Teachers and Teaching
An Autobiographic Essay
Production: copyright Unitel
.... and if teachers got to do a music? The answer is everything. You can all imagine a painter who's self-taught, or a writer, but it's almost impossible to imagine a professional musician who doesn't owe something to one teacher or another.
(Brahms: The Academic Festival Overture)
It's a very strange thing that “Lernen” in German, which means “to learn,” and “Lehren,” to teach, derived from the same place, are almost the same word, and in fact, there are dialects of German, including Yiddish, by the way, in which a “Lehrer” means a teacher. And there's a provincialism in American speech, whereby you say, “I will learn you,” “That will learn you,” meaning “that will teach you.” So you see, they are interchangeable words, basically deep down. So when I teach, I learn. When I learn, I teach.
ドイツ語の「Lernen」という言葉、これは「習う」という意味になります。そして「Lehren」という言葉、これは「教える」です。どちらも語源は同じ、ほとんど同じ言葉です。かなり変な話でしょう。そして実は、ドイツ語の方言で、イディッシュ語もところで含まれるのですが、「Lehrer」という言葉、これが「教える人」という意味になるんです。そしてアメリカでも話し言葉になると、方言で「I will learn you」とか「That will learn you」というと、「教えてあげよう」という意味になる場合があります。ですから、この2つの言葉は、相互に交換関係にあると、特にその根底でそうであると言えます。教えるということは、自分が学ぶということになるわけですし、学ぶということは、自分が教えるということになるわけです。
(rehearsal scene)
Play at C. Re-Do, very clearly, the inside voice. One, ... (Listening to what the string players do) This is too fast. Because you want to slow down from this. ... That's the idea. That's beautiful. That's beautiful. All right. (Turning to the student on the podium) Poor man, I'm just to tell you everything the opposite of what he told you.
No, no, no.
But we're all, ... let's learn together.
Leonard Bernstein, best known as a composer and a conductor, has been teaching and learning for more than 60 years. We begin where he began with the piano, the magic key which for him unlocked the world of music.
Piano playing, for me, is anything but irrelevant. It was my first love after all. I discovered the joy of music, if I made quote myself. Uh... at the age of ten, on the piano, on this old upright piano that was moved into our house from a relative, the famous aunt Clara, who moved out of town and didn't know what to do with her heavier articles of furniture. So we got a piano.
A piano. (LB touched and made a sound of piano) I touched this thing and that was it. So far, for me, irrelevant. Piano playing is basic. And as a matter of fact, in order to pay for my own piano lessons, in my adolescent years, since my father was very much against paying for serious piano lessons. He... I had to give lessons of my own to even younger people, children of friends and neighbours in order to make some money to pay for my own. Therefore, I was already teaching piano when I was 12 and 13 and 14.
Leonard Bernstein was born in 1918 of Russian Jewish immigrant parents. He grew up in the suburbs of Boston. At Harvard University, he majored in music theory. After graduating in 1939, he spent two years at the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia, studying conducting and the piano. His piano teacher was the Russian-born Isabelle Vengerova. At first Bernstein was disappointed: he had hoped to study with the great Rudolph Sirkin.
So, I was told what, at the time, I considered very bad news that I had not made it to Rudy Sirkin, but that a certain Madame Vengerova would be my piano teacher.... Groan... and so groaning I went to my first piano lesson with her. And she turned out to be a veritable tyrant! She sat there, and said “All right, now, play me that Bach a few that you played at your audition. Go ahead!” And stopped me after a few bars and said, “Why are you banging that way? Why are you kicking the pedal? Why is the pedal down at all? You're playing Bach. Listen to your left hand. It's drowning out your right hand. If you were conducting this in your class with Dr. Reiner, you would never let an orchestra do what you're doing now at the piano. You're not listening to yourself. You have to listen to yourself the way you would listen to the orchestra at the podium. And you have to be critical, and you blah, blah... She scared the daylights out of me. So I left this lesson absolutely trembling, with an assignment to learn the Pastoral Sonata of Beethoven.
