【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind



10. Dancing with Joy 

September 28, 2003 


10喜びに心は踊る 2003年9月28日  




Dear Anthony, 

We spend so much time talking about problems, all these life philosophies roiling the brain. Even when we're practicing, we're still always thinking about what's wrong. We have to realize: What keeps you playing is what's right. You're not going to keep pursuing something that tastes nasty; it's got to have some sweetness somewhere in it. (Herline says you can attract flies with honey as well as with shit.) And the thing about jazz, through all the business involved in practicing and improvement, it's always sweet: the improvement that you notice in the ability to express yourself, the feeling of playing, pushing yourself out into an open space through a sound, man. That's an unbelievable feeling, an uplifting feeling of joy to be able to express the range of what you feel and see, have felt and have seen. A lot of this has nothing to do with you. It comes from another time, another space. To be able to channel those things and then project them through an instrument, that's something that brings unbelievable joy. 





5.You're not going to keep pursuing something that tastes nasty; it's got to have some sweetness somewhere in it 


予定(You're going to) 動名詞(pursuing) 関係詞(that) 現在完了形・慣用句(it has got to)  

[p.110,1]That's an unbelievable feeling, an uplifting of joy to be able to express the range of what you feel and see, have felt and have seen 


同格(feeling, an uplifting feeling) 不定詞(to be able to express) 関係詞(what) 現在完了(have felt and have seen)  



You know, a musician's joy comes from a lot of sources: the people who come to hear you project your own joy in cities and towns; the bandmates, the brothers who project their joy right beside you; and all the other good people who help form the shape of the road ― from the older musicians, to kids, to women. And you should seek these things and know them well, perhaps more than anything else. 


ミュージシャンとしての喜びの源は、沢山あるよね。まずはお客さん達。君が様々な生活の場の中で見つけた喜びを乗せた演奏を聴きに来てくれている。それとバンドのメンバー達。君のすぐ傍で、彼らのみつけた喜びを乗せた演奏を知っている君の仲間達だ。そしてジャズの道を極める手助けをしてくれる全ての人達 - 先輩ミュージシャン達からファンの子供達、奥さんや彼女まで。彼らがしてくれていることは、必要なことなんだ。そして他の何を置いてもよく知るべきことなんだ、と認識しなくてはいけない。 



When our band plays in towns across the country, people will sometimes stand in line for hours after the show to have us sign autographs or listen to their kids play. Make me wonder: How do people in a small town like this even know who we are, what we do? It could be in a small town or even a nice-sized city like Sacramento, on a Wednesday night, sold-out concerts. I meet people bringing food, pies, and cookies and cooking meals for us all the time. Wanting us to taste this or that from their town. This music lifts people. You'll see things you'll never ever want to forget. 




15.When our band plays in towns across the country, people will sometimes stand in line for hours after the show to have us sign autographs or listen to their kids play 


不定詞/使役動詞+O+原型不定詞(to have us sign) 使役動詞+O+原型不定詞/知覚動詞+O+原型不定詞(have us listen to their kids play) 



We played in Istanbul some years back. A few of us went out to the cymbal factory with Herlin Riley, our drummer. We were standing just outside the cymbal factory, just in the neighborhood, you know. A guy stood on the street eating; he saw we came from the United States. He wanted to come over, chat about religion, just congregate. Kids on the street started whispering about Michael Jackson, pointing at Herlin, 'cause all they knew was Michael Jackson at that time. 





6.Kids on the street started whispering about Michael Jackson, pointing at Herlin, 'cause all they knew was Michael Jackson at that time 


動名詞(whispering) 分詞構文(pointing) 関係詞・省略(all [that] they knew) 



We were close to a housing project. A girl sat up on the balcony, she was maybe thirteen or fourteen. The people kept saying,”She speaks English, she's studying English in school.” So she spoke a little broken English, talked to us. Then she disappeared. Dusk started to come on. After a moment, she reappeared, coming down to the street with some Turkish coffee for us in what had to be her family's best silverware. She poured it and stood there while we drank it. It was tender, man; had a sweetness to it. And that's the soulful thing about playing : You offer something to somebody. You don't know if they'll like it, but you offer it. Like she did. 




13.After a moment, she reappeared, coming down to the street with some Turkish coffee for us in what had to be her family's best silverware 


分詞構文(coming) 関係詞(what) 推測(had to be) 



And the cats, they're incredible, all of them. The people you spend all this time with will bring you great joy as well. Our rhythm section: Herlin Riley? He's from the Earth; bassist Carlos Henriquez, quick as lightning; our piano player, top Professor Eric Lewis. Unbridled creativity, man. 




22.He's from the Earth直訳:彼は地球の出身だ 

ウィントンとは長年の付き合いであること、映画「The Man from Earth」のタイトルから、この様な訳を当ててみました。 



And our trombone players: Andre Hayward, with his big buttery sound, a sound that will heal your whole soul; the mercurial complexity of Ron Westray, a combination of sophistication and South Carolina country soul. I played a gig for Westray back in South Carolina. Man! The whole community turned out. I had never seen that for a musician from that area of the South. White people, black people, everybody. It was a big old thing. 





