【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind


<アンサンブルは人の世の調和>リッカルド・ムーティ2011年のビルギット・ニルソン賞(The Birgit Nilsson Prize)受賞記念スピーチ

愉快な名指揮者、リッカルド・ムーティ(Riccardo Muti)が、2011年のビルギット・ニルソン賞(The Birgit Nilsson Prize)受賞記念スピーチからの抜粋です。 












Music is extremely important. Education in music is essential, fundamental. Why? 



Not because we are to make miserable life of our children, with the small flute them out, and play every morning “TEE-TE-TEE-TE・・・” 


(make+O+C  OをCにしてしまう) 


Because we teach music: we teach poison in that way, and we alienate people from music. 



What is important is to teach the young boys and girls in the modern society that, in orchestra, a symphonic orchestra, or a chorus, is the symbol of a society; how a society should work and stay together. 


(what is important is:関係代名詞のwhat) 

Because we've seen that now, with the Royal Orchestra, the Royal Opera Orchestra. And I want to thank them and also the soprano and the chorus that we are seeing later, and Maestro (Gianandrea) Noseda, my colleague, for what they are doing tonight for this occasion. 


(what we are seeing / what they are doing ごく近い未来を表す現在進行形) 


But as I was saying that in an orchestra you see the violin, viola, cello, contrabass, flute, oboe, clarinet, trombone, fagott, percussion... 



And in a score they are altogether written there in the page of the score. 



Everyone has a different line, and all the lines should... SHOULD! ― because sometimes they don't ― go together and play together. 



And every player knows that his freedom must exist, but should not stop or damage the freedom of the other player. 



But all the players, together in their freedom and expressing their feelings, they all must work in one direction; that is, HARMONY. 


(expressing their feelings:分詞構文) 


When children learn to stay together and to have this concept of the good and harmony that must be equal for everybody, then they learn how to stay together in a society. 


(learn to stay : ~できるようになる) 


I'm trying to say to insist on this subject since... forty years, and, uh... so, I'm sure that even if conductors are... they sometimes think that they are God, I know that I don't have another forty years in front of me. 



Or maybe? I don't know. 



And if I have it, I will insist in this concept. 



And then music doesn't know barriers. 



When we go to different countries, we have our musicians play together with the musicians of the towns, of the cities that we visit. 




And they sit together. They don't know their names. They don't know (that) they have different culture, they speak different languages, they belong, sometimes or many times, to different religions, they have different colors in their skin. 



But everything disappears because they have the same heart and the heart starts to beat in the same way, for everybody, in everybody, and they play and they sing together. 


(訳注:心臓を持つ/脈打つ → heart→思いを持つ/高揚感を覚える) 


This is the reason why I am worried about the future because Europe is forgetting the importance of our culture, our tradition, our history. 



We are today what we have been. And we will be what we are today. 



So music and culture are parts extremely important of the history of Europe. 



So I take this opportunity from the stage of this prestigious opera house in front of the Kings, in front of all the authorities to send a message that certainly was a message that Birgit Nilsson sent in all the years of her musical life. 



Let's help the new generations toward good future. And one of the weapons is music and culture. 



This is what I want to say in this moment. And I will not say anything else because when I go to this subject I feel really sad because it seems that our Europe is losing little by little certain values. 



And music can help. GLACCHE! 


第41話The Climb: Miles to Go byマイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





The Climb 



When I read the script for the Hannah Montana movie, I was really happy. I didn't want it to be like an extra-long episode of the TV show. A movie should go further emotionally (and plotwise) than a half-hour comedy. The script had more depth than anyone expected, just what I was hoping for. I felt like I got to do much more serious acting. 



During the TV series, I'd become more and more of a Method actor. In Method acting you use experiences from real life to summon emotions for your character. When you have to be sad, you think about things that upset you. I started talking about Hannah as if she were a real person, because I really thought of her that way. She existed in my mind. During the movie, when Hannha is kind of a brat, I acted a little like the bratty, fit-throwing Hannah when I went home. I mean, I didn't exactly throw fits, but I was quiet and grumpy and exploring the character in my head. And then, in the movie, when Miley was herself again and is eating Southern food and hanging out with her grandmother, I did the same thing. 



