【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind



4. Playing Jazz 

July 18,   

4.ジャズを演奏する 2003年7月18日  


Dear Anthony, 

How are you, man? Glad to hear you got something from my last letter. Don't just read that stuff and lock it away in your head, figure out how to apply it. 





Tours go on and on. We just out here, from one city to the next. I just head where they tell me. So excuse the distance between these notes. I try to write when I can. 



Man, last night we played a small, intimate club inside a Boston hotel. Can't complain at all, gig just felt good. Small places, man. The people all around you, making all kind of noise and grooving. It just inspires the band. Folks in the audience let the sound wash all over them, especially when our drummer, Herlin, gets sanctified on the tambourine in 5/4. 



After the gig, someone brought us a full-course meal ― black-eyed peas, corn bread, barbecued ribs, mashed potatoes, even had the nerve to have some corn pudding. People cook for you when you sound good and have good manners. In all seriousness, though, no matter how often something like that happens, and it happens a lot, the love and generosity of spirit that we feel out here is always humbling. And it makes missing your family a bit more tolerable. But boy, if you don't like people, you'll have a lonely time out here. 





7.no matter how often something like that happens, and it happens a lot, the love and generosity of spirit that we feel out here is always humbling 


no matter +疑問詞(no matter how) 関係詞(that we)  

9.And it makes missing your family a bit more tolerable 


make+O+C/動名詞(make missing your family tolerable)   



I wanted to rap with you about playing. Yes, that simply, that essentially ― what it takes to play jazz music. Playing covers four essential bases: the expansion of your musical vocabulary, employing charisma in your sound, locating your personal objective, and embracing swing. Let's spend some time chopping all four up. 




13.what it takes to play jazz music 


関係詞(what) 仮主語(it takes) 不定詞(to play)  



First, the more vocabulary you know, the more you can play. It's like talking. A person can know twenty words very well and communicate successfully. But there's gonna be a whole pile of things that he or she never talks about. You need to have vocabulary on all aspects of jazz ― melodies, harmonies, rhythms, and personal effects. It's always best to start with what you should know ― things from your region, then national things. In other words, if you're from Kansas City, you need to know what the Kansas City blues sounds like. Then you need to know American themes and tunes. And today you need to know more music, especially in the global sense. All over the world, styles of music have specific objectives. Learning those objectives will serve you well, allowing you to incorporate a greater breadth of material into your own vocabulary. Musicians in the Latin tradition always complain that the jazz musicians don't know any of their music. Study and learn whatever music catches your fancy from around the world with people who know it and can play it. The enhancement to your own music will be invaluable. Studying the vocabulary of music is like etymology. If they're interested in romance languages, people will study Latin, from which all those languages descend. In the same manner, most groove music comes from the African 6/8 rhythms ― the claves in Cuban music to the shuffle of the Mississippi blues. But if you don't know your own language, your own vocabulary, forget about learning someone else's.  




23.It's always best to start with what you should know 


仮主語(It's ) 不定詞(to start) 関係詞(what you)  

[p.43]1.you need to know what the Kansas City blues sounds like 


不定詞(to know) 関係詞(what the)  

5.Learning those objectives will serve you well, allowing you to incorporate a greater breadth of material into your own vocabulary 


動名詞(Learning) 分詞構文(allowing)  

8.Study and learn whatever music catches your fancy from around the world with people who know it and can play it 


関係詞+ever(whatever music) 関係詞(with people who know)  



Second, always bring charisma to your sound. People want to hear some music. They don't come out to see robots toot horns. They want to be uplifted, amazed, and enlightened. Infuse your sound with charisma. What you do when playing for the public isn't much different from any stage-based performnace. Imagine the actor who trots out onstage only to deliver lines in bland fashion with no regard to distinguishing his or her cratf. Would that make you enthusiastic? You have to understand and locate your distinct apporach to the music, and then infuse your playing with that sentiment. Whatever your approach turns out to be, deliver it with force, power, and conviction. With fun, man. This is playing. 





