【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind



6. Who Keeps the Gate? 

August 14, 2003 

6.門番は誰が 2003年8月14日   




Dear Anthony,  

How goes it? Man, your letter caught me by surprise. You sounded so genuinely angry I had to read it twice. And all because of that article you sent along? Hey, I read it. Didn't stir me much, but I guess I've become used to it. Don't let criticism you read or hear of me shake you none. It doesn't bother me. Why should it bother you? In fact, the criticism makes me feel good because it's actually a sign of respect. Not respect for my music ― frankly, I don't think most of these fellas have really heard my playing ― but a sign of respect for who I am in the culture. Over the years the criticism has seldom attacked my actual music, just someone's notion of what I represent. Anyway, what if you never got attacked, only celebrated? Man, that would be boring. Hey, get used to a good drubbing, too, for your own part, if you want to pick up this charge of standing against the tide. Everyone has to face some sort of criticism. The question is, what will yours be?  




5.Don't let criticism you read or hear of me shake you none 


使役動詞/関係詞・省略(let criticism [that] you read shake)  

8.Not respect for my music - frankly, I don't think mostof these fellas have really heard my playing - but a signof respect for who I am in the culture 


Not A but B (Not respect but a signof respect) 動名詞(playing) 関係詞(who)  

11.Over the years the criticism has seldom attacked my actual music, just someone's notion of what I represent 


現在完了(has attacked) 関係詞(what)   



When critics get on me, you'll hear them toss the word “gatekeeper” about, as though I stand barring entrance to the hallowed pantheon of jazz. In truth, the criticism has nothing to do with that, either. Look, with intelligent people, certain agendas have to be couched, camouflaged. And the thing the agenda gets couched in is seldom the issue. Folks rile about affirmative action. Affirmative action is not the issue. The issues stem from slavery. The issues are competition for jobs, education, compensation, and a tradition of being denied. But the term “affirmative action” assumes a life of its own. Then it means quotas. But it doesn't mean quotas. It means a proactive relationship withe people who have been denied access. Few, however, will discuss the issue in those terms. They'd rather discuss quotas and the Bakke decision. Anthony, words take on lives of their own and end up having little to do with what they actually represent. Bottom line, the same people without jobs. And don't think that a black issue is not everyone's issue.  


批評家が僕をやっつける時、「門番」という言葉で揺さぶってくる。まるで僕が、ジャズという神殿の入り口に立ちはだかっているかのようにね。実際は、批評の内容は、それとは 関係が無かったりする。ほら、頭の良い人達にとっては、話のお題目というのは、内容をストレートに表現しないよう、工夫したものにしなくてはいけないみたいなんだ。そしてお題目に書かれていることは、話の本筋では全然なかったりする。「アファーマティブアクション」と言うと、人は敏感に反応するよね。でもそれは、話の本筋ではない。本筋はそもそも、昔の奴隷制に端を発している。就職活動や学校教育、差別を受けたことへの補償、尊厳を否定されてきた因習のことが、そもそも本筋だ。なのに「アファーマティブアクション」と言う言葉が独り歩きしている。ある時は、就活や入試なんかの人数枠の話になってしまうことがある。でもそれだって、話の本筋ではないんだ。本筋は、これまで交流を持つことがいけない、とされてきた人々と、プロアクティブな(物事の先を良く見据えたうえでの積極性)関係を持ってゆこう、ということなんだ。でもそこを論じる人なんて殆どいない。むしろ、人数枠のことだの、バッキ判決のことだのを論じようとする。アンソニー、言葉と言うものは、独り歩きを始めてしまうと、本来の意図からかけはなられる羽目に陥る。一番肝心なことは、同じアメリカ人でも仕事がある人々とない人々がいる、ということだろう。面倒な問題は、みんなで考えていくようにしないといけない。  


7.When critics get on me, you'll hear them toss the word “gatekeeper” about, as though I stand barring entrance to the hallowed pantheon of jazz 


知覚動詞+O+原型不定詞(hear them toss) 仮定法・反実仮想(as though)  

11.And the thing the agenda gets couched in is seldom the issue 


関係詞・省略(the thing [that] the agenda) 過去分詞(get couched in)  