★★★ 7 ways I'm not like Hannah Montana ★★★ 

1. I'm not perfect 

2. I don't like bright colors 

3. I don't like heels 

4. I don't wear a wig 

5. I'm bad at secrets 

6. I'm not cool 

7. My dad's not really my manager (thank goodness!) 

★★★ ハンナ・モンタナに私比べて私は・・・の7つ ★★★ 









I worked nine hours a day dancing, singing, and acting, but being in Tennessee made the time fly by. I was home. My family was around, and Mammie was there with me all day long, every single day. The environment was familiar, even though I hadn't been to all the movie locations. For one scene, I sat in the middle of a vast field of daisies with big electric fans behind me blowing a soft wind through the flowers. If you didn't look at the cameras, the lights, or the fans, the setting was captivating. 



The scariest moment came when I was shooting a scene with Lucas Till, who plays Travis Brody, my love interest in the movie. There's a scene where the two of us go to a waterfall where our characters used to hang out as kids. We were supposed to jump off a high rock ledge into the churning water of the waterfall. I'm a horrible swimmer. And I'd been eating crappy fried food for days. I was feeling fat and knew that my wet shirt would stick to all my bumps and lumps - not something I wanted on camera! But most of all I was scared of the big jump. And if that weren't enough, the water was cold. Ice cold. Dang it! 



Fear is the only obstacle that gets in the way of doing what we love. People are scared to travel, to try new things, to follow their dreams. Fear holds us back from living the lives we were made to live.  



Lucus had done his jump. No he was treading water at the pounding base of the waterfall, waiting for me to plunge in. I stood at the edge of the ledge, but I just couldn't do it. It was so far down! I hadn't tested the water, but I knew how cold it was. I thought I was going to die. Poor Lucas was down there, shirtless, freezing, yelling, “Hurry! You've gotta jump!” Finally I went. It was really freaking cold. But, wow! The exhilaration was worth it. When I came out of the water the director said, “That was amazing, and your cankles look great!” 




Right, about my cankles. They had become a big joke on the movie set. I'd tell the director, “I can't wear these shorts! They show my cankles,” or I'd say, “I can't eat this fried dough - it's going straight to my cankles.” And the director was always saying,”We need to try that again, but oh my gosh your cankles look fine.” Or “Good job! I didn't even notice your cankles.” I really meant it when I said I like to spin stuff in a positive way. “Cankles” may have bugged me at one point, but I took it and made it my own. Also, you have to admit it's just a funny word. So, there were my cankles, on full display for the movie cameras at the foot of a glorious waterfall in my hometown. Life could be worse. 



Life had been worse. When we moved away from Nashville I was at a low point. The Anti-Miley Club - a few mean girls at school - was making me miserable. Of course I'd been back to Nashville loads of times since then, but now I was coming home as a full-fledged movie star. (Well, I wasn't exactly a movie star yet. I was still in the making-the-movie phase, but close enough.) When I performed with The Cheetah Girls, I felt like I was proving those mean girls wrong. Now I had nothing to prove. Those girls didn't matter at all anymore. They had no power to make me unhappy, and, through Hannah Montana, I was the one with the power. I had the power to make lots of people laugh. In my little piece of the world, it felt like a triumph of good over evil. 



I'd left my Tennessee troubles behind, but it was still my home town. I didn't spend my childhood plunging into freezing waterfalls, but still, to have Miley Stewart come back to Tennessee, Miley Cyrus's home - it was life imitating art imitating life (like my dad always says). It tends to get me going in circles, thinking about how my character Miley's life is like mine and mine is like Miley's. Hannah Montana is all fiction, of course, but there's a thread through it that is connected with what's real in my world and the way I've been raised, being with my dad through the journey of music. 



In the movie, I sing a song called “The Climb,” which kind of captures the magic of what the show means to me. Dad always tells me that success is the progressive realization of worthy ideas or goals. That means that the best part - the part when you're most successful - is when you're taking steps forward toward your dream. When you're working to achieve it, not when you're on top. It's like Carl Perkins told me when he and my dad were rabbit hunting without guns. It's about enjoying the chase. 