20.They don't come out to see robots toot horns 


不定詞/知覚動詞+O+原型不定詞(to see robots toot)  

22.What you do when playing for the public isn't much different from any stage-based performance 


関係詞(What you) 部分否定(isn't much)  

24.Imagine the actor who trots out onstage only to deliver lines in bland fashion with no regard to distinguishing his or her craft 


関係詞(who) 不定詞(to deliver) 動名詞(to distinguishing) [p.44]4.Whatever your approach turns out to be, deliver with force, power, and conviction 


関係詞+ever(Whatever) force(状態や状況を変化させる力)power(内在する力)  



But while you're up on that bandstand blowing with force and power, keep in mind that playing jazz is like anything else in life: While you start a thing off, you're much more enthusiastic than when you get to the middle. If you 're running a race, you shoot out like Jesse Owens reborn. Playing ball? That enthusiasm might make you think you're Joe Montana. Then after a couple of interceptions the thrill is gone. This happens in almost every activity in the world. So when you play, don't get carried away or burned out by the importance of your own effort. Start good. Finish good. Sound good. No more complicated than that. And when I say sound good, I mean sounding good enough to get a job. Because when you sound good, people will hire you; when you sound good, people will be calling. 





6.But while you're up on that bandstand blowing with force and power, keep in mind that playing jazz is like anything else in life 


分詞構文(blowing) 動名詞(playing)  

10.That enthusiasm might make you think you're Joe Montana 


仮定法(might) 使役動詞+O+原型不定詞(make you think)  



Of course, sounding good also goes beyond the marketplace; it goes right to the heart of your personal objectives ― our third base of playing. Although objectives vary, depending on the individual, there exists a central, common point: What do you want to give to people? Let me lay this on you. Once I asked Sweets Edison, “Why is it that you always sound good, from the first note that you play?” 

“There' only one way to play, baby boy.” Sweets answered. “There ain't but one way to do it.” 

Sweets meant that you project your way with the ultimate feeling all the time, whether you're playing in a sad band, a great band, for elementary school students, at someone's birthday party at their house, or 'cause someone fixed a meal for you. When you pull your horn out, you should play as if that's the most important moment in your life. It it's not, make it be. 






25.Why is it that you always sound good, from the first note that you play? 


仮主語(is it that) 関係詞(that you)  



Remember when you were a kid and you really, really wanted something? It could have been the most trivial thing. Remember the way you begged and pleaded for it? Imagine playing with that passion, that desire, as if this was the most needed thing in your life. When we get older, we learn how to temper our wanting, our desire. Well, tap back into that childhood fervor and freedom of expression. That's what you have to have when you play. That thing you wanted the most and the way you were willing to sacrifice any speck of pride or dignity to obtain it. Remember how you wanted it; remember how you cried when you didn't get it? Or who liked you until Amos came around? Play with that passion. 





12.Imagine playing with that passion, that desire, as if this was the most needed thing in your life 


動名詞(playing) 仮定法・反実仮想(as if)   



Realize that the fundamentals of jazz help you develop your individuality, help you find that passion. Don't say, “I'm not going to really play blues,” or “I'm not going to address swing .” Don't run from you. Running carries a cost. Have you ever noticed that when you hear a contemporary Latin band play and juxtapose it with a jazz band, the Latin music almost always sounds better? You wonder why that's the case? Just look at the band stand. You'll see that the Latin musicians appear invested and involved; they believe in the integrity of their groove. Now look at the jazz band: not accepting the swing, trying to find some quasi-funk groove or, even worse, that sad jazz quasi-Latin groove. You can practically hear them muttering to themselves ― “Swing is dead; let's try something else.” They take detours to avoid sounding bad and run right into what they flee. The fourth and perhaps most important facet of playing jazz, swing and swinging. 

