【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind


「ひらめき+ひたむき=力の実現」英日対訳:7章Moving to Higher Ground by W. Marsalis


That Thing with No Name 

第7章  名前のないもの 


In the spirit of swing: (from left) Marcus Printup, Walter Blanding, Ted Nash, and I parade through a houseful of people of all ages, colors, and kinds brought together ― and lifted up ― by jazz music 




I've never understood why many consider creativity to be the mysterious province of some small, specialized group of people. Whenever I teach improvisation to young kids who are too shy to just go for whatever they can, I explain, “It's so easy. Just make up stuff. Yes, play anything that comes to mind, fingers, or lips. Louder! Wilder! That's it. You're improvising.” After they produce a symphony of painful but free-spirited notes, I add, “I told you it was easy. It's only hard if you want to sound good.” 



Everywhere we look, we see the result of human creativity. I live in New York now, and it's mind-boggling just to think that every brick on every street, all of the glass, steel, and concrete, all of the art, signage, electrical wiring, plumbing, painting, and so on that makes Manhattan the most amazing metropolis in the world is someone's creation. The creativity of our fellow citizens is all around us ― in their dress, language, lifestyle, in so many combinations of things. You don't have to earn your creativity ― you're born with it. All you have to do is tend to it and unleash it. Every human being on earth is given the gift to create, and that creativity manifests itself in trillions of ways. There are no laws or rules. Creativity is unruly. Like a dream ― you can't control what comes to you. You only control what portion you choose to tell. 



How many times have we had off-the-wall ideas that someone else executes to tremendous success? How many times have we presented ideas that were laughed at? How many times have we come up with things that were actually dumb and deserved to be ridiculed? Some things stick and others don't. 



But the mistakes can be helpful in developing a dynamic relationship with yourself. When you rise from some colossal failure or embarrassing miscalculation, you develop the thick epidermis required to present your creations to others. And you learn through practical experience the difference between theorizing and doing. Respect for your own creativity ― what you are able to do and what you have been given the tools to accomplish ― is a first step toward an unprecedented growth in personal productivity. 

でも失敗した経験をバネにして、より一層自分としっかり向き合って行くようにしてゆけばいいのです。這い上がって、大失敗やら大誤算やらを乗り越えれば、自分が創造したものを他の人に堂々と伝える「分厚い面の皮」が出来上がる、というもの。そして自分でやってみる経験を通して、理論を作ってゆくこととと、実際にやってゆくこととの違いが、分かってきます。自分自身の創造力を、尊いものと考える気持ち - 実行に移せるネタと、それをやり遂げるために身についている自分の「武器」 - これこそは、モノを創り出す自分だけの力を、果てしなく伸ばしてゆく、その第一歩なのです。 


When I was beginning to play jazz around the world, critics and older musicians came out of the woodwork to say that my playing was inauthentic, lacked soul and feeling, and was too technical . In my young lie, I had not paid enough dues to play with any meaning or feeling. This criticism rattled my confidence. I questioned my qualifications to play even though I suspected my life was as full of drama and strife as most people's, especially people my age. In my insecurity, I complained about this assessment of my playing to Sweets Edison, supreme master of blues trumpet. 



He asked me, “Where are you from?” 

I said, “New Orleans.” 

He said, “What did you grow up doing?” 

I responded, “Playing.” 

“What did your daddy do?” 









Then he said, “What more do you want? Why are you trying to act like what you are? Be what you are.” This was one of my most profound lessons about creativity ― it's being yourself, valuing your own ideas, mining your own dreams. 



This sounds simple enough, but in a world full of great ideas it's easy to get demoralized. After all, innovative ideas are often ridiculed, whereas old, traditional ideas may be accepted but are rarely celebrated. College jazz students almost always want to be innovators, people who change the world of the art form, like Louis Armstrong or Charlie Parker. Anything short of that is considered failure. 