映画の中で私が歌う「The Climb」は、この映画私にとって意味するもの、その魔法のようなものを描いた感じになっています。成功とは、自分にとって価値のある思いつきや、幾つも設定した目標を、途切れることなく実現し続けること、お父さんはいつもそう言います。ということは、最高の瞬間、つまり、結構うまくいっている時というのは、自分の夢に向かって歩みを止めないでいる時、てことね。「実現し」ようと頑張っている間、というのは、まだ頂点には届いていない。カール・パーキンスが言ってた言葉みたいね。彼とお父さんが、猟銃も持たずにウサギ狩りに行った時に、「追いかけ回すこと自体が楽しいんだよ」、あれよ。 


It's about having a dream and seeing it in the distance. It's about working for what you want. It's about the climb. 



At the end of the movie, as each actor finishes their part, they get “wrapped,” which means the director announces that the person is done and the whole crew claps. On our last day of shooting, after everyone left had wrapped, they called out, “Mammie,” who had sat there every day, no matter how hot it was or how long the shoot went. They wrapped Mammie, and everyone gave her a much-deserved standing ovation. It made me feel like my two families were now one.  



Go, Mammie! 


第40話Home Again: Miles to Go byマイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





Home Again 



I know it sounds unbelievable, but shooting the first Hannah movie was relaxing. Yes, it was a full-length feature film. No, I'd never had a leading role in a movie before. Yes, I was in almost every scene. Yes, sometimes I had to act, sing, and dance simultaneously in coordination with up to 1500 extras. But I'd just spent four months living in a bus, performing for several hours, and sleeping in a different city every night. Then I'd gone straight to recording my album, Breakout. After all that, coming back to Tennessee - home! - where the movie was being shot - well, it was just about the most relaxing thing I could have imagined. 




I slept every night at our farm in Franklin. My family was there. My animals were there. I could braid my horses' tails and watch the chickens live a little bit of their dumb, sweet lives every morning. Nights when I got to watch the sunset I just sat there and thought, This is the biggest blessing. Forget the movie. Forget the crazy work schedule and media madness that led up to the movie. Forget getting up and thinking “I need to wear this to look good.” Forget the lack of privacy. When you're alone in the middle of 500 acres, it's all so far away. Nobody and nothing can get to you. It's a slower life. When Emily came to visit, she said, “I can see why you never wanted to leave your farm. It's so tranquil.” And Emily's a city girl, through and through. Like I said: relaxing. 





My favorite thing to do when I'm at home in Franklin is to go out on long horseback rides with my dad, the way we always have. Sometimes it seems like our horses are especially careful with me. They walk more slowly. They watch for holes. They've tripped before, but never with. I've been riding them since I was so young, it's like they still think of me as a little girl who needs to be coddled. But during the movie, I was riding my horse Roam and he got startled by a snake in the grass. He spooked and started rearing and bucking.  



Have you ever been in a car accident? You know how it seems to go so slowly? How you have time to think a hundred things in two seconds? That's how it was when Roam was bucking.  



This may sound obvious, but never let a horse fall on top of you. Horses are big animals. I don't know, I figure some of our horses weigh a thousand pounds. I weigh around a tenth of that. Who's gonna win? Who's gonna hurt whom? It's easy to yell, “No, Roadie!” at a little two-pound dog. You know you're bigger and stronger. But when you're riding a horse, you have to stay in charge even though he's clearly the mightier beast. Even if you don't get hurt in a fall, if he steps on you by accident - you're a goner. My dad's had his foot broken by a horse. He said it feels like a car rolling over your foot.  




All these thoughts flashed through my head as my horse jumped around and around. But I rode it out, rodeo style. (Wish the paparazzi had been there for that one!) I held on tight and stayed weirdly calm. I thought, This horse will not drop me. We love each other. He's going to take care of me. He's going to protect me. He won't let me fall. Dad jumped off his horse and got me down as soon as Roam stopped kicking. Once my heart stopped racing, we headed back home. I didn't mention my little adventure on the set the next day. Needless to say, the movie people would not have been psyched if I'd nearly gotten trampled.  




Oh, yeah - Emily's visit. For two seasons of Hannah Montana, Emily and I had struggled to get along. But we never hated each other. Now here we were, shooting our movie in Tennessee. On one of our days off, she had nothing to do, so she came over to hang out.  



