【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind


【総集編】英日対訳:マイリー・サイラス「Miles to Go」




















































































































あとがき(第2版付)Afterword: Before I Sleep / After the After: Miles to Go byマイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





Afterword: Before I Sleep 



When my dad tells me that for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction, he doesn't usually stop there. He reminds me that life is a series of ups and downs, peaks Mand valleys for everyone in every walk of life: farmers, businessmen and women, people who work in steel mills like Pappy did. And it's a whole lot harder to come down than it is to go up. But in the valleys, you find out who you really are. 




My parents both talk about the day when all this slows down. My mom thinks I'll enjoy life more. My dad thinks I'll have more time to take it all in. But I know I'm blessed for this moment. I love my work. If I don't work this hard forever, I don't know what I'll do with all the extra time and energy, though I have a few ideas (see the next few pages). I may have to get really, really good at calligraphy. 




Even with a party to look forward to, I didn't want my sixteenth birthday to come. I love being the baby and thought that might stop. I don't even have any idea how to do my own laundry. (That's one of the ways in which my mom has babied me a little.) I have plenty of grown-up responsibilities ― working full-time while still doing schoolwork, having meetings, meeting deadlines. My mom knows I need to be a kid sometimes, to feel safe and cared for and be driven around ― though I hope that last one ends the second I get my license. 




But yeah, I'm going to have to figure out the laundry thing at some point before I leave home. And you know what? I'm kind of excited. Because no matter what I do, even if it's just a load of laundry, I'll be traveling forward, making my own future ― and there are still miles and miles to go. 




****After the After (for the second edition)**** 



In the original afterward, I wrote that I was scared to grow up. But I think I might have already done it ― without even knowing. I mean, not totally. ★ Like I said, I do still have miles to go. But the experiences of the past year have pushed me forward in ways I'd never have imagined. I sat on a bench and came to grips with letting go. I opened my heart and fell in love again. I lost love but gained friendship. I traveled to new countries and went back home to familiar places. And, you'd be proud to know, I learned to do my laundry! 

★At least I have my own car now!  





Still, those are only a few lessons. Only a few of the mile markers. There are more to come. Some of them I can guess, some of them are going to be surprises. And you know what? I can't wait. 





★★★ 100 things I want to do before I die ★★★ 

1. ride in a helicopter←DONE 

2. go to the bottom of the ocean 

3. get married / have kidZ 

4. stand on the Great Wall 

5. go skydiving 

6. ride in a hot air balloon 

7. backpack through Europe 

8. win a Grammy 

9. personally help feed another country 

10. meet Isaac Pablo  

11. open summer camp for kids with H.L. or D.S. 

12. draw awareness to teen pregnancies 

13. go on a peace mission in Africa 

14. swim in the Red Sea 

15. pay Mammie's bills 

16. learn to surf 

17. write my life story DONE, I GUESS? (FOR NOW!) 

18. have a wig co. for kidZ 

19. go to Hawaii for my b-day 

20. build a school 

21. rent a cottage in Surrey 

22. design leather/wool -free uggs 

23. read the entire Bible (IN PROCESS) 

24. see the northern lights 

25. shop in Milan 

26. go to Egypt and see Tut's tomb 

27. go to Jerusalem 

28. run a marathon 

29. fly a plane 

30. get a motorcycle license 

31. cross the country 

32. live in TX 

33. climb Mt. Everest 

34. live out of the country 

35. be a places @ once 

36. visit Kids in a hospital in all 50 states 

37. ride a horse on the beach! 

38. get my sister a Husky Puppy 

39. make a country album 

40. do a metal record 

41. introduce this generation to Buddy Holly and have him be on top ten albums on iTunes 

42. buy my pappy's house 

43. go fishing and actually catch a fish 

44. go to Fiji 

45. produce my little sister's record 

46. build my parents a house on the beach in seaside 

47. live with a family in Thailand and experience their day 

48. dig a well in Indonesia 

49. invent something ... I don't know what yet, ha-ha! 

