【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind



3. Talking Rules, Singing Freedom 

July, 2003 

3.ルールを語る、自由を歌う 2003年7月2日  


Dear Anthony, 

I've been playing chess with my sons since they were seven and eight years old. But now they got teenage disease. You must know the ailment: You think you're way better at something than you really are and you're in a hurry to demonstrate that fact. So they get whipped a lot. They hear that word “checkmate” and their eyes widen with disbelief. Then they fuss, grumble, get irate, and come back for more. We play a lot of chess on these bus rides between towns. And if you ride this bus, as my sons do when I take them on tour, you gotta know the rules of the game: what they are, how to bend 'em, and how to use 'em to whup up on someone. 





3.You think you're way better at something than you really are and you're in a hurry to demonstrate that fact 


比較表現(better than you really are) 不定詞(to demonstrate)  




By the question in your last letter, I'd say you're thinking about rules, too. That doesn't surprise me. Man, rules, and thinking about rules, consume almost every student I know. Regulations just wrap y'all up - worried about what you can or can't do. What? You think that's going to give you the magic formula for playing better? Guess again. Still, I suppose we should go ahead and talk about them some, just to give you some peace of mind. 





I already hear the first question rolling around in your head: In jazz, are rules good or bad? Sorry, I can't give that one a yes or no answer. Rules can be good or bad. They don't hold inherent value that can be judged. With a few exceptions, like “no inbreeding,” they are just codifications of value judgements. For example, you'll often find someone quoting Coltrane as saying,”Damn the rules. It's the feeling that counts.” That's a convenient quote - Trane says damn the rules. And it ends up used as a justification for anything. You ask me something about rhythm changes. I say, “Man, you know rhythm changes. why are we talking about that? Damn the rules, it's the feeling that counts.” Well, “Damn the rules” ends up being a rule. 




16.you'll often find someone quoting Coltrane as saying, “Damn the rules. It's the feeling that counts” 


find+O+現在分詞(find someone quoting) 仮主語(It's the)  




I prefer to get you into a realm of thinking that is defined not by answer about rules and regulations, but rather by the process and experiance through which you construct your own music and style. Ultimately, the how and why of that process will lead you to the correct consideration, and value, of rules. 




24.I prefer to get you into a realm of thinking that is defined not by answers about rules and regulations, but rather by the process and experience through which you construct your own music and style 


関係詞(that is) not ~ but …(not by answers but by process)   




Consider three thoughts: First, are the structures of jazz so enslaving that you have to be free from them? Or do they pose a challenge, like the boundaries of a football game, which if discarded make playing less liberating? Second, is it desirous to play for fewer and fewer people? Should you cultivate a superelite because you don't want to maintain any relationship to recognizable forms? Say I choose to discard the rules of English. My need to be original is such that I have to use new words to express myself. So if I want to express “Wonderful, wasn't it?” I say, “Voom a ratoog?” That's okay for me, but what about you? Third, is it possible for you to rebel against a convention of rebellion? Instead of abstracted form, instead of doing things that obliterate form, is it possible for you to be rebellious by creating form? I once had a student for whom this was a regular dialogue. He'd insist, “Well, you now, I'm trying to stretch things out and go to the boundary.” 

“What boundary are you going out to?” I'd ask. 

“Why, I want to be different. I'm developing things and taking them to the outer limits.” 

“Oh? What outer limit are you taking them to?” 

Then he'd go quiet for a spell. That meant he was considering that the outer limit was also a boundary, some place that had to be beyond the inner limit. 









6.the boundaries of a football game, which if discarded make playing less liberating 


関係詞・非制限用法(which) make+O+C(make playing less liberating)  

7.is it desirous to play for fewer and fewer people? 


仮主語(is it) 不定詞(to play)   




In modern American mythology, we're inundated with the notion of the rebel without a cause. You've read it, seen it, and heard it so many times that the philosophy of the disaffected cat just seems natural: trump the world, the hell with it all, let's tear thing up. That's the American way. But you want to know the truth? The important part of that slogan is “without a cause.” There's scarcely an ounce of rebellion in our minds these days. The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence where acts of rebellion. People risked their lives to express these ideals. What Louis Armstrong played was an act of rebellion. What Duke Ellington wrote was an act of rebellion, and an expression of freedom. But each of those examples created new systems of order and each works in a particular way governed by certain laws and rules. 





5.You've read it, seen it, and heard it so many times that the philosophy of the disaffected cat just seems natural 


現在完了(You've read seen heard) so~that S+V(so many times that the philosophy)   




Freedom lives in structure. Do you think that sounds crazy? Maybe it seems hard to understand: How could there be freedom in a state that you perceive as lacking freedom? Think of these notion of freedom and structure in the context of long-existing forms and practices and ask yourself these questions: Do I have a better way? When I do rebel against the established order, am I truly seeking freedom, or publicity and the comfort of an inept cultish group of some sort? Ask yourself, have I yet to exhaust the possibilities in the forms as they exist? Is the size of what I want to express large enough to require new forms? And, ultimately, what do I want to do with my artistic freedom? 




19.How could there be freedom in a state that you perceive as lacking freedom? 


仮定法過去(could there) 関係詞(a state that you)  

[p.35,3]Is the size of what I want to express large enough to require new forms? 


関係詞(what I want) enough+不定詞(large enough to require)  




I talk to you about these issues because the road winds back to you and your choices. These are the things I need you to ponder, because the more deeply you think about the problems of your day and the more solutions you propose, the more successful you will be at expressing your identity as an artist. 





