【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind


第13話Hannah Who?: Miles to Go by マイリー・サイラス

Hannah Who? 



While we were taping the pilot, Disney let me know that there was just, ah, one more tiny little thing they wanted me to do. A concert.★ That's right ― they wanted me to perform a concert as Hannah Montana in front of a crowd of people who had no idea who I was, before the show had even started.★★ When the big night came, I was a nervous wreck. Sure, I'd been backstage, even onstage with my dad at plenty of concerts. But now there were new songs, new choreography, new dancers, props, and wardrobe changes. And no Dad. The focus was all on me. 

(★: Yikes!) 

(★★:Double Yikes!) 




The crowd at Glendale Centre Theatre ― not far from the Disney studios ― didn't know who or what they were going to see.  They just knew they were watching an unknown girl named Hannah Montana, and she had something to do with a new Disney show. And it was free. I'm sure some of those people wish they could travel in time and scalp those free tickets for big bucks★ 

(★: Not that I approve of that behavior!) 




I couldn't believe anyone showed up at the concert. Who wanted to see an unknown singer? When I started, I was scared that I would tank ― and I felt stupid for pretending to be such a hotstar when nobody knew who I was. It was so weird. Between songs, I'd whisper into the mike, “I'll be right back,” and scurry off the stage like a little mouse to ask my mom and the producers if I was doing okay. 



Then, around when I was singing “Pumping Up the Party Now,” I noticed that people were into it. They seemed excited to see the show. It gave me a second to pause (in my head ― I kept singing, of course) and realize what was happening to me. It didn't matter how odd and contrived this performance was. I thought to myself, I'm happy to be here. I really am. That was it. After that moment I started to get into my groove. I found out later that Gary Marsh, an exec at Disney Channel, turned to my mom and said, “Didn't take her long to settle in.” 

やがて、「Pumping Up the Party Now」(題意さぁパーティーで盛り上がろう)を歌う頃には、観客がのめり込んでいることに気づきます。この本番に盛り上がっているようでした。となると、私にも考える余裕が少しでてきます(頭の中でね、歌は止めませんよ)。そして私の身に起きていることも実感できます。こうなったら、パフォーマンスのヘンテコさやワザトラしさなんて、どうだって良くなります。自分に言い聞かせました「ここに立てて、本当に幸せ」。それだけって気分。そこから先は、私も毎度お馴染み、いつものノリで、どんどん行き始めます。後から知ったことですが、舞台裏に、ディズニーチャンネルの重役のゲイリー・マーシュさんがいらしていて、お母さんに言ったそうです「パフォーマンスが安定するのに、そんなに時間がかからずに済みましたね。」 


By the end of the concert the audience was standing up, cheering, shouting “Han-nah! Han-nah! Han-nah!” I ran across the front of the stage. I high-fived them. I improvised. I just had fun.  



It was really happening. This was my moment. 



Some of that concert is still used in the show, sort of as if it's Hannah's music video. They use the footage from “Pumping Up the Party Now,” with me in my pajamas.★ in the opening sequence and to promote the show sometimes.  

(★:Hannah has grown up so much ― she'd never perform in sleepover PJ's now!) 

コンサート当日の一部は今でも番組内で、ハンナのミュージックビデオのように使用されています。「Pumping Up the Party Now」の場面をパジャマ姿の私一緒に使ったりするのです★。番組の冒頭シーンや、時には番組の宣伝用にも流れたりします。 



And then the pilot was done, and they slapped braces on my teeth. 