気付いてほしい。ジャズの基本を様々身に付ければ、君の個性を伸ばし、あの頃の情熱を見出す上で、役に立つ、ということを。「本気でブルースなんか演奏する気はない」とか 「スウィング奏法なんか、きちんと表現できるようになる気はない」などと言わないこと。自分に背を向けるな。ツケが廻ってくるぞ。最近のラテンバンドとジャズバンドを聴き比べて、大抵ラテンバンドのほうが良い演奏をしていると、気付いたことはないか?それが定石になっていることを、不思議に思うだろう?実際のステージを見れば分かる。ラテンミュージシャン達は、自分の力を注ぎ込み、熱意を持っていることが伝わってくる。自分達のグルーブ感が完璧だと、自信がみなぎっている。それに比べてジャズバンドはどうだ。スウィングを身に付けようと、きちんと向き合うこともせず、何やらファンクまがいのグルーブやら、ひどい時には下手なラテンジャズまがいのグルーブやらに甘んじようとする。実際彼らの愚痴を耳にすることもある「スウィングなんて、もうやらないって。他のことに取り組んでいこうよ。」自分達の未熟さに背を向けて、安易な方向へ走ってゆこうと、逃げているんだ。ジャズを演奏する上で、4番目、そして多分最も重要なこと。スウィング、スウィングすることだ。  



[p.46]1.Have you ever notice that when you hear a contemporary Latin band play and juxtapose it with a jazz band, the Latin music almost always sounds better? 


現在完了(Have you ever notice) 知覚動詞+O+原型不定詞(hear play)  



You may hear about “quintessentially American” things. Well, what makes a thing quintessential is that it reflects the values of the thing it is supposed to be quintessentially about. In the case of an art form, it not only reflects the values, it embodies them, it ennobles them and it emboldens them. That's why people study art forms with such intensity, because the artist channels the spirit of the nation. In the case of the swing, no one person created it; democracy is a collective experience. And swing is a democratic and quintessentially American concept. 





15.what makes a thing quintessential is that it reflects the value of the thing it is supposed to be quintessentially about 


関係詞(what) make+O+C(makes a thing quintessential)  



Swing is supreme coordination under the duress of time. Swing is democracy made manifest; it makes you constantly adjust. At any given time, what's going to go on musically may not be to your liking. You have to know how to maintain your equilibrium and your balance, even if things are changing rapidly. Swing is designed for you to do that. Why? Each musician has a different concept of time. Sometimes I tell my students, “I want you all to stand up when a minute is over.” And some people gets up after twenty seconds. Some get up after a minute and a half. That shows the variance between individual concepts of time. As a player you have to, of your own volition, come to a conclusion about how you approach time. 




25.Swing is democracy made manifest; it makes you constantly adjust 


過去分詞(made) 使役動詞(makes you adjust) 



But swing has a hierarchy, like a government. The president of the swing is the drummer. The drummer has the loudest instrument and the cymbal is in the highest register. In African music it's called the bell rhythm. It's always the high rhythm, because you can hear that rhythm. In jazz, the bell rhythm is on the cymbal. You follow the bell rhythm. 




But, like a government, swing also has checks and ballances, because if the drummer rushes, the bass player might bring the time back. Sometimes the president of the swing is whoever has the best time. When Charlie Parker played, his time was so good that the bell rhythm would follow him. So you have the possibility. This is also a democratic proposition. If you have a weak president, man, you might need a strong legislative branch, or a stronger judiciary ― checks and balances. 




20.When Charlie Parker played, his time was so good that the bell rhythm would follow him 


so~that S+V(so good that the bell) 過去の習慣(would)  



Swing ties in with the heart of the American experience: You make your way; you invent your way. In jazz, that means you challenge the time, and you determine the degree of difficulty of the rhythms you choose to play. You could play quarter notes, which are difficult to play in time. Or any type of impossible, fun syncopations. Or you could just play strings of eighth notes. You try to maintain your equilibrium with style, and work within the flow. That's what the swing offers. 





2.In jazz, that means you challenge the time, and you determine the degree of difficulty of the rhythms you choose to play 


関係詞・省略(the rhythms you choose) 不定詞(to play)  

4.You could play quarter notes, which are difficult to play in time 


仮定法過去(You could) 関係詞・非制限用法(notes, which)  