19.Anthony, words take on lives of their own and end up having little to do with what they actually represent 


動名詞(having) 関係詞(what)  



When jazz critics attack me and call me a gatekeeper, I'm always tempted to say “Of what?” They say I'm the establishment. How can one man or one small organization be the establishment, with thousands of jobs, magazines, critical discourse, history, and tradition? All of that is jazz. Have they all given up being the establishment to let me run things? Hmmm. Maybe a certain type of bourgeois critic naturally rebels against what he perceives as middle-class or upper-middle-class structures. He's still just rebelling against himself. And what better to rebel against than the supposed establishment led by a Negro? That's a twofer, like hiring a black woman. 



[p.69,3].Have they all given up being the establishment to let me run things? 


現在完了(Have they given) 動名詞(being) 不定詞/使役動詞+O+原型不定詞(to let me run)  



It's also a head fake. The establishment is who's mad. In truth, the entire notion belongs in the strange dialogue of race, jazz, and America; it belongs in the answer to who really keeps the gate. Do musicians? Or do people and institutions who've made it their business over the decades to tell cats what they should play and say. Here's a good example of a verbal head fake: Musicians in New Orleans invent a style of music that celebrates freedom. They call it “ragtime” or “jazz.” Somehow it gets renamed “dixieland.” Now, dixie is the opposite of freedom to a Southern black musician. But there it is, on the name of their music (and nobody asked them). If a man in an interview were to say, “I don't play 'dixieland' and don't like dixie,” there he goes trying to be the establishment or just being difficult. You know how he is (wink wink). 




13.Or do people and institutions who've made it their business over the decades to tell cats what they should play and say 


関係詞/現在完了(who've) make+仮主語+C+不定詞(made it their business over the decades to tell cats) 関係詞(what they should)   



Let's talk about how and why, outside a dedicated core of musicians and artists, jazz is developing. I've seen the phenomenon running rampant at so many of the festivals at which we've played. And it has much to do with our contemporary definitions about jazz, and who makes them. Every art form has a meaning, and a great deal of time gets spent contemplating that meaning, figuring out how to delve deeper. We could be talking about forms from samba to flamenco, hundreds of forms of music, each with its advocates, formal education, and students. Some forms evolve and cross-pollinate with other forms. Schools of thought spring up. People spend their time writing books and analyzing In the end, a community of artists and scholars orbit a defined meaning and concentrate on levels of taste. 



25.I've seen the phenomenon running rampant at so many of the festivals at which we've played 


現在完了(I've) 知覚動詞+O+原型不定詞(seen the phenomenon running) 前置詞+関係詞(at which)  

[p.70, 3] .Every art form has a meaning, and a great deal of time gets spent contemplating that meaning, figuring out how to delve deeper 


過去分詞(spent) 分詞構文(contemplating figuring)  



But if all of these art forms have some meaning discernible enough for them to be taught, why not jazz? Man, as Geoff Ward says, “jazz seems like the only word in the English language with no meaning,” or a meaning so broad it includes everything. I don't know of another music form with a definition so broad, so fluid, that any essential meaning itself vanishes, or of one with so many supposed advocates happy with that state of affairs. So I pound a funk beat all night, but I've got a horn section; I'm playing jazz. I play electronic rock, but with a cat on the sax; I'm playing jazz. Some rappers roll out a few instruments, toss a horn solo on top; they're playing jazz. Well, what is jazz, then? 



13.But if all of these art forms have some meaning discernible enough for them to be taught, why not jazz? 


形容詞・後置修飾/enough for A+不定詞(some meaning discernible enough for them to be)  



Now, the real jazz, with people playing and swinging over form and blues, certain so-called experts say that's old and dead. They say that jazz today must achieve a state of perpetual innovation, with no achievement meriting contemplation or possessing lasting value. A fast-food art form. Perhaps that statement makes it seem like I'm against valuing innovation. Actually, I encourag knowing what something means so you'll know whether you're innovating to begin with. If you don't understand the meaning of a thing, how can you possibly innovate in it? And if it actually doesn't mean anything, why waste your time innovating in it? 