(Playing the piano) I came in, shaking, not daring to touch the pedal as you could see. She stopped me. She said “Doesn't it say piano? Doesn't it say legato?” Then I said, “Yes, but I was afraid to put the pedal down.” “So, make legato with your fingers.” But I cried, because it goes (playing the piano) “How would you make that legato? I have only these four fingers.” She said, “Stop! You have all the fingers you need to make legato. And I'll show you where you can make pedal when the fingers come to by themselves.” Anyway, this detailed, harsh, tyrannical work went on week after week. I came to every lesson in a sweat and trembling, left every lesson a little less trembling and a little encouraged. The second year was glorious because by then I understood what she was after. She had taught me to get into the keys. She had taught me how to break my wrists, how to keep shoulders down, how to relax, so that you could get a beautiful sound, and not freeze up and not tense up and not play this way but you play that way. And I think that I owe her enormous debt.
(Mozart: Piano concerto No. 17 played and conducted by Leonard Bernstein)
(モーツァルト:ピアノ協奏曲第17番 指揮・独奏 レナード・バーンスタイン)
Lucas Foss, composer, conductor and pianist, has his own memories of Isabelle Vengerova.
She was wonderful, so was her cat that always sitting on the piano staring at me as I was playing the piano. What made her so wonderful was that she made people like Lenny and me practice. I mean, we were bad boys, we wouldn't practice. We had too much fun doing all the things unmusic. But not to come unpracticed to class was to give her a heart attack. We couldn't do that. It got her too emotionally upset. So we had to practice.
(Ravel's piano concerto No. 1 played and conducted by Leonard Bernstein)
(ラヴェル:ピアノ協奏曲第1番 指揮・独奏 レナード・バーンスタイン)
It's nothing student like about him. He always knew more than the teachers. And I like that. And also, I had come from Paris and Germany before, and I was new to this country. And he was almost like a teacher to me. He would correct my English. He would say, “No, Lukas, it's not the-a-tRE-LIC, it's the-A-trical.” “But Koussevitzky said the-a-tRE-LIC!” “Never mind what Koussevitzky said! Believe me, it's the-A-trical.” So he... I mean, he would also explain jokes to me, because I was very naive; Lenny was never naive.
(Ravel: piano concerto No. 1 played and conducted by Leonard Bernstein)
(ラヴェル:ピアノ協奏曲第1番 指揮・独奏 レナード・バーンスタイン)
You must take the lessons in the plastique.
Thank god, I didn't believe him. Did you believe him?
The plastique?
Bernstein and German-born Foss have been friends for fifty years ever since they were fellow students at Curtis. Both studied conducting with the autocratic Hungarian maestro, Fritz Reiner.
(interview with Lukas Foss)
I remember auditioning for the class. And I was straight from Paris in me[with my] parents practically and looking even younger than I was. I think I was 15, but I looked like 12. And I came into his office and he shoveled the score under my face. He didn't even say hello, and he said, “What's that?” I said, “Slow movement from Beethoven's fourth symphony.” “OK, I'll take you. Good bye” That's what, “Is that it?” Then as I was on the way out, “Oh, one more ting,” as if he said anything, “One more thing. Don't you think you're young. You're almost too old to learn how to conduct.”
From Reiner Bernstein received a solid academic grounding and stick technique and the preparation for musical scores. Within a year, he was lucky enough to be accepted to study with the Russian, Serge Koussevitzky, whose conducting style couldn't have been more different from Reiner's. In 1940, Koussevitzky opened his school at the Boston Symphony summer home, Tanglewood. Since his school days, Bernstein had admired Koussevitzky. Now he was his first pupil and surprisingly stubborn one.
In those days I didn't use a baton at all. And he pleaded with me to use his little “baguette,” as he called. It looked, it's like a pencil, just a little baguette. Learners can just take little baguette. It is very much clearer when you used the baguette. Reiner, of course, had insisted that we use his baton, which was enormously long, and on which he depended. He hardly ever made a movement with his body. It was the stick, this magic point, at the end of his baton, which made a hundred people play in the most extraordinary way. I knew that whole technique. Koussevitzky decided at the end of the first week that what we all needed was lessons in what he called “the plastique.” And so he engaged somebody from the nearby “Jacob's Pillow Dance Festival.” Somebody who was a dancer or a choreographer or something, to come and give us lessons in “the plastique,” which meant that we had to stand and then go through certain exercises of beautiful... they got some movements. And we had to stand in a certain way and all this involved looking into a mirror. We were all supposed to practice staring into a mirror in order to make sure that I did this once... one day by myself and I fell about with such laughter. And I couldn't repeat it. That was the only time I've ever conducted in front of a mirror. However, I did get from Koussevitzky himself the sense of legato, in the sense of what happens between beats. This is so important. This is what I never stop talking about to the boredom and rage and frustration of all my pupils all over the world.
