any of my friends, those who were not musicians themselves, say the name of any jazz musician 


知覚動詞+O+原型不定詞(heard any say) 関係詞・非制限用法(my friends, those who were)  

5.Over seventeen years, of all the guys I grew up with, playing ball and everything else, I never heard any of them say the name of any jazz artist in any context 


分詞構文(playing ball) 知覚動詞+O+原型不定詞(heard any say)  



Musical and cultural development ebbed when my generation came up, and what had happened before wasn't transferred to us. We mainly played pop and funk music. The church music was slowly being corrupted and a lot of the great jazz legends had sold out. We didn't have the type of national leadership we needed. Some of the more popular ones still hung on, like Art Blakey; but we thought them old. Certain younger artists still played ― Woody Shaw, for instance. But older jazz musicians, in the main, focused on the effort to get a hit. Forget transferring information. 




15.The church music was slowly being corrupted and a lot of the great jazz legends had sold out 


受動態・進行形(was being corrupted) 過去完了(had sold out)  



For us youngsters, if you liked music, if you could even tell the difference between real jazz and funk, the question was, “Why play jazz?” You didn't feel meaning ― girls didn't like it; no one made money from it. When I was a kid, we equated the past with degradation and the useless. We didn't learn that the past held anything other than segregation. Sure, you could have taken my father's jazz class, but there were probably five of us in there. And, frankly, we didn't know what he was talking about, because none of the values he espoused through the music resonated with anything else in our lives. We knew about Super Fly, we knwo about James Brown, we knew about Stevie Wonder, we knew about Kool and the Gang. We knew what it took to get your ass whipped. We knew who cooked the best gumbo, who had the best pool game, who played the best ball, and who was fast. 




[p.24,4]Sure, you could have taken my father's jazz class 


仮定法過去完了(could have taken)  

6.we didn't know what he was talking about, because none of the values he espoused through the music resonated with anything else in our lives 


関係詞(what he was) 関係詞・省略(the values [that] he espoused)   



Under those conditions it's difficult to piece together a philosophy strong enough to sustain an artistic impulse. Even if you had the impulse, you had to put your salesman's shoes on; you had to persuade everyone else to try to play something they didn't believe in. 





14.Under those conditions it's difficult to piece together a philosophy strong enough to sustain an artistic impulse 


仮主語(it's difficult) 不定詞(to piece together a philosophy strong enough to sustain)  

17.you had to persuade everyone else to try to play something they didn't believe in 


不定詞(to try to play) 関係詞・省略(something they didn't)  



Man, back then it would have been nice had I known some of the things I know now, though I suppose we all say that. I wish I had known the importance of going to the sources for information. That's simple enough, right? Don't rely on the old adage. “Everyone knows.” Want to learn about Scott Joplin? Go to his manuscripts. Jelly Roll Morton? Check out his tapes. What Duke Ellington had to say about a subject ? The answers sit right in his interviews. And I would have spoken to the older musicians in more detail. As a teen I didn't have the understanding or context to know what they were talking about. I'd rap with cats like Roy Eldridge and Sweets Edison. But the essence of what they said slipped by me. I understood some; but had I known the significance of what they had done, I would have pursued their knowledge with much more fervor. 




20.back then it would have been nice had I known some of the things I know now 


仮主語(it) 仮定法過去完了(would have been nice had I known) 関係詞・省略(the things [that] I know now)  

[p.25,2.]I didn't have the understanding or context to know what they were talking about 


不定詞(to know) 関係詞(what they)  

6.but had I known the significance of what they had done, I would have pursued their knowledge with much more fervor 


仮定法過去完了(had I known I would have pursued) 関係詞(what they had)  



I just kept searching on my own, kept trying to get better, kept trying to understand my one thing. And as you follow this road, Anthony, it will keep leading you back to that, because you have only one thing to interpret. That one thing may have many ways to it, many facets. But it's one thing all the same: what you understand, what you can do. If you can do it, you can do it. If you can't do it, you can't. Don't take that negatively. Since there's only the one thing, and there are many ways of doing that one thing, folks have the capacity to do it. Thing is, most don't want to. Because doing the one thing means sacrifice. All too often you have many its that you want to pursue, and sometimes they conflict, a tussle right there on the boundary among three great dos: what you can do, what you should do, and what you want to do. When the three sit aligned, you're all right. But usually they fight. It's up to you to bring the dos together. This is where patience, persistence, and productivity reenter.   





9.I just kept searching on my own, kept trying to get better, kept trying to understand my one thing 


動名詞(kept searching kept trying) 不定詞(to get better to understand) 



Now, it's not easy. Too often what you want to do is not what you should do; sometimes what you should do is not what you can do. And sometimes what you can do is not what you want to do. With me, I always wanted to play. I always wanted to play, in spite of what anyone else did. Well, once I got serious about playing, at any rate. I wanted to be in that certain place where the older cats would respect me. Real respect, not the lip service that became customary because they had given up on the younger musicians, given up to the point that everything you played they would applaud: “Man, it's great. We just glad to see somebody trying to play.”    





10.We just glad to see somebody trying to play 


知覚動詞+O+現在分詞(see somebody trying) 不定詞(to play)  



A sense of integrity guided me. I wanted to hear myself playing in that certain place and I knew I wasn't there. That drove my search. See, mentorship was a strange thing for me in those days. It gave me both great and little influence in my own development: great influence in terms of knowing what had happened; very little influence in terms of what needed to happen. Because of the great changes in the civil rights movement and the rock revolution, most of the mentors understood what they knew from their time, but they couldn't understand our time. I suppose that's a lot to ask of someone. 




