May 1992 Maintaining Standards: Keith Jarrett and Dave Grusin
By Becca Pulliam
<後半>1992年5月 「スタンダード・ナンバーは必要か」
BP: Is there a lost opportunity because film music doesn’t generate standards anymore?
DG: Oh my god, please don’t let songs come from the medium [laughs], or we’re all in trouble forever.
KJ: I’m glad you said that!
DG: Usually what happens in a film project is that there’s some kind of thematic things that hopefully shows up, and I can say, “Yeah, this feels good to me.” Then, if there’s a chance anywhere in the film for a reading of that and it makes sense musically, then somebody says, “That should really be a nice song.” And then the lyric comes out to be one of those wonderful lyrics that also could make sense on its own. Those are a lot of “if’s” and the number of times that happens are few.
KJ: DownBeat is a jazz-tinted magazine at least. Right?
BP: “Jazz, Blues & Beyond” is on the cover.
「Jazz, Blues & Beyond」と、表紙には書かせていただいております。
DG: We’re not sure what the beyond is but…
KJ: Today you’re speaking to someone who is considered by some people to be a jazz musician, so I’ll take this opportunity to say that jazz is risk, and without the risk there’s no reward either for the player or for the audience. And when I see the classical music world—which I’ve been seeing very much of recently—I’m beginning to realize how precious that really is. Classical players shake their heads at allegro, their hair flies around the audience wakes up and applauds. The notes are what they are, and it can only be the best of those notes. A jazz player on a certain night, something can happen and from that point he is not the same. He’ll be playing the rest of his life, and he’ll have that as a part of him.
DG: I think you treasure those moments. If you’re realistic you don’t expect them to happen every bar of every chorus.
KJ: The risk is that it won’t; and most of the time, it won’t! [laughs]
DG: But the challenge is that you try to stay on the edge. You put yourself on the edge so that if it’s available to happen you’re ready for it to happen. I don’t do that. Keith does that more with more fluidity and more constant putting himself out on the edge.
KJ: I put myself there, but what happens is never as good as it could be. People come and say, “How did you do that?” They think that they’re hearing the best it could be, and I’m saying to myself, “Next time…”
DG: But if you didn’t feel that way, they might not have that opinion even of what they think you were going for. The standard would have been somewhere else.
KJ: Which is exactly why I used the word “standards” when we did Standards Volume 1 in ’83. Everyone thought it was standard tunes. That isn’t why. Standards. Basic standards. Standards for doing what we were about to do.
まさにそれこそが、83年に『Standards, Vol.1』を発表した時、「スタンダード」という言葉を使った理由なんです。みんなその言葉の意味をスタンダード・ナンバーのことだと思っていたでしょう。でもそうじゃないんです。基準、つまり基本の「き」であり、僕達がこれからやろうとする取り組みの基準となるものだったのです。
BP: You don’t play standards as solos. It sounds as though this is a communal thing, these standards.
KJ: You are communing with a cast stretch of time. You can change the past if you’re aware of it. I think you can communicate to previous eras by dealing with some of the material from those eras.
DG: When one is learning classical music, for instance, you’re really studying history. If you go back to the repertoire, why do you play the trill this way? When you play Mozart you’re playing it this way. Even though jazz is more compressed and newer, I think it’s a similar thing.
BP: I wonder why Stevie Wonder’s songs are not becoming standards. He’s prolific, they have a message, there’s a melody. Is jazz going a different direction from songwriting?
KJ: I think they’re too rich. There’s a richness in harmonies that you can’t escape from an improvising point of view. They’re beautiful things but I would leave them alone.
DG: I know some of the rhyme schemes that we’ve come to accept drive lyric writers crazy. Stevie is such a talent that when he performs his stuff he can make it happen. I think the marriage of the performance and the writer is too close to break. Marvin Gaye is a better example of that kind of songwriting that maybe has life outside of the original performance.
BP: Where else do you look?
