【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind









Kyohei Sorita, laureate of the 2nd prize at the 18th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition, came back in Warsaw for the Chopin and his Europe International Music Festival.  



In the interview for the Chopin Institute he is talking about his interest in conducting, about his studies at music universities and artistic dreams. 



The Fryderyk Chopin Institute 2022 

2022年 ポーランド国立フレデリック・ショパン研究所にて 




Chopin Competition is... I think is the most important competition in the world. You know, after the competition already spend ten months. I could rest only ten days… Only ten days. Everyday some interview, every day some TV show, or concerts, practice... Actually, I'm here in Warsaw like a vacation. 





<Your other love, second only to the piano, is conducting. Where (and when) did it start?> 




When I was 12 years old, I wanted to be a football player. I wanted to join to the World Cup. It's my dream. But I had an accident with my arm, and I decided, “Ah, I can’t be a football player. So maybe classical music? I like classical music, so maybe I want to be a pianist…” Like this, really! 



Once day I joined the workshop… I mean, like a masterclass, a small masterclass for children. For the last day, my conductor, my professor said: “Who wants to conduct with my orchestra?” And I, “Maybe I want to try.” I conducted Tchaikovsky’s small piece. 



Definitely changed my world. Bom! And I felt like a new world. And a wind open the door. “Ah! I think, maybe I love classical music.” I love orchestra music than piano. Piano, solo pieces... I decided to be a conductor. 



“How can I be a conductor?” I asked my professor. And he answered me: “You have to learn some instrument. Which instrument can you play?” “I like piano.” “Let’s try to be a pianist”. 
And just begin my life. 



Honestly I can say, when I was young, I really wanted to be a conductor.
Actually, after the competition I started to learning like conductor. And I am studying now in Vienna, Austria. One lesson almost spend five or six hours… That’s why I like to play with orchestra.  



Especially finals were incredible. Great time! Some people sometimes says: “Oh, like a dream come true, dream come true”. Maybe it is a one second, 0.5 second, maybe for you or for you… But for me? It was 40 minutes! I mean the Chopin Concerto when I played at the finals with the orchestra. During the performing for me the dream came true. It is a memorable time. 





<The Chopin University of Music in Warsaw is extremely proud of your success of The Chopin Competition. Do you feel you are one of its alumni?> 




I’m studying at the Chopin University since 2017. When I moved to Warsaw, just to start, study at the University, of course nobody know that's me… “Hi, nice to meet you.”  “But who are you?”  “I’m Kyohei Sorita. Hi, nice to meet you, I’m Kyohei from Japan”. 



But after the Competition: “I know you! I know you!” like this. Just changed the people, changed the world and the atmosphere, also. Rector also came to me and say “Congratulations!”. Just I’m really happy! 



I decided to, I mean, continue studying at Chopin University with professor Piotr Paleczny, because… Actually I got the second prize at the Chopin Competition, but only I performed 17 or 18 Chopin’s pieces. Only… And Chopin wrote, composed around two or three hundred. I want to know more detail, his.. like a character. That’s why I decided to continue. I am happy to go to this school, because now I have many, a lot of friends.  





<A large share of your recital, next to Chopin, was Brahms. Why?> 




After the Competition I thought which composer should need to focus, practice. I moved to Vienna, also, so maybe some German composer. And “Let’s try just Brahms!” 




I especially No. 2, second piece like by Brahms, opus 118. Especially I like. (humming) So I wanted to play it in this hall. 



I showed my performance of Brahms for the professor Piotr Paleczny . And he said very interesting short story. “Fifty years ago I played Brahms in front of Artur Rubinstein. And Rubinstein said, 'Your Chopin is of course good, but your Brahms is more excellent.' Like this. Especially your Brahms is very elegant”. 



And my professor said, “I realised... I think your Chopin is very special, but your Brahms is more special… more elegant”. 



Brahms is a very important composer in my life, in the future, also. Of course Chopin, I love! 





<What are your dreams for your artistic future?> 




I want to play with my own orchestra and friends in the world. Like a travel. We want to play in this hall, as a conductor, maybe, as a soloist, also. And someday in the future I want to play with Berliner Philharmoniker Orchestra, of course Vienner Symphoniker Orchestra. 



And two pianos I also want to try. Maybe with Aimi, and with my friends, of course, maybe Bruce (Xiaoyu Liu), (Alexander) Gadijev, (Martin Garcia) Garcia… 

I want to try to perform in the world as a soloist. I want to play with orchestra. This is my dream. 







Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall 

The 18th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition 

Final round 

KYOHEI SORITA (Japonia / Japan) 



Concerto in E minor, Op. 11