【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind


第12話Chloe Stewart: Miles to Go by マイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





Chloe Stewart 



Can you imagine being bullied by your classmates, not even having a best friend, then moving to Hollywood and getting to audition crowds of eager girls who want to play your best friend on a TV show? The would-be Lilly I had tried out with months earlier ― the dark-haired one I'd hurried to change out of my Dr Pepper ― stained skirt to meet? ― I never saw that Lilly again. 



While the new potential Lillys were trying out, my mom got friendly with some of the casting people. They joked about my dad being a hunk. And my mom joked about how they should bring him out here to play my dad on the show. And then (as my mom tells it)  everyone was like. “Wait, seriously?” 



My mom sat me down at the kitchen table to talk about it. I loved the idea of having Daddy around, but I was worried that if he got the part, people would think that he'd been cast first and I'd been hired because of him.★ Dad worried about the same thing. He said, “This part is meant for you. What if I mess it up? 

(★: After all my hard work!) 




But we all really wanted to find a way for our whole family to be together. Dad had been in Canada for so long. He was always traveling back and forth. If the show was successful and they decided to make it into a series, then I'd have to move to L. A. . Would we uproot the whole family? How was it all going to work? That's when Mom said, “Well, we've talked a lot about how Hannah Montana is meant for you. What if Hannah's dad is meant for Billy Ray?” We decided to leave it up to fate.  



They had already narrowed it down to two potential dads for me ― or rather, Hannah Montana. Now they added Dad to the mix. He came in, took one look at the other dad actors, pointed at the best-looking one, and told the producers, “Hire that dude. Make my daughter's show a hit. But then they called him in to read lines with me.  



Sitting at the conference table with him was completely surreal. I mean, he's my dad! We were joking around and laughing together. We were joking around and laughing together. We did our handshake, which is very complicated and silly. We sang together ― I think it was my dad's song “I Want My Mullet Back.” My mom was out in the waiting room with the two other dads. She says you could hear me saying, “Dad, that isn't the line!” an everyone rolling with laughter. But apparently it was during “I Want My Mullet Back” that the other dads looked at each other and said, “We're doomed.” 

この男性とリハーサル室で同じ席に座っているのは、とても現実とは思えませんでした。「この男性」って、私のお父さんね!いつも冗談言い合ったり、一緒になって笑ったりしているお父さんと、この時は、握手なんかして、今思ってもワケわかんなくて、変な感じです。私とお父さんがしたのは、歌を歌うこと。確かお父さんの「I Want My Mullet Back」(題意:マレット(髪型)にしていた頃に戻りたい)お母さんは控室で、他の2人の候補の人達と一緒でした。「ちょっとお父さん、これセリフの読みあわせじゃないじゃん!」って言ってたのが、しっかり聞かれて、みんな笑い転げていた、と、あとでお母さんから聞かされます。でも、この「I Want My Mullet Back」を歌っている間のこと、「他のお父さん達」が顔を見合わせて、「こりゃ、ウチら終わったな」って、言ってたのは確かなようです。 


And they were right. Dad got the part. We'd been praying for a way to keep the family together, and here was the crazy, completely unexpected solution. We'd deal with rumors of who got what part first later. For now, we were just psyched to be in the same country!  



Dad's being cast was great. But the rest of the characters had been determined, and now I had other castmates, too. Chloe Stewart (Hannah's alter ego) had a brother, Jackson (Jason Earles). And she had best friends, Lilly (Emily Osment) and Oliver (Mitchel Musso). And to be perfectly honest ― in the beginning, I was intimidated by all of them. Emily had been in tons of commercials, TV shows, and the movie Spy Kids. Mitchel had been in a couple of TV shows and movies, including Life Is Ruff, which was Disney, so he knew the drill. I had done, um, a few episodes of my dad's show Doc, which was a drama, and a couple of lines in a movie. Once ― in Alabama. I'd never done any comedy whatsoever.  



So there I was trying to be funny and act and sing and dance and look cool and make it clear that my dad hadn't gotten me the part, and attempting to befriend my costars while wearing Hannah's cheap blond wig half the time. 



And guess what? ― in no time, it all felt easier and much more natural than sitting in that sixth-grade cafeteria. 



Oh, and about Chloe Stewart. Doesn't ring a bell, does it? There's a reason. You see, my real name is Destiny Hope Cyrus.★  

(★: More on that later ....) 




