【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind


【英日対訳:キース・ジャレット】インタビュー: with Stuart Nicholson, Feb. '09 (2/2)

Q: And I wonder how his concertos have helped in terms of touch and expressivity in your jazz work, the transferability of skills from one discipline to another.  





KJ: Well, if you take a slow movement in a concerto by Mozart, almost any one! There are phrases that are so simple and so profound at the same time that you realise that if you can apply this to a song – I discovered something recently that took me my entire life to get to this realisation, I’ll tell you what this was in a second – if you take this concept that maybe you have learned from playing Mozart where you realise it can sound like nothing or it can sound like the most beautiful thing in the world, and it depends on your touch and phrasing on, let’s say three notes that are basically quarter notes ascending in a, let’s say, a C# minor triad up to the octave. If you discover the secret in that music, its meaning, you can apply it to other things.  




So if I want to play a ballad and I know the words, then I can – I discovered this recently – I can actually do more to the song and the meaning of a song on piano than a singer could do if they are singing it and using the words. For example, it’s hard to know what to do with this one phrase in “Over the Rainbow” where you have to go down low and you say, [sings] “Birds fly over the rainbow,” how do you get anything out of “birds” as a singer? And you have to go down for a low note! But on piano, since you’re doing an instrumental version you can actually continue to keep the whole meaning of the song intact while you’re playing the note that would be the word “birds.” No mater how good the singer, they’re always going to be stuck with the sound [of “bird”], as an instrumentalist you’re not stuck with that sound, so the integrity can come closer to the song than anybody could sing it.  

そしてこれが、さっき話した「最近発見したこと」なんだけど、つまりバラードを弾きたくて、その歌詞を知っていれば、歌手が言葉で歌うよりもピアノで弾くほうが、その曲や歌詞の意味に対して、実際より多くのことができるんだ。例えば「Over The Rainbow」のワンフレーズに、どうしたらいいのかちょっと難しいものがある。低い声で「Birds fly over the rainbow」って歌うところなんだけど、歌手はどうやって“birds” から何かを引き出せばいいんだろうか。あんなに低い音域まで下がって歌わないといけないのに!でもピアノ、つまり楽器で演奏すれば“birds”の音を演奏するときにも、じっさい歌の意味をほとんどすべて、何も損なわずに演奏し続けることができる。どんなに上手な歌手でも、あの“birds”のところで引っかかってしまう。でも器楽奏者なら引っかからない。だから誰が歌うよりも、その歌の完全な姿に近づくことができるんだ。 


So I guess one of the things I took from Mozart is that it further refined my touch to the point where I could play “words” without having to say “birds” or, say, “if.” It’s hard to sing “if” as anything other than a short sound, but on piano you can make “if” mean something – the meaning of “if,” not the sound of “if” – and I just discovered that, let’s say three, four months ago. I was doing a private project for myself in the studio, trying to get into a state of mind that would provoke – I was intending a state of mind, let’s put it that way – and I realised that much of what I was doing was from pieces I had heard sung, so I knew the words. So I’m not playing these songs like a jazz musician wanting to play jazz on them, this was an attempt at playing them even straighter than Melody at Night, With You, for example [the 1999 album which marked Jarrett’s return to performing after suffering the debilitating effects of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome] and have it be the loss of love and have it be this rubato place that was sad and lonely, like the Frank Sinatra album Only the Lonely, which I consider one of his greatest things.  

僕がモーツァルトから学んだことのひとつは“birds”とか“if”とか言わなくても“言葉”を奏でられるところまで、さらにタッチを洗練させたことだ。“if”を短い音以外の何かとして歌うのは大変だけど、ピアノなら“if”に何か意味-つまり音としての“if”ではなくて、意味としての“if”を持たせることができる。これは本当につい最近、発見したことなんだ。3,4ヶ月前くらいかな。スタジオで自分のためにひとりでピアノを弾いて取り組んでいたことがあって、ちょっと自分を奮い立たせるような気持ち-そんな心境を自分の中に作ってみよう、とでも言うのかな-になろうとしてたんだ。その時に気づいたんだけど、僕がそのときスタジオで演奏した曲の多くは、実際に歌われているのを聴いたことがあるものだし、もちろん歌詞も知ってるわけだよ。だから僕はそういう曲をジャズ・ミュージシャンが演奏したがるようなものじゃなくて、例えば『Melody at Night, With You』(1999年のアルバム。慢性疲労症候群の衰弱に苦しんだジャレットの、演奏活動復帰の象徴的作品となった)よりもさらにストレートに、愛の喪失を表現したり、悲しさや孤独をルバートで演奏しようとしたんだ。僕が彼の最高傑作のひとつと考えるフランク・シナトラのアルバム『Only the Lonely』のようにね。 