That's what I call the impossible standard, the Superman standard: The only thing that merits a youngster's study of jazz is the opportunity to redefine an art that he or she barely understands. Kids seek education for the chance to be one of the greats, not to learn from them. They don't consider the possibility that there could be something of substance in the music itself that merits study. 



The writer Leonard Feather once asked Monk, “What about something new?” 



Monk answered, “Let somebody else come up with something new. What about something good?” 



The Superman standard is set so high you can't succeed. You will always feel that you are not doing enough. It's like being in a relationship with someone you can never make happy. The harder you try, the more you're accused of messing up. 



When kids think innovation is the only way to be successful, unrealistic expectations prevent them from embracing the fundamentals of the art. It's as if they think listening to Charlie Parker will somehow compel them to play like them. (They don't need to worry; they won't.) If a musician doesn't love anything or want to be influence by anything, he or she will never really experience the transcendent power of art. Believe it or not, some think that interacting with the music is like sleeping with the enemy, because its great achievements might influence their sound and sully their virginal, fresh concepts. 



Kids tell me, “I want to move the art form forward.” I tell them to get a stack of CDs, put them in a car, and take them from here to wherever they consider to be forward, because the art form is not going anywhere. You can make your contributions to it and they will be whatever they are. You will perhaps come up with some things that no one has come up with before, and those thing will add beauty and substance to the art form. But you are not going to move it anywhere. It's like John Lewis used to say: “There's no next new movement. There never has been. There's just a beautiful broad mainstream.” At the end of the day, Max Roach added a lot to a drum style that was already great; Jo Jones had played a lot of durms. Bud Powell played a pile of piano, but so had Art Tatum and James P. Johnson before him.  



I always suggest youngsters consider the value of playing well, rather than worry about whether they will become another another Thelonious Monk or Duke Ellington. There is power in achieving your personality and projecting it. The whole world may not imitate you, but you'll be satisfied. You have to play well before you can play great. 



Someone can be creative inside or outside the mainstream of a tradition. Inside, you create new ways to do existing things better. Outside, you create a new world. Both options can be innovative. You can either reinvigorate a tradition or counterstate it. That's where knowledge of the arts can serve us all. The world of the arts presents examples of every imaginable type of person who has worked with whatever he or she had to make a cogent, powerful, and original statement. When we have knowledge of great innovators and understand their creativity, it can clear many roadblocks we believe affect only us. Their achievements educate, inspire, and delight. 



Danny Barker taught us kids to respect the creativity and creative space of others. In that spirit, the second step toward growth in creative output is co-creation. Focus on what others can do and be flexible enough to adjust your thing to fit with theirs. 



America is a young country. For all of our cockiness, we have suffered a crippling identity crisis. We spent many years under the illusion that the only valuable art was European. We also believed art exacerbated class distinctions. If you liked art you were a snob. Today, many of us still believe the arts to be some type of dreamy, nonessential, esoteric fluff. That's why they are always the first things cut from schools. The thought is that arts are impractical: “After all, most artists aren't paid anything much, if at all, and if they are paid it's for some type of vulgar desecration of sacred ideals.” It's not necessary, like math or science. So goes the attack on public funding for the arts. 



Some contemporary trends aside, art forms actualize the collective wisdom of a people. They represent our highest aspirations and our everyday ways, our concept of romance and our relationship to spiritual matters, as well as how we deal with birth, death, and everything in between. In short, the arts focus our identity and expand our awareness of the possible. They offer tools for survival with style in times of peace and war. If they are insightful, if they are well crafted, if they are accurate enough, they stand as testaments to the grandeur of a people across epochs. The achievements of Homer, Chaucer, Michelangelo, Beethoven ― important people from somewhere else and long ago ― are part of the lingua franca of contemporary civilization. 



Of all the arts created in America, jazz says the most about us. As democracy created an explosion of personal creativity, it stands to reason that the definitive art of America would have an unprecedented roll call of creative artists. To understand them and their achievements is to be armed with examples of creativity, courage, and endurance that would serve us all well. 