50. finish this list and get to 100!!!! 

★★★ 死ぬまでにやりたい、100のこと ★★★ 



















































第53話Things Happen for a Reason: Miles to Go byマイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





Things Happen for a Reason 



When my mom was pregnant with me, my dad called her from the road. He says he had a vision. An instinct. The same way Dad plays music by ear, he likes to play life by ear. He says his intuition told him that the baby in my mom's womb was destined to be something that represented the light. Something positive. He said, “You know what? I just feel like that little baby is Destiny Hope Cyrus.” When Dad's famous intuition talks, we listen. So Mom said, “That's it. That's her name.” But as soon as I was born I became “Smiley,” then “Smiley Miley,” then Miley. I don't think anyone ever actually called me Destiny, so I decided to legally change my name to Miley. 



My parents named me Destiny Hope because they believed that my destiny was to bring hope to people. My life does feel driven by destiny right now, but maybe that's only because my biggest dreams are actually coming true. Most people go through ups and downs, successes and failures, to figure out their true calling. My dad was a boxer for a long time, and then he thought he'd be a baseball player. But then he had a dream that told him to buy a left-handed guitar and start a band. He did, and the rest is history. I came across my calling early, and there is always the chance I could fail. 



While I was growing up, my dad would remind me that Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times when trying to make a storage battery. When a reporter asked Edison about his failures, he said, “I have not failed seven hundred times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those seven hundred ways will not work.” I get it. 



The most important ingredient in success is failure. 



Mandy sometimes calls me the most unlucky lucky person in the world. My heels break. My hair dryers blow. I got stuck on the Revenge of the Mummy ride at Universal Studios. I was stuck in Splash Mountain at Disneyland for half an hour. ★ I was standing on the red carpet with Tayor Swift and Katy Perry, and a bee came up and stung one of us. Which one? Me, of course (unlucky). A few days ago, I was at the mall with Mandy and I had my period and no tampons (unlucky). I went to the bathroom to buy one, but I had no change (unlucky). Then something changed. As I stood that day staring at the tampon dispenser, four tampons fell out of it, right into my hands (lucky!). And later when I withdrew twenty dollars from an ATM, the machine gave me sixty bucks (lucky!).★★ The way I think of it is that the little bad moments make the little good moments better. That doesn't mean I necessarily enjoy forgetting my lines or messing up a dance move, but weathering all those everyday frustrations and victories helps us practice for the bigger disappointments that are sure to come along. 

★I'm particularly unlucky at amusement parks. Except when it comes to birthday parties. 

★★I returned it, of course! 





I don't know how long my fame and success will last, but if years from now I'm playing coffeehouses instead of stadiums, that's okay so long as I'm still inspired and still inspiring a few people. I'll keep doing my art. And, like I said when I talked about my sixteenth birthday party: for now, while the spotlight is on me, I want to use it well. I have an opportunity to make a difference in the world. I may have changed my name, but that doesn't mean I'm saying no to the destiny my parents envisioned for me. I don't want Hope as a middle name. But I sure want to try to bring it to everyone I meet or touch. I wrote a song called “Wake Up America” about taking care of our planet. It's on my album Breakout, which to date has sold over a million copies. How many chances do we have to remind that number of kids that this is their planet to love and save? That we have to protect the future? I have that chance, and I want to make the most of it. I meet kids in hospitals and schools and hope I can make them smile for that one quick moment, and I want to keep doing bigger things for organizations like City of Hope and Youth Service America that really make a long-term difference. 

