【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind



7. Music and Morals 

August 31, 2003 

音楽とモラル 2003年8月31日  



Dear Anthony,  

These letters are always about music and the type of philosophical wrestling that you wouldn't wish on your enemy. But even though we talk about these things most of the time, I hope you're doing all right, just personally, I mean.  





1.These letters are always about music and the type of philosophical wrestling that you wouldn't wish on your enemy 


関係詞(that) 仮定法過去(you wouldn't ) 



But look, man, you can't hit me with all those big questions when I'm trying to relax the brain at day's end. You had a good one at the close of your last letter. You must be trying to take me out into the ocean. No one's quite asked me whether or not I thought all abstraction was corruption. You must have been musing over all those notions about freedom, structure, and abstraction we talked about a few weeks back. Well, I have no problem with abstractions. In fact, I'm telling you to play the most abstract music you can find. My father always told me this coming up: “If you ain't been there, you're guessing.” Every experience helps your overall development. But I'll drop a big question for you to ponder now, one that goes to the heart of our Western artistic concept: Is abstraction necessarily more advanced than the thing that it's abstracting, and is there a possibility of a corrupting over-refinement in the abstraction? In other words: Is Finnegans Wake eminently more sophisticated than Macbeth? Is Arnold Schonberg's music more advanced than Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, and more satisfying? Is the abstract statement more modern? And is corruption only tied to intent? Let's talk about abstraction, corruption, and the very notion of morality in music.  




11.You must have been musing over all those notions about freedom, structure, and abstraction we talked about a few weeks back 


推測/現在完了進行形(You must have been musing) 関係詞・省略(all those abstraction [that] wee talked) 

 [p.78,2]I'm telling you to play the most abstract music you can find 


不定詞(to play) 関係詞・省略(music [that] you can)  

6.But I'll drop a big question for you to ponder now, one that goes to the heart of our Western artistic concept 


不定詞(to ponder) 関係詞(that)  



Ask me about corruption and context will govern my answer, because much depends on what norms have conditioned us to feel. For instance, when Lester Young played in a style different from Coleman Hawkins's, a lot of people thought that was corruption. When Monk played blues dissonances on the piano, again, many people regarded that as corruption. When Duke Ellington began writing more sophisticated music, longer forms, people viewed that as a sign of corruption, because a jazz band was supposed to play dance tunes. Anything that wasn't a dance tune was pretentious. Check history and it'll show you numerous instances of this sort, where corruption appears as the bastard child of the insightful exposing weakness in the status quo. But I've always thought real corruption spirals from intent. 





16.Ask me about corruption and context will govern my answer, because much depends on what norms have conditioned us to feel 


命令文+and(Ask and) 関係詞/現在完了(what norms have conditioned) 不定詞(to feel)  

22.When Duke Ellington began writing more sophisticated music, longer forms, people viewed that as a sign of corruption, because a jazz band was supposed to play dance tunes 


動名詞(writing) 不定詞(to play)  

25.Check history and it'll show you numerous instances of this sort, where corruption appears as the bastard child of the insightful exposing weakness in the status quo 


命令文+and(Check and it'll) 関係詞・非制限用法(sort, where) 現在分詞(exposing)  



That's why the greatest musicians, regardless of the idiom, produced their best work when they were doing the very best they could. It's why Igor Stravinsky could never have been a great popular songwriter. Sometimes it's easy for a jazz musician to think he can just go into pop music. “Here's this Paul McCartney song,” you think. “It's not as sophisticated as what I'm used to dealing with, so I can just jump in here and do this.” Well, that's a grave error. In order to be great at a thing, you have to be doing the best you can do. Your intent can't come from a place of condescension. That's why so much of jazz-pop music is almost always sad. 





8.Sometimes it's easy for a jazz musician to think he can just go into pop music 


仮主語(it's) 不定詞(to think)  



One of the more common examples of corruption by intent is pandering to the marketplace: “I don't believe in this, but I want to make me some money, so let me do this. Let me go with the fad.” A lot of musicians did that in the seventies. We heard them. And now that music is not a major part of their legacy. Miles Davis's classic is Kind of Blues, not On the Corner or even Bitches Brew. That's not a matter of philosophy. That's just what has happened over the years. 