Almost all these songs came to me from vocalists versions, in other words I heard them sung by somebody, and this is the weird thing. I brought the tapes into the house, then I played the record – it was mostly records – and then I put the tape on [I did of the same song] and then I thought, “Keith, this is idiotic. It’s going to blow your thing and you’re going to give up the project because the singer is always going to beat the piano out, the piano goes ‘clang, clang, clang’ and the singer is singing the words, and I always wanted the piano to sound like a voice.” I’m getting ready to get depressed, but I think it’s worth it, I have to persevere, I have to listen to this. And in every case I tried, the reference singing version of these songs was inferior to what I had just done with it on piano in the sense of the meaning of the song. My whole theory all along had been to try and get as close to the vocal version as you can because the words is what the song is about, and the words describe the entire feeling and you gotta get that right, but I never realised you can surpass the words.  




Q: That is very interesting, because you tend to think of the voice as being the most direct expression of human emotion.  




KJ: Yes, and I still think it is, but the problem, I think, is we’re stuck with words and I was playing this clanging semi- percussive instrument called a piano and it was more convincing than the references I was reviewing  





Q: In terms of emotion  





KJ: In terms of emotion. I just thought I don’t even have to release this stuff, I have just performed an experiment that nobody else has performed – to my knowledge – and succeeded in challenging myself to a challenge I didn’t realise I was challenging myself to!  





Q: Just returning to Mozart’s slow movements, and there is a problem for me with young and not so young musicians rushing for the sanctuary of double time when playing ballads as soon as possible, it seems  





KJ: Yes, oh yes. And also like in conversations, people don’t know when to be quiet, including me. When I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, you brought that up earlier, I had the unfortunate luxury of listening to everything I recorded – if I wanted to! And I found out I was not at all impressed and not at all satisfied how things had – it wasn’t that I didn’t like it, there was so much more I had to do that I hadn’t got around to correcting, and that takes a lot of experience. [So when I returned to playing after the illness] I’d hear myself play something on the piano and I’d think, “No, that’s not the me that’s sitting at the piano, that’s the previous me that liked that chord so much and kept playing that chord forever.” Now I knew that because going through the Chronic Fatigue thing I had listened to tapes of myself and I realised I wasn’t aware of this as I wished I was, I wasn’t that conscious [of that] as I wanted to be. If there’s one thing I don’t think young players of today realise how much more important it is to look at what they’re not doing than what they are doing.  




Somebody I know in London said she knows a lot of jazz players and they go hang out, while they hang out they’re playing music and the music that they’re playing is basically what they’re learning. Like the Rolling Stones, they must have listened to hundreds of blues guys because that was what they were trying to do. But what you have to do is listen to everything, listen to what you’ve never heard before. When I was a kid, I already knew this somehow. I think my curiosity saved my soul because I spent every penny of what little money I had on a record of a composer I had never heard of or go to the library and get something I never knew existed. If your ears are not open to everything possible, then they literally don’t know what is possible.  




Q: Well, yes, in jazz the last twenty years certain area of jazz have become very self referential  





KJ: Yes. Well the same girl said “I wish I was around in the Sixties.” And I said, “I’m glad I was!”  





Q: Manfred Eicher too, has said musically it was such a creative time.  





KJ: Yes, he has.  





Q: Melody can be a lifeline to an audience in improvised music, do you think there is any balance to be struck here, between melody and improvisation, if at all? 





KJ: I don’t think there should be a balance, everybody has a blood stream, emotions, a heart. If musicians are open to everything they can hear, something is going to connect to someone, everybody in the audience will have a moment when they are connected to what is going on, and at that moment they will wonder “What else is going on? If that’s so great then I had better pay attention to the rest of this, even though I’m not sure what I think of this.” If you have some limitations, or you’re not working on your instrument or you’re not really serious, that’s when you have to worry what you present to the audience because somehow you have to maintain a career and you’re not doing the work.  