Listen to a classic record of jazz musicians really playing and swinging, and you'll hear the difference from much of what we play now. Those musicians knew how to play that groove, and the knowledge of that groove has almost been lost. We don't sound as good, and not because there's anything wrong with swing. Rather, the fault lies in the manner in which we play swing grooves. I'll tell, if the Latin musicians played their music as poorly from a groove standpoint as we play our music, they'd be run out of clubs. But jazz musicians get celebrated for not swinging. I also want you to understand that the act of playing a Latin groove has never been under the type of siege that the act of swinging has been in this country. There have never been battalions of experts to assail the value of clave. We, on the other hand, have the classic American inferiority complex that results in the celebration of all things European or non-American in matters of culture. If we did it, it must be provincial or no good. Folks in Europe had to tell us that jazz was art. And, of course, in our country the dark one always looms on the horizon. He who was shackled in the heart of freedom. The American Negro. His presence brings the battalions proclaiming the death of swing, legions of critics and so-called experts bent on directing people away from the essence of this music, because it was invented by the dark ones and is thus ― in thier incorrect view ― less American. 




9.Listen to a classic record of jazz musicians really playing and swinging and you'll hear the difference from much of what we play now 


知覚動詞+O+現在分詞(Listen musicians playing) 関係詞(what)  

11.Those musicians knew how to play the groove, and the knowledge of that groove has almost been lost 


疑問詞+不定詞(how to) 現在完了(has been lost)  

18.I also want you to understand that the act of playing a Latin groove has never been under the type of siege that the act of swinging has been in this country 


動名詞(the act of playing swinging) 現在完了(has never been) 関係詞(that the act)  

21.There have never been battalions of experts to assail the value of clave 


現在完了(have never been) 不定詞(to assail)  



Why can other forms still celebrate the integrity of their defining cultural music as classic in the face of modern commercialism? I go to Latin countries and funk exists, rock exists; yet, they still play tango. They've got funk in Brazil, they've got all the electronic music we have. Yet, they still play samba. They ain't saying, “Well, let's stop playing all our music to play this.” They play the other stuff, and they play the hell out of their own music. Okay, all of the commercialism and stuff comes from us, but still, we play our most sophisticated, defining national grooves like some dreadful, dutiful obligation, when we deal with it at all. And the national dance, swing, has all but disappeared. 




Be clear about the point: To play jazz, you have to embrace swing, and the art of swing. It is an objective of a jazz musician to swing. It's a basic, fundamental, and essential component of this music. A group of musicians struggling to elegantly dance improvised melodies in complete rhythmic coordination as each introduces another sense of where the beat should actually be. The ultimate give-and-take is right there, swing. I'm telling you this. Antonio; you're a jazz musician. Try to sidestep this notion of not swinging. The unswinging is forced onto the natural inclination of this music, something that disturbs your basic, inner sense of how things should be. Make you walk into a room, and, damn, you walk right out. Then you're going to be in 23/7 or 9/13. You have to start inventing convoluted stuff to create interest because you're not swinging. That stuff you create might be great, but swing in all of its diversity has a specific meaning. It brings the audience into your sound. And the rhythm section has got to, above all else, be swinging, because swing invented the rhythm section. If you're not swinging, then there's no grip. And jazz has to have grip. Not volume-grip. 




24.A group of musicians struggling to elegantly dance improvised melodies in complete rhythmic coordination as each introduces another sense of where the beat should actually be 


現在分詞(struggling) 不定詞(to elegantly dance) 過去分詞(improvised melodies) 関係詞(where)  

[p.50,4]The unswinging is forced onto the natural inclination of this music, something that disturbs your basic, inner sense of how things should be 


関係詞(that disturbs) 関係詞(how things)  

8.Then you're going to be 23/7 or 9/13 


23/7(本来は24/7、1足りない) 9/13(本来は9/11、2多い)  



Let's take things from the general ― playing jazz ― to the more specific: playing a jazz ballad. Much of the stuff I've laid on you obviously applies here, along with a few other wrinkles, the most important of which is time. Coleman Hawkins said he approached show tunes to deal with love, man. The reason Ben Webster, for instance, plays ballads so well has to do with time. It's harder to play in time when the tempo is slow. The beats are bigger and require more investment. You want to float on top of the rhythm section, but you have to direct them even more. With rhythm and sentiment. You have to know, to play slow. 