意図的な行為によって起きる堕落の、比較的よく知られている例が、金儲けへのすり寄りだ。「これは本意じゃないけれど、お金になるから、やらせて、流行に乗らせて。」多くのミュージシャン達が1970年代にこうした行為に走り、僕達はそういった作品を耳にした。今となってはそうやって生まれた作品は、彼らの遺したもののうちの主要な物には、なっていない。マイルス・デイビスの極めつけは「Kind of Blue」であって、「On the Corner」でもなければ、あの「Bitches Brew」でもない。音楽に対する考え方がどうのこうのと言っているわけじゃない。単に何年にもわたって起きてしまっていること。それだけの話。 



But you can also pander to the intellectuals; you can pander to the academy: “I don't want to pander to the marketplace, but I do want to get good reviews.” Or maybe you say, “I want to be a part of this clique, so I'll adjust my playing in this manner.” 




25.I don't want to pander to the marketplace, but I do want to get good review 


不定詞(to pander to get) 強調(I do) 



Pandering to the marketplace or the academy is commonplace because it leads to clear rewards. But corruption certainly creeps in when you pander to your own deficiencies: You can't play fast, so no one should play fast. You can't play slow, so ballads are not worth playing. You can't play on changes, so changes are outmoded. You can't play a freer, fluid form of expression, so no one else should. I suppose the central issue comes down to the fact that we don't have a conception of morality in music. What would that be? Morality lives on a slippery slope anyway. But in an era that regards morality as a relativistic and repressive notion, where freedom is held up as the coin of the realm, morality is in trouble. In most instances morality butts heads with freedom. If there's a morality, who's going to enforce it? It there's an enforceable morality, how can you be free? 





13.But in an era that regards morality as a relativistic and repressive notion, where freedom is held up as the coin of the realm, morality is in trouble 


関係詞(that) 関係詞・非制限用法(notion, where)  



Anyway, in our era, it's probably impossible to sell out to the marketplace, because you have to have something to sell out. And how can a person from an era devoid of integrity in music sell it out? In fact, you were born to sell out. How many times have you heard the phrase, “Well, he did what he had to do”? That's the mantra of our times: Hey, baby, just doin' what you got to do. And if you make some money doing it ― okay, even better. As a matter of fact, the value of your work is assessed in economic terms. “How much did it sell?” 




19.Anyway, in our era, it's probably impossible to sell out to the marketplace, because you have to have something to sell out 


仮主語(it's) 不定詞(to sell) 



I've related your challenge before: to be in your time and to fulfill the needs of your listeners with a well-developed, clear vision of how wonderful this music can be, or is. I don't know how you'll fulfill those needs. You will. My role is to point out your task and opportunity. Playing scales or knowing when a time signature changes, that's something you should just know how to do. (I know: You think I sound like a broken record with this technical thing.) You have to answer the deeper, larger, more philosophical issues. 





3.I've related your challenge before: to be in your time and to fulfill the needs of your listeners with a well-developed, clear vision of how wonderful this music can be, or is 


現在完了(I've related) 不定詞(to be to fulfill)  

7.Playing scales or knowing when a time signature changes, that's something you should just know how to do 


動名詞(Playing knowing) 関係詞・省略(something [that] you should) 



Here's a story about John Coltrane and Sonny Rollins when they were young men, just before the blooming of their full talents. One would say to the other, “Man, we want to play some music so powerful that it'll actually change the world for the better.” Can you imagine two people with that type of talent, and with that type of ambition ― an ambition to make music so powerful that it will change things so thoroughly, so completely? That's the crux of the difference between their playing and the playing of other people. Coltrane and Rollins believed and wanted to create jazz of such power, their desire thrust them in the direction of mastery. That's the impulse and the goal: to be creative on that level. Not, “I want to make sure that I can get me an SUV.” 



14.One would say to the other, “Man, we want to play some music so powerful that it'll actually change the world for the better.” 


過去の習慣(would) so C that SV(so powerful that it'll)  



As we raise more ideas and your growth continues, I'd love to see this deeper level of engagement with the times in which you live, with the culture, with the city, with the country, with the world. That engagement, that conversation, sets the stage for your playing because when you begin to play, you gotta set talk on the shelf. What would you say while you're playing? This s the time, man. You're learning. You're going to school. Talk happens here. Much like Rollins and Coltrare talking about what they intended. But once they started the doing, the time for talk had passed. Talk has great value. It helps you settle your philosophy and perceive the reality about you. But playing is playing. And what you play will be defined by your intent. 




When you play, make sure you're honest enough to confront your own deficiencies. That's why practicing is a sign of morality in a musician. It means that you're willing to subject yourself to self-scrutiny of the highest order. And, with your music, contemplate the corruption in your time and your relationship to it. Don't allow the status quo to rob you of your point of view. Profound thought and daring action will determine the degree of heroism in your sound, like the hugeness of spirit in Martin Luther King's voice, or the timbre of Louis Armstrong's horn. Heroism is  

the ability to confront hardship with grace. 





