Frederick Fennell: A Life Of Joyful Discovery (2004)
Publication date 2004
Topics dvd, video capture, documentary, biography, music, conducting, performing, history, ensemble
Language English
Dr. William Nicholls (conducting student of Frederick Fennell)
He is not as a conductor looking down from the golden podium with the big stick and the frown as many conductors. But he's right there in the process with the young students, at any age, making music and making a process, one of joyful discovery.
Bill Clune (narrator)
Frederick Fennell's life of joyful discovery began on July 2nd, 1914, and continues today as the globe trotting octogenarian remains one of the world's most active and innovative maestros.
Bill Clune
“Active” is an understatement, considering his energetic schedule of concert dates and clinics, that would daunt many half his age. The word “innovative” best describes his refreshing approach to symphonic conducting and teaching in a business where pressure, perfection, and posturing is commonplace.
Dr. William Nicholls (conducting student of Frederick Fennell)
It's a remarkable thing that when he works with students and musicians at any level, he treats them as if they were colleagues, as if they were in this process together. And he and they are both in the trenches badly and out together.
Frederick Fennell
Your business is to make music with the people in front of you. It doesn't matter who they are. It's the people in front of you that you make music. It might be the Cleveland Orchestra, might be junior high school that has only been together for three months. You make music with the people in front of you. That's been my philosophy.
Bill Clune
That philosophy, combined with his dedication to musical excellence, continues to endear fans wherever he goes from young band students to doctors of music, all who meet Fennell walk away inspired by his contagious enthusiasm, boundless energy, and musical genius.
Peter Martinez (University of Minnesota Symphonic Wind Ensemble)
I think just playing under somebody with his stature, especially in this setting, in the wind ensemble setting, is, unlike, any of us are ever going to encounter. You know, he just brings ... He has a way ... He has,uh, means of bringing every ounce, every bit of potential out of the group, you know. If you want a certain kind of expression, certain kind of emotion, he works magic. It's just incredible what he can do.
Michael Bennett (president of G. Leblanc Corporation)
He is an innovator. The Eastman Wind Ensemble, which he started at the Eastman School, was different from most concert bands of that time. And that it was fairly small, typically between 60 and 65 people. Most concert bands were, in the neighborhood, of 80 to 100 people. And the way he had the music scored for that size of an ensemble was quite different, and it was more symphonic in nature than it was band-like.
Bill Clune
Fennell is the best known for founding the wind ensemble movement in the early 1950s at the acclaimed Eastman School of Music. He innovated as symphonic sound without strings, using wind and percussion instruments. Unlike large orchestras of that time, he used only several instruments of each kind to play parts, which were normally played with multiple instrumentation.
John Beck (Prof. of Percussion, Eastman School of Music)
When Dr. Fennell started his wind ensemble, I was a sophomore, a bit young to be in the first wind ensemble, but I did get in very quickly and played in the ensemble for the rest of my college years here at Eastman, and did all those recordings that were done between 1953 to 1955, when I graduated. I played snare drum a lot. “La Festa Mexicana,” was one of the major works of that time for the wind ensemble. And I was playing snare drum in that. And to this day, I still enjoy listening, not only my snare drum, but the performance of the wind ensemble. So it was a big thrill for me to be in the wind ensemble and the new concept that Dr. Fennell was fostering.
Bill Clune
Since his first recording with the Eastman Wind Ensemble in the early 1950s, maestro Fennell has made nearly 75 recordings, making him one of America's most prolific living classical conductors. His recordings with the Eastman Wind Ensemble were so highly acclaimed that they are still popular sellers today.
Dorothy & Lester Remsen (Principal Harpist & Principal Trumpet, Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra [then retired])
Fred is remarkable. He has such knowledge of the music that he performs; not only what he performs but his music in general. And the study he has made and especially as he started out as a percussionist, which is a rather limited area of performance for him to be able to understand and conduct and teach all the instruments of a wind ensemble. I think he is quite remarkable.