17.Much of the stuff I've laid on you obviously applies here, along with a few other wrinkles, the most important of which is time 


関係詞・省略/現在完了(the stuff [that] I've laid) 関係詞・非制限用法(which)  

23.It's harder to play in time when the tempo is slow 

テンポがゆっくりだとテンポ通り演奏するのはより難しくなる:仮主語(It) 不定詞(to play)  



Does that make sense to you? Well, remember when you were a kid and your mama or daddy threw out those big words whose meanings escaped you? Nevertheless, you had enough of an idea of the context those words were used in to allow you to use them, too. Now, you were using the same words, but the meaning wasn't as clear to you. A similar thing occurs when we play jazz. Young cats have heard these things produced by great musicians ― tunes, ideas, timbres, and late-night evocations ― but don't know any of the underpinnings, the structures, or the philosophies that support those ideas. And because they don't know what lies underneath, when they play, there's an essential component missing. 






5.Nevertheless, you had enough of an idea of the context those words were used in to allow you to use them, too 


関係詞・省略(the context [that] those words) 不定詞(to allow) 9.Young cats have heard these things produced by great musicians - tunes, ideas, timbres, and late-night evocations - but don't know any of the underpinnings, the structures, or the philosophies that support those ideas 


現在完了(Young cats have heard) 過去分詞(produced) 関係詞(that support)  



That underpinning is the fundamental, the root. And training for a thing should revolve around the root. You want to build a house? You go to someone and they say, “Man, this is what you got to do to lay a foundation.” After that, the choice to build a labyrinth, a castle, or a shack rests with you, but the fundamentals remain consistent. When you play a ballad, the first fundamental is a romance-love: “My heart is sad and lonely. For you I sigh. For you, dear, only.” Maybe that seems hopelessly outdated and corny to you today. I know you haven't seen those ideas running wildly about for a while, if ever. See, when decadence steps up, romance and intellectual pursuit are the first things it pushes down, like when fascists or some other soul-destroying, totalitarian entity comes around. They have to destroy all relationship, all connections to the grandeur of the past so they can come in and tell you who you actually are. 




23.I know you haven't seen those ideas running wildly about for a while, if ever 


現在完了(you haven't) 知覚動詞+O+現在分詞(seen those ideas running) 2 

5.See, when decadence steps up, romance and intellectual pursuit are the first things it pushes down, like when fascists or some other soul-destroying, totalitarian entity comes aroundほら、退廃が進行する時恋愛感情と知性の追及は退廃が押し出す最初の物事でそれはファシストやある種他の死ぬほど退屈な全体主義の存在が巡ってくる時の様だ:関係詞・省略(the first things [that] it pushes) 



A ballad requires a rhythm section playing a slow dance tempo. Well, you've probably never played for dances, so how do you know how slow people need to dance when they're rubbing bellies, or if they'll even dance to it? For all you know, they might want to go slam dancing. So what do you do? You're a musician. You want to play a ballad. Well, you have to reinvigorate the classic songs. Or you have to write new songs. You have to reinvigorate the romantic sentiment in the culture. You have to do it. If not you, then who? If you don't feel like it's worth revitalizing, don't even consider ballads. If you think the romantic feeling is not worth articulating, then it doesn't make sense to play, because you won't sound good. 





7.Well, you've probably never played for dances, so how do you know how slow people need to dance when they're rubbing bellies, or if they'll even dance to it? 


現在完了(you've never played) 間接疑問文(how slow)  

15.If you think the romantic feeling is not worth articulating, then ti doesn't make sense to play it, because you won't sound good 


動名詞(worth articulating) 仮主語(it doesn't) 不定詞(to play) 



You've got to use all the nuance and shading of your tone to create sounds that make a ballad come alive. And that slow tempo will make you feel stiff. But you can't play stiff ― physically, emotionally, technically ― while playing a ballad, or anything else for that matter. You have to be open and loose enough to deliver the emotion of something intensely personal to a room of people you don't know. 