How do you confront the corruption of your time? First, you have to identify it and be accurate about it. Corruption's not holding up a sign saying, “I'm corrupt.” Corruption's usually disguised, trying to pass itself off as liberation: “Come, this will free you.” Identifying corruption when you grow up in a time where it's the norm, where it masquerades as the standard, will be difficult for you. I realize it appears that way to you. But the task may be simpler than you think. How can you tell when something is really corrupt? It brooks no criticism. Like Marcus Roberts used to say, “When you're raised on food, you don't mind dessert. When you're raised on dessert, you don't want to hear about no food.” 




Today corruption sits more often in the heart of our new American way, where the absurd reigns, an absurdity morphed beyond the point of any recognition, to the point that some conflate it with integrity. In reality, the word “integrity” can be applied to very little that we send out into the world. We simply cling to commercial integrity: the right to put whatever we want into the marketplace, and charge as much as possible for as little as possible. Look at most films: Kill each other left and right, get naked for no reason, and forget about plot while we're at it. Music? Heavy doses of bullshit made by nonmusicians. You know, I've got a tale for you. Here's what happens when you reach the point of perfect absurdity. 





11.Today corruption sits most often in the heart of our new American way, where the absurd reigns, an absurdity morphed beyond the point of any recognition, to the point that some conflate it with integrity 


関係詞・非制限用法(way, where) 関係詞(that) 



I go into an elementary school. The teachers say, “Oh, the school has put together a little thing for you this morning.” A little boy, TeShawn, comes out rappin' and starts grabbing his johnson. I ask the teacher, “Is he grabbing his johnson?” She replies, “That's what they do nowadays.” I go into a middle school, and the band director comes up and says, “My band, we worked on a song.” You know the song they worked on? “Give It to Me.” You worked on that? Give what to me? Perfectly absurd. Someone throws out the excuse, “That's what the kids want to play.” That's what they want to play? Well, who's teaching them? This is the inevitable result when your culture does not hold itself to a standard of integrity. And how do young people, as products of the culture, recognize this fact and act against it? How do you sift integrity from corruption and absurdity if no one takes the responsibility to tell you, to show you? 

ある小学校へ行った時のこと。先生方がこう言った。「今朝は皆さんのために、学校の方で出し物をご用意していますので、ご覧下さい。」すると、男の子が一人、テショーンという子が、ラップを歌いながら出てきたかと思うと、彼の股間を掴み始めた。僕は先生に、「あの男の子、自分の股間を掴んでいますけれど・・・」するとその女の先生は「あの子達の間で流行っているんですよ」。別の日、今度は中学校。吹奏楽部の先生が来てこう言った。「練習した曲がありますので、聞いてください。」その曲、何だと思う?BoowYの「Get It to Me」だ。あの過激な内容の曲を?僕に聞いてくださいってか?バカバカしさの極めつけ。誰かが割って入って理由を言った。「生徒達が演奏したいというものでして・・・」生徒達が演奏したい?教えているのは、あんた達だろうが。文化が自ら節度を持たなかったらどうなるか、まぁ、当然こうなるよね。節度をなくした文化で育った若者達が、自分の力でこの惨状を認識して、それに負けない行動をとるなんて、出来るわけがない。これは誠実、これは堕落、これはバカな行為、誰かが責任を持って教え示してやらなかったら、自分で見分けることなんて、どうしたって無理だ。 



24.A little boy, TeShawn, comes out rappin' and starts grabbing his johnson 


分詞構文(rappin') 動名詞(grabbing)  

[p.84,6] That's what the kids want to play 


関係詞(what) 不定詞(to play) 



The degree of conformity to the absurd must be the thing that shocks me most from my travels about the country. I talk to thousands of different people who all spout the same conformity, relevant to their particular program. What's happened in America? Did a machine stamp folks on the forehead right off the conveyor belt? Niches don't make  a difference, either. It just changes the shading on the conformity. The jazz musicians all have their jazz thing they hold to. The hip-hop people clutch their hip-hop thing. African Americans, white folk, liberal, conservative ― everyone holds a script, like traveling herds of B actors auditioning for a fixed set of roles. And if you don't belong to one of those groups you're going to be put in one. 





What happens when whatever integrity you hold fast to runs up against the lack of integrity in the culture in which you have to define yourself? Unless you're a prophet, what gives you the right to say, “That lacks integrity”? Can you hold absolutist standards, seeing a dearth of integrity when folks do something en masse that you abhor? In today's jazz circles, cats wear jeans to the bandstand. Folks used to wear suits. Why go back to that when you can wear jeans on a gig? Do you think that shows a lack of integrity, coming on a gig with jeans? Yet, it seems absurd to say so, because everyone comes to a gig with jeans on and it won't affect how you sound. 