Everyone called me Miley. My character's name was Chloe Stewart. Her alter ego's name was Hannah Montana. It was just way too many names. So they dropped the one that was easiest to let go. My character's name changed to Miley Stewart. And people still get confused. I'm not confused. I'm Miley in real life. I'm Miley on my show (except when I'm Hannah). The only place I'm not Miley is on my original birth certificate, which is now defunct since I had my name legally changed. And when that glorious day comes, my driver's license will say Miley.  


第11話The Call: Miles to Go by マイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 






The Call 






Have you ever felt like you need to start over, 

Be a new person and be set free? 

Sometimes, do you ever feel 

As if you're looking through broken glass 

With a broken future and shattered past? 

Don't let the what-ifs or should've-beens 

hold you back. 

It's your time and your dreams 

Be a sun shining bright 

Not a cloud dull and dim 

You can change the world 

and bring the light 














Not to sound like Susie Sunshine, but it just goes to show, when you are ready to move on or if you come to peace with pain, you'll find a silver lining. Mine came in the form of a phone call. 



I was on my cell★ with Patrick, one of my oldest friends. He and I had just discovered iTunes, and he was playing some song off his computer for me. Actually, it was “I Can't Take It” by Tegan and Sara. I'll never forget it. My mom was nearby in the kitchen and answered the landline when it rang. She screamed so loudly I thought someone had died. Then, a moment later, she started yelling, “You got it! You got it!” 

(★:My parents caved and got me some minutes) 

私はケータイで話をしてました★。相手はパトリック、当時の私の友達では一番年上の子でした。彼と私はアイチューンズを始めたばかりで、私のために、コンピュータから曲を一つかけてくれていました。ティーガン&サラの「I Can't Take It(題意:やってられない)」。私には「忘れられない」曲に、きっとなると思います。お母さんは私の側で、台所仕事をしていました。家の電話が鳴って、お母さんが出ます。そしたら、もの凄く大きな声で叫ぶんです。誰か死んだの?って思っちゃった。そしたら、ちょっと間があって、今度は怒鳴り始めます「あんた、受かったわよ!あんた、受かったわよ!」 



“It” was Hannah. It's a strange and amazing feeling to get exactly what you want. It doesn't happen very often, so when it does, your brain is kind of like, Whoa, hold on, what's the catch? It's tempting to dwell on what the downside might be or how much suddenly has to get done. But seeing my mom all happy and jumping ― yes, my mom was jumping ― I finally had to accept that this was just plain good. I told my brain to just be quiet. This was awesome! I had a part! A character that I loved! I'd get to sing and act. It was too perfect. As reality sank in, I started jumping and screaming too. Poor Patrick was left hanging on the other end of the phone. He must have thought a tornado was destroying our home. 



The whole morning ― my mom answering the phone and screaming that I got the part ― makes it sound like I bought a ticket and won the lottery, simple as that. But now you know it was more like a slow-motion lottery, during which there were plenty of opportunities for pain, suffering, and one way-too-long trip to the bathroom. I'll never forget how it felt to be that girl. You know the one. That friendless girl who sits alone in the cafeteria every day and is clearly just trying to survive, but the other kids go out of their way to pick on her anyway, and half of you feels bad for not doing anything to stop it. but the other half of you is just really, really relieved it's not you sitting there? That was me. And it was awful. 



Getting the part did change everything, suddenly and irreversibly. I was moving forward and leaving the past behind, but I didn't dare forget the struggle. There was a reason for it. I brought that girl with me, and she reminds me to be compassionate. To not hold grudges. To be supportive. To be there for others when I know I'm needed. My dad likes to remind me of Newton's third law of motion ― that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. For all I'd struggled during that year, for all the hours I sat alone at lunch or retreated to my room, writing songs, there was a balance. A balance in my life, just like there is a balance in the world.  



For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. You never know what it's going to look like on the other side. but you'll see it eventually if you keep your eyes open.  



I really believe that. 



Here it was ― one single phone call that was more than payback for sixth-grade hell. The jumping. The screaming. The madness. (Dad just said, “See? I told you. It's meant for you.”) I had flown to Los Angeles to audition and/or meet with Disney executives at least four times. I had been too small for the part. I had been too young for the part. They wanted someone taller. Or someone older. Or someone with a better singing voice. Or some with more acting chops. Or someone with all of the above. They had tried really hard to find anybody other than me for the part. I'd been working and hoping for Hannah and warding off a pack of (well, three) teenage bullies that whole sucky year of sixth grade. I was eleven when I first auditioned. Now, after a year, I really was twelve.★ Now, amazingly, incredibly, impossibly, the part was mine.  