3.They say that jazz today must achieve a state of perpetual innovation, with no achievement meriting contemplation or possessing lasting value 


分詞構文(with no achievement meriting possessing) 現在分詞(lasting)  

7.Actually, I encourage knowing what something means so you'll know whether you're innovating to begin with 


動名詞/疑問詞節(knowing what) 近未来(you're innovating) 不定詞・慣用句(to begin with)   



Jazz has been watered down. And the curious thing with the process, all these alternative definitions of the music never build it up, they always amount to less ― less blues feeling, less swing, less improvisation in the context of harmonic forms that require the use of vernacular melodies. You're fed the illusion of more freedom, and you get less jazz. Yet, enhanced freedom was supposed to bring you more jazz. If you have more freedom, why is there less jazz? Where did the jazz go? Where does it rest? 




Well, the experts say, the jazz was all the older cats. They could play jazz. But they're gone. Now we supposedly have more freedom. So what should we teach younger people? Do we want them to play the jazz that older cats played because the experts and critics say those are the only people who played it? But that jazz doesn't mean anything anymore, according to the same cognoscenti, since it embodied those good ole hallmarks of swing and the blues and a soulful tone now deemed archaic. Or do we want young people to have more so-called freedom? So, young cats, your “more freedom” equals less jazz, but that's okay, because jazz is meaningless, anyway. How do you teach someone with that philosophy? Well, here's the punch line: Don't teach it. And if it doesn't propagate, then jazz has got to be dead, right?  But if that's the case, why is everything jazz? How can it be dead and yet be in everything, like salt? 



24.Do we want them to play the jazz that older cats played because the experts and critics say those are the only people who played it? 


不定詞(to play) 関係詞(that who)   



The point is: Critical institutions have codified a definition of jazz that works like assisted suicide, since jazz exists only in the form of deceased masters or in styles that have almost no jazz in them. There's no more jazz ― hallelujah! You are free to play other cultures' music badly and call it jazz, to play any form of backbeat music and call it cutting-edge jazz, any style imitating European avant-garde music and call it new jazz. But don't come in here swinging or with some blues. That alone among the jazz establishment is what must be stopped, because it's been done before by great jazz musicians before you. Wow! Talk about dixieland. Bring me a hot toddy! Let's dilute the music further to help it die. I contend that that was the objective all along. Don't teach it, because it brings you back to that great truth, and that great truth will battle that great lie. And the great lie is that there are people who by birth are objectively inferior to other people and who deserve to be mistreated, and that's a belief that has nothing to do with race, man. It's played out between races in this age, but at another time it might be between genders or tribes. But this music, jazz music, comes to say “God chooses.” No group or hairstyle deceides who delivers the message.   

要はこういうこと。批判的な論調の人達が決めつけたジャズの定義のせいで、ジャズは自分で自分の首を絞めるように仕向けられてしまっているんだ。なぜなら、ジャズが存在するのは、たった二つだけ。今は亡き巨匠達の演奏フォームか、今やジャズとはほとんど言えないような演奏スタイルか、どちらかの中にだけ、ということだ。ジャズなんてものはもはや存在しない - やったね!自由に他の文化の音楽をメチャクチャに演奏して「これはジャズだ」というもよし、自由に、バックビート系の曲を何でもかんでも演奏して、「最先端のジャズ」というもよし、自由にヨーロッパの前衛音楽を何でもかんでも演奏して、「新しいジャズ」というもよし(笑)。でもまともにスウィングやブルースなんかやっていてはダメだぞ(笑)。それだけでは、今のジャズを作ってゆく中では、ストップがかかってしまう(笑)。何しろ「今は亡き巨匠達」が、君より前にやってしまっているのだから(笑)さあて!ディキシーランドの話でもしようか!(笑)ホットトディ(酒)でも飲まなきゃやってられないよ!(笑)こんな音楽、薄っぺらにして息の根を止めてやろうじゃないか(笑)どうせ最初からそれが目的だったんだろう?(笑)ジャズなんか教え伝えてゆくものじゃない(笑)そんなことをしたら、前に話した「偉大な真実」にめぐり会ってしまうし、それは「大いなるウソ」とかち合うことになる。その「大いなるウソ」とは、世の中には生まれながらにして客観的に見ても他より劣っているがゆえに、虐げられて当然という人達がいる、ということ。どんな人種であろうと起こること、と信じられている。今の時代は、人種間で、時に性別間でも民族間でも起こることかもしれない。でも、このジャズという音楽ってやつは、いずれ「神が選ぶもの」と言い出しかねない。でも、そのメッセージを誰が伝えることになるかを決めることが出来る人なんて、この世にはいない。  