Our sax players: Ted Nash and I came to New York around the same time. Both our fathers are musicians. He has two daughters who are around the age of my two older sons. The purity of his musicianship and his ability to relate to people for who they are ― that is the thing we all love and respect about him. And Victor Goines, sweeping and swooping through the music. He and I played in our elementary school band together. We were eight years old, playing together, and now we are in our early forties, still swinging and playing together. 




12.The purity of his musicianship and his ability to relate to people for who they are - that is the thing we all love and respect about him 


不定詞(to relate) 関係詞(who) 関係詞・省略(the thing [that] we)  



Playing with musicians is a gift. The thing that makes it so special is that they range so widely in age and the places they hail from. Like Joe Temperley, in his seventies: He probably has the most integrity in the band, man. Shows up first. Warms up. Gives me a call and says, “Send me my parts first.” Joe has a lot of pride. He's the moral center of the band in many ways. We respect him because he embraced the music. He's from Scotland. He didn't buy into any bullshit. He plays music; that's what he's about. You can't turn Joe around. 




18.The thing that makes it so special is that they range so widely in age and the places they hail from 


関係詞(that) make+O+C(makes it so special) 関係詞・省略(the places [that] they) 



You gotta hope and work for that kind of fraternity, man, 'Cause you can't make it out here by yourself. I learned that from Marcus Roberts. You can't make it by yourself. Playing this music can be the most intimate thing you ever do with another man. You get so close to them, to their mind and what they're thinking, and you actually revel in every moment of it.  






5.Playing this music can be the most intimate thing you ever do with another man 


動名詞(Playing) 関係詞・省略(thing [that] you) 



This is our life, man. And we revel in it. You'll find joy in other people, the people you meet. The older musicians, the younger ones, the tunes, people's sounds. The way people hold hands entering a concert. The way kids stand when playing their instruments, or parents when taking a picture. 




11.The way people hold hands entering a concert 


関係詞・省略(The way [that] people) 分詞構文(entering) 



You remember all your experiences. I remember kids who came to me for lessons, man, and they were nervous. Kids who would become great players in their own right. I remember Marcus Roberts after we played his first gig; he said, “Well, I played a gig now.” “Don't worry,” I told him. “By the end of this year ,man, we'll play so many gigs you won't remember the count 




18.By the end of this year, man, we'll play so many gigs you won't remember the count 


by~までには→until~までずっと(By the end) so+C+that節(so many gigs [that] you won't) 



The great bass player Milt Hinton was real, real sick. One of our young teenage bassists, Carlos Henriquez, wanted to go see him. Carlos and I picked up Reginald Veal and Rodney Whitaker, two other phenomenal young bassists. We got lost going way out to Queens, but finally got there late. Milt's wife, Mona, said, “I don't know, you all might have come over too late. Milt can't get up, you know, he can't play.” Man, when Milt saw us, he got up ― got his basses out, and couldn't stop himself from playing. Milt was something, man. The fellas started playing with Milt. Got him off that bed. They started slapping those basses and just started crying. Got so full, he had to let it out. Well, Milt passed away right after that. He was ninety years old, man.  




Mark O'Conner is a great American violinist, fiddler, and composer. One night our band went to some of his friends' house. His two sons, Forrest and Gage, were there, too. He pulled his fiddle out after we ate and started playing, and playing, and playing. He played a tune he had learned from his teachers when he was a boy. Man, you should have seen how his boys looked at him. Then he came and played with us at the gig the next night. The mike started falling, and he followed the microphone right down to the floor; he was playing so much, he didn't want to stop. That's how this music is, man. 




14.He played a tune he had learned from his teachers when he was a boy 


関係詞・省略/過去完了・大過去(a tune [that] he learned) 



Jon Hendricks, the legendary jazz vocalist, at eighty-something years old, drove two hours to get to a gig we did in Ohio. He sits in on our two-and-a-half-hour gig. Then we go to a jam session later that night. We're sitting up, looking at him, it's maybe three-thirty in the morning. And he's looking over to me: Let's play one more, man! That's what this music is about. Let's play one more. He don't want it to ever stop. And he got to drive two hours back home. 




19.Jon Hendricks, the legendary jazz vocalist, at eighty-something years old, drove two hours to get to a gig we did in Ohio 


不定詞(to get) 関係詞・省略(gig [that] we) 



I think about the joy we gave to some musicians, to the people who are not here anymore, like Milt, or Sweets Edison. I'll be somewhere and somebody will give me a picture of us with Sweets. And I think about the time that Sweets came to one of our rehearsals of Basie's music. He's sitting back there in the trumpet section, singing all the parts, telling stories about different cats. Who wrote what. Who came home and caught his ol' lady cheating. What words they used to sing different phrases. He's making us feel like we are extensions of the Basie band from the thirties. The 1930s!, man. The Great Depression. Memories like that, memories of the music go on and on and on. 





Another time, I got to Ornette Coleman's house at about 11 P.M.; when we took our horns out of our mouths it was 4 A. M.! And I didn't want to leave. 