(★:Still not very big, but... ) 








This had been my dream for about as long as I could remember. 



But oddly enough, now that it was actually happening, my excitement wasn't so much about what I'd achieved and where I was going. It was about escaping. I wasn't thinking, “Great! I've got a part in a Disney show! I finally landed something! I'm going to be a big star!” Hannah Montana should have been something I was running to, but instead it was an excuse to run away from what had been the worst year of my life. I was determined to get out of Nashville before starting high school. So when I got that call, it felt like God saving me from an impossible situation. My first thought (after the screaming, crazy, holy heck one, of course) was, I'm outta here! 


第10話Bottom of the Ocean: Miles to Go by マイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





The Bottom of the Ocean 



Remember Lyric and Melody? Trapped in their bowl? Well, one of the fish died. I'm pretty sure it was Melody. I was upset. I know ― weird to get that distraught over something you can't even pet, but fish were my thing. Then my mom got me another fish. I should have named him Dissonance. He promptly ate Lyric.★ After that, fish weren't my thing anymore. I had had enough with the strong picking on the weak. 

(★A harsh blow!) 




My perfect fishies were gone, but they taught me something lasting. Since then any time I want to write a song, I tell myself, Think outside the bowl. It's a reminder to push myself, not to get stuck ― not to see the world outside through a glass cage. 



“Bottom of the Ocean” started off as a song about Lyric and Melody. But once I began writing, it was about so much more than my silly fish.★ It was about anyone's dreams, boyfriends, a lost parent, an abusive relationship. It's saying if there's someone you've loved but for some reason you can't love them anymore, you have to take your feelings, scoop them out, and put them at the bottom of the ocean. Hide them there, carefully and respectfully, in the one place where they can't ever be found. “Bottom of the Ocean” is a “good-bye” song, a love song. You'd never think it was about fish. Well, except for the “ocean” part.  

私の「Bottom of the Ocean」と言う曲は、リリックメロディのことを書こうと思って作り始めました。でも、いざ書き始めると、おサカナ達のこと以上の内容に・・・。誰もが心に抱く夢のことや、男友達のこと、今はもう居ない親のこと、人との関係で心が傷ついたこと。この曲に込めたメッセージは、自分が他人に愛情を持っていたのに、何かの理由で、それが持てなくなってしまったら、つらい思いに負けないで、それをすくい取って、海の底深くに沈めてしまおう、二度と誰かに見つけられないようなところへ隠そう、気をつけて、丁寧に、というものです。「Bottom of the Ocean」は、さよならの歌であり、恋愛の歌です。普通、魚の歌だとは思わないですよね。「Ocean」っていうところはありますけど。 


My friends turned into my enemies, even my best friend. I had no idea why I was the one they hated or what I could do to make it all better. I didn't fit anywhere. Where does it all go? All the respect, all the friendship, all the love? I was powerless, lost, just kind of floating, and there was no end in sight. So I did what I talked about in “Bottom of the Ocean.” I put all the losses and pain and fear someplace where no one would find them again, down at the bottom of my own personal ocean.  

私の友人達は、私の敵に変わってしまいました。一番中の良かった友達でさえもね。どうしてみんな、私のことを憎むようになったのか、私はどうすれば良かったのか、全く分かりません。私の居場所は、もうどこにも無かったのです。尊敬、友情、愛情、全部どこかへ行ってしまった。何も出来ず、途方に暮れて、ただ流されるばかりで、終わりが見えない。だから私は、「Bottom of the Ocean」の詞の通り、悲しみ、辛さ、そして恐れを、全部しまい込みました。誰にも、二度と、見つけられよう、私の心の中にだけ広がる、海の底深くに。 


And then I got the final call about Hannah Montana.★ 



(★And if you're wondering about Dissonance ― he's long down the toilet.) 


第9話The Cafeteria: Miles to Go by マイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





The Cafeteria 



I never told anyone at school that I was auditioning in L. A., but it seemed like my torturers had a sixth sense about it and knew I was going somewhere. When I came back from L. A. the second time, the girls took it beyond normal bullying.★ These were big, tough girls. I was scrawny and short. They were fully capable of doing me bodily harm. As if they weren't already scary enough, then they sent me a note threatening me if I showed up in the cafeteria at lunch the next day. I'm not going to give any bullies out there ideas by saying exactly what they threatened. Let's just say it wasn't nice. And I know it sounds kind of silly and cliched to be scared of a little note. You just have to trust me. These girls weren't messing around.  