But really, the most significant innovation is jazz itself. It tells us something about the importance of fulfilling a need. Art is created to nourish those who give birth to it. In the early 1800s, Beethoven said that in order to learn the truth of church music in his time, it was necessary to go back to the very earliest church modes. In other words, don't rely on conventional wisdom; go back to the original source. 



I believe that to know the essence of a thing requires returning as closely as possible to the origin of that thing. The passage of time tends to quietly erode meaning and enthusiasm. The farther you move away from the sun, the colder it gets. The originators of jazz were only two generations removed from slavery. They were victims of rigorous forms of segregation that routinely and institutionally denied their humanity. So freedom was much more than a word to them. These pioneering musician were exuberant about exhibiting this newfound personal freedom through their art. But they were also excited about hearing other people do the same thing. They understood that all were inextricably linked in freedom, just as they had been inextricably linked in bondage. And it wasn't theory; it was life as they lived it. 



These originals were thrilled to share and communicate with all kinds of people. They became masters of achieving balance with others. Through improvising on the blues and tending to the collective rhythm that is swing, they worked out a perfect way to co-create. As we have seen, swing is both a rhythm that defined an era in American history and a worldview. 



In this worldview, there is a belief in the power of collective decision making. Bad or mediocre decisions will be discarded or absorbed by the group in pursuit of a “better way” guided by feel and good taste. When a group of people working together feels something, when they trust that all are concerned for the common good, when they are determined to be in sync no matter what happens, that is swing - the feeling of “'our way' is my way.” This philosophy extends to how to treat audiences, consumers, staff, or even your family. It's not unrealistic. Just think about how whole congregations recite things in church every Sunday, almost together and completely unrehearsed. They proceed by feel. 



On a jazz bandstand, swing is the single objective, the core that makes us all want to work together. Jazz - the music - is the collective aspirations of a group of musicians, shaped, given logic, and organized under the extreme pressure of time. When we all work together, the music swings, and when we don't, it doesn't. That's why, although the perception of jazz is that we all get along, in actuality, we're all always trying to get along. It is the integrity of that process that determines the quality of the swing. 



This focus on perfecting the collective ebb and flow by clarifying intentions can be applied to any endeavor. A family that swings will be happier and much more successful. So will a business or a  team. What you intend to do governs the assessment of action. That's why apologies are often simply, “That is not what I intended; I'm sorry.” Presumably meaning, “My future actions will be much more in line with my true intent.” Swing is pure intent made active. And it's valuable as a tool of diplomacy. With the new global technologies, cultures are coming closer and closer. As these cultures meet, tension and conflict seem to dominate our interactions. But, lest we confuse this friction with the end of the world, it's actually the beginning of the world, the Tower of Babel in reverse. We have been apart, now we are coming together: harmony through conflict. 



To understand jazz, with its emphasis on personal creativity and responsibility to a collective, is to be better prepared to deal with the unprecedented global integration of our time. People with different belief systems aren't going to just go away. Everyone else is not going to abandon his or her way of life to be like us. And we are never going back to the good ol' Ozzie and Harriet 1950s, when everyone was in his and her “proper” place. It's time for a redefinition of citizenship that considers a world with far fewer boundaries. 



As a boy, I was taught that our relationship to rights and responsibilities determines the quality of our citizenship. Generally, children are responsible only for themselves. As adults, we are responsible for more people - our families, our neighborhoods, our communities, our country, our world. It's an ever-expanding universe, and our ascension to a mature level of citizenship is directly related to the size and number of things we choose to take on. 



In the arts, this ladder rises from your personal artistry to your art form, then on to all the arts, and finally to humanity itself. 



