【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind


「サッチモ My Life in New Orleans」を読む 第1回の1



SATCHMO  My Life in New Orleans 

サッチモ  僕のニューオーリンズでの日々 


by LOUIS ARMSTRONG (October 1954) Prentice-Hall Inc. New York 



chapter 1 (pp7-21) 


WHEN I WAS BORN in 1900 my father, Willie Armstrong, and my mother, May Ann or Mayann as she was called were living on a little street called James Alley. Only one block long, James Alley is located in the crowded section of New Orleans known as Back O'Town. It is one of the four great sections into which the city is divided. The others are Uptown, Downtown and Front o' Town, and each of these quarters has its own little traits.  


僕は1900年生まれ。父のウィリー・アームストロングと、母のメイ・アン ― 通称 メイアン ― はジェームスアレーという小さな通りに面した家に住んでいた。そこからわずか1街区離れたところが、ニューオーリンズの繁華街であるバックオタウンだ。ニューオーリンズを大きく4つの区域に分けた時の一つで、他にも、アップタウン、ダウンタウン、そしてフロントオタウンがあり、それぞれちょっとした特徴がある。 


a little street called James Alley 


sections into which the city is divided 

その都市が分けられている区域(into which) 



James Alley not Jane Alley as some people call it lies in the very heart of what is called The Battle-field because the toughest characters in town used to live there, and would shoot and fight so much. In that one block between Gravier and Perdido Streets more people were crowded than you ever saw in your life. There were churchpeople, gamblers, hustlers, cheap pimps, thieves, prostitutes and lots of children. There were bars, honky-tonks and saloons, and lots of women walking the streets for tricks to take to their "pads," as they called their rooms.  




what is called The Battle-field 

いわゆるバトルフィールド(what is called) 

the toughest characters in town used to live there, and would shoot and fight so much 

街で最もタフな連中がそこにかつて住んでいて、そしてよく発砲やケンカをやったものだった(used to / would) 



Mayann told me that the night I was born there was a great big shooting scrape in the Alley and the two guys killed each other. It was the Fourth of July, a big holiday in New Orleans, when almost anything can happen. Pretty near everybody celebrates with pistols, shot guns, or any other weapon that's handy.  




the Fourth of July, a big holiday in New Orleans, when almost anything can happen. 

7月4日というニューオーリンズにとっての大きな祝日はおよそ何でも発生する可能性がある日である( , when) 



When I was born my mother and father lived with my grandmother, Mrs. Josephine Armstrong (bless her heart!), but they did not stay with her long. They used to quarrel something awful, and finally the blow came. My mother moved away, leaving me with grandma. My father went in another direction to live with another woman. My mother went to a place at Liberty and Perdido Streets in a neighborhood filled with cheap prostitutes who did not make as much money for their time as the whores in Storyville, the famous red-light district. Whether my mother did any hustling, I can not say. If she did, she certainly kept it out of my sight. One thing is certain: everybody from the churchfolks to the lowest roughneck treated her with the greatest respect. She was glad to say hello to everybody and she always held her head up. She never envied anybody. I guess I must have inherited this trait from Mayann.  




leaving me with grandma 


neighborhood filled with cheap prostitutes who did not make as much money 

同額のお金は稼いでいなかった安い売春婦達で一杯の界隈(filled /  who) 


When I was a year old my father went to work in a turpentine factory out by James Alley, where he stayed till he died in 1933. He stayed there so long he almost became a part of the place, and he could hire and fire the colored guys who worked under him. From the time my parents separated I did not see my father again until I had grown to a pretty good size, and I did not see Mayann for a long time either.  




a turpentine factory out by James Alley, where he stayed 

ジェームスアレー郊外の工業用の松脂工場、そこに彼は在籍した( ,where) 

until I had grown to a pretty good size 

結構大きくなるまでずっと(had grown) 


Grandmother sent me to school and she took in washing and ironing. When I helped her deliver the clothes to the white folks she would give me a nickel. Gee, I thought I was rich! Days I did not have to go to school grandmother took me with her when she had to do washing and housework for one of the white folks. While she was working I used to play games with the little white boys out in the yard. Hide-and-go-seek was one of the games we used to play, and every time we played I was It. And every time I would hide those clever little white kids always found me. That sure would get my goat. Even when I was at home or in kindergarten getting my lessons I kept wishing grandma would hurry up and go back to her washing job so I could find a place to hide where they could not find me.  




