【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind






Alison Balsom (OBE, 2016) receiving and responding to the presentation of the Honorary Degree (Doctor of Music) from the University of Leicester in July, 2015. 



(Trumpet performance) 0:00-1:59 



(Introduction by Dr. Ferneu) 02:00-08:58 



from 08:58 


Good afternoon. It’s a great honour to be here with you all today at this milestone of embarking on your professional careers.  




To speak today is a privilege as this is the perfect opportunity to invite us all to think hard about the different kinds of differences and positive impacts on the world we want to make. 




I would really like to share a few thoughts and lessons I’ve learned along this way in my career which seemed in a way universal to forging your path ahead from here on, and don’t just apply to the field of music but to many area of life. 




Applying myself to my one passion of music has unquestionably taught me to learn many transferable skills, and taught me how to find the courage to do things I’d initially been terrified of, like making a speech  




The honoured first World War fighter pilot Rickenbacker said, “Courage is doing what you’re afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you’re scared.” 




I suppose I might suggest that to become “successful” by which I mean using resourcefulness and strategies to find your own fulfillment rather than other people’s models of what this word “success” means. 




You need hard work, luck, inspiration, and how to really seize the moment when an opportunity arises. I myself find my most rewarding and revelatory times are when I’ve been really pushed and challenged to expand my horizons both metaphorically and literally. 




There is infinite satisfaction in reaching new levels of understanding of perspectives. My project at Shakespeare’s Globe that Dr Ferneu just mentioned is a good example of this. 




It was the biggest challenge of my career. The worry of whether I could raise enough funding to pay for the whole orchestra for a whole summer, whether I could really could create a new show that didn’t fit into any particular genre and mixed musicians and actors on the stage in equal measure in music of Purcell and Handel. 




It was extremely high risk and high stakes, but it turned out to be the absolute highlight of my career so far. 




If I was to think of a few words of advice for today, maybe I would have given to myself, as a 21 year old then, they might be these. Do not limit yourself to your own area of experties. As I’m sure you know many lucky breaks and chances come from good people skills, being polite and personable, learning to see opportunities and demonstrate your USP in the most unexpected times and places. 




Thomas Edison, the inventor said “If we did the things we were capable of, we would astound ourselves.” Never allow anyone else to hinder you with their own prejudices. But remember, you can’t directly change other people. You can only change yourself, but this in turn can then have wider and wonderful consequences. 




The discipline you have learned while mastering your subject is a highly valuable, transferable skill. Remind your prospective employers of this. If an opportunity doesn’t come along, then make one. Be tenacious. 




Remember, never to lose your love of learning. This is just the beginning. I myself am still learning so much and most recently as just mentioned about, uh, from the astounding organization Brass for Africa. 

忘れないで。物事を学ぶことを、心から愛する気持ちを、失わないこと。学びを愛する気持ちは、物事の始まりに他なりません。私自身、今でも学ぶことが沢山あります。つい最近では、先ほどご紹介いただいた際に、触れていただきましたが、「Brass for Africa」という、大変素晴らしい組織から、大いに学んだところです。 



My experience of many inspiring young people who started life as orphans on the streets are now spreading a life-affirming message through music. And one of the hardest to survive and thrive ... thrive places in the world and it’s certainly having a positive impact on my own outlook on life. 




It’s still a thrill to learn. I imagine that successfully graduating today from Leicester University means that none of you has sat back and waited to see where life will take you but had to work towards many goals. 




Be single-minded. Sometimes be steely in your ambition to achieve what you want to. This is the factor that has certainly played a big part in my journey having a gritty and unshakable determination to stick to my guns and keep going when others gave up. Being authentic to yourself is also vitally important, and I find has also been a constantly renewable energy source. 




Keep your vision above the minutiae of, minutiae of  everyday logistics and on your real and ultimate goals. In other words, keep your eye on the long game and the distractions will be much more surmountable. 




To finish, I’d like to quote Oscar Wilde, who said, “Be yourself. Everyone else has taken.” And I would like to add to this, “Have the courage to be yourself.” 




It’s a joy and an honor to be present at this momentous occasion today, which undoubtedly coincides for all of you with a future of much promise and opportunity. Thank you. 