今の私の名誉や成功が、いつまで続くかは分かりません。でも何年後かに、スタジアムでのコンサートなんかできなくなって、喫茶店とかでしか演れなくなったとしても、私が音楽にインスピレーションを感じて、それを、2人でも3人でも届けることができるなら、私は構わないと思っています。私は、私の音楽を、極め続けるのみです。そして、16歳の誕生日パーティーのことに触れたときにも書きましたが、今は、私にスポットライトが当たっているうちは、それを人の役に立つように使いたい。世界を変えるチャンスを貰っているのです。私は名前を変えてしまいましたけど、別に、お父さんとお母さんが、私のために描いてくれた、未来の運命を、否定するからではありません。Hope、ていうミドルネームはちょっと嫌で、でもそれを、私が出会い、触れ合う人達全員に届けたい、それは間違いありません。私が書いた「Wake Up America」は、この地球をなんとかしようよ、という歌です。収録アルバムは「Breakout」、ここまで100万枚以上が売れました。大勢の子供達に、地球は自分達の住む星で、愛して、救っていかないといけない。そうやって自分達の未来を守らなければならない。そのことを、心に刻んでもらうには、あと何回言言い聞かせないといけないか?この曲で、私にその機会がやって来ました。なので、目一杯その機会を活かしたいのです。病院や学校で子供達と会って、その瞬間だけでも彼らに笑顔になってほしくて、そして、もっと規模の大きなことを、City Of HopeやYouth Service Americaのような、長期的に変化を起こせる団体のために、私はやり続けたいのです。 


How could I be born into a name like Destiny Hope and not believe that things happen for a reason? Life is unpredictable. Nothing is written in stone. I've told you about myself, but I can't really say who I'll be. There's no right or wrong, success or failure. I don't look at things as black or white. My life won't be a series of either/ors ― musician or actor, rock or country, straitlaced or rebellious, this or that, yes or no. The real choices in life aren't that simple. I think of it more like a story that keeps moving forward, with plain old days and then surprises that turn everything upside down. I don't set limits for myself. I want to be the best I can be. I want to dream big, but dreams change. 

「Destiny Hope」なんて名前をもらって生まれてきた私が、「何事も必然」、て信じられなくてどうするんだ?て話です。人生は予測不能。「予定済・変更不能」なんてものは、何一つ無い。ここまで、私がどんな人間か、お話してきましたけど、これから私がどうなっていくか、それは分かりません。何が正しくて間違っているのか、何が成功で失敗なのか、そんなもの、ありはしません。物事に白黒つけるような見方は、私はしません。これからの私の人生は、絶対に、「Aか?それとも、Bか?」を選び続けるなんてものには、しません。ミュージシャンか役者か、ロックかカントリーか、厳格厳守か反抗破壊か、こっちかあっちか、イエスかノーか、そんなの有り得ませんので。人生はそんな単純なものじゃない。人生は、もっとこんな風に考えたいのは、物語みたいに、前に進み続けて、何気ない過去があったかと思えば、全部がひっくり返るようなサプライズが起きたりする、みたいなね。自分に限界は設定しない。最高の自分でいたい。大きな夢を見て、でも夢はどんどん変わっていく、そんな風に生きたいものです。 


What I want, who I want to be, how I want to spend my time ― keeping these questions open is good. It's life. I'm living every day of my life. When you think like that ― and when you're only sixteen ― then you're living a story that has chapter after chapter blank pages ahead. 



If there's one message I have for my fans, it's that you can make your dreams real, but you have to enjoy just being. Make the best of the life you have every day. I can't wait to see what's in the days ahead, but I also don't want to fill them up too fast. 



★★★ 7 things I might be when I grow up ★★★ 

1. photographer 

2. musical director 

3. music teacher 

4. writer 

5. composer for movies 

6. pilot 

7. dog walker 

★★★ 大人になったら、なってもいいかな、の7つ ★★★ 








第52話Living the Dream: Miles to Go byマイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





Living the Dream 



I don't act or sing for awards. I don't do it for the money. Those things are nice benefits of my work, but they don't drive me. 



I do it all for the passion of the art. I love making music, performing, and bringing something special to the people who listen and watch. Stevie Wonder is blind, and it doesn't matter if his awards shine like diamonds or are dull, dark rocks, so long as he loves his music. Beethoven still made music after he lost his hearing. When you take your senses away and still love what you're doing, that's when you know it's your calling. 



