【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind




The First Movement 

プロローグ 第一楽章:  


Phone conversation is one thing; a letter lasts. I love the intimacy of letters, the warm communication that flows between two people who take the time to write. It reminds me of dialogue on the bandstand. What better way to talk to a young jazz musician? Words frozen on paper like a recording. I think about all the lessons I've had with some of the greatest musicians: Art Blakey, Dizzy, Sweets, John Lewis, Gerry Mulligan, Sarah Vaughan, Danny Barker. I recall the wonderful nurturing conversations with so many phenomenal people now gone from this world: Sir Roland Hanna, Miles, Ray Brown ― oh man!, so many. I've heard lots of stories and received great, firsthand instruction from them. Invaluable nuggets, man. Many deep words, some made thin by time and the fallibility of memory. I wish I had some letters from them. 





2.the warm communication that flows between two people who take the time to write  


関係詞(communication that flows / people who take) 不定詞(time to write)  


4.What better wayto talk to a young musician? 


反語(What better?) 不定詞(way to talk)  


5.Words frozen on the paper 


過去分詞(Words frozen)  




As I travel around the country, around the world, I always meet groups of people who love to talk about issues and respond to my experiences. And I've long wanted to set some of those ideas, and the thoughts inspired by those responses, in the kind of book that can answer many of the concerns of younger musicians. Whatever parts of the globe they may come from, these young people are bonded by a search for meaning. You might think they're mainly interested in technical information, but that sort of information is abundantly available. Mostly they seek meaning from me. They want to know: Who did you know? What did they say? What was it like playing with Art Blakey? Is it all right to be me? See, that's the main thing younger people want to know ― is it okay to be themselves, as musicians as human being? 





2.groups of people who love to talk about issues 


関係詞(people who love) 不定詞(love to talk)  


3.I've long wanted to set some of those ideas, and the thoughts inspired by those responses, in the kind of book that can answer 


現在完了(I've wanted) 過去分詞(thoughts inspired by) 関係詞(book that can answer)  


6.Whatever parts of the globe they may come from 




12.that's the main thing younger people want to know 


関係詞(thing [that] people want)  


13.is it okay to be themselves 


仮主語(is it) 不定詞(to be themselves)  




In my teaching I try to give some answers: “Of course it's all right to be you. And not only is it all right to be you, you are your greatest creation.” I try to convey my sense of jazz as well, my understanding of its direction and meaning. When you play with musicians, when you just talk with people, you realize that each person has a direction in life. Specific ideas that he or she thinks and believes and feels. An art form is no different from life. The objectives are broader, of course, because an art form includes all of us ― our aspiration, our memories, our contrary ways of thinking.  




16.not only is it all right to be you, you are your greatest creation 


AだけでなくBも(not only is it [but] you are) 仮主語(is it) 不定詞(to be you)  


20.Specific ideas that he or she thinks 


関係詞(ideas that he or she thinks)  




That's why the deeper you go into an art, the more you learn about yourself and about living. Art interprets mythology, and jazz interprets American mythology. Jazz speaks to a certain truth of the soul of our nation. And it will speak to the truth of your soul as a human being. When you contemplate the wisdom in jazz, eventually you see the objectives of the music as your objectives. Then you realize that the objective of your music align with the proclaimed objectives of your nation: To improvise means to invent your own way of intelligently using what you have in order to improve your environment; to swing means to maintain equilibrium with elegance, to be resilient; and to play the blues means that no matter how tragic a situation may be, you have the capacity to conquer it with style. The blues recognizes the importance of human will: It says, I'm down now. I might as well stay down.” If it did that, it wouldn't be “the blues.” It would just be “blues.” The “get up” part is what makes it “the blues” 









1.That's why the deeper you go into an art, the more you learn about yourself and about living. 


関係詞(that's why) the 比較級、the 比較級(the deeper, the more)  


9.To improvise means to invent your own way of intelligently using what you have in order to improve your environment 


不定詞(To improvise means to invent) 動名詞(using) 関係詞(what you have)  不定詞(in order to improve)  


11.to swing means to maintain equilibrium with elegance, to be resilienct 


不定詞(to swing means to maintain, to be resilient)  


12.to play the blues means that no matter how tragic a situation may be, you have the capacity to conquer it with style 


不定詞(to play the blues means) 関係詞(no matter how) 不定詞(the capacity to conquer)  


16.I might as well stay down 


~する方がマシだ(might as well)  


16.If it did that, it wouldn't be “the blues.”  


仮定法過去(If it did, it wouldn't be)  


17.The “get up” part is what makes it “the blues.” 


関係詞(what) OをCにする(make it “the blues”  



improviseインプロバイズする(アドリブ) improvisationインプロバイゼーション