We went out on four-wheelers and drove out to a place on our property that we call the Shack. It's a falling-apart house that is older than time. There's antique junk everywhere- guns, medicine bottles, shoes. Emily and I crept up the rotting stairs, really carefully, holding hands. There had been a storm, and it seemed like the wind had blown up a whole new crop of treasures. There were bullets scattered across the floor. A column from an old newspaper. An icebox. (I guess the wind didn't stir that one up.)  




Then we saw something fuzzy in the corner. Two fuzzy things, in fact. At first they looked like baby dinosaurs. It was so wild in the Shack, I thought maybe they actually were baby dinosaurs. Or a cross between a duck and a raccoon. Duckoons. Then I remembered that once there had been a hawk or a turkey - some huge bird - nesting in the chimney. These were baby birds! Baby birds that looked like duckoons. Emily and I just stood there and watched them for a long time. We didn't become blood sisters or swear best friends forever, but it was a great moment to share, away from the show and the movie and all the little squabbles we'd had. We rode home feeling the fresh air on our faces, and I could have sworn I felt something shift between us.  




★★★ 7 quirks I have ★★★ 

1. I always wear at least five bracelets. 

2. I close one eye when I laugh. 

3. I never wear blue and orange together (my middle school colors). 

4. I hate the words crusty, brothy, and creamy. 

5. I clean my room before I go to sleep every night. 

6. my nickname is “one sock on” because one of my socks always falls off in my sleep. 

7. I peel my nail polish off. 

★★★ 7つの妙なクセ ★★★ 








第39話Mandy Medicine: Miles to Go byマイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





Mandy Medicine 



It felt like I was losing the people I cared about most. I felt alone and adrift. 



And then came Mandy★. 

Mandy, how pumped are you that you get a chapter title?




I'd known Mandy for a long time - she'd been dancing with me ever since I started performing as Hannah. One night in the middle of the tour we got out of the pool at some nasty hotel where the bus was parked. Mandy was going through a hard time with a friend of hers. I'd lost my first love. Vanessa was gone from the earth. Mandy and I sat on a bed in her hotel room and I said, “Hey, do you want to be best friends?” She said, “Yeah.” It was out of the blue. Random. A joke. But then something amazing happened. Our BF promise took hold. 



★★★ 7 people I can't live without ★★★ 

1. Mandy 

2. my big sister 

3. my mommy 

4. Lesley 

5. Ashley Tisdale 

6. Auntie Edi 

7. my mammie 

★★★ 「あなたがいないと生きていけない」 ベスト7★★★ 









Remember how I said that when you're on tour, away from home, people - friends, family - become your home? I'd been clinging a little too hard to my privacy. Vanessa's death reminded me to let myself need people. To stop pushing people away. To fight for  friendship. Mandy and I act like kids together, like we're my little sister's age. A child's heart is so vulnerable, lighthearted, and fun. From the start we let our friendship stay young instead of being guarded and calloused. And it felt great. Like I was breathing again or that my heart was starting to heal. 



After the tour finished, Mandy and I went on a big YouTube kick. We were hanging out, messing with the video camera while we worked up a dance routine, and just generally goofing around, and we decided to post it to YouTube. I swear doctors should write prescriptions for making YouTube videos. They're great medicine for a broken heart. At first it was just for fun, and then we were invited to do a “dance-off” with ACDC (the Adam/Chu Dance Crew), so we became M&M Cru and made some videos. That was cool, and it was still just for fun, but it was also lots of work with lots of people. So when that ended, we just went back to the basics, the old Miley and Mandy show, just us, goofing off - answering viewer questions like who our favorite bands are, interviewing my dad and sister. Or making a video of Mandy watching the scary maze game (an online prank), and Mandy freaking out. That might be my favorite. 