One of my friends said to me a couple of weeks ago, he said, “You know what really makes me happy, when you say ‘I have to go practise.” He said, “I don’t know if people know how much work you’re doing, but I know it’s paying off.” That was his take on it. This is an ancillary topic to what we were talking about, but I think it is connected, musicians think in general, and what I used to think years ago, is that you have to find you’re voice. That is what you work on for I don’t know how many number of years. The things you like are the things you want to play and when you find yourself playing something you don’t like, that means it’s not you, so you eliminate it from who you are on the instrument, so you end up with a so-called voice of your own. But the fallacy in that – first of all you end up lumping yourself in with the average audience member who will hear something they like and they’ll hear something they don’t like and they’ll say that was good because I liked it, and that was not good, because I didn’t like it. What a player has got to do is get the ability to drop all that stuff.  



I remember walking on stage, we took a break in Belgium, it was with Aldo Romano and the French bass player J. F. Jenny-Clark, he’s not alive anymore. And as we walked back onstage I realised I had found my voice and now I could play the piano. And that’s really just step one. So now you have to step up to your instrument and you have to have absolute faith that who you are who you are. But you can’t restrict what you play because of that, and you can’t play only things you think you like, because I had this experience, starting with Radiance [the solo concert recorded on October 27, 2002 at Festival Hall, Osaka], and from then on it’s more conscious since then, that if I don’t let my fingers find things to play that I have never heard, I’m actually not satisfied. I have to play something that surprises me too, not something I either “like” or “don’t like” but just the element of “What is that??” kind of thing. Like you can’t freeze it in time, it has just gone by, and I started to realise there’s a key here, that there is no freedom until you get to that place. The rest of it is like putting barbed wire around yourself and saying this is my voice now, I’m protecting it from all the bad guys. And the audience is going to recognise that if I play the same way all the time.  




Q: I see what you’re saying – how can you expect the audience be surprised with what you are playing if you’re not surprising yourself.  





KJ: The audiences are pretty hip when they are sitting in their seats, they’re aware of the fact they don’t really want to hear the same thing. Not exactly. And if I give them an encore and it happens to be a song they’ve heard they will applaud, but I know they’re there primarily for an experience and not primarily to have nostalgia.  





Q: You mentioned the quartet earlier, do you see a role for that again in your music?  





KJ: I am basically never thinking of the future, I actually have things from the past, believe it or not there’s a sequel to Spirits, that was done on all electric instruments: two guitars, electric bass, drums, percussion, voice and occasionally something else  





Q: When did you do this?  





KJ: Shortly after I did Spirits in the late 1980s, and this has been resting in my house ever since and I played it for a couple of people recently and they go, “Oh my God! This has to come out, because nobody is going to believe this stuff!” And one of the things about it is, I’m playing all the instruments but the thing I really get a kick out of it every time I hear it is how tight the rhythm section is.  




It’s like the best feel on some of these things I could ever get because I knew what I wanted, when you’re with percussionists their sense of time is slightly different, every drummer is different, and you’re playing piano and you’re trying to blend and find where the rhythmic point is, and it’s a blend of all those guys. But here it's so contagious because [the rhythm section] was all me, and I’m not saying this from an egotistical standpoint, it’s, I guess the word is contagious, it’s like hearing Miles’ rhythm section at the Blackhawk and you hear how they are at one, every beat at exactly the same precise place, and for me it was all my sense of time.  

僕がこれまで成し遂げてきたいろんなことの中でも、最高のフィールを感じるものだ。自分が望んでいたものをど真ん中でやれたからね。パーカッショニストと一緒にやってると、タイム感が微妙に違うし、ドラマーなんてみんな違う。なのでピアノを弾きながらみんなのタイム感を調和させるような感じで、リズムのポイント、つまり落としどころを探って、ひとつにしていくわけ。でもこの時はすべてがひとつに染まったわけだ、そりゃ僕がひとりでやってるわけだから。これは自己中心的な立場から言ってるんじゃなくて「リズムがひとつに染まる」というのはマイルスの『At the Blackhawk』のリズムセクションのようなものだ。彼らがいかにひとつになって、すべてのビートをまったく同じ正確な位置で刻んでいるかがわかる。僕にとっては、それこそがタイム感のすべてなんだ。 


The reason I bring that up is there is not just a future, there’s a past. At the moment the Trio is going to go the length, the next release is going to be the Paris and the London concerts together, there was something special going on there.  




Q: If you were to take this last twenty-six years of the Trio from Setting Standards until now, what was you’re practise regime then and what is it now, and how did it affect your music, en route, so to speak.  


トリオのこれまで26年間を『Setting Standards』から現在までとするなら、当時はどのような練習方法だったのか、今はどうなのか、そしていわば途中経過で、それはあなたの音楽にどのような影響を与えたのでしょうか? 



KJ: This could be an entire book! Well, I’ll take it as bookends. I didn’t used to practise at all [when I was younger] as I was so busy working, and when you’re busy working you don’t notice you can’t change habit patterns when you’re gigging constantly. Most of the early time I didn’t feel the need to practice, I’d practise, of course, but when I felt like it. Now, I practice every day. That’s the bookend version. I practice at what would be concert time  





Q: That is interesting  





KJ: Yes. That’s the major practice portion of the day, and sometimes before dinner, I’m working on Bach also but now the weather is getting nicer it’s harder to do! It’s based on instinct.  




When I was working on preparing the harpsichord recordings of Bach, the piano got closed up and I played nothing but harpsichord for months because those two instruments are not even similar at all. When I was working on Mozart, all I was practising was Mozart, when I am working on this Bach project until after this weekend I’m not practising anything but that, then two weeks before a concert in Naples, which is a solo concert, I will try and let my fingers remember that they are not playing Bach anymore, and the different muscle groups involved with solo they are immensely different, the muscle groups, the posture, everything changes, so really it depends on what I am about to do.  



If I was about to go on tour with the Trio, which will be true when I’m home in June, I will be practising by playing or discovering whether they are some tunes I feel like initiating with the Trio. Somebody once said, some jazz player once said, “Don’t practice, play.” And that’s what you do when you prepare for that. It’s not like you’re practising anything, you just have to play through things forever and you find out if you are innovative that day or not, and you have to assess yourself, “Why didn’t I have a good practice session that day?” It’s like being your own psychiatrist.  




Q: And finally, solo concerts, the ultimate challenge. Can you talk a little about your philosophy and approach to the solo concert.  





KJ: Those things are like commissioned works. I’m paid to turn up and to create a brand new thing, that’s the most serious thing I do in terms of focus and craziness and impossibility and you don’t know [in advance] if you have anything to show. People should know this. When I won the Polar Prize [in 2003, awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Music] they had a seminar there and the first thing I said was, “I know you are all mostly music students and I want you to know it does not get easier than it is right now.” Because basically the freer you are, the more you are in charge, and the more you’re in charge, unless you’re willing to be a mediocre critic, you don’t put up with any bullshit from yourself.  




And that’s basically the essence of coming up with stuff that’s worth paying a ticket price for. The rest is noodling, I would say, and if there is anything the world does not need at the moment it’s noodling…It’s hard to do music and to make a mark in some way – when you get a letter from two people in Beirut saying your music kept them alive through the war there, or you get a phone call from a Swiss painter to say I saved his life, myself and Bach that is, these are not the things to take lightly. It’s a serious job and the world doesn’t understand it because they’ve seen entertainers so often they think musicians are entertainers, but they’re not.  

つまりはそれが、チケット代を払う価値のある演奏を考え出すことの本質なんだ。そうでない人達は、ただ何となくおざなりな演奏をしている。僕に言わせれば、いまこの世界にとって必要がないものは、そういう演奏だよ… 音楽に取り組んで、何らかの形で実績を残すのは大変なことなんだ-ベイルートに住んでいる、ある2人から手紙をもらったことがある。僕の音楽のおかげで戦争中も生きてこられたと言ってくれた。スイスの画家から電話をもらったこともある。僕とバッハが彼の命を救ったのだとね。こういうことは軽く考えちゃいけない。音楽は真剣な仕事なんだ。世の中はそのことを理解していない。多くの人々はエンターテイナーをよく見てるから、ミュージシャンもエンターテイナーだと思われているけど、そうじゃないんだ。 



Q: An important note to end on. Thank you for speaking to me  





KJ: A pleasure.  




Yesterdays by Keith Jarrett/Gary Peacock/Jack DeJohnette (ECM 177 447) Setting Standards by Keith Jarrett/Gary Peacock/Jack aabb