Absolute Classics Presents: An Exclusive interview with clarinettist, Emma Johnson.
「Absolute Classics」がお送りいたします、クラリネット奏者のエマ・ジョンソンへの、独占インタビューです。
I'm Emma Johnson. And I'm a solo clarinetist.
I like to do a wide variety of stuff. And I've got a jazz trio as well. And at the moment I'm also developing a program for clarinet with singers, with choir. So I really love to explore everything that the clarinet can do.
I have, to date, made, I think it's 28 recordings. And I've got another one in the pipeline for next year. A Christmas recording with choir.
I've been lucky to be invited to travel over the world with my clarinet. I've been to Japan. I've done tours in America, throughout Europe, Africa, Australia. So it's been a very varied life. I particularly love to play in the UK, though. And I adore playing to the audiences here.
My first introduction to music was when I was given a recorder for Christmas at the age of four. And I just was obsessed by it, straight away taught myself to play. Then I graduated onto the clarinet. I think my parents were finding that the recorder was far too high and squeaky to have going on in the background all the time.
I was lucky to be given music lessons at school to start with, and had a very good local teacher. I always had as my dream that I would like to be a clarinetist.
And when a lot of my friends were going in for a competition called “BBC Young Musician Of The Year,” I decided to enter. So at the age of seventeen I won that competition. And I have to say that really launched my career as a musician.
そして、友達の多くが「BBC Young Musician Of The Year」(BBC主催:若手音楽家のための年次コンクール)というコンクールに参加する、というので、私も出ようと思ったのです。17歳の時です。その時、1位を頂きました。ここからですね、ミュージシャンとしてのキャリアが始まったと言えるのは。
When I first started out, it was just assumed that a clarinetist would play in an orchestra. That tended to be the pathway. And that was seemed to be where all the work lay.
But because of having the young musician, the BBC young musician success behind me, I'd actually played to an audience of, I think it was twelve million. So that was an amazing launch pad. And it meant that there was an audience out there who wanted to hear me play.
It gave me a tremendous opportunity to work with the clarinet as a solo instrument and to develop the repertoire for solo clarinet to make appealing, interesting, varied recital programs.
Even so when I started out, it would be quite common to promoters to say “Well, we had a clarinet recital five years ago, or ten years ago. I'm not sure we really want another one, thank you.”
So there was quite a lot of work to do to persuade the people that the clarinet IS a very viable and entertaining solo instrument, you know. It has a huge range from the jazzy contemporary end of repertoire to, of course, the classics by Mozart and Brahms.
I would say to anybody starting out that it's important to be extremely creative in your choice of repertoire, try and do something that nobody's done before.
I found the fact that I also decided to study at university has been really helpful. I learned their skills such as orchestration, how to transcribe pieces, all about harmony and so on.
It's meant that I've been able to develop whole new areas of repertoire.
The key to keeping a career going is to be invited back. If most of the promoters you play for have you back again in the next year, or, you know, sometime in the future, it means that you've got a career.
I think it's quite difficult to do that on any instrument. But on the clarinet particularly when you blow down the mouthpiece, you're making the sound with a reed, that literally is a reed that grows by a lake. It's a really natural thing that there are no plastic reeds that work at the moment or electronic ones. So it's terribly unreliable.
You can have a reed that plays wonderfully for you one day. And then you go on an airplane the next day, it gets dried out and it warps. And suddenly your reed that you thought was your friend actually lets you down in concert.
I've always had a very close relationship with my clarinet maker. And we've discussed things, you know, I've told him what I'm trying to do when I give a concert. And he can modify the instrument for me a bit and change tuning or, you know, certain tone quality of areas if I would like that.
So I think it has been a real advantage to, rather than having something that's made in a factory in Japan or a long way off in France or something, to be working side by side with a clarinet maker has been really important, I think.
My instrument, I'm rather proud of it. It's by an English clarinet maker who's based in Surrey, in England. He is carrying on the English tradition of clarinet making, and is the only person doing so now.
It's a bit technical, but it's basically means the hole inside the clarinet is a little wider. And it enables a slightly different style of playing.
Slighty more vocal and the emphasis is on the quality of sound and nuance.
Really playing as if you were singing, so that really is the English tradition.
There's a danger of it dying out once Peter Eaton, my clarinet maker, decides not to do it anymore. So anybody out there who fancies a challenge, there's one for you.
The clarinet is capable of such a variety of styles. And of course it really came into its own in America in the 20th century where, particularly in the 20s and 30s it was often the lead instrument in jazz groups.
Jazz has always been a part of my life. I've also always had a good relationship with quite a few jazz musicians, particularly John Dankworth, the great band leader, and saxophonist and clarinetist. He's written music for me. I've played in many concerts with him and with his wife, the wonderful jazz singer, Cleo Lane.
It's very difficult to play a lot of styles really well and play in a way that will speak to a wide audience. But I've always felt it's an important part of my work to try and have elements in my programing that will appeal to children, for example, who may be inspired to take up music.
So I've composed pieces which have been taken up by associated board exam syllabus. And I've always tried to have some lighter pieces in a program just to try and bring everybody in that sometimes people come to my concerts and they've never been to a classical concerts before.
Also important to remember that many people don't really know the clarinet repertoire that well. So I've made a point always talking about the music before I play. It's just very short introductions but I just think it helps to humanize it and to, you know, help bring people to you and give them something to listen out for as you're playing.
It's been fantastic to be invited to do things such as giving a concert on Sky Arts (TV) quite recently and to play in televised concerts and on the radio and for Classic FM. All these things I just think they're very important part of my work, popular, like pop, you ... making the clarinet more popular.