DG: I tell you where I don’t look is [he gestures out the window to the southeast] Broadway.
KJ: Jazz depends on an individual person to make it happen even it’s trivial material, which it often should be ’cause it works nicely. But I don’t think we deserve standards. [long pause] Why should we expect there to be standards at this time? Why should we expect there to be something permanent when nothing else is that way? Why should there be music that will last forever now? And anyway, I think we have enough music.
DG: I think we need more music, but we don’t need standards. I know that there are people who feel that they are part of the tradition of songwriting, that they are as dedicated as they could be asked to be. I’m thinking of Marilyn and Alan Bergman, who write lyrics to Michel Legrand themes. They truly believe in the Tin Pan Alley tradition. Maybe those things will emerge as a continuation of the Rodgers and Hart songbook. I don’t know. I know that they’re not being written as reactions to contemporary life as we’ve come to know it, and I think what Keith’s saying is that contemporary life is not conducive to writing those things.
KJ: Not only am I saying that, but I just realized that I’m also saying [that] if we want to take advantage of this time now, we shouldn’t be thinking about writing standard tunes. I think it’s time to remember the first musicians. I think it’s time to imagine ourselves in as primitive a state as we really are; and if we can do that, the standards will eventually arise—if there are such things as standards.
DG: Also, you know, we limited this discussion to music.
BP: It’s pushing the boundaries.
DG: There are a lot of things that are so important when you stop to think about it. [Looking south from West 57th Street over a wide but smoggy panorama of midtown Manhattan and beyond, with the Hudson River and Jersey to the east, he seems to pull this example from thick air.] I have 65 heifers, and they’re all going to calf this spring. And if something happens in the middle of the night to one of those calves and there’s a difficultly in delivery, non of this matters to me. None of it. I think all of us have times in our lives when [music] is the be-all-and-end-all. It certainly was for me early on. But in the overall spectrum of things, we’ve got a lot of other problems in this country.
KJ: You’re out there as a musician, and meanwhile you’re realizing that it’s a drop in the bucket. But when everybody’s looking at the bucket as though it’s so important, when the whole music world is so blown up like a blimp, and when video—and we didn’t even get to this—video represents the flatland to me more than anything there is. We are a visual culture. We don’t know we’re using our ears and we’re using them. But we are choosing what to look at. That can only end up being a culture that gets manipulated by the images it sees. Image is nothing. Image turns on and off. But reality is the cows. Not a film of the cows. Not a film of someone playing music. Ezra Pound said, “Nothing matters save the quality of affection.” As a soloist in jazz, you have the responsibility to have a strong quality of affection for what you’re doing every time you play. That’s a nice quote, especially in this computer age.
私達はこの世にミュージシャンとして生きています。一方そんな事は、なみなみと水をためたバケツに、たった一滴だけ水を落とすのと同じくらい、大勢に何の影響もないことです。でもそのバケツを、誰も彼もがものすごく重要なものだと思いこんでしまうとき、音楽界全体が大型飛行船みたいに風で吹き飛ばされてしまうとき、あるいはビデオ-今日は話がそこまで行きませんでしたが-私にとってビデオは何よりもフラットランド(平面的で情報化されたリアリティのない世界)を象徴するものです。私たちは視覚文化で、耳を使っていることを自覚していないのに、目に見えるものを選ぼうとしているのです。そんなことをしていたら、目に見える映像が全てを支配する文化になってしまいます。映像は「無」です。スイッチを入れれば現れ、切れば消えます。ですが現実は牛であって、牛の映画ではありません。同じように、誰かが音楽を演奏している映画ではないのです。エズラ・パウンドは「愛情の質を除けば、何も問題ではない 」と言いました。ジャズのソリストとしてやってゆく者として、演奏する時は、いつでも自分のやっていることに強い愛情の念を抱かねばならない責任があります。特にこのコンピュータの時代にあっては、いい言葉ですね。