★Can bullying be normal? 




I'd been trying to handle the bullying all by myself this whole time. I didn't want to show my fear, not to those girls or to my friends or to my parents. I never cried.★ I didn't tell my parents. I tried everything I could think of . Sometimes I tried to defend myself. Sometimes I apologized. Sometimes I just walked away. I always felt alone. But the night I got the cafeteria threat it seemed like Operation Make Miley Miserable was escalating to a new level. More like Operation Take Miley Down. I was so scared that I told a friend from cheerleading about it on the phone. Should I pretend to have the flu? Should I skip lunch? Should I arm myself with a ketchup bottle and prepare for battle? 

イジメが始まってからというもの私は全部自分で方を付けてきましたイジメの子達にも私の友達にもそれからお父さんとお母さんにも私が恐怖を感じていることを見せたくなかった涙は見せないお父さんとお母さんにも言わない自分で思いつくことは全てやる時には自分の身を自分で守り時には謝る言動を発したり時にはその場を立ち去ったりと、周りに味方が誰もいない、常にそんな気分です。でも、「学食に来てみろ」の脅しが届いた日の夜は、いよいよMMM作戦も、新たな作戦段階にレベルアップし、TMD作戦(「た」か飛車の 「マ」イリー 「デ」コボコにする)に移った模様です。さすがの私も、怖くなり、チアリーディングの方の友達の一人と、電話で相談しました。インフルエンザにかかったフリしようか?お昼抜きになるの?ケチャップボトルを武器にして戦うか? 


As soon as I hung up the phone, my dad came into the room. He sat down on the foot of my bed and told me he had overheard my conversation. I rolled my eyes. ★ Dad wanted to know what was going on. I showed him the note, and told him I was pretty much scared out of my mind. Still I begged him not to do anything. I knew if he told my mom, she'd call the principal. She's that kind of mom. If she called the principal, that was it. They'd destroy me. Dad listened, and said he understood. But he added, “You know I gotta tell Mom.” 

★The mean girls were rubbing off on me, I guess. 




I followed Dad straight to Mom and said, “Mom, I will never speak to you again if you say anything.” But I could see from their faces that as soon as I went to bed, they were going to have a Conversation. 



I went to lunch the next day, unsure of where the Conversation had ended. What else could I do? If I hid from the girls today, they'd just get me tomorrow.  



It was like an afterschool special about the runty girl who gets beat up. But instead of having a happy ending with an uplifting message about overcoming adversity, this plot would end with my living out the rest of my days a twelve-year-old hermit, friendless and alone. 



As soon as I sat down at my empty table in the loser boondocks of the lunchroom, three girls strutted up and stood towering over me. My stomach churned. I clutched my grilled cheese sandwich like it was the hand of my best friend. It pretty much was my best friend those days. I was done for. 



They started cussing me and telling me to get up.★ I sat there, frozen. I didn't know what to do. I looked over and saw the mother of one of the girls sitting at a nearby table. A mother! And she was laughing.★★ Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I wasn't a chicken. What could they do to me? I was surrounded by people. I stood up, still a foot shorter than they were, and said, “What's your problem? What did I ever do to you?” 

★You know, like “Get up and fight!” Aaah! 

★★Had I entered an alternate dimension?!? 





Before they could say or do anything, the principal walked in and interrupted, saying, “Girls!” That one word from the principal and all the kids in the lunchroom went “Ooohh.”★ Talk about embarrassing ― and relieving! 

★As in: “You're all in big trouble.” 




It turns out that after the Conversation, Mom had gone ahead and called the principal. At first my mom had thought it wasn't that big a deal, girls will be girls or whatever, but Dad had told her, “You never know. Things happen in schools all the time.” Of course, that got my mom freaked out. I guess I was pretty relieved that my mom had stepped in.★ I honestly don't know what those girls would have done to me, even with one of their mothers watching it all go down. The principal brought us into her office and forced us to “make up.” As if we'd been in a two-sided argument about who stole whose pencil, when we all knew perfectly well that this was a straightforward case of torturing the innocent. 

★Let's keep that between us, though. 