19.You've got to use all the nuance and shading of your tone to create sounds that make a ballad come alive 


不定詞(to create) 関係詞(that) 使役動詞(make a ballad come alive) 23.You have to be open and loose enough to deliver the emotion of something intensely personal to a room of people you don't know 


enough+不定詞(enough to deliver) 関係詞・省略(people [whom] you don't know) 



Keep this in mind when you consider what and how to play: It's your job to listen, learn, and appreciate, not to merely mimic what you've heard by great musicians. All the talk about the tradition, well, that's just something you should know to be a jazz musician. If you and I were doctors, hanging with some other doctors, I wouldn't be sitting up having a discussion with you about whether you should understand the craft. If we were a basketball team ..... well, you just might have to keep going over basic fundamentals, the way cats play these days. 





2.It's your job to listen, learn, and appreciate, not to merely mimic what you've heard by great musicians 


仮主語(It's ) 不定詞(to listen) 関係詞(what) 現在完了(you've heard) 5.If you and I were doctors, hanging with some other doctors, I wouldn't be sitting up having a discussion with you about whether you should understand the craft 


仮定法過去(If you and I were wouldn't) 分詞構文(hanging)  



But don't be confused by the talk of fundamentals into thinking that your prime mission is to regurgitate information that you've heard already. That's a typical confusion caused by the dumb stuff too many critics write in the magazines that inform musicians. The fundamentals exist because they exist in every art. When you actually stand up and play, the only thing interesting for me to listen to will be something I haven't heard, something particular to you. It's not interesting for me to hear you play like someone I've heard already, because you're not going to play it as well. It's only interesting to hear you play something that makes me say, “Have mercy! What was that?” because of your unique articulation. 




11.But don't be confused by the talk of fundamentals into thinking that your prime mission is to regurgitate information that you've heard already 


動名詞(thinking) 不定詞(to regurgitate) 関係詞(that) 現在完了(you've heard)  

13.That's a typical confusion caused by the dumb stuff too many critics write in the magazines that inform musicians 


過去分詞(caused) 関係詞・省略(stuff [that] too many) 関係詞(that inform)  

16.When you actually stand up and play, the only thing interesting for me is to listen to will be something I haven't heard, something particular to you 


不定詞(to listen to) 関係詞・省略/現在完了(something [that] I haven't heard)  

20.It's only interesting to hear you play something that makes me say, “Have mercy! What was that?” because of your unique articulation 


仮主語(It's) 不定詞/知覚動詞+O+原型不定詞(to hear you play) 関係詞/使役動詞+O+原型不定詞(something that makes me say) 



And that's what makes jazz so hard to play. It's difficult to change the status quo. Say I'm used to dealing with you in a certain way all the time. Then one day you come to me and put your hand on my shoulder, something you've never done. And you say, “Man, I need to talk to you about something.” Immediately you're going to command my attention in a dramatically different way. I'll have a reaction to you. Why? Because you've never done it before, you've altered the dynamics of our relationship. That's what you try to do with this music. You have to challenge the listener to hear you on your own terms. And the best way to do that is to reveal something y'all both understand to be true but never heard uttered out loud, because nobody had the courage to say it. 




24.And that's what makes jazz so hard to play 


関係詞/make+O+C(what makes jazz so hard) 不定詞(to play) 24.It's difficult to change the status quo 


仮主語(It's) 不定詞(to change)  

[p.54,9]And the best way to do that is to reveal something y'all both understand to be true but never heard uttered out loud, because nobody had the courage to say it 


不定詞(to do to reveal to say) 関係詞・省略(something [that] y'all both) 知覚動詞+O+過去分詞(heard uttered) 



Man, I gotta stop. This pen is killing my fingers, plus everybody's fixing sandwiches and arguing about Bush and them. Write back soon, and let me know how this stuff grabs you. I got to cuss somebody out and get me some tuna fish. And Anthony, one last thing: When it comes to playing jazz, don't give up. Ever. I mean that literary. Don't give up on what you're playing. Because when you're up there, you don't know what your playing sounds like. You could think that it doesn't sound good, but it could be some of your best stuff. So don't give up on what you're playing. And always remember what Lester Young said: “If you can't play the blues, you can't play shit.” 

Sing on. 





14.Write back soon, and let me know how this stuff grabs you 


使役動詞+O+原型不定詞(let me know) 関係詞(how) 


You have to think like the blues. Yes, things may be bad, but they're gonna get better. 

(from “Marsalis on Music”)