【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind







Interviewer: Kristin Skjølaas

Emmanuel Pahud - " It's all about the music."

Oslo Philharmonic






Kristin Skjølaas

Emmanuel Pahud, you have the world literally as your playground, and you've lived so many different places. Is this your first visit to Norway, Oslo?




Emmanuel Pahud

It is actually fortunately not my first visit to Norway, Oslo, because it's a beautiful country and great musical people, also. I've been the first time, actually at the invitation of Truls (Otterbech) Mørk, and Gregor Zubicky, when they were running Stavanger Festival.




And then my second visit was actually at the opening of the opera house, together with Berlin Philharmonic. And this is, now ... I think was 2008. And so now seven years later, it was about time to come back again in the beautiful month of May, and play some music together with Oslo Philharmonic.




Yes. You have brought with you a very new piece by the German composer Matthias Pintscher. It's a rather interesting story behind the piece, I find.





Yeah. Well, it's a quite a rather long story. Basically Matthias Pintscher was asked to take care of programming one concert in ... at the Mozarteum (The International Mozarteum Foundation), so in a place where you usually hear only the great masters of classics, to hear only one evening, one night, of modern music.




And this was associated with the fact that a lot of wealthy people, culture oriented people in Salzburg, had ordered and commissioned some sculptures that were around the city. And therefore we have ... we had the basically a musical resonance to the to the sculptures that were spread around the city. And you had a projection of the sculpture, presentation of the master work, and then it's musical echo composed specially for this occasion.



And the idea of Matthias Pintscher himself was to write solo flute piece for me. We work together back in 2006 when I premiered his flute concerto “Transir.” And I must say that the solo piece, I always told him in the time, “You know, if there's some material that you like to condense, to concentrate, and turn into a flute piece or a flute in something, some other instrument piece, please feel free to do so because I think there is enough material there to do enough substance there to do this.”



And he came out with this rather unexpectedly, actually, because I was expecting rather a piece for ensemble or something maybe with a prominent flute part. But they turn out to become a flute piece for flute alone, and which I'm very very happy and proud to play and to carry with me now around the world.




Yes. Did you take an active part in the compositional process?





I prefer not to interfere so much with the composing process. We met a couple of times before Matthias Pintscher wrote this flute concerto. And then for this piece, for solo flute, it was actually rather something that we'd already discussed about.




There are some ... it's about the boundaries of tone or not tone, but what is possible, what is not possible on the flute. And not everything is playable, but I see it and I always understand it as an attempt to go there as a way to go. And probably what I cannot play the next generation will be able to play. This is always how it has been in the past, and this is what we should expect from what we are teaching to our next generation, also.




So there are certain aspects, the technical aspects in this piece that ... Would you like to show it on the flute or it can tell our audience about it? I'msure they're gonna hear some different sounds from the flute than what they're used to.





Yes, there are a combination of several effects and sounds that have been used actually already since ... I think the first time was by (Edgar) Varese, and in the early 20th century with some percussion clicks with the keys on the flute or with only tongue without blowing the air.




We can do a lot of different kind of ... the different sounds, but there's also some whistle tone which we can do around the main focus tone of the flute. There is also some resonance below. There is a huge variety of different sounds that you can produce on the flute. And the difficulty is to connect ... the virtuosity is to connect these with one another in order to ... because it's different styles of playing, different techniques of playing.



And therefore it takes usually a while to move from one to the other one. And now in Matthias Pintscher's music, it's really a challenge to move really fast. And as the only player, I have to blow every note. Nobody's gonna play something. Like an orchestra, there's a tutti, but there I really have to play every note. But some of them are playable when I expel the air. Some of the notes is when I inspire the air.



I think, you know, that the limitation is the fantasy of the composer. Unfortunately with a guy like Matthias Pintscher not only is very ... His music is very sensitive and sensible but it's also credibly organized. There's something organic at the same time. So it's a privilege to be able to work with such fantastic great spirits for me whom I respect just as much as (Pierre) Boulez, or as (Claude) Debussy, or Mozart




Yes. Being the flute ... principal flute of the Berlin Philharmonic and having an extensive solo career sounds very fulfilling, but also probably challenging.





Well, you know, it's the good thing since I'm playing every day, I'm in good shape. And, of course, I need a little bit of warm-up and it's kind of thing everyday. And I need to some time to focus on the repertoire I'm playing that very day. But I'm very fortunate also that the organisation, the way the Berlin Philharmonic is run, and the way the music life is run, it's something I've been doing since I was already ... When I was a student age 19, my last year in the conservatory in Paris, I had a job in the Basel Radio Symphony Orchestra, so I was commuting between both places.




And I also had in-between some concerto or chamber musical recital appearances because I had won some competitions. And so I have been growing into this thing without wanting to leave out any aspect of flute playing.



And fortunately also my health is strong enough to allow me to do all these things together. So I don't have many days off. But I'm actually ... I'm happy and I accentuate myself a lot in my musical life. When I play a week in the orchestra, I really enjoy it, and when I play a week outside of the orchestra, I also really enjoy it.



It is different periods of music; mostly in the orchestra we play mostly some romantic or early modern repertoire. As the flute, as a solo instrument, has mostly baroque, classical works, and then modern works or 20th century works. So therefore it's a lot of ... it's the best of the music I can choose from all these periods.



And I also play some ethnic or some jazz projects sometimes. So therefore I'm really trying to serve all that musical ...colorful musical world on this instrument, on the flute.




I was looking at some blog you wrote in the Gramophone Magazine, and there you, in between chamber music, concert, rehearsal, orchestra, everything, you found time to teach at the school. And I found that ... Is it important to you to go out to meet the children?





Well, it is not my primary occupation, but if I have half a day off in ... on tour, I like to go and visit either the flute class in the conservatory or just go to school where they train children to be artistically oriented, also. And as part of their musical education, I will visit them.




And we have some structures like this in Germany that was founded by a pianist, Lars Vogt, for instance called “Rhapsody in School.” It's a very nice program that allows visiting artists. It's a structure in every major city in Germany that allows visiting artists to make contacts with the schools. And whenever possible I like to do this kind of thing.



So here in Oslo, after ... just landing rehearsing with the orchestra, and then I will visit the Academy and listen to some talented flute players. Then tomorrow's dress rehearsal and concerts, I'll have meeting with my manager also in the afternoon. So that's enough for one day, also.



And then next day I will go through somewhere other place and play some recital in the evening. Yeah, that's, you know, that's life as a musician. I cannot expect to stay in my living room or in my practice room and people to come by and give me some money for what I'm doing. So it's about public appearance, about meeting the people, and it's better to live this life and not only in the moment on stage but just to be really happy to be in contact with people.




When I listen to your rehearsal, now it's really ... you're like a whirlwind and you're almost dancing. And I also heard that you have been studying the Stanislavski method, that's used widely for actors. How do you find this helpful being a musician?





I do refer to study Stanislavski sometimes when ... while teaching or mentioned it also. I read a book about him. I didn't visit any acting classes. But I attended some master classes for actors or for singers. Because we're staging a performance, always also as a musician, and despite the fact that we have an instrument, sometimes a music stand and reading music, we still have to be living experiencing what we are expressing in that moment.




We have to be trying to recreate ... I think it's our job as performance to recreate the life of what we imagine the composer had in his mind when he was writing this music. Just like an actor will have to, when he's dealing with Hamlet or with fantastic master works from the literature and the theater, will have to embodify this. It's a person's.



So this is the challenge except we don't have words: we have music notes, we have ... But it's full of conventions, traditions of meanings, of emotions, of course, and it's depicting a lot of different characters, particularly these things like Mozart's concerto. It's like a micro operas. It's like ... We have so many voices in dialogue with the principal instrument, and then leaving an imprint in the orchestra, and then comments from the second violins or the violas, Mozart himself played this instrument, and always witty and always challenging the other ones. And this is kind of dialogue that's that is actually happening. It is very important to be aware of what we're doing. And because if we're not convinced ourselves, how can we imagine convincing our audience?




Back to the orchestra, during (Herbert von) Karajan time, the orchestra had a very distinct sound. Of course, you were too young to perform with him. Do you find that the orchestra still has the sound or how has it developed with (Claudio) Abbado or (Simon) Rattle?





So Berlin Philharmonic is not an orchestra like Vienna Philharmonic or like (Amstrerdam) Concertgebouw where people are trained from the Conservatory from the ... and grow in this musical family. We hire on the audition day the people who ... the person who can surprise us most, who's gonna give us most potential to work on.




And very often these people come from outside. And therefore we have ... more than half of the orchestra now is or just about half of the orchestra is foreigner. Berlin people there's not so many. It was, of course, in the Karajan years. It was a different situation because of the the war, the post-war situation that really changed things.



But personally as a flute player, the one of the founder of the orchestra was Joachim Andersen, a Danish flute player, he was also the assistant of Hans von Bulow, the conductor. Then there was Aurele Nicolet, Swiss-French school trained flute player who was hired in the (Wilhem) Furtwangler period just after the war. Then there was in the 70s James Galway as a foreigner, also a flute player. Then in the 90s I joined this Orchestra in this position. So there's a tradition of foreign flute players, I would say. And it's nothing really new about it.



Back to the Berlin Philharmonic sound in the Karajan years I only know it from the recording. So I cannot say anything because I think these recordings are very manipulated. And also the hall was built in 1963 and it takes ... that moment that you are resident in a concert hall to develop a sound and to develop something together. So I think before that, the orchestra was ... the Berlin Philharmonic and Karajan was adapting to each other because it was just about seven or eight years after (Wilhem) Furtwangler had died. And then after that they started building this kind of sound ideal and to make it work in this concert hall.



And many other concert halls in the world have been built on the model of the Philharmony in Berlin from Tokyo to Paris. Paris was open only recently in January, so it's very similar proportions, much more modern and round shapes, but still the same principle for a concert hall.



Then in the Abbado years, when I joined the orchestra, 1993, there was about 15 new people every year. Abbado's job was to integrate the new musicians and many of which he knew from his youth orchestras because he was the innovator in introducing youth orchestras. In doing some programs for youth orchestras he always loved the contact with the young people. And, of course, it divided the orchestra between the old and the new generation. But in a way, in a certain way, but in the same time it also allowed us to blend together over these 10 or 12 years that he stayed there until he left in 2002.



And then under Simon Rattle, it was a time of consolidation, more in terms of expanding the repertoire into more modern pieces. Back to the Baroque also in a very different style with more specialized conductors also. Even though, also already in the Abbado years, we had a lot of ... I don't know, (Nikolaus) Harnoncourt, (Pierre) Boulez, so very different conductors already. But now I think we even go more extreme in these different directions and the versatility of the orchestra. And so we'll see who's gonna be next but it's probably going to be also always a reaction to the predecessor.




Yeah, interesting, with some contrasts, also.





Yes, very much contrast. I think it's the ... The Berlin Philharmonic is ... always wants to give itself challenges and to master these challenges and this way step by step, generation by generation, to get the tradition of the symphonic orchestra moving, and right now, moving into the 21st century. We did this by starting our Digital Concert Hall Program, also by doing all these education programs, by doing Outreach Things Projects. It's not something that we need directly because we're sold out. So it's ... of course with The Digital Concert Hall, we can now sell 5,000 more tickets than .... or at least than we have in the concert hall. But we can also show the people what it is about music and and then they will also enjoy and go and listen to their and identify to their own local Orchestra.





Every orchestra in the world is trying to reach out ...





Well, you would be surprised how actually the orchestra who would need it the most are the one doing it the least!





OK! And you do play with lots of different top class orchestras, and it's common today to say that players on a certain level that they all sound the same. We are looking for originality, you know. Do you find that the orchestras basically sound the same, or are there major differences?





I don't find that orchestras on the same, and I was asked this recently again that ... Of course, the national schools have been diluted a little bit compared to how it was 50 years ago because of the development of globalization versus nationality or nationalism before that. But still I think the people who play exactly like their school don't bring it any further. They stay within what they've been taught. The people who bring it forward and the people who we say, “We represent the great French flute playing!” are actually the exceptions, the exceptional people who bring it further and further and further. So there's no typical French traditional sound in the flute school. There's just an amazing high standard of virtuosity and mastery of the instrument and articulation or whatever and wide repertoire. But each of the players have their own very individual sound and phrasing, their signature, their personality. It works better in some cases, less in some other case in different setups.




Regarding orchestras, I travel enough to listen to various orchestras, and also in some festivals in Berlin we listen to so many different orchestras in the musikwoche, the music weeks. And I can tell you that all these orchestras sound very differently in the same repertoire.



Let's take the complete Shostakovich symphonies for instance. In two weeks, with 15 different orchestras, and I can tell you it sounded really very different from one orchestra to the other one in the same concert hall. And I could really go and listen to each concert or each orchestra with conductors who might know in a repertoire that I know and it's very comparable also. The only way to compare is to compare the same place. If you listen to recordings, of course the ideal to make it sound nice and to make it ... This is, of course, something that you try to improve and correct the downsides of every acoustic of every compensate, basically, every recording. So therefore they will all sound more or less the same to a certain level. But it's not comparable because ... how do you want to compare things recorded in different studios, in different times and places? I don't see even the point.




Now I'm happy. It's very inspiring. I still believe that we are all different than we all try for that originality.





I think music has a universal quality, of course, of its language and it's an obvious thing to say. But a good musician would be a good musician in every country, of course. But it doesn't mean that the way it's spoken, the way it's articulated, the way it's felt, has to be the same everywhere. And this is because it is about human beings, about feelings also. This is why it's going to be extremely individual and not at all standardized. Then this is why I'mfighting, struggling, also while teaching, or with my colleagues when I bring chamber music, or recital, always going for the most subjective interpretation, the most subjective reading of each one's part, and then of course, try agreeing on the language that we're speaking, but to be there to really be fulfilling the meaning of this part.





Where do you find your inspiration both in music and in your life?





You know, I think the people who are inspired are actually the composers, and if I can spend some of my life in company of people like Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, (Olivier) Messiaen, Debussy, Stravinsky, Bartok, and excuse me for all the ones I forgot, but this is just such an elevation of the soul and the spirit.




This is why it's not work for me, but I'm discovering. I'm not working on myself. I'm working ... actually I'm investing my life, my time, into discovering, into communicating the great works of these geniuses. And this is what is driving me with a great appetite because the more you look into it, the more you discover, and the more you want to play or to share or to listen to.



And I think this energy is not only as a player, as a performer. It can also be experienced as a concert presenter or promoter. For instance, by programming pieces, by ... I know what it is a running a festival, and I can imagine also running a season. There's a lot that can be done very actively in the music world just because of the the amazing number of great master works that we have at our disposal and just are just waiting there for us to kiss them awake.





Thank you.





Thank you. It's my pleasure.






Transir For Flute & Chamber Orchestra · Emmanuel Pahud