Hebrews 13:5-6 






Although I know I'm earning a lot of money, it goes into some mysterious account somewhere and doesn't really affect me. I'm just doing the work that makes me happy. Pappy always said, “Love what you do for a living and you won't have to work another day in your life.” 



I don't have a big fat wallet or credit cards to buy whatever I want. It's one benefit of being a child star: that later on, when I do have access to the money. I'll be able to look back at this time and know that I was happy following my dream without material rewards. I hope I won't need that lesson, but I'm glad it's there for me.  



At the end of life, all you have is what you felt as you were going through life. 



Pappy said this, and now that Pappy's gone Dad says it, too. You don't have cool bags and a list of parties you were invited to. Press clippings, even music albums: none of the achievements or material things matters in the end. You can't take them with you. What really matters, and what you have in your heart at the end of your days, is the love and joy you lived and gave. 



People sometimes ask me if I feel like I'm missing out on having a normal childhood. Do I ever think about the what-if? Would I do anything differently if I could do it all over again? 



After all I've seen (the hardest childhoods) and all I've experienced (living my dream) it would never occur to me to dwell on what I might be missing. I know that I'm not going to a real school. I'm not attending homecoming games or a proms. I can't go to a movie without being recognized and all that entails. 



Yes, there are fun parts of being a normal teenager that I haven't experienced and never will. And sure, there are a lot of days when I don't want to wake up at 6:30 every morning.★ There are days when I don't get enough sleep and don't want to get up at all. Sometimes the set feels like a prison. There are certain sacrifices I am making. And there are sacrifices my family is making for me. In the quieter moments, which are few and far between, I think about what I'm missing. I wonder, but I don't wish. It's all worth it when I watch an episode of Hannah on TV, or see my new movie, or play my new CD for a child in the hospital. The good out-weighs the bad. It isn't right to complain. I don't. I can't. I can't imagine holding on to the negative when there is so much that is great in my life. 

★I'm sure the same thing would happen if I went to school 




I found my dream early. I'm living it. Lots of people find their dreams. I think the only way I'm different is that my dream just happened to come true before I entered high school. I feel grateful. I know how fortunate I am. I'm not so naive that I think any dream is achievable for any person in any country on this earth. 



But I do know this for certain ― that you'll never find your dream if you don't reach for it as far and as high as you can. 



DREAM with Brandi 

ドリーム 姉のブランディとともに 


Follow your dreams 

Follow your heart 

Show everyone in a gloomy sky 

You can be a shining star 

Don't lose your faith 

'Cause there might come a day 

When everything could disappear 

Oh, but your dreams will still be here. 



皆に教えてあげよう 気持ちが沈むような色の空でも 






第51話Hopefully Not the Last Song: Miles to Go byマイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





Hopefully Not the Last Song 



You know how I've said I don't know what I want to do in the future?★ Well, I know that movies are definitely a part of it. Filming the Hannah Montana movie had been such an amazing experience. Being with my fellow cast members through those months and then getting to see all that work pay off when the movie premiered? That was fantastic. There was so much of Miley Cyrus in Miley Stewart and Hannah Montana that if it had tanked, I would have kind of felt the audience didn't like me. But they did! So all that hard work ― the hours of repeating the same scene over and over again ― was worth it.★★ 

★I have a list of 7 things I want to be when I grow up because I can't narrow it down! 

★★Seriously, y'all . I think I can do the Hoedown Throwdown in my sleep. 





But filming The Last Song was a whole new experience. I was working with a new character ― someone totally different from Hannah or Miley Stewart. All the lessons I had learned filming the TV show were going to have to come into play again ― getting into character, finding the voice I wanted, feeling the emotion. But whereas I have had years to do that with Hannah, I was only going to get months to work on The Last Song. 