4.Can you hold absolutist standards, seeing a dearth of integrity when folks do something en masse that you abhor? 


分詞構文(seeing) 関係詞(that)  

10.Yet, it seems absurd to say so, because everyone comes to a gig with jeans on and it won't affect how you sound 


仮主語(it seems) 不定詞(to say) 疑問詞節(how you sound)? 



I'll raise the stakes some. When I was in high school, I had a friend who worked at a restaurant. He might have been sixteen or thereabouts. He did busboy duty. Most of the other guys who worked alongside him in that restaurant were grown men, cats with families. The man in charge of the waiters and the busboys liked to mess with them, calling them “Niggers” or “Boy” and other Southern terms of endearment. At an unencumbered sixteen, my friend could have chosen to leave, could have trusted that he would get another job. As a matter of fact, he did end up getting fired because he wouldn't take the bullshit. But one of the older fellas who worked there couldn't face that risk. Remember, this was New Orleans in the seventies ― a city undernourished with jobs. The guy's got four, five children. He doesn't like the abuse, but it's not as simple for him as trusting fate. So he suffers his humiliation, swabs the knife cuts to his personal integrity. But is he going to let his family starve just because he's being humiliated? 




16.The man in charge of the waiters liked to mess with them, calling them “Niggers” or “Boys” and other Southern terms of endearment 


不定詞(to mess)   分詞構文(calling)   



Integrity in the decisions you make won't always be as simple as whether you trust yourself, whether you trust your perception of what's going on. Decisions on integrity become questions of survival, even in situations less dire than feeding your family. Survival can stretch beyond the jobs, delving deep into the personal, the way we view ourselves, the validation or lack thereof that others show us. Do you want to be ostracized for your integrity? Are you gonna be the preacher of your truth, have everyone around you grumbling, “Man, here he comes again with that shit.” Who wants to deal with that constantly? Then integrity can become malleable. 





8.Survival can stretch beyond the job, delving deep into the personal, the way we view ourselves, the validation or lack thereof that others show us 


分詞構文(delving)  関係詞・省略(the way [that]we) 



I've had students say that if you really, really trusted and believed in what you thought, you would assume that your viewpoint would eventually become the norm. But I tell them they gotta be bathing in naivete, because nothing in the history of the world would lead you to that assumption, nothing would make you assume that things naturally become pregnant with a particular person's integrity. And someone, inevitably, will say there must be examples where people have come to respect what folks of integrity did, if only because those people outlasted the opposition. 




16.I've had students say that if you really, really trusted and believed in what you thought, you would assume that your viewpoint would eventually become the norm: 


現在完了/使役動詞+O+原型不定詞(I've had students say)  仮定法過去(if you trusted you would)  関係詞(what)   



Maybe. People respected Monk after a while, but where were they when he sat at home for so many years without a gig? Integrity demands hard choices, choices that must be made, choices that you, Anthony, will have to make in your own way. And they don't revolve around right or wrong. They depend on you being equipped to understand your choice, to even understand that you're making one in the first place. When you're in a time with no standard of integrity, you don't know. Things cease being a matter of “I'm going to study this or I'm going to study that.” Too often, you simply don't know what you need to do. 




I was no less vulnerable than you. For many years I played onstage with a monitor, a choice that kept me from developing my sound. How was I going to know that? Everyone played with a monitor. How do you know something when no one tells you? Or if you just don't listen when an older cat would tell you something. You know what, you drown in your arrogance, thinking, “He don't know. We got a thousand people on a gig, and they play for twenty people.” 




12.For many years I played onstage with a monitor, a choice that kept me from developing my sound 


同格(monitor, a choice)  関係詞(that)  動名詞(developing) 



One day we played a gig in a Greek amphitheater. I was twenty-four at the time, and I'd been playing this way all my life. A guy came up to us, said, “You can't have any electricity in this amphitheater, so you all have to play acoustic.” And we started thinking, “Man, we're going to sound like shit playing acoustic.” We had never played this kind of music that way. But we had no choice. So we did it. And that was the best gig we ever played because, finally, each of us could hear the other musicians on the bandstand, and not just our own sound pouring back at us though a monitor. 




24.And we started thinking “Man, we're going to sound like shit playing acoustic” 


動名詞(thinking)  分詞構文(playing)   

[p.88,2]And that was the best gig we ever played because, finally, each of us could hear the other musicians on the bandstand, and not just our own sound pouring back at us through a monitor 


関係詞・省略(the best gig [that]we ever)  分詞構文(pouring) 



See what the old folks knew? 
