【英日対訳】ミュージシャン達の言葉what's in their mind


第19話Daddy's Little Buddy: Miles to Go byマイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





Daddy's Little Buddy 



Meanwhile, Dad and I were working really well together. Every teenager and father have some of the same problems. You want a new phone, but your dad doesn't want to give you the money to buy it. Your dad won't let you go to a movie because you need to stay home and study. You get jealous when your dad starts writing songs with the Jonas Brothers. (Okay, maybe that last one isn't exactly universal.) 



The Hannah Montana writers were coming up with stories about stuff that made sense in my relationship with my dad because they were normal teenager / parent struggles. 



But as they watched us, they picked up on our dynamic and used that to make the characters even more like us. Like Dad calling me “Bud” on the show. He always calls me “Little Buddy” and “Bud” in real life. And some of that real Southern stuff comes straight from my dad's mouth, like “Dang flabbit.” That is so Dad.  

でも、脚本家さん達が、私達二人を見ているうちに、私達がどんな感じで普段やりあっているのかが分かったらしく、ストーリーを、実際の私達父娘の姿に近づけていきました。普段お父さんは私を、「キョーダイ」とか「キョーダイちゃん」と呼びますが、それを番組中でもそう呼ばせたのです。それから、南部特有の言い方も、お父さんの口から連発されます。例えば「Dang flabbit(語感:アホ「うざ」ギ【兎】)」とかね。お父さんは、そういうキャラなんで…。 



They also found ways to use some of my dad's songs in the show. “Ready, Set, Don't Go” is a song that Dad wrote when I first got the Hannah part. He hadn't been cast yet. The family had packed up and was heading to Los Angeles. He watched us drive away and felt happy to see my dreams coming true and sad at the idea of me going so far away ― and growing up. What Dad doesn't have that bittersweet moment?  

番組中では、お父さんの持ち歌も、幾つか挿入されました。「Ready, Set, Don't Go(題意:準備できた?じゃあ、行…かないで)」は、私がハンナの役を勝ち取った、その時に書いた曲です。作曲した時点では、まだキャストには入っていませんでした。家族みんな、荷物をまとめて、ロサンゼルスへと向かう、お父さんがそれを見送る、私の夢がかなったのは嬉しい、同時に、私が遠くへ行ってしまう、そして手の届かない所へと成長してしまうようで淋しい。お父さんなりに、「嬉し悲しい」思いをしたってことですよ、きっとね。 


A year later, we would make an episode around that song. It was the highest rated of all the episodes that had aired so far, and “Ready, Set, Don't Go” became a hit song for us both. Of course, Dad wasn't thinking about any of that when he wrote the song. He was living his life, and he processes his emotions through music, just like me.  

お父さんがこの曲を作った1年後、そのエピソードの回が放送されます。全放送回の中でも、一番視聴率をとった回になり、そして「Ready, Set, Don't Go」は、お父さんにとっても、私にとっても、ヒット曲となりました。当然、お父さんは曲を作った時点では、そんなこと考えもしません。我が道を行く、そして自分の思いを音楽に乗せる、それは私も同じです。 


As time went on our lives overlapped more and more with our characters and vice versa. And that was fine by me.  


第18話Hannah and Lilly: Miles to Go byマイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





Hannah and Lilly 



Maybe my childhood experiences did have a little something to do with getting the part on Hannah Montana, but none of my dad's friends gave me any nuggets of wisdom about life on the set with my costars. If a TV show is like its own little world, then, in the beginning, the kids on our show were like an entire junior high school class. There was jealousy. There were fights. There was friendship. There was love. The only thing that was different : there were only three of us.  



Emily, Mitchel, and I are all close in age. Three is never a good number. At any given point, someone's going to feel like a third wheel ― that's just the way threes work. Mtchel and I were sort of insta-best friend. We're both crazy, silly, fun, high-energy, joking around with no real filters on what we say or do. We even had a little case of puppy love for a while there. It was sweet. 



Meanwhile, Emily's more reserved. Also, she's beautiful and athletic. There was competition between us ― girls struggle with that, and we were no exception. I didn't do much to fix it. I mean, I wanted to, but I had no idea how to go about fixing it. I never got along with girls as well as I did with guys. Hadn't I just endured Operation Make Miley Miserable, which was an all-girl campaign, for a year? 



Emily and I tried to be friends, we really did, but it always ended in a fight. 



We're just so different. She's from L. A. ― I'm from the South. She's opinionated. I'm not opinionated... but I'm so not opinionated that I'm opinionated about not being opinionated. She's supersmart. I felt dumb. Once in our classroom on set we got into a huge yelling argument after the teacher left. It was so bad, and we were so upset, that we each went home and told our parents. Both families all sat down together and tried to work it out