Joy comes in the human experiences you have when you're out there playing. A man and a woman. Oh, yes. You can't hide from that; that's a part of it. It might be all of it. Being on the road is a lonely thing. And music is a very romantic, sensual pursuit. Through it, you're always giving shape to the invisible. There are ebbs and flows, rises and falls, a lot of flirtation. You use a lot of sexual energy to play music. And not just for slow songs. You use a lot of male energy and female energy. Man, the sweetest gifts you'll get in your life will probably come from a woman. You know, it's not just a sexual thing. It's important because it becomes a part of the music and a part of your understanding of life and just how sweet something can be. Or how something can be sweet but have a bitter undertow. If you don't know about that, what you gonna play? 



It's difficult for jazz musicians: the balance of family and the road. Yeah, it's almost impossible. If you work all the time, you have to make a choice. Or you have to reach an understanding with your old lady. It won't be easy. But you can't be great working part-time, that's not going to happen. We've all made that choice: no part-time music. That's a choice we wanted to make. A lot of other guys didn't make that decision. They stayed home. 





13.That's a choice we wanted to make 


関係詞・省略(a choice [that] we) 不定詞(to make) 



It never felt like a trade-off to me. I knew I would sacrifice everything to do this. And I did. You know, I keep my kids with me out on the road. It's crazy for them. But when they look back, they're going to cherish the experience. I try to let them see the craziness of it all. I don't try to shield them. Having my kids here, the other guy's kids, that's a source of joy all by itself. 'Cause we grew up like that, too. Not on the road, necessarily, but our parents played music. That's part of our way of life. And the musicians don't coddle you. They are very matter-of-fact. And if you can't handle it ― handle it (MF). 




19.I try to let them see the craziness of it all 


不定詞/使役動詞+O+原型不定詞(to let them see) 



I love that my kids know the other musicians .The fact that my sons know men like Herlin Riley, or Wycliffe Gordon. The fact that when my son was young, he sat there with Joe Temperly, playing the bass clarinet. My son doesn't play the clarinet anymore, but I'm just glad that he knows men like Joe Temperley and Wes Anderson, men of soul and substance. And my boys don't have to be musicians themselves. This is hard, man. I want them to be whatever they choose. I always teach my boys that their life is their own. That's the best thing you can do for your kids when you're a parent. I take care of them because I want to take care of them. I don't love them in exchange for anything. That's one of the hardest lessons to learn about loving, and life in general. 





8.I want them to be whatever they choose 


不定詞(to be) 関係詞+ever(whatever) 



I didn't understand this when I was younger. That's why I got so hurt when I felt like my brother sold me out, leaving to go off and play pop music. If that happened now, I would understand it from his point of view. Why shouldn't he do it? I've learned. You can't aspire for something for another person. If you love someone, that's it. You have to let him or her be. Love isn't a bargain or a barter. And it's hard, because so much of relationship etiquette seems based on the notion “If I do this, then you should do that.” But people, whether your children, siblings, or friends, they got their own lives and their own aspirations. And so, with my own kids, I really go out of my way not to impose my expectations. Now, you have to put some expectations on your kids, for their grades and the like. But it's important to liberate them to be themselves, to let them pursue their own dance with joy. 




13.That's why I got so hurt when I felt like my brother sold me out, leaving to go off and play pop music 


関係詞(why) 分詞構文(leaving) 不定詞(to go play)  

[p.118,2]But it's important to liberate them to be themselves, to let them pursue their own dance with joy 


仮主語(it's) 不定詞(to liberate) 使役動詞+O+原型不定詞(let them pursue) 



Always pursue that joy, the sweetness. Don't work solely out of a negative frame of reference. I know some of the discussions we've had make it seem as though things are always presented that way: bullshit going on, corruption, people not doing their share of this work. Truth is, all of that is to help you identify a positive frame of reference. You should create out of a positive frame of reference; that will sustain you out here. Living is a positive experience. That's what the blues teaches you. That's why it continues to exist. And that's why it's in so much music. Yeah, all of this tragic stuff happened to you, but you're still here. And you can still express being here with style. Like laughing to keep from crying. And you keep dancing, man. With music, with jazz, it's all dancing. Just like that first real good slow dance you ever have, when you go to just rub all over against a girl and you can't believe it. You feel like you can crawl inside her. And you don't ever want it to stop. Ebbing and flowing, you're trying to become one. It's unpredictable, giddy, the feeling of coming together with somebody else. Immeasurable joy. And you're doing it in time. You better enjoy it. You better, because it's unrelivable. That's jazz. 





5.I know some of the discussions we've had make it seem as though things are always presented that way: bullshit going on, corruption, people not doing their share of this work 


関係詞・省略/現在完了(some discussions [that] we've had 使役動詞+O+原型不定詞(make it seem) 仮定法・反実仮想(as though)  

8.Truth is, all of that is to help you identify a positive frame of reference 


近い未来/help+O+原型不定詞(is to help you identify)  



Sweet dreams, man. 
