【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind



「サッチモMy Life in New Orleans」を読む 第11回の2

In addition to Fate, Joe Howard and myself, the other members of Marable's band when I joined were Baby Dodds, drums; George (Pops) Foster, bass; David Jones, melophone; Johnny St. Cyr, banjo guitar; Boyd Atkins, swing violin, and another …

「サッチモMy Life in New Orleans」を読む 第11回の1

SATCHMO My Life in New Orleans サッチモ 僕のニューオーリンズでの日々 by LOUIS ARMSTRONG (October 1954) Prentice-Hall Inc. New York ルイ・アームストロング著(1954年) chapter 11 (pp181-191) BY THIS TIME I was beginning to get very popular a…