Jazz insists on the undisputed sovereignty of the human being. In this technological era we can easily be fooled into believing that sophisticated machines are more important than progressive humanity. That's why art is an important barometer of identity. The arts let us know who we are in all of our glory, reveal the best of who we are. All the political and financial might in the world is diminished when put to the service of an impoverished cultural agenda. We see it in our schools, in our homes, and in our world profile: rich and fat, lazy and morally corrupt, with wild, out-of-control young people. 



We all know that civilization requires a supreme effort. Our technology will become outmoded, but the technology of the human soul does not change. We still read Homer, but we're not that interested in using ancient Greek technology. We're not interested in returning to the aristocratic governments of Beethoven's time, but we still listen to his music because it still speaks to the depths of the human soul. He spelled it out for us in the Ninth Symphony. His music in its original form lifts our souls, today, right now. And while people in each era believe their times to be the worst times ever, there is always much to celebrate as well. 



Jazz music reconciles opposites. It was created by the descendants of slaves but speaks eloquently of freedom. The blues - the lifeblood of jazz - ofttimes has heartbreaking melodies and lyrics set to a happy, dancing beat. But don't let the beat fool you. This is practical stuff. It keeps us rooted. And jazz can help us answer the cultural questions of our times: How can we use the aesthetic tools we have created to balance our lives? How do we address the technological advancements that make life softer without allowing the to eventually replace human interaction? How do we integrate with other cultures without disrespecting them or surrendering the best of what we are? 



Jazz is the most flexible art form ever because it believes in the good taste of individuals. It believes in our ability to make reasonable choices. It takes a chance on our decision-making skills instead of legislating our freedom away with written restrictions and restrictive hierarchies. In jazz, the size of your heart and your ability to play determine your position in the band. The philosophy of jazz is rooted in the elevation and enrichment of people, plain ol' folks. 



Respect and trust: These are the things jazz teaches. When you listen to great musicians, you hear the respect they have for one another's abilities; after all, rhythm section excluded, musicians always spend more time listening than playing. And, rhythm section included, you see the trust they have for one another because they are always making adjustments in response to what someone else has just created. I think Elvin Jones articulated it best when he said that in order to play with somebody on a profound level you have to be willing to die with him. Now, I'm not telling you to take that literally, but that is jazz, and that is true feeling at its most real. 



In the simplest and most essential context, creativity and innovation reiterate the importance of soul. They are, separately and together, an expansion of feeling and a supreme expression of our humanity. We have an artistic imperative to understand and reengage creativity and innovation, not merely as tools for economic growth but as tools for democracy and accomplished citizenship. We have a cultural imperative to find common ground with even our fiercest competitions ..... and to play with integrity. 



Perhaps the greatest lesson to be learned about integrity comes from the post-rock-and-roll era, when many jazz musicians decided to go commercial. The best jazz had always been the embodiment of integrity and conviction. Because the musicians' skills and competence were so hard-earned, it was difficult to get them to compromise. Once jazzmen began making the decisions to water down their artistry for notoriety, publicity, or money, our art began to face the same challenges that our government and many business face: dearth of leader ship, lack quality, loss of meaning, insensitivity to people - ultimately a wholesale loss of faith: “Well, what is jazz, anyway?” What difference does what I played make? 

「誠意を持って」と言いましたが、この誠意というものについて、学ぶべき最大の教訓が、ロックンロール以降の時代、ジャズミュージシャン達の多くが金儲けに走る決断をした頃に見出せます。いつの時代も、最高のジャズの演奏には、プレーヤーの誠意と信念が音に表れています。というのも、ミュージシャンの腕前と内に秘める能力とは、大変な苦労の結果手に入るものであり、なかなかこういったものを妥協して失うようなことは、できないことです。でも当時ジャズミュージシャン達が、「ジャズなんてダサい」と言われたくなくて、知名度や金にめがくらみ、自分の芸や技を安売りすることに走ってしまった結果、ジャズは、政治や多くのビジネス活動が直面する同じ試練を味わうようになったのでした。リーダーシップの不十分さ、品質の低下、深遠な意味の喪失、そして人に対する気遣いの無さ - 突き詰めた所、「誠意」が大きく損なわれてしまったのです。「結局ジャズって何だ?」「俺が何を演奏しようと、何か変わるのか?」 