This was a Nicholas Sparks movie. AND he had written it with me in mind★. I wanted to make sure that this was the best performance of my life so far. Luckily, I had a pretty great group of people to work with ... and Tybee Island. Have I mentioned that place before?★★ From the moment I walked onto the set, I felt like I was Ronnie Miller. She is a tough girl struggling to find her place in the world, and I grabbed on to that. And the best part was that everyone involved grabbed on to their parts. We became this tight little family there on Tybee Island. My co-star, Liam Hemsworth, and I would film a scene on the beach and then, as soon as the director called Cut, I'd be jumping in the water, splashing around. Like I said, Tybee is a magical place. I think being there, we all felt like we were getting this break from reality. 

★No pressure! 

★★Kidding! You know I love it there! 





I was so incredibly sad when filming ended. I hated saying good-bye to my new family. But I have such amazing memories from my time there. I wrote some fantastic songs and had some unbelievable moments. 



Like when, after a long day of shooting, we all headed into the tiny town to grab food. And of course, the magic and emotions were getting to me. We sat down to eat and then noticed a band was playing. I sat there for a while, just enjoying the music and feeling like for once, the world had stopped spinning so fast. And then someone called my name and before I knew it, I was up there, singing along! In this restaurant on an island off the coast of Georgia? How random? But it was moments like that that made The Last Song such fun. You never knew what the day would bring. Sometimes horrible storms would come in, and we'd have to stop filming. Other days it was so sunny and beautiful, all you wanted to do was sit on the beach.  



But I guess that is sort of what life is ― a series of storms to weather before the clouds clear and the skies turn blue. And if you can learn to appreciate them both, you're in for a pretty sweet view. 


第50話Paging Miley Cyrus: Miles to Go byマイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





Paging Miley Cyrus 



We made three stops for the book - New York City, Los Angeles, and then home to Nashville. I honestly didn't know what to expect. Like I said, I've done other types of tours - but would this be the same? Would the fans wait in line to buy a book? Apparently, yes. When I got to the New York store, the line was out the door and around the block. It was crazy! 



At one point, before they let people in, I peeked out the window that looked down on the street. There were fans lined up for blocks, and each one was holding my book. Some were reading and smiling. Others were leafing through the pictures. But ALL of them were excited about a book that I wrote. It was kind of one of those great moments when you realize that there is a lot of good you can do in this world. I'm not saying that my book is going to single-handedly stop illiteracy, but if I got one of my fans to read who wouldn't have before, that's pretty fantastic. Those are the moments I really thank God for Hannah Montana. 



★★★ 7 things I love about books ★★★ 

1. they can make me smile 

2. they can make me cry 

3. if I want to pretend I'm someone else, they are a great solution 

4. most of the time, they have happy endings. 

5. they can create a fake reality 

6. they can teach me things I never knew 

7. they can capture moments pictures can't 

★★★ 本が大好き!7つの要素 ★★★ 










Doing the signing in New York and another one in L. A. had been pretty great. But coming home to do one in Nashville was the icing on the cake. It felt like coming full circle, the same way it had felt to film the movie in Tennessee. This was my chance to share with my town all the reasons I loved it. To really show people how growing up in Nashville had helped make me the person I am today. How the city is always in my heart and always keeping me grounded - no matter where I am. I had written it all down. Everyone could know now, and I was so excited. 



The store in Nashville was smaller than the other two had been, but I'm pretty sure the crowd was bigger. And rowdier.★ People showed up that I never thought I'd seen again. One of my old teachers was there. A girl who had gone to my school told me she had been bullied too. Another group of kids showed up from one of the organizations I volunteer for. Their joy and love were overwhelming. 

★No surprise! Yee-haw, Nashville! 




Before I knew it, the signing was over. 



Remember how I said I like to stay busy? Well, that day was a perfect example. Not only was I doing the signing, I was going to make a surprise appearance at a Nashville movie theater for a screening of Hannah Montana: The Movie. That meant a whole new round of butterflies in my stomach! What if the audience hated it? So you know what I did? I ordered up some good ole Southern comfort food - chicken and dumplings - and sat down for a meal. I'm sure I was a sight! ★ All around me people were getting ready - dresses got brought in, my makeup team arrived, and I just sat in the middle, chowing down. I admit, stuffing your face full of food right before you are supposed to stuff yourself into a fancy dress might not be the best idea. but hey, those dumplings did the trick. I was energized and ready, and by the time I stepped onto the red carpet ... the butterflies? They were long gone. 

★No one gets in the way of my chicken and dumpling! 



第49話A New Kind of Tour: Miles to Go byマイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





A New Kind of Tour 



Like I've said,★ life has been a roller-coaster ride from the moment I got on Hannah Montana. When the whole book was happening, I was in the middle of filming the Hannah Montana movie, working on songs for the soundtrack, and doing all the other stuff that makes up my day. I was SWAMPED!★★ 

★Sorry! I get a little bit off topic sometimes! 

★★Don't get me wrong - busy is good! I love being busy. Even when I have downtime, I fill it up. The other night I was up till 4 in the morning ... cleaning my room! Just because I couldn't NOT be busy! 





But I was - and am - so proud of the book that I was eager to get on the road to talk about it when it was finished. There were so many stories I wanted to share! Now, I've been on my music tours, and I've done promotion for my CDs and for Hannah Montana, but a book tour was different. I was going to be meeting people who had gotten a glimpse into some pretty personal parts of my life. I was going to hear what they had to say - good and bad. And this was the scary part - I was going to have to talk about all of this stuff out loud, on TV and on the radio. 



My mom knew I was a little stressed. So, like she always does, she made me feel better. She told me to remember that I share things all the time with my fans through my songs. 



It's funny: even though I'm goofy and like to do silly things like make videos and post random thoughts on Twitter★ - I'm actually pretty private ... especially about writing. When I first come up with an idea for a song. I like to be alone. Writing songs has always come so naturally to me. The idea gets in my head and flickers around. A chord pops up that goes with it. A few beats bounce together and then - a song. But it always starts when I'm by myself. When I'm sitting on a porch or up in my room or even out on the tour bus. 

★used to! 




Writing a book was almost the same process.★ I was at not loss for things to talk about. Like I've said, I like to talk. But from the start, I was forced out of my safe and private space. I couldn't do it all on my own. I had to ask my family questions, dig into our history. There was fun stuff - hearing my dad talk about what I was like when I was a kid. And there was sad stuff - like remembering my last conversation with Pappy. But while it wasn't all rainbows, I had to keep reminding myself - a chapter is almost like a song. Once I could think of the book that way, it was easier to tie things together. I'd get an idea, like I do when writing songs, for a chapter, and let it bounce. Eventually, I'd make it something bigger. But I liked starting small. Sort of the story of my life!★★ 

★Minus the beats ad chords! 

★★I'm not saying I did it perfectly! But I tried!  





Back to the tour. At the same time that the book was coming out, we were debuting the first single off of the Hannah Montana sound track. I may have mentioned it before - “The Climb.” ★ Now, as you all know because I've talked about it a lot, that song means a LOT to me. So to be out talking about that AND the book was a pretty awesome experience. 

★Sound familiar? 

話を音楽ツアーのことに戻しますと、この本の発売と同時期に、私達は初のシングル曲を出しました。ハンナ・モンタナのサウンドトラックからの曲で、前にも書きましたが、「The Climb」です。この曲については沢山お話しましたよね、私には「超」意味がある曲なんです。なので、この曲と、そして「同時に」この本のことを伝えるツアーができたのは、とってもヤバい経験になりました。 



Even though I had been pretty nervous about talking about the book, it was fun to hear people responding to it. 



Each person took away something different, which is exactly what I like about writing. Whether it is a love song, or a sad poem, or a book about your life so far, everyone sees it a little different. 



Through one person's eyes, the bullies in my life might not have meant anything, but the move from Tennessee to California might have been devastating. It is, like the saying goes, all in the eye of the beholder. 