Frederick Fennell
Well, the first musical influence was part of the hobby of my senior uncle, Charles Putnam, who had created with his other brothers this wonderful Civil War encampment. And he called the camp “Camp Zeke.” It had, in addition to all other things that a platoon of the Civil War would have, it had a fife and a drum corps. I watched them. I heard them. I just imitated them. And I made my debut with the Camp Zeke Fife and Drum Corps. My debut in music with my father and the 4th of July in 1921, when I was seven years and two days old. It was a great institution, Camp Zeke. I learned so much about American history, which was what uncle Charlie built it for, to teach history by talking about it and reading about it and hearing about it and seeing the flags of that period. And he had a collection of all of the flags that were carried in the American Revolution, replicas. And I used to go around as a boy scout and hold them up like this while he talked about them. Maybe that's why I became a conductor, holding my hands up like this with my uncle Charles's flags!
(University of Minnesota Wind Ensemble playing 5th movement of “Lincolnshire Posy” by Percy A. Grainger)
(パーシー・A・グレンジャー作曲 「リンカンシャーの花束」第5曲 ミネソタ大学ウィンド・アンサンブル)
John Beck (Prof. of Percussion, Eastman School of Music)
When Dr. Fennel gets on the podium, he commands respect from the audience and from the musicians. He highlights accents by gestures of his arms. And he also ... he is not a dancer necessarily, but he moves with the music. He's not a stiff podium or stick standing there. He really does move around. So he's fun to watch.
Bill Clune
Today people of all ages remain in all a Fennell's energy on and off the podium. But when he was a child, this over energy, as his family called it, was thought to be a problem.
Frederick Fennell
So they took me out of school for a semester and sent me out to live with aunt Abby on her farm. And as spring came along, I was to get outside as much as I could, and get body as stripped down as I could, which was a little pair of shorts because I was supposed to get all that good sun that was supposed to take care of all my problems. I didn't have any problems, but that's what they thought. And this went on. Oh, I had a great time there. And finally, after the summer ended, they came to the conclusion that was just me, being me and I didn't slow down and they decided they'd better face it about me. And so they did.
Bill Clune
Fennell hasn't slowed down to this day. His year and advanced travel schedule includes conducting orchestras across the United States and in Japan, where he is the conductor Laureate of the Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra. Seldom does he take time off, but when he does, he's likely to be found in his office responding to letters or searching through volumes of musical scores in preparation for his next engagement. Many of those concert dates include conducting college students as he is rehearsing here with the University of Minnesota Wind Ensemble. Maestro Fennell loves working with young musicians, and his work with them has inspired many students to pursue careers in conducting.
Dr. William Nicholls (conducting student of Frederick Fennell)
In my first encounter with Dr. Frederick Fennell was as an undergraduate student at Long Beach State College. I'd never seen a conductor approach music the way he did, and I looked at him, and after the rehearsal I said to myself, “That's what I want to do.” And ever since then I modeled my musical life around that approach to being able to express joy in music.
John Beck (Prof. of Percussion, Eastman School of Music)
He's been sort of like a mentor to me, because what I learned really one of important things that he taught me, he said, there are two ways to make music. And he just didn't talk to me personally, but he talked to the whole ensemble. He says “One way is by fear, and the other way is by kindness.” And he chose the kindness. He was a disciplinarian, but a kind disciplinarian. We knew we had to know our parts and the kindness prevailed. So it was a thrill. I enjoyed working for him and I'd still enjoy being around him.
Bill Clune
As he has inspired many to foster careers in the joyful pursuit of making music, Fennell, too, was influenced by one of history's most legendary composer-conductors. At the age of 10, his father took him to hear the Sousa Band playing a public concert in Cleveland. It was the beginning of a life-long love affair between Fennell and the march, a love which is resulted in his recording, nearly a hundred different marches and dozens of releases throughout the years.
Frederick Fennell
And here on both sides of the audience was coming down the front of the part of the Cleveland Public Hall, these beautiful black horses, and up onto the stage and they stood behind the Sousa Band at attention. And he played “The Black Horse Troop” for the first time. And, of course, the wildness of the audience when they saw the horses coming up to the stage was superseded by the enthusiastic wildness at the end of the march. It was a creaky and crazy occasion. As a matter of fact, after that, when I went to another band concert, I wanted to know where the horses were. Well, it was that much of a positive thing.