7.These are the things I need you to ponder, because the more deeply you think about the problems of your day and the more solutions you propose, the more successful you will be at expressing your identity as an artist 


関係詞・省略(things [that] I need) the+比較級, the+比較級(the more deeply the more solution)  




An old saying seems appropriate here: Never imitate the failures of your nation. Growing up in a particular era can lead you to accept things that society simply presumes to be true. Segregation in this country persisted for years, despite the fact that reasonable and intelligent people knew it to be bankrupt and inhumane. Segregation became reduced to and accepted as custom until enough Americans made the deterimination to fight perceived custom by saying, “We don't stand for this any longer, so we will go through whatever it takes to effect change.” They rebelled and forged a new way that we still work on today. 




13.Growing up in a particular era can lead you to accept things that society simply presumes to be true 


動名詞(Growing) 関係詞(that society)  

17.Segregation became reduced to and accepted as custom until enough Americans made the determination to fight perceived custom by saying, “We won't stand for this any longer, so we will go through whatever it takes to effect change.” 


不定詞(to fight) 動名詞(by saying) 関係詞(whatever)   




Profound change can be initiated in any time, even during a self-indulgent era like the one in which we now live, a time when some of the dumbest stuff that you could imagine has become custom. When we played in funk bands in the early seventies, no way in the world could we have imagined the day when someone would come out on a bandstand, grab their johnson, and call themselves derogatory names. You could not have imagined in 1972 that that would be considered entertainment. It would have been inconceivable. But here in 2003 we see it all the time, and it's an expression of certain people's freedom. Now, you're a musician, Anthony. You have the opportunity to exercise your mind, your spirit, your spirit, your conceptions, and you're going to come into this culture and make some type of statement with your music. You'll expend your freedom in a certain way, likely by creating some type of structure. And those structures may eventually challenge someone else's notion of freedom. 




23.Profound change can be initiated in any time, even during a self-indulgent era like the one in which we now live, a time when some of the dumbest stuff that you could imagine has become custom 


前置詞+関係詞(in which) 現在完了(has become)  




Ask yourself these things as well: What is it in jazz that I find liberating? What do I want to express in jazz? Are the structures of jazz enslaving? And can these structures be liberated through increasing degrees of no structure? Keep in mind that by now the notion of free jazz is almost fifty years old. 





Did you know that Coltrane took lessons with Ornette Coleman? Yeah, man, Coltrane paid Coleman for lessons in the early sixties. Coltrane took those lessons so that Coleman could teach him how to break free harmonic structures. But when you listen to something like “Crescent,” “A Love Supreme,” or even “Transition,” Coltrane still played harmonic progression. Regardless of teaching, Coltrane's method of achieving freedom was not Coleman's. 




23.Coltrane took those lessons so that Coleman could teach him how to break free of harmonic structure 


so that S+V(so that Coleman could) 疑問詞+不定詞(how to break)   




In our Western way of thinking, true artistic progression in music - not just in jazz - uses abstraction in a proud march toward a state of elitism. Its credo: “The public is not hip enough for this.” But should we be striving for an even more elite expression, one that very few people can listen to? Or should we go in the commercial direction, an expression that people can't help but listen to? What objectives do we have? How do we want to express our freedom? Where does our artistic responsibility in this regard lie? 





10.should we go in the commercial direction, an expression that people can't help but listen to? 


関係詞(that) can't help but(can't help but listen to)  




Hey, Anthony, these questions don't come with a right or wrong answer. I just want you to think on them. Never forget, you're on a road, discovering yourself as you go along. Everything we talk about is geared toward making you a better musician. I want to bring you in that direction. I don't want to tell you what to think about music, or give you a conclusioin that keeps you from realizing whatever your real potential might be. 




16.Everything we talk about is geared toward making you a better musician 


関係詞・省略(Everything [that] we talk) make+O+C(making you a better musician)  

18.I don't want to tell you what to think about music, or give you a conclusion that keeps you from realizing whatever your real potential might be 


疑問詞+不定詞(what to) 関係詞(that keeps) 動名詞(realizing) 関係詞+ever(whatever your real)   




Kids come to my classes all the time. Invariably, their teachers have given them some unbending instruction, something they have to do, a way they need to think. And I feel bad for them. I'd rather you be flexible enough to think deeply about and respond freely to the world around you. I'd rather you focus on your objectives, so I can talk about these ideas - free improvisation, boundaries, abstracted elite expressions with imperceptible forms, or playing elementary forms for commerce - and you can have the facility and flexibility to form a response. 




21.their teachers have given them some unbending instruction, something they have to do, a way they need to think 


現在完了(have given them) 関係詞・省略(something [that] they have a way [that] they need)  

24.I'd rather you be flexible enough to think deeply about and respond to the world around you 


原型不定詞(be flexible) enough+不定詞(flexible enough to think)  




I regularly take my sons to hear jazz. They don't like it much when they were kids. They'd say, “Oh, man, not this again.” In fact, they'd go to sleep most of the time. Once I took them to see Cecil Taylor, a great pianist with an intense sprawling, superelite style. And one of my boys got up on the chair in the back of the Vanguard. 





“Wow,” he said. He just kept staring. He couldn't believe Taylor. He actually stayed alert for some twenty minutes, transfixed the entire time. 




“Are they going to do this for the whole night?” he asked. 

“They might,” I replied. 

“I can't believe that this many people want to hear that.” 

“Well, that's the great thing about New York.” 







If it had been New Orleans, a full night of that particular example of structural freedom might be a tough proposition. But you know what? My sons didn't go to sleep on Taylor. Well, eventually they nodded off a bit. But they hung in there much longer than they hung in for most anything else. And I relate this tale not to validate or vindicate their taste. Just to point out the interest, the unexpected interest, that arouse that night. 




“Hmm, Dad, what is this?” 

Freedom, for some. 