When I helped her derilver 


I kept wishing 

僕は願い続けた(kept wishing) 


One real hot summer day those little white kids and myself were having the time of our lives playing hide-and-go-seek. And of course I was It. I kept wondering and figuring where, oh where was I going to hide. Finally I looked at grandma who was leaning over a wash tub working like mad. The placket in the back of her Mother Hubbard skirt was flopping wide open. That gave me the idea. I made a mad dash over to her and got up under her dress before the kids could find out where I had gone. For a long time I heard those kids running around and saying "where did he go?" Just as they were about to give up the search I stuck my head out of grandma's placket and went "P-f-f-f-f-f!" 




before the kids could find out where I had gone 

私がどこへ行ってしまったか子供達が見つけることができる前に(had gone) 


"Oh, there you are. We've found you," they shouted.  

"No siree," I said. "You wouldn't of found me if I had not stuck my head out."  





We've found you 

私たちはあなたをみつけたところだ(have found) 

You wouldn't of found me if I had not stuck my head out 


(would...had not stuck) 


Ever since I was a baby I have had great love for my grandmother. She spent the best of her days raising me, and teaching me right from wrong. Whenever I did something she thought I ought to get a whipping for, she sent me out to get a switch from the big old Chinaball tree in her yard.  

"You have been a bad boy," she would say. "I am going to give you a good licking."  





something she thought I ought to get a whipping for 


(something[that]she thought I ought to get) 


With tears in my eyes I would go to the tree and return with the smallest switch I could find. Generally she would laugh and let me off. However, when she was really angry she would give me a whipping for everything wrong I had done for weeks. Mayann must have adopted this system, for when I lived with her later on she would swing on me just the same way grandmother did.  




the smallest switch I could find 

私が見つけることができた一番小さな枝(switch [that] I could) 


I remember my great-grandmother real well too. She lived to be more than ninety. From her I must have inherited my energy. Now at fifty-four I feel like a young man just out of school and eager to go out in the world to really live my life with my horn.  




She lived to be more than ninety. 

彼女は90歳を超えるところまで生きた(to be ) 

From her I must have inherited my energy 

彼女から私は私の気力を受け継いでいるに違いない(must have inherited) 


In those days, of course, I did not know a horn from a comb. I was going to church regularly for both grandma and my great-grandmother were Christian women, and between them they kept me in school, church and Sunday school. In church and Sunday school I did a whole lot of singing. That, I guess, is how I acquired my singing tactics.  





That, I guess, is how I acquired my singing tactics 

そうやって私はわたしの歌唱法を身に着けたのだと思う(how I acquired) 


I took part in everything that happened at school. Both the children and the teachers liked me, but I never wanted to be a teacher's pet. However, even when I was very young I was conscientious about everything I did. At church my heart went into every hymn I sang. I am still a great believer and I go to church whenever I get the chance.  




everything that happened at school 

学校で起きたことすべて(everything that happened) 


After two years my father quit the woman he was living with, and went back to Mayann. The result was my sister Beatrice, who was later nicknamed "Mama Lucy." I was still with my grandmother when she was born, and I did not see her until I was five years old.  




the woman he was living with 

彼が一緒に生活していた女性(the woman [that] he was living with) 

my sister Beatrice, who was later nicknamed "Mama Lucy." 

私の妹ベアトリス、彼女は後に「ルーシーママ」とあだ名を付けられた( , who) 


One summer there was a terrible drought. It had not rained for months, and there was not a drop of water to be found. In those days big cisterns were kept in the yards to catch rain water. When the cisterns were filled with water it was easy to get all the water that was needed. But this time the cisterns were empty, and everybody on James Alley was frantic as the dickens. The House of Detention stables on the corner of James Alley and Gravier Street saved the day. There was water at the stable, and the drivers let us bring empty beer barrels and fill them up.  




It had not rained for months, and there was not a drop of water to be found 


(had not rained / water to be found) 

the drivers let us bring 

監督官達私達に持ってくるのを許してくれた(let us bring) 


In front of the stables was the House of Detention itself, occupying a whole square block. There prisoners were sent with "thirty days to six months." The prisoners were used to clean the public markets all over the city, and they were taken to and from their work in large wagons. Those who worked in the markets had their sentences reduced from thirty days to nineteen. In those days New Orleans had fine big horses to pull the patrol wagons and the Black Maria. I used to look at those horses and wish I could ride on one some day. And finally I did. Gee, was I thrilled!  




the House of Detention itself, occupying a whole square block 

刑務所本体一区画占めている( , occupying) 

Those who worked in the markets had their sentences reduced 


(Those who worked / had their sentences reduced)