Bill Clune
Seven years later Fennell had the opportunity to be the bass drummer for the premiere of Sousa's march, “The Northern Pines,” written especially for the National Music Camp at Interlochen.
Frederick Fennell
I was appointed on that day by Dr. (Albert Austin) Harding, the conductor of the band, to be the bass drummer for the premiere of “The Northern Pines.” And Mr. Harding told me that in Mr. Sousa's mind, the most important person in the band was the bass drummer, so I therefore had the honor of the day. And I had a chance to meet him and say Hello to him, and shake hands with him.
Bill Clune
This youthful encounter with Sousa was just part of the lifelong impact that the Interlochen experience has had on Frederick Fennell.
Frederick Fennell
Summer of 1930, in fact, I was listening to my Philco radio and dialing around on Sunday afternoon trying to get some music. And I suddenly hear this orchestra really blowing up this big storm playing “Romeo And Juliet” by Tchaikovsky, and at the end of it, an announcer came on and said, “You have been listening to the National High School Orchestra coming to you from Interlocken Bowl at the National Music Camp at Interlocken, Michigan.” I was ... I didn't know how I was ever going to get to that place, but I was going to get there somehow.
Bill Clune
And Frederick did get there for the next three summers as a scholarship camper in percussion. That first year, 1931, started with Dr. (Joseph) Maddy, president and founder of the camp, telling the campers that they were going to play the repertoire of the Cleveland Orchestra.
Frederick Fennell
We played our first concert on the following Sunday, and my life hasn't been the same since.
Bill Clune
Fennell's life continues to be enriched not only by the musical experiences he had at Interlocken but also by the many friendships that began there. In 1932, his second summer at Camp, he met the son of William F. Ludwig, founder of the great Ludwig Drum Company.
Frederick Fennell
After we had the first week of rehearsals, he turned to me as we were walking back to the camp and said, he stopped and said, “You know, I got to tell you something.” said, “Before I came to this institution, I thought I was the best drummer in the world. A drummer, the son of the founder of the company that made them, and I thought I was the best thing on wheels, but I never saw anybody play the kettle drums like you do!” And that was the beginning of our friendship, which is still riotously going on, and has been my best friend, all the rest of my life.
Bill Clune
Another long-term and significant relationship that began at Interlocken was with Dr. Howard Hanson, head of the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York.
Frederick Fennell
Arriving in Rochester in the first time I was there, the first week I was there, I discovered, to my absolute amazement, that there was not a wind group of any kind. And it all just added up light for me, because first of all, I knew I had to do this. I had to start something at Eastman in my earliest possible time and I had the ... I guess the fear of nothing in me at that age, 19 years old. And I said, “I'm gonna go out and ask him if I can be the drum major of the band.” So I went out and talked to the head of the Athletic Department, said, “Who I see to try out to be the drum major for the marching band?” And he said, “We don't have a marching band. We've never had a marching. I've been here 25 years. We never had anything like that.” And before I could do anything about it, the words were out of my mouth, “I can get one for you.” And believe it or not, 65 guys showed up for the first drill and we made our debut at the second game of the year. And when we marched around the corner of the stadium and came down the center track, like all the way down to the other end of the field, and walked under the goal posts. And I flip the stick up over the upright of the crossbar, caught it on the other side coming down. And my career as a conductor at Rochester started.
Bill Clune
With the support of Dr. Hanson, who was interested in promoting the composition, publishing and performance of American music, Fennell's marching band moved from the football field at the University of Rochester campus into Kilburn Hall at the Eastman School. This was the beginning of the Eastman Symphonic Band, comprised only of wind and percussion instruments. And another step on Fennell's journey of musical discovery. It was also the start of his creative, 20-year association as a student and faculty member at the Eastman School, which would be interrupted by an international fellowship in conducting at Mozarteum Academiun in Salzburg, Austria, and by the war.