Only three girls were picking on me that day in the cafeteria, but I got a sense that the other kids enjoyed the show. I'd always gotten some teasing for having a well-known father. Classmates would say, “Your dad's a one-hit wonder. You'll never amount to anything ― just like him.” I just ignored it. I thought of him as successful and happy with his life. Maybe they thought I was snotty for being proud of my dad (well, he is the most amazing man ever), or for wanting to be my own person, or for wanting to be an actress and a singer. Maybe they just smelled insecurity. Maybe that was why they singled me out. Whatever the reason, to this day I still don't know what it was. I probably never will, and at this point I don't want to. 



I don't really blame my former best friend, Rachel,★ for betraying me. She was never outright mean to me. Honestly, I think they bullied her into dropping me and ignoring me. I like to think I wouldn't have ditched a friend the way she did, but I have a feeling she was as scared of her new friends as I was ― the difference being that she was scared from inside the group and I was scared from outside. 

★Again, names have been changed! 




I always find comfort, guidance, and answers in my faith. I turned to my Bible then as I often do now, and found this Psalm. 



Psalm 25: 1-2, 5-7 



O LORD, I give my life to you 

I trust in you, my God. 

Do not let me be disgraced, 

Or let my enemies rejoice in my defeat. 






Lead me by your truth and teach me, 

For you are the God who saves me. 

All day long I put my hope in you. 

Remember O Lord, your compassion 

and unfailing love, 

Which you have shown from long ages past 








After the talk with the principal, the biggest threat was over, but I was still alone. And after bailing too many times for auditions, I didn't even have the comfort of cheerleading anymore. I just got by. I started hanging out with some older kids and tried to put it out of my mind, but the bully girls continued to give a hard time every day. I hated school. I never turned my back to open my locker without being aware of who else was in the hall. I never lingered between classes or after school. Every time I went to the bathroom or walked around the corner, I was on edge. I didn't feel safe.  


第8話Make Your Own Dreams: Miles to Go by マイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





Make Your Own Dreams 



I couldn't escape school but I could focus on other things. We had a huge cheerleading competition coming up, so I threw myself into training and tried to forget about bullies and auditions. My life only sucked from eight a.m. to three p.m. Then I went to the gym and pushed it all out of my head. 



And then, when I had just about really and truly given up hope, we got another call from Margot the talent agent. Disney wanted to see me again. What were they doing, cutting one girl at a time American Idol ― style? This time there was no shrieking and disrupting of the animal's peaceful farm life. Instead of feeling excited, I just felt tired of it all. I told my mom I didn't want to go back. I figured it was going to be the same thing all over again. I was completely focused on cheerleading. My team wanted me. My team needed me. My team didn't make me fly cross-country over and over again only to send me home with nothing. My mom was over it too. She said it stressed her out. But then Margot told us that Judy Taylor, the head of casting, had said, “”You can't pass on this. They're really serious about Miley. They've seen so many girls, and they keep coming back to her.” 



Missing this competition would mean dropping off the team. 



I had to choose between cheerleading and auditioning. 



To this day it's the hardest decision I've ever had to make. My mom said it was up to me, but she wanted me to have perspective, to make an informed decision. She said, “Honey, are you sure? I think you're amazing, but the chances of getting this role are still slim to none. You have no experiance. We already know they think you're too small and too young. You have the rest of your life to do this. If you go, you may end up sacrificing cheerleading for nothing.”  



My dad's advice was simpler: “You have to go. This part is meant for you.” (He really has a lot of faith in that intuition of his.) They told me to take my time and think about it really seriously.  



★★★7 things that help me fall asleep★★★ 



1. a fine frenzy CD 

2. reading the life story of Einstein 

3. counting 

4. thinking about my family 

5. responding to e-mails 

6. business meetings 

7. snuggling up a my doggie, Sofie  









So I thought long and hard. Cheerleading wasn't just my passion. It was my salvation that year. It was the only way I was surviving sixth grade. If I quit and then didn't get the part, which we all knew was the most likely sequence of events, I'd be left with nothing. But I didn't plan to be a cheerleader for the rest of my life. This was my chance. And I was scared out of my mind.   



I have always believed that the greatest opportunities in life come with fear and risk. I realized that taking the risk was like soaring in a cheerleading stunt and having faith that someone would catch me. Maybe cheerleading had been training me for this moment.  



I knew it was too much to hope for, but Hannah Montana was my dream role, and it was closer than ever. I wasn't about to give up now.  