Things have changed today. For one, a lot more people can play now. More people are invested and interested in playing now than when I came up. On trumpet alone you've got Ryan Kisor, Marcus Printup, Jeremy Pelt, Mike Rodriguez, and Jean Jones. Piano players like Danilo Perez, Aaron Goldberg, Eric Reed, and Eric Lewis. That reality can't help but keep you optimistic about the state of the art form. Though, to be honest, man, I have no problem mustering optimism. Jazz itself is so great, it will produce people that can play. Art forms exist across time because the greatest people with the most talent are driven to them. Why? Great art issue challenges. And artists love to be tested. As long as people play saxophone, they will be challenged by Charlie Parker. And with art, people speak to one another's cultures across time. Sixteenth-century counterpoint could be revived if someone could make it live. Like Shakespeare revived the tragedy. Like Picasso revived so many forms. It simply comes down to who makes a decision to take on the challenge, regardless of era. 




[p.27,4.] Jazz itself is so great, it will produce people that can play 


so+C+that S+V(so great that it will)  

関係詞(people that can play)  

10.Sixteenth-century counterpoint could be revived if someone could make it live 


仮定法過去(could be if someone could) 使役動詞+O+原型不定詞(make it live)  

13.It simply comes down to who makes a decision to take on the challenge, regardless of era 


関係詞(who makes) 不定詞(to take)  



The level of playing today may not stack up to past eras, because players, generally speaking, don't posses the same degree of consciousness. And there's less pressure. If people put a lot of pressure on you, man, you're going to play better. There was a time when the use of the word “no” carried power in a jam session; not like today's mutual admiration societies. But that, too, is subject to time. That attitude could reverse, because the performances produced on those classic records will always be around for people to listen to, to know what great jazz playing sounds like. You have to know where the standard lies. 





21.That attitude could reverse, because the performances produced on those classic records will always be around for people to listen to, to know what great jazz playing sounds like 


仮定法(could reverse) 過去分詞(performances produced on) 不定詞(to listen to to know) 疑問詞節(what great jazz playing sounds like)  



I love this music. It pushes me, artistically, personally. I got to hear it. But it's deeper than the music. For me, it's about people. It's about a thing, a human thing, the best of what comes out of us ― a consciousness, a feeling, a way. That's why I enjoy listening to people play live more than any CD; but don't believe that it's not possible for contemporary practitioners to reach or transcend those moments of greatness frozen on classic CDs. We can and sometimes do. There was a time when I wondered. Now I know. People are still playing. It doesn't make a difference whether someone else is enamored with what was. The road leads back to you. Whether you can hear it or not, and do you go out to hear people play. Listening is a part of practice. I see Frank Wess out listening to people all the time. Dressed down at eighty-something and still swinging.   


 僕はこの音楽(ジャズ)が大好きなんだ。芸術面でも、人として生きる上でも、僕の背中を押してくれる。ジャズは、とにかく聞かないといけない、と僕は思っている。でも聴かないといけないものは、音楽そのものよりも、もっと深い所にある。それは、人間とは何か、についてだ。それは人間らしさ、人間から出てくる最高のものだ - それは意識とか、感覚とか、「道」という概念とかだったりする。だからこそ僕は、どんなCDよりも生演奏を聴きに行くのが楽しいんだ。でも誤解してはいけないこと、それは、今の時代のプロ達は、銘板のCDに録音された偉大な演奏と、肩を並べてゆくことも出来るし、実際時々その通りになっている。僕も昔はこのことについては半信半疑だったが、今はそう信じるようになった。昔も今も、人々は演奏しているのだよ。他人が過去の録音に夢中になろうが、何をしようが、そのようなことは関係ない。この道は君の方へと戻ってくる。「人間らしさ」が君の耳に、届こうと届くまいと、聴きに行くんだ、人間の演奏を。それも練習の一つだ。フランク・ヴェスは、常に生演奏を聴きに足を運ぶ。80代かそこらの彼は、酷評を受けても今尚スウィングし続ける。外の世界にその身を置いてね。  



5.That's why I enjoy listening to people play live more than any CD 


関係詞(why) 動名詞/知覚動詞+O+原型不定詞(enjoy listening to people play)  

6.but don't believe that it's not possible for contemporary practitioners to reach or transcend those moments of greatness frozen on classic CDs 


仮主語(it's not) 不定詞(to reach or transcend) 過去分詞(frozen on)  

11.Whether youcan hear it or not, and do yougo out to hear people play 


強調(do you go) 知覚動詞+O+原型不定詞(hear people play)  

13.I see Frank Wess out listening to people all the time. Dressed down at eighty-something and still swinging 


知覚動詞+O+現在分詞/過去分詞(see Frank Wess out listening Dressed out swinging)  



I used to hear my daddy and them talk about going to the woodshed. Man, I thought the woodshed was a place where you got your behind whipped. And it is, but it's also the place where you get your stuff together. You know, Charlie Parker got a cymbal thrown at him; he went into the woodshed and came out with a technique to play the music he needed to play. And we still need to go there. That's why we call practice “shedding.” By the way, practice ― there's another P word for you. 




16.I used to hear my daddy and them talk about going to the woodshed 


過去の習慣(used to) 知覚動詞+O+原型不定詞(hear my daddy and them talk)  

17.I thought the woodshed was a place where you got your behind whipped 


関係詞(where) get+O+過去分詞(got your behind whipped)  

20.he went into the woodshed and came out with a technique to play the music he needed to play 


不定詞(to play) 関係詞・省略(the music [that] he needed)  



That reminds me: Don't forget that productivity. You want to be a musician? Get out and play gigs. Remember the simple equation: What you do is what you will do. So if you play, you will play. If you bullshit, well, that too will speak for itself, right? 

Keep being Anthony. 