Frederick Fennell
Things were really starting to happen for me. And I just had a chance to do some very interesting things during the war. And life was really going the way it should go for somebody who thinks he's a conductor.
Bill Clune
As Western Regional USO music advisor from 1943 to 1945, Fennell had the distinct opportunity to successfully entertain the troops in Southern California.
1943年から1945年にかけて、USO(United Service Organization:米国慰問協会)の西部地区音楽アドバイザーとして、フェネルは、カリフォルニア州南部に駐留していた陸海空軍の各部隊への、慰問活動で、着実に成功を収める機会を得てゆきます。
Frederick Fennell
I have to say, that was the toughest audience that I think, I most likely ever played for. They were, they were really tough! They just sat there and looked at me and written all over their faces was, “Entertain us!” which I did my best to do. People who lived in the area, it went back there the next day, said “You would never know that an army had been there.” It had been cleaned up so perfectly. “Well, it so happens. It was General George Patton's Army.”
Bill Clune
Playing for Patton's Third Army may have been tough, but due to wartime shortages of everything including musical instruments, Fennell faced an even bigger challenge brought to him by the Captain and Bugle Master of the United States Navy aircraft career.
Frederick Fennell
And he was the Bugle Master, blew all the calls on the boat for everything that was happening. And I asked him “Is there anything that you can suggest that we might do?” He said, “Well,” he says, “I can tell you. We have a lot of guys on board that play. And they can most likely play lots of anything and whatever you can find for us, we’d be very grateful to have.” Fortunately, the first music store that I went to, I noticed a case on the very top of a bunch of other things. And the guy got it down for me. We opened it up. There was a mouthpiece and there was a brase couple of reeds. And I said, “I’ll take that.” He said, “Nobody wants it.” I said, “Well, these guys do.” So I had what I had and went for another store and got manuscript paper. I wrote an arrangement of “Anchors Aweigh!” for C melody, saxophone, trombone, a soprano saxophone and a kind of busted up drum. And that’s all I could give them. That’s all they could do. And the captain called me and said, “Come on down. We’ll be here at this period.” And I had a permission to go aboard the pier and when the aircraft carrier pulled out in those guys struck off “Anchors Aweigh!” Well, the captain was better than if he had the whole Navy band on board - he was just that happy. And I waved them good bye, and we lost them in the Battle of the Coral Sea.
Bill Clune
After the war Fennell tried to find work in San Diego, but was unable to get a job. Disappointed and not being able to stay in California, he returned to Rochester. This proved to be a very important move considering the events of the next few years.
Frederick Fennell
I went there as associate conductor of Eastman School orchestras. And that, of course, arranged my situation a little bit different. And I started thinking the thoughts that eventually led me to that time that I have described as beginning of the ... thinking about the Eastman Wind Ensemble.
Bill Clune
But years were to pass before the Eastman Wind Ensemble became reality. And in the meantime, there was Tanglewood, the wonderful music camp and summer home of the Boston Symphony. There Fennel was not only an assistant instructor of conducting under Serge Koussevitzky, but he also had the chance to, again, do something a little different, and to become friends with several other musical legends.
Frederick Fennell
So Koussevitzky said, “Would you make a band out of the orchestra?” “Yeah, I could do that if they were willing.” And he said, “Well, you do that. You'll get them together, you tell them (that) I told them to do this.” I need all of that I can get. And so I put it up to them that we were going to change how they did it, and we were going to call it “Tanglewood on Parade.” And it's what ... That, by the way, is what they still call it.
Bill Clune
Also in residence that summer of Tanglewood was the Boston Symphony Orchestra, and its manager George Judd. He was impressed with a marching band that Fennell had put together, and suggested that he also conduct a small orchestra that would play waltzes for a dance contest. That first waltzing on the Green Contest was won by Lucas Foss and Leonard Bernstein.