13.The point is : Critical institutions have codified a definition of jazz that works like assisted suicide, since jazz exists only in the form of deceased masters or in styles that have almost no jazz in them 


現在完了(have codified) 関係詞(that)  

16.You are free to play other culture's music badly and call it jazz, to play any form of backbeatmusic and call it cutting-edge jazz, any style imitating European avant-garde music and call it new jazz 

君は自由に 他の文化の音楽をひどく演奏してそれをジャズと呼んだり、バックビート系の音楽を何でもかんでも演奏してそれを最先端のジャズと呼んだり、ヨーロッパのアヴァンギャルド系の音楽を真似してそれを新しいジャズと呼んだりする: 

不定詞(to play) 現在分詞(imitating)  

[p.73,2] And the great lie is that there are people who by birth are objectively inferior to other people and who deserve to be mistreated, and that's a belief that has nothing to do with race, man 


関係詞(who that) 不定詞・慣用句(has nothing to do with)   



How do these two forces that we've talked about reconcile?  An ever growing, ever burgeoning critical mass of young, hungry-to-play musicians existing right alongside the dilution. I know it seems like a conflicting reality, but it's always been the reality. When Duke Ellington wrote his music, someone said he was writing jungle music. Many condescended to Louis Armstrong's playing. But there were also people saying, “Check out Armstrong.” 




Unfortunately, this era has fewer advocates. Thus, more stress lies on the people who want to be serious. Our culture has experienced a decline of intellectual rigor along with an unchecked decadence. When there's a greater degree of decadence, a higher level of heroism is required to combat it, because there's much less reward. And if you're serious, you run the risk of falling apart and crumbling because of the stress. It can kill you over a sustained period of time. When you're young, you hold the illusion that what you do will make a tangible difference in what you see. But while you're doing whatever you're doing, your antagonists are enacting their agenda as well. They don't stop what they're doing just because you're pursuing your game plan. That's the beauty of it. The criticism helps test your seriousness, and if you are truly serious, they don't stop. When they stop, you've either become the icon of icons or have been put out pasture like Uncle Remus, who looks at the girls but “him don't touch.” 




That dixieland fact may seem greatly ironic to you, Anthony, when you take America's democratic proposition into the equation. Where does all this anti-jazz pressure stem from, when so many people, especially white people, have practically adopted jazz as America's classical music? Yet, there's an undercurrent, an adversarial undercurrent that has existed at least since Jelly Roll claimed he was ripped off by his publishers all the way to today's phenomenon of writing the Negro out of the equation or freezing him in classic amber. But that's the reality of American life, the music of our history. It plays in cycles ― 

Civil War, then Reconstruction; the civil rights movement, then the Republican Reclamation. 





In our history, black and white come toward one another, and then we move apart. But each time, we come closer the next time that same point on the circle rolls around. But even in our current jazz time, things don't fall into a near racial equation. I tend to talk about “The Negro” because particular archetype of both jazz's and America's race narrative, something identifiable, and some white folks like black folks and some don't and vice versa. But, look man, truth be told, very few black people have an interest in jazz, or in any art. 




And it isn't just jazz. Look what happened to the church music. You listen to any contemporary gospel of late? They rockin' and boory-shakin' like it's Saturday night. Who else's church service is a national joke in everything from rock videos to basketball-shoe commercials. Next thing, you'll see them in church getting naked. The sanctity of that experience has been slowly watered down. You know, we take the oil out of the ground, and we think there's a lot of it to go around. But it will run out. It's not infinite. What have we got left? A hundred years? When the last of those years rolls around, that will be it. Let's solve problems now. Especially with our culture. I don't think decline is inevitable. I never have. We can and will change things. You young musicians have to have something to do. And we'll talk about that more. 




But not tonight. I'm heading to bed. You should go practice, then think about saving the world. 

I' m out. 

