【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind






Nadia Boulanger on teaching and talent 

Emile Naoumoff playing Faure's 13th Nocturne 

around 1970 

ナディア・ブーランジェ 教えることと教わる側の適性について 

エミール・ナウモフへの指導例 フォーレ作曲 ノクターン第13番 



I adore teaching. I have such a pleasure to be before somebody I try to discover, I try to find his ultimate qualities, and usually find that there is one place where perhaps not to become a good musician, but to become a man. 



There is a power in this man, and this discovery of the personality is, for me, an expression of respect, of love, of understanding, ver meaningful. 



When you have to deal with a young musician, it's essential to expose him to works quite different.  



If somebody would say. “I don't care if I write good or bad music I have to write,” I'd say, “You must write. It may be that, the times changing, or our understanding growing better, you will understand better.” 



When I have a new pupil, I say, “Who are you? Who are you as a man?” The young man who comes to ask your advice, it is so serious a situation to hear him play and suddenly decide that he is right or wrong. When you're not sure yourself, it is difficult.  



Will he have the character strong enough to stand his superb, unbelievable gift? I'm not sure. Will he have this indomitable courage to pursue?   







Nadia Boulanger on Music and Genius 



But, you know, all what counts for us is mystery. I dont know why I love music. I dont know what music is. Genius, I dont even speak of it.  



We are as fools to say, Hes a genius. We want to say that he attains something which is at the highest point of sensation, feeling, belief, knowledge, attachment... Its a very important thing.  



And its why, when you are teaching, you are very concerned: Well, have I not encouraged too many people? Thats the only thing you fear. 



So, when I see a young pupil, my first question is: Can you live without music? If you can live without music, thank the Lord and good-bye! because its only if it is unavoidable that you must do music. 



But you can never love music with no enough devotion. If it's not, you are making a mistake. You engage your life in marrying somebody that you dont love. Its not a good idea, I think. I dont know, Ive never been married, but somebody who wants to do it will never be discouraged.  



I will discourage him, but he will go into the streets, he will go to somebody else, but he will do it. The one that you must push will never do anything.  




(piano lesson on Emile Naoumoff) 



Keep beat. Repetition with immense beat, which I would play with. I would not make the diminuendo, so slow, so soon. Play, some further.  



No, not the smug, the sience ... 






Requiem by Gabriel Fauré  

17 February 1962.  

Reri Grist, soprano 

Donald Gramm, baritone 

Vernon de Tar, organ 

The Choral Art Society 

The New York Philharmonic 

Nadia Boulanger conductor