Frederick Fennell
Mr. Judd said, “Well, Fred, this has been kind of a big day. And we all appreciate very much what you did to contribute to it.” And for me this sounds like it's worth a concert at the Boston Pops. He said, “When I get back to Boston, I'll talk to Arthur and you'll hear from him.” I did, and on the 29th of May, the following year, I had my invitation from Mr. Fiedler, and that was the beginning of my long relationship with M. Fiedler and the Boston Pops as a guest until he retired in 1980.
Bill Clune
In the late 1940s and early 1950s, Fennell was not only busy at Eastman but was often traveling to serve as a guest conductor. In the fall of 1951, after returning from one of these trips, he was diagnosed with a severe case of infectious hepatitis. But in typical Fennell style, he used the long days and weeks for being able to do nothing but stare at the ceiling to develop plans for another his joyful musical discoveries.
Frederick Fennell
I started thinking about the wind ensemble, which had been in my brain for all these years since I was at Interlocken. And I kept thinking and thinking and then I go fall asleep, and wake up at night and think some more.
Bill Clune
Eastman School's Howard Hanson visited Fennell in the hospital inquiring if there was anything he could do.
Frederick Fennell
And I said, “Well, since you asked, Dr. Hanson, I have an idea for a new ensemble for school that I really think we ought to try. I think the students need it. I know school needs it. And I can tell, I need it. And I think it would really do something.”
Bill Clune
Fennell gave Hanson papers on which he had written his ideas for the make-up of the ensemble, the repertoire it should play, and even titles they should try to record.
Frederick Fennell
And when he was finished, he said, “Well, you know, this is really terrific. This is really terrific. All you got to do now is get out of the bed and we'll start this in the fall.” That's how the Eastman Wind Ensemble got started.
Bill Clune
The ensemble had its first rehearsal in September of 1952, its debut concert in Eastman's Kilbourn Hall on February 8, 1953, its first coast-to-coast radio broadcast in February and March of 1953, and recorded its first album on the Mercury label on May 14, 1953. Fennell led the Eastman Wind Ensemble for the next 10 years and recorded 22 more albums. Part of Fennell's pioneering efforts in the wind ensemble movement came from his awareness that there was a significant amount of musical literature that was rarely performed because appropriate ensembles to perform this music did not exist. Much of this music had been written or was currently being written by American composers. Fennell believed that the most important thing was to be very close to creativity. So he wrote a letter to 450 composers telling them that the Eastman School of Music was going to start a new group.
Frederick Fennell
I asked them, “Please,” to send us a list of anything that they had already written that maybe we didn't know about, and that we couldn't give them a commission of any kind, but we would promise them the performance with love and affection and with highest of attitudes and that we would always do for anybody. And the amazing results came in. The first response was from Percy Grainger. The second response was from Vaughn Williams. And the third response was from Vincent Persichetti. And it just kept on going like that. But starting with all such three wonderful shots in ... within the first week of response was, for me, an indication that that was for us to do. And therefore, we spent all of our time that we could possibly spend playing new music, asking for a new music, and telling our friends to play these new pieces.
<Percy Grainger: Lincolnshire Posy I>
Bill Clune
Among the dozens of honors that have been bestowed upon maestro Fennell through the years, perhaps one given to him by the Kiowa Tribe exemplifies his tremendous contribution to the world of music. He was given a beautiful full Chief’'s bonnet, honoring him for founding the Eastman Wind Ensemble.
Frederick Fennell
When this was all finished, we were all walking out of the auditorium. And as we were walking, it suddenly occurred to me “I wonder if they know that my third great grandfather, Israel Putnam, was a famous Indian fighter, I'd better ask him.” I said, “Chief, did you know that I have a third great grandfather who was a very famous Indian fighter?” “Oh, yes, yes. We know all about him. He was OK. He was hand to hand fighter. He's OK.” And I said, “But, by the way, my name 'Chief Kee-Ai-Hee-San-Ha-Te-Atua-Adou-A,' what does that mean?” “Oh,” he says, “That's easy. That means “Little man with big stick.'”
Bill Clune
Early on, Maestro Fennell did not have what most people would consider even minimum qualifications for being a conductor. He was not a pianist. He did not play violin. He was not a great chamber music player. And he was not a recognized or even unrecognized composer. But as with so many things in Frederick Fennell's life is illustrious career as a conductor has come about through hard work and a positive attitude that he can accomplish whatever he sets out to do.