My friendship with Mandy is more than videos and hanging out, of course. My little brother Braison is now way bigger than I am, and we had a huge fight, probably about something stupid like him giving me the wrong cell phone charger. Somehow it escalated to the point where he pushed me into the refrigerator and it actually hurt! I'm 5'4 and he's 5'10. Thirteen years old and 5'10 - can you believe it? He's big. Anyway, I was pretty upset about the fight, and what I really want to say about Mandy is that I know if I need her, she'll be there. If I need a friend at four in the morning she'll be there in five minutes, and she knows the same is true for me. Mandy is older than I am, so she helps me see a bigger picture. When I was upset about Braison, she came over and just stayed with me until I fell asleep. People might think it's weird, that it's too deep. But I think if you can't count on a friend for that, it's not a real friendship. 



We're definitely going to have to make sure we line up boyfriends at the same time so we don't suffer withdrawal from each other. 


第38話Another Angel: Miles to Go byマイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





Another Angel 



October 31, 2007 

It's 1:02 a. m. and I'm not able to sleep after the painful news received around eleven that my best friend, my hero, my sister God forgot to give me, my everything was graced with 24 hours to live. I don't know why this happens and why it will continue - all I know is I will have a new angel watching over me, and her name is Vanessa. 


今夜中の1:02。全然眠れない。胸が張り裂けるような知らせが飛び込んできたのが、11時頃。私の最高の友達であり、ヒーローであり、本当だったら私の妹だったはずであり(神様が忘れてたのよきっと)、私の全てであるその人が、あと24時間の命とのご宣告を受けたという。なんでこんな事が起きるのよ、なんでこんなことが続くのよ… 分かっていることは、いずれまた一人、私を見守る天使になってしまうってこと。その子の名前は、ヴァネッサ。 


My friend Vanessa was very ill.★ They were saying it was only a matter of hours. But I was in denial. When I called the hospital hoping to hear that she was on an upswing, because that's what I wanted to believe, her parents told me, “Miley, she died.”  

★Remember? The sick little girl who looked like Ariel? 





I couldn't process it. She was dead? But she was so young. I couldn't accept it. How could she die? I'd never lost a friend before. I was wrecked. 




It was late at night. We were stopped at a Walmat in the middle of nowhere. I couldn't get back on that bus. I needed things to halt. I went out into the middle of a snow-covered field and lay down. The sharp blades of frozen grass poked at my bare arms. I lay on my back staring at a big white sign saying SUPERMART. Vanessa was gone, and I hadn't been there by her side at the end. 



After a while, Linda, my teacher, and my mom came out to get me. Linda said, “Look how happy you made her. She had a good last few months. When she needed you, you were there.” My mom said, “You knew she needed you, but it seems like you didn't realize how much you needed her.”  





I can't tell you why the sun shines 

I can't explain the moonrise 

I don't know why time flies by 

But ask me and I'll tell you why - 


I'm blessed to have you in my life 

I can't live another day without you by my side 

It's getin' harder and harder to breathe 

So I'm beggin' you 

Don't take her away from me 


I've known since I met you 

You're an angel sent to me 

I remember that when you looked in my eyes 

I fell in love with your smile 


& I can say - you help my heart beat every day 

& I believe I'll never be alone 

You'll live in me 























第37話No Such Thing as a Hate Song: Miles to Go byマイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 






No Such Thing as a Hate Song 



Prince Charming and I broke up on December 19, 2007. The hardest day ever. My life felt like it had ground to a halt, but the rest of the world kept right on rolling. I was on tour. People were counting on me, but my head - no, my heart - was dizzy. 



I've always used words to connect with people, and I've always felt that if I just let the words flow, just said what came to me. it would be from the heart and I would be understood. The day before the tour ended I wrote ten pages, front and back, about why I loved Prince Charming, how I would wait for him, why we needed to be together. When I love someone, I love them with everything in me. But when the love's not there anymore, what do you do? 



Deep down I knew we weren't being our best selves. And that was what I wanted - and thought I deserved - in a relationship. To be my best self and to bring out the best in someone else. 



But still ..... 



I was angry when I wrote “7 Things I Hate about You.” I wanted to punish him, to get him back for hurting me. It starts with a list of what I “hate,” but I'm not a hater. My heart knew from the start that it was going to turn into a love song. Why does he get a love song? Because I don't hate him. I won't let myself hate anybody. That's not the way my heart works. It's a song about how I should hate him but I don't, and I don't know why. It's a song about forgiving, not forgetting. 