It was back to L.A. 



The dreams that you hold for your future are what you dream about at night. They're always at the back of your mind. They're what your heart desires. They keep you going. Accept reality and have a backup plan, but always follow your dreams no matter what.  




This time there were only two other girls in the waiting room. One of them was Taylor Momsen, who had been in Spy Kids 2 and now stars in Gossip Girl. She was gorgeous, with long, blond hair. The other one was sixteen years old. When I got called into the audition room, I read scenes for the executives over and over again. I sang songs for them. I talked to them so they could “get to know me.” I read more scenes. I sang more song. I read songs. I sang scenes. I would have hung wallpaper while wearing a tutu if I thought it would prove I was meant to play Hannah. 



It was a long day, and finally it was over. My mom, my maternal grandmother (Mammie), and I were staying at the Universal Studios theme park so we'd have something fun to do if the trip turned out to be a bust. Auditions done, we went to dinner at a restaurant there called Daily Grill. We sat down got our drinks, and I promptly spilled Mammie's entire Dr Pepper all over my white skirt.  



As I was yanking paper napkins out of the dispenser as fast as I could, Margot called. She and my mother talked a little bit, then my mom hung up and turned to me. “They want us to go back to the studio right now,” she told me. “They want to test you with another girl they have for Lilly. Margot said we should drop everything.” I looked at my Dr Pepper ― soaked skirt and said, “I thought I already did.” I couldn't go like that! But they were sending a car for us! We sprinted back to the hotel so I could change before the car came.  



My heart racing and palms sweating.★ I tested with the Lilly actress, a sweet girl with very dark hair. She and I whispered excitedly. We were the ones! Weren't we? It seemed so promising. At the end I thought they were going to tell me I had the part. Instead, they just said thank you and sent me back to Nashville. 

(★I know. Real professional) 




At first I made my mon call the agent every day to see if there was any news, but there was never any news. Weeks went by. Finally, we just stopped calling. 


第7話When Disney Calls: Miles to Go by マイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





When Disney Calls 



It was as if someone wanted to make it up to me for what was going on at school. Not long after the bathroom incident, I got another surprise call ― this time it was Disney saying they wanted me to come to L. A. to audition in person for Hannah Montana. It was the middle of the school year! Score! I could miss school ― i. e., Torture 101. But then I remembered. I also had major cheerleading commitments.  



Missing just a single practice was a big deal. The choreography relies on everyone showing up. After all, you can't have a pyramid without the top. girl. Actually, it's even worse to try making a pyramid without one of the bottom girls!★ 

(★Don't try this at home!) 




Somehow my mom got me excused from practice. I flew to L. A., anxiously ran lines with Mom, hurried to get to the audition on time, could barely contain my excitement, opened the door to the waiting room, and ― there were fifty other would-be Hannahs waiting to be seen. My mom and I looked at each other. We had thought I was a finalist. I guess we thought wrong. We joked that they had enough Hannahs there to name one after every state, not just Montana. (Hannah Indiana, Hannah Connecticut, Hannah Idaho ... ) I know, I know ― but we had a lot of to kill in that waiting room.  



★★★ 7 places I want to go ★★★  



1. Fiji 

2. Australia 

3. Italy 

4. Hawaii 

5. Germany 

6. Spain 

7. North Carolina 









The waiting room for the Hannah Montana auditions was like the waiting room in a busy doctor's office. There were old magazines, odd smells, tons of tension ― and we were all about to be examined. Some of the moms who were waiting with their daughters had way too much perfume on, giving me an insta-headache. The only saving grace was that at least we wouldn't have to get any vaccinations. Although I was pretty certain that not getting the part would hurt at least as much and the pain would last longer.  



As we waited, and waited, and waited some more, I could see that some of the girls and their moms were sizing up. My mom, thank goodness, has never been “that” mom. She ignored the looks, but I couldn't. It was tense in that room. You couldn't help thinking about who was prettiest or best prepared or most talented. As I sat there, I snuck peeks at the other girls. I didn't recognize any of them ― not that I expected to. I had done some auditioning, but I hadn't exactly been going all over town.  



Most of the girls were older than I was and much taller. Many of them were beautiful. Some had shiny black hair. Others had long blond hair. Some had glowing white teeth. I looked at how they were dressed, how they did their makeup, and how they wore their hair. On looks alone, I was pretty sure most of those girls could land the role hands down. An I could only imagine what kind of experience they had had. I felt way out of my league. Auditions were by far the most scary, nerve-racking moments I ever had. Each one was like taking a test. I liked to perform, so I was always excited, but I also always really wanted the job, so the anxiety was huge. But on that particular day, the cheerleader in me woke up. 