Frederick Fennell
I have a personal feeling that it was rather good for me to begin my life as a percussion player, and to continue my life as a percussion player, to come to grips with all of those instruments very personally and very professionally, so that I had instruments so that I could claim that I played. But I, I ... after that ... always had this thing going in my head about what I heard, because any piece of music that I heard, I never forget. And reacting to them was easy. I had a natural ... physical feeling for them including the march, which is more than that. They all have, always been a part of me. I haven't had to worry about them, go back and study them.
<Yankee Doodle University of Rochester Eastman School of Music playing>
Frederick Fennell
And my being willing to take the chance of being a drum major and not being quite tall enough to be a drum major, but work at being such a good drum major and such a risky twirling drum major as I was, but it worked. And it presented me in a leadership position as a drum major of the John Adams High School band and then of the University of Rochester Football Band I had organized. These things spread me out. People had to look at me for whatever I was doing and I didn't reach them for any other reason ... I couldn't help being around great music, being played and not react to it, not remember it. And when came your turn, whatever the reason to stand up and conduct it. Ph! That's just what you did. You didn't worry about it. You didn't say “I can't do that.” You said, “Oh, sure. I can do that.” Positive!
Bill Clune
“Positively” is also the way Fennell has embraced the relationship between his music and the recording industry, from his early wind ensemble recordings on the Mercury label, to conducting the Cleveland Symphonic Winds in the first symphonic digital recording for Telarc Records. And in most every recording the Maestro has ever made, one favorite percussion instrument accompanies him.
Frederick Fennell
This is my Alfred Hitchcock cymbal. It appears in a very, very great many of the recordings that I made, like Alfred Hitchcock appeared in the pictures that he made. And it occurred to me that relationship is, uh, two thing after I used it twice because I wanted this particular sound in the recording.
Bill Clune
During one of his trips to the studio, Fennell had the chance to observe a young trumpet player working in a session.
Frederick Fennell
And he was just absolutely perfect person, perfect player, perfect leader. I said to the guy in back, “What's that guy's name? I've got to know who he is because if I ever make any records in New York, that guy has to be my first trumpet player.” So, “His name was Carl Severinsen. We called him Doc.” he said.
Bill Clune
They did have the opportunity to work together and later when Johnny Carson made Doc the leader of the “Tonight Show Band,” Severinsen became Fennell's first pupil in conducting.
Bill Clune
No place has Frederick Fennell's sheer joy in making music ever been more evident than in the production of his fife and drum recordings of Civil War tunes, the music he first heard at Camp Zeke. The inspiration became a passion during a family trip to the battlefields of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
Frederick Fennell
They were dead asleep, and I was going to read myself to sleep, leafing through the book. And finally I come to the second day's Battle of Gettysburg, my birthday, second of July, and I see this reading, (that is) a quotation from the diary of Colonel Fremantle of the Coldstream Guards of England who was Lee's guest for this trip up to the North. And he wrote in his reply, a statement about his visit there of the Coldstream Guards that ...
“At the second day's battle. I was in my customary place up in a tree watching the whole thing happen. At the height of the cannonading in the afternoon, suddenly this Confederate Band of musicians struck up waltzes and polkas which sounded very strange and unusual during the bursting and hissing of the shells.”
I was out of bed like a shot as I knew right where that place was. I knew where Longstreets' battery was. And I went over there. I sat astride one of these great Napoleon Cannon that he had. It was a beautiful night, so quiet, really wonderful moonlight, very still. And I just promised to myself that “I couldn't end there. I had to do something about this.”
Bill Clune
In typical Fennell style, the Maestro was determined to recreate the music of the Civil War with exacting authenticity. On the battlefields of Gettysburg he recorded actual firings of Civil War cannons, gathered music from the library of Congress and assembled authentic instruments of the period to make a recording of the Battle of Gettysburg with his friends at Mercury records.
Frederick Fennell
These are the instruments that were collected for the making of this historic recording of the music of the Civil War. And this was ... would be the instrumentation of the large union army band with all of these large tubas, long bass instruments, alto and soprano instruments down here. This is the bugle that ended the Civil War. It's called the “Appomattox Bugle.” And it came to us from ... it's real location in the museum at the Military Academy at West Point.
Bill Clune
This authentic Civil War drum is among the many cherished instruments that grace Fennell's home study.
Frederick Fennell
Well, this drum is obviously a drum for a drummer boy, being as small as it is compared to a lot of those big ones that you see. But this was carried in the Civil War by a drummer boy, some member of my family, somehow distant member. He didn't survive, but the drum did. As you can see, it has been recently completely reconditioned, looks very, very beautiful. And I love to play it. I love to go to the various battlefields of the United States of the Civil War and to march around the field, and play this drum.
Bill Clune
Frederick Fennell's life and career of achievement has never slowed down. From 1962 to 1964, he was associate music director of the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra and conductor in residence at the University of Miami School of Music from 1965 to 1980. Then in 1983 Maestro Fennell was invited to be guest conductor of the Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra.
Frederick Fennell
That I went over to Japan for this wonderful concert, played all the tough stuff you could think of, and they just chewed it up like nothing. And at the end of the first rehearsal, they were blowing my records back at me. So I called the inspector as the personal manager is called and the concert master and a couple of other people, and Miura, to come to talk with me, “Hey, guys, this is strange. You guys are blowing my record back at me.” He said, “Don't be surprised, Maestro,” said, “We made up our mind on how we were going to play for 20 years by listening to your records. So we are your group.” I said, “You sure are!”
Bill Clune
They officially became his group in 1984, when at the age of nearly 70 Fennell was appointed conductor, a post he held for 15 years. During those years, he developed the ensemble into one of the most formidable wind groups in the world, and recorded more than 50 CDs setting, a new standard of performance for wind band music.
Frederick Fennell
I ... so marvelously remember the first time I really stood in front of the Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra. It was an unforgettable experience to hear THAT sound come from these players and to see them as they played to feel their contact with each other. They are reaching out beyond themselves to other people. How much they had developed a different philosophy in which I have so long believed that so much of this is a listening matter. They were not just players. They were listeners. That's why they were the kind of players because they were the kind of listeners-first. And all of this just, you know, just welled up in me. And I didn't quite know what to do. I couldn't really say anything in a way of a language to them, except I could use a word that would, surely strike them all, which I simply, after a moment of quiet, I just said, “Bravo!” just silence, like that. And they all sat there. I said, “Next!”
Bill Clune
The kind of devotion and respect that Maestro Fennell received from the Kosei Wind Orchestra continues, just as he continues to learn and teach and share his incredible gifts with world.
Dr. William Nicholls (conducting student of Frederick Fennell)
There's no pretence of “This is too good,” or “That's not good enough for me.” He is totally accepting of all music and all peoples. And I found that that was an incredible lesson for me, that the more I could put away my judgements, the more I could live in a happy relationship with music.
Dorothy & Lester Remsen (Principal Harpist & Principal Trumpet, Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra [then retired])
Well, he's a legend. He'll live on forever in our memory, if not actually. But it just ... he doesn't change.
Frederick Fennell
Tremendously important to me, that ... Not to worry about anything. And I never worried about anything. I never worried about how hard the piece was, or how difficult it was to conduct. Never worried about those things. I just tried to solve it in my own way. I was never intimidated by great ingenious players. Never. Nor was I ever frustrated by incompetent players, players en route. They never bothered me. I always could get something to them of me that they seem to need or seem to like. And the harder the players, the more I was ready for them. I'm very fortunate. I don't worry about anything. That is waste of energy.
Bill Clune
Perhaps channeling his energy into becoming an avid historian, great teacher, extraordinary musician, and musical innovator has made Frederick Fennell the national treasure he is today. And so with his youthful and enthusiasm, infectious love of people and non-failing positive attitude, this five foot two musical giant continues making music and making that process one of joyful discovery.