(rehearsal scene of Schleswig-Holstein Summer Festival 1987)
Uh.. no, this thing that you just... where I just stopped...
They've got to play “Blah, blah, blah..” That's one thing.
... and I immediately ...
That's the next thing. Do you understand!?
Blu-lu, Eee, ya, toh, toh...
Can we take right on ...
And the other thing is they still don't know how to come out with “ff,” because you don't show them. ... What bar is that?
A famous bar of what? Nine! ... uh, let's play then at the famous bar nine. Un!
(orchestra plays)
All right. What did I do?
Nothing. You just...
Just tell me, so I can tell you. There's no ... I don't want you to imitate.
I want you to understand why. Do the bar before. Look. Do it with me. You'll have the stick out. Look, but no hands.
(orchestra play)
You see, what did I do?
You get more over this.
You hold it! It showed them where they ... before they do it. Then, here all these contrasting “fs” and “ps.”
(orchestra play)
It is what is between the beats because a beat is no good once you've given it. They've already played that. It's too late. Everything is in the preparation for that beat. And so... between one beat and the next to prepare beats. It's the inner beats that are important. And Koussevitzky, without saying all that, because he had never taught that before and he didn't have it systematized. He showed me. He said, “then you conduct,” for example, “the slow movement of this Randall Thompson's symphony” that I was assigned that week. He said, “it must be warm like this on the come-up, warm, for two and three and four and one.” And in saying that ... he was saying the whole system of inner beats just by doing it and saying, “And three and four. You keep the line going.” And so ... I remember that slow movement (playing the slow movement with the piano), sort of an American spiritual (singing) . “And three and four.” Well, I conducted it and they got at the concert through the inspiration of Koussevitzky and some symbols. It was not only that some symbols. The love that emanated from him was simply extraordinary.
By the end of the week we were like father and son. We were so close and remained so until the moment he died because he died ... I guess that was ten or eleven years later ... in my arms ... (sigh with grief) ... I had no idea that he wouldn't be with me for the rest of my life. It was an extraordinary thing, the relationship we developed in so short a time.
After two summers at Tanglewood, he made me his assistant and then when he got sick I took over his class. And I was completely identified with him... Not completely, because I was also identified still with Fritz Reiner. After the first season of Tanglewood I went back to the Curtis's at Philadelphia. And I went back to the big baton, and the strict emphasis on knowledge at... what the second clarinet was playing at... “Stop!” he would stop, “What's the second clarinet playing, the second?!” Blah! I didn't know what the second clarinet was playing. “Oh, uh... F#?” “No!, Wrong! Uh!... Why don't you study your score! Uh!.. You have no right to be on that podium unless you know everything that everybody is doing in the song!” It was a nightmare. And “Stop waving your arm! Use that stick! Tick, tuck, puck...” That was the whole other thing. Then I went back to Tanglewood at the second summer and “... Warm like this ...” And I went back again in the inspirations of him. It was extraordinary to have the best of both of those worlds with two such masters because one completely complimented the other. And it was like, in the symposium, the idea of the half that seeks the other half of the self. And that's what makes love.
(rehearsal scene of Mahler's Symphony No. 5 with Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, 1972)
(マーラー:交響曲第5番 リハーサル ウィーン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団 1972年)
Peter Schumidl
(principal clarinet, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra)
Take Beethoven's symphonies, Mozart, Schubert or Brahms. We knew how to play their music. That was a permanent part of our repertoire. But to play one of Mahler's symphonies was always something new. Bruno Walter was always a superb interpreter of Mahler's music. Bernstein explained the music a lot. He loved to talk about Mahler; about what kind of person he was, what led him to compose that symphony at exactly that time, why he did the Scherzo like that, or why he made the slow movement, a slow one in the first place. Bernstein knew at all and he passed it on to us. And all of a sudden, even here in Vienna, there was a new generation of musicians open to Mahler's music that didn't know anything about the burden of the Third Reich. There was also a new generation that hadn't suffered as our grandfathers might have under Mahler when he was the director of the orchestra. We openly embraced his music, especially when it was led by such a great conductor.
(rehearsal scene)
The upbeat is always a little longer.
We have a crescendo here, and subito piano.
We are frequently asked why American musicians... “American,” explicitly in quotation marks, can work so well with the Vienna Philharmonic. Take Bernstein as an example. There's an incredible European tradition in great Jewish musicians like Bernstein or (James) Levine. They have the same roots as we do. See, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers came from Europe, too.
(rehearsal scene)