【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind



【英日全文】Moving to Higher Ground by Wynton Marsalis

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「トリオジャズは三権分立」英日対訳:あとがきMoving to Higher Ground by W. Marsalis

AFTERWORD A Conversation Between Wynton Marsalis and Justice Sandra Day O'Connor あとがき ウィントン・マルサリスとサンドラ・デイ・オコナ―判事との対談 Wynton Marsalis and Justice Sandra Day O'Connor discussed jazz and the Constitution durin…

「ひらめき+ひたむき=力の実現」英日対訳:7章Moving to Higher Ground by W. Marsalis

CHAPTER SEVEN That Thing with No Name 第7章 名前のないもの In the spirit of swing: (from left) Marcus Printup, Walter Blanding, Ted Nash, and I parade through a houseful of people of all ages, colors, and kinds brought together ― and lifte…