My cheerleading coach, Chastity, was really tough. In Nashville, some people treated me differently because I was the singer Billy Ray Cyrus's daughter. They'd cut me slack because my dad was somebody. Not Chastity. If I messed up, she made me run laps just like everyone else. If anything, she was tougher on me. I was afraid to fly ― to be the person at the top of the stunt who soars through the air ― but she had me work one-on-one with the stunt trainer. I wasn't the best tumbler, but she made me practice until my back handspring was just right. I bounced off my head until I felt like I'd been spinning in circles for hours.  



Chastity didn't care how long it took me. She was proud, so long as I didn't quit. She always said, “Can't is not a word.” Chastity taught me that when I wanted something, I had to work hard for it. I wanted this part badly. Who was to say that these polished L. A. girls were any better than I was? When they finally called my name, I was ready.   



In the audition room, I faced a panel of ten people. I stood there, dressed in my short little skirt and T-shirt ― Abercrombie'd out. You want them to remember you, so I made sure to be outgoing. For once in my life, it was good that I talked too much. I just had to make sure to be myself instead of letting my nerves take over. The casting people asked me to read from a script, then to sing. I sang a little bit from Mamma Mia! As at most auditions, they gave me comments, like “Can you try it a little bit brighter?” or “Read it again as if you're really annoyed at your brother.” (It's funny, I was so nervous and had no idea then who those people on the panel were. They were just intimidating strangers. Now they're the people I work closely with every day.) 



When I came out of the room I had no idea how I'd done. And I couldn't relax yet even though it was over. Sort of. The most stressful part of the whole auditioning ordeal is that you can't go home until they tell you you're done. You have to hang out in the waiting room, watching other girls get called back in, wondering if you're going to be called in to read something different or to sing again. And you never know why you're being called back in. Or not being called back in but still made to stay. Do they like you? Do they love you? Does one person hate you? Are they worried about your hair? Your height? They never give you the tiniest hint of hope.  



I did my best, but we ended up going home to Nashville with no good news. And then, a couple weeks later, I got another call. “You're a finalist!” Okay, this was the real thing. Maybe I had my ticket out of sixth grade after all. Again I begged out of cheerleading. Two strikes. One more and Chastity would kick me off the team. I flew to L. A., anxiously ran lines with Mom, hurried to get to the audition on time, could barely contain my excitement, opened the door to the waiting room, and ― there were thirty other would-be Hannahs waiting to be seen. Sounds familiar? 



I was starting to feel like one of those balls that's attached to a paddle by a rubber band. Each time I got smacked away, they pulled me back just so they could smack me again. Well, it was a little gentler than that. But I was eleven. It was a roller coaster. ★ In the faces of those thirty girls I saw the grim reality. I had barely made any progress. I was definitely going back to sixth grade.  


第6話A Long Pit Stop: Miles to Go by マイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





A Long Pit Stop 



Cheerleading was my safe haven, the one place where I knew I had friends I could trust to the ends of the earth. Or at least to catch me when I was flying through the air, which was a little more likely than reaching the ends of the earth, anyway. But at school I had no such safety net. And things were getting worse. 



I still have no idea how the Anti-Miley Club got a janitor's key to the school bathroom, but one day I was on my way to science class, and they shoved me in an locked it. I was trapped. I banged on the door until my fists hurt. Nobody came. I tried to open the window, but it was stuck.★ It dawned on me that everyone was already in class. Nobody would come to use the bathroom for at least forty minutes. I sat down on the floor and waited. ★  

(★Note to self: in case of fire do not attempt to exit via bathroom window.) 






I spent what felt like an hour in there, waiting for someone to rescue me, wondering how my life had gotten so messed up.  



I looked at the line of stalls, the row of mirrors, the unyielding windows, and thought about my two fish, swimming around and around in their bowl. How had I gotten here? Had I asked for it? Did I deserve it? Would it ever end? I knew the capitals of all fifty states. I knew the capitals of all fifty states. I could do a back handspring on the sidewalk. But I had no clue as to why this was happening. I was friendless, lonely, and miserable. The only bright spot was that if I had to use the bathroom, at least I was in the right place! 