But even in these fallow periods, all kinds of interesting things still take place. Our desire to testify through some type of art is unstoppable. A palpable energy is released when inspiration and dedication come together in a creative art. That energy is transformative in an individual who is innovative, but it is transcendent when manifested by a group. There are no words for the dynamic thrill of participating in a mutual mosaic of creativity. Remember, your don't have to earn your creativity - you were born with it. We are all potential artists, and artists cultivate their creativity obsessively, compelled by the need to create the feeling of community anyway they can - in the subway, at a picnic, after dinner, even at a business convention. The feeling of giving enjoyment and enlightenment to the same human beings you have taken inspiration from is addictive. 

とは言え、こんな不作の時代にあっても、面白いことというものは、色々な所で生まれています。何でも芸術で表現して見せたい、という人間の希望は、誰にも止められません。クリエイティブアート(創造芸術)においては、「ひらめき」と「ひたむき」が揃った時に、目に見えるエネルギーが発生するのです。このエネルギーが、物事を変化させる力となるのは、常に新しいものを求める人の中で発生する時ですが、そういうい人が集団となってもなお革新的であり続けるなら、エネルギーがもたらす力は途方もないものとなります。言葉で言い表すことのできないこの大きなワクワク感は、色々な方向から組み合わさってくる創造力のモザイクに、自分も参加してゆくことから生まれるものです。忘れないでください。創造力とは身につけなくてはならないモノではなく、生まれながらにして身についているモノです。人は誰もが芸術家としての潜在能力を持っており、芸術家とは、その潜在能力である創造力を、とことん育んでゆく、その心を突き動かすのは、人が住むコミュニティとの絆をつくらなきゃ、という気持ちであり、その場所は選びません - 地下鉄、ピクニック、夕食後のひと時、ビジネスの場においてさえも - 。嬉しいこと、伝えたいことを届けようとする気持ち、これを自分にインスピレーションを与える人、つまり、自分と同じ人類にも贈りたいという心は、やめられませんよ。 


It is that feeling that made the seventy-year-old Louis Armstrong, in the shadow of death, lips as scarred as the moon, reach for those last blood-soaked notes. That feeling made sickly, deaf Beethoven wake up and press his head against the soundboard of a piano at 2:37 A.M. to reassess a troublesome passage in a supreme masterpiece that still speaks to us almost two hundred years later. That feeling made old, bedridden Henri Matisse strain with a long stick to place figures on the ceiling by memory and feel, aftter becoming almost blind from years of working with too-intense colors. It made Duke Ellington, after fifty years on the road and with only months to live, ravenously listen to his band play as many of their two thousand pieces as possible, gorging himself on a last glorious meal of what they had done with their lives. These masters didn't want to stop. Ever. 



That thing with no name. It's what some tired, old cowboy with a harmonica played and sang to survive a hard cattle drive and some bad coffee. It's what we all want to feel and be a part of. It's our birthright. We just don't know it. But if we listen to the great artists of history, many of whom lived in times much more difficult than ours, they tell us that this explosion of consensual creativity is not only here and now ad always, it's the only thing worth our energy and resources and time. 



In the words of Duke Ellington, “The people are my people.” When we accept that credo as our own, then we will rise above the disappointments of the past and make real the dreams of our ancestors. I can still hear the words of Danny Barker: “Now, that's jazz.” 

デューク・エリントンの言葉「THE people ARE my people」(「人々」とは、私にとっては、その一人一人皆が大切な存在なのだ)。この考え方を自分のモノにすることが出来れば、過去のがっかりするような出来事から立ち直り、昔の人達が果たせなかった夢を叶えることになるでしょう。今でも聞こえます、ダニー・バーカー先生の言葉「そう、それがジャズってもんだ」。