【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind







In this interview, the renowned tenor discusses his character's growth and how he prepares for the nine astonishing high C's in "Ah ! mes amis, quel jour de fête !" 




See Lawrence Brownlee as Tonio in Gaetano Donizetti's THE DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT, onstage at Lyric November 4-25. 

歌劇「連隊の娘」( ガエターノ・ドニゼッティ作曲)シカゴ・リリック・オペラにて2023年11月4日~25日 



I think I connect with Tonio, and it gives me the opportunity to be youthful, young, playful. There are a lot of cute moments.  



I think as he comes into his maturity and discovers what love is, I like the character. And everybody thinks that it's all about "A mes amis," the aria with the nine high C's. 




Yes, that's a big part of it, but it's the second aria, where ... I think you've seen that Tonio has joined the regiment.  



He comes back more mature, more knowledgeable, and how he pours his heart out at the end of the opera in the Second Act, to really declare his love, his deep love for Marie.  



I like that. I like the maturation process. I like the connection that he and Marie have, and the story that they  tell together. 



I had a teacher who told me a long time ago that to be successful in "A mes ami" is to make everything before the high C's so good that the high C's in the end are really the icing on the cake.  



And so when I began to think about the details ... And it's a great competition piece that I used early on in my career. As I was doing auditions and doing competitions, it's one that I used.  



And it wasn't until I started thinking about the details, the musicality, the phrasing, making sure that everything before I got to the long-awaited high C's was the best that I could do it, and that seemed to be the thing that kind of pushed it over the top. 



The structure was good, and it had a lot of variation in the colors, but just to ... Every time I get on stage, I remember that it's about making it stand out before the high C's. 










In this excerpt from Donizetti's THE DAUGHTER OF THE REGIMENT, bel canto superstar Lawrence Brownlee (Tonio) displays his stratospheric singing in "Ah! mes amis" ("Ah, my friends"), celebrating that as a member of the regiment, he can now marry his love, Marie.