There's a big difference between knowing and feeling. Here's what I know:★ I know I'm “only six-teen.” I know that most people when they're older look back on when they were sixteen and think, “Man, I didn't know anything back then.” I know that what I want, what I look for in a boyfriend, is bound to change a lot, because I know I've got a lot of changes ahead of me still. I know all that. I really do.  

★So far. 




Here's what I feel:  



It's hard to imagine that our love is a story with an end.  



But you know, at least I'm getting some really good songs out of it. 



★★★ 7 things that make me sad ★★★ 

★★★ 考えると悲しくなること ベスト7★★★ 


1. my pappy dying 

2. that my parents will never know how much I love them 

3. my horsies being in Nashville without me 

4. people who don't know Jesus 

5. kids with parents who don't kiss them goodnight & tell them how much they adore them 

6. my brother being on tour without me 

7. world hunger 








第36話Meet, Greet, Sing, Sleep: Miles to Go by マイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 






Meet, Greet, Sing, Sleep 



October 14, 2007 



Today is our first day of tour - we're in St. Louis & the next 3 days are rehearsals and then we have our first show - being with my friends and the Jonas Brothers will be a blast! I am so excited to start and be doing what I ♡ with the people I ♡ ! Today we were on the coolest jet - we saw Daddy and had a blast! 

♡♡ Miley 




In a way, the whole idea of going on the Best of Both Worlds tour felt comfortable. After going on tour with my dad and The Cheeta Girls. I knew what it was like to have a bus as your home base, to wait backstage for the music to come up, and to hear a stadium full of people chanting. Except this time they wouldn't be chanting my dad's name, or Hannah's name for that matter - if I was lucky, they'd be chanting for me! 

「Best of Both Worlds」のツアーは、全体を考えると、ある意味心地よくやれるものでした。お父さんやチータ・ガールズとのツアーの後、ツアーでバスを、自宅代わりの待機場所としてつかったり、演奏前のバックステージにしたり、会場のスタジアムを埋め尽くす観客の声援を耳にしたり、そういう過ごし方も分かってきました。その声援については今回はお父さんの名前でも、ハンナ・モンタナの名前でもない、私の名前を皆が呼んでくれるのです!(運が良ければね) 


During my first tour, opening for The Cheetah Girls. I performed as Hannah the whole time. This time, not only did I have top billing, but I got to do half the show as myself. It may not seem all that different to the people in the audience - I mean, I use the same voice to sing the songs - but it feels really different to me. 



Hannha has a different message. Hannah's songs are about what it's like to be a famous person when you're an ordinary girl at heart. Her songs, like “Just Like You” or “Best of Both Worlds,” are fun to sing, but I am not as emotionally attached to them. I focus on the choreography and moving the way Hannah moves. In a way it's easier for me than being myself, but it's also hard for me to get into that character.★ 

★And to wear that wig! 

私の歌に込められたメッセージは、ハンナの歌とは違います。ハンナは有名人ではあるけれど、心では普通の女の子、そんな立場でのメッセージ。ハンナが歌う「Just Like You」や「Best of Both Worlds」は、歌っていて楽しい曲ですが、自分の気持ちがピッタリとくっつくわけではありません。私が集中する振り付けは、ハンナとしての仕草。ある意味、自分自身ってものを演じるよりも簡単ですが、同時に難しいのは、そのキャラにしっかり入り込むことでした★。 



Performing my own music is the coolest feeling in the world. My songs are about things that are meaningful to me. Missing a grandparent. Mistakes that I've made in relationships. Things that make me happy or disappoint me. I feel that as myself. I connect to my audience more. 



And it was a big audience. Let me run through some numbers really fast. The Best of Both Worlds was my first headlining tour. It ran from the middle of October 2007 till the end of January 2008. I played 68★ shows in 59 different cities. Each stadium seated between 10,000 and 20,000 people.  

★If I counted right. 

しかもそのお客さん達というのが、すごい数だった。チャチャッと数字を言ってみますね。「The Best of Both Worlds」は、私にとって初めての、座長を務めたツアーです。2007年10月中旬に始まり、2008年1月の終わりにかけて実施されました。59都市68公演★、どのスタジアムも、1万~2万もの人達が詰めかけてくれたのです。 



You know how they tell performers to “break a leg?” Well, about a week into the tour, in Salt Lake City, I almost did. There was a move during “I Got Nerve” where four big, strong male dancers were supposed to throw me in the air and then, of course, catch me. But that night they popped me too hard, which meant I went higher and came down faster and with more force than planned. The dancers weren't ready for how hard I was coming. I went right through their arms and fell onto the stage. Of course, this was during the “Hannah Montana” part of the concert. The “Mildewy Cyrus” part of the concert didn't have any moves like that. It wasn't very me. The problem was, if Hannah Montana broke her leg, so did Mildewy Cyrus.  

ところで、「ビジット決めようぜ」って、パフォーマーの皆さんに言うんだけどね、その「ビシッ」をやりかけてしまったんです。ツアーが始まって1週間経ったころ、ソルトレイクシティーでの公演のことです。「I Got Nerve」のパフォーマンスで、4人の屈強な男性ダンサー達が、私を空中に投げて、そして勿論、それを受け止めるというもです。でもその晩は、ダンサーさん達がリハーサルよりも強く、私をぶん投げてしまったのです。当然、高さも、落ちてくる時の勢いも、想定以上です。ダンサーさん達はどんだけ私がすごい勢いで落ちてくるのか、体勢が整っていません。構えていた腕の間から、ステージに落ちてしまったのです。勿論これは、「Hannah Montana」ステージの最中のことです。「Miley Cyrus」ステージのほうは、ここまで激しい動きは全くありません。私はそんなに気にしませんが、問題は、ハンナ・モンタナが足を「ビシッ」と折ってしまったら、マイリー・サイラスも「ビシッ」と骨折してしまうってことです。 


I was lucky. No broken leg - this time. I was up and dancing again in a split second, but not before I heard the audience gasp. Then a whisper went around the stadium as everyone turned to the person sitting next to her to say “She fell!” As I went on with the song, those words tugged at my mind.  



Embarrassment is the worst! It's the feeling of having your entire body go numb and not knowing what to do with yourself for that one moment! There's no solution to embarrassment. It happens, and you just have to put it behind you. 



Falling like that is my worst nightmare. It didn't hurt, but it was embarrassing, and I hate that feeling more than anything. They re-choreographed the move to make it safer, but the next night I was terrified that they would drop me again. “Don't make me do it! Do I have to do it?” I pleaded with the director to cut the pop from the routine. But there was energy in that move that we wanted to give the audience. 



My mom reminded me about cheerleading. She was right - in cheerleading you fall all the time, you fall so often that you practice getting good at falling and then you fall some more. You never quit. I thought about my cheerleading coach, Chastity, and how she would have said, “Don't hit the ground.” But I still dreaded being dropped, every single night. I remembered a coffee mug I saw once that had a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote on it. Do what you are afraid to do. And so I did. I kept going. I just did it. Now, when I think back on it, I realize that each day of the tour I achieved something, because every day I overcame my fear. The fear of being embarrassed can hold me back from doing things I want to do. I'm holding on to that memory as proof that fear doesn't have to win.  



I performed almost every single night, which is draining, but the tour was also kind of easy just because it was the same routine every day. 



10-lsh: Wake up on the bus 

12:30 Sound check 

1:30 Hair and makeup 

3:00-5:00 Meet and greets 

5:30 Opening band starts 

6:00 Concert starts 

10:00 Back in bus 

10時頃 バスにて起床 

12:30 音響チェック 

1:30 ヘアセット・メイク 

3:00-5:00 マイリーと会ってご挨拶 

5:30 オープニングバンドの演奏 

6:00 開演 

10:00 バスに戻る 


Every day revolved around the performance that night. The morning was spent doing sound check and getting ready, then I had “meet and greets” with friends of friends, people who won contests, whoever it was. I love my fans, but the meet and greets were different, mostly executives or other people who wanted something from me - like tickets to that night's show, which I never had. It's hard to be excited and friendly to strangers every single day. There was kissing up in all directions, and the whole thing felt like a show, a game with no rules, no winner, and no limits. Whatever time and energy I gave, someone always wanted more.  



My parents were always there for me, of course. For the most part they don't want to take any of this away from me. This is my work, and they want me to have independence in it. But I can get too drawn into it, into feeling I need to satisfy every request, take every media opportunity, meet every fan, sign every deal. I found out later from my mom that she had decided I wouldn't do any press on the tour. Not a single newspaper interview, radio show, or TV appearance. I was a little angry - I mean, it's my career, and I like to be in on those decisions. But my mom knows that it would be hard for me to say no.★ There's no end to the requests and demands for my time. People will push until I can't take it anymore. I'm young, and people forget that. Including me. There's no way I can make everyone happy. 

★Seriously, thanks, Mom - you saved me! 




The days on tour were a whirlwind of obligations, and then I'd do my show, and then, late at night, (when I didn't fall asleep before my head hit the pillow), thoughts would turn endlessly in my mind. My brother Trace was in Europe. I didn't have time to visit him. Should I be visiting him? What about my sister? Should I be worried about her? Should I be thinking about the show? My fans? My family? Was I forgetting someone's birthday? Where was my energy supposed to go? Was I a good person for spending my time this way? There were lots of people working on my tour. There were tons of people coming to each concert. I was the center of it, and I didn't want to do it blindly, going through the motions because some producers or marketers thought it was a good idea, or because I was going to make money or even because I like performing and wanted to introduce people to my music. 



My dad says, “Not everyone was called to be a preacher. There are different ways of representing the light. If you can make people laugh and sing and dance and rejoice in this world of darkness, that's a great thing.” 



It's important to ask yourself why you're doing what you're doing and what purpose it serves in the big picture. I ask myself that a lot. 



On The Cheetah Girls tour I had performed for cancer patients. I'll never forget how it felt to know that kids who couldn't be happy on a daily basis were at my concert. I vowed to myself to make sure I always performed for the right people and the right reasons. 



After I met Vanessa, one thing was clearer to me than ever before. I knew I wanted to actively help children who needed it. For the tour, I worked with Bob Caballo and Hollywood Records, one of the companies Bob Caballo oversees, to give one dollar of every concert ticket to City of Hope, a cancer care center. Making people laugh and sing and dance is an incredible feeling, but I also wanted to give something as big as hope to people like Vanessa. Whether the audience knew it or not, each one of them was (through me) giving a dollar to City of Hope. We were all united in an effort to help people suffering from cancer. When our family first moved to Los Angeles, our goal was to try to be light in a dark world. Now I was doing it. As I performed in concert after concert, I kept that in the back of my mind - the knowledge that what I did that night would go further than what everyone in the stadium saw or felt. 

ヴァネッサ出会った後今まで以上に明確になったことそれは私がしたいのは子供達の支援今回のツアーではボブ・カヴァロさんと彼の経営するハリウッドレコード社と提携して、全公演チケット1枚につき1ドルを、「City Of Hope」というガン治療セターへ寄付しました。皆を笑顔にして、歌って踊る、とても素晴らしい気分です。でも私は同時に、ヴァネッサみたいな人達に感じてもらえた希望、あのくらいに大きな何かを与えられるようになりたい。お客さん達は気付いているかどうか、皆が一人1ドルを(私を通して)「City Of Hope」へ届けています。会場の皆が力を一つに合わせて、ガンに苦しむ人達を助けるのです。うちの家族がロスに引っ越してきた時の目標は、暗い世の中を照らす光となること、でした。やっとそれができています。一つ一つの公演が終わる度に、自分の思いの中にしまったことがあります。それは、公演があった晩に自分がしたことは、当日会場にいた人達の、目でみえる所と肌で感じる所を遥かに超えていったんだ、てこと。 


Despite all the positive things going on, being on the road can get lonely. We were never in one place for more than one night. My “home” was the tour bus. I slept on a built-in bed. Plenty of times I just wanted a break, to go home for real. But I was lucky to have my friends and family on tour with me. People were what got me through it. I tried to think of them as my home. Isn't that a saying, too? Home is where the heart is? 



I know I talk a lot about my dreams. How can I not, when my life has taken such a dramatic, surprising, exciting turn for the most amazing? The tour was one big gigantic, elaborate, exhilarating, exhausting dream come true.★ I should have known something had to go wrong. It's inevitable - dreams fade or change eventually. 

★Except for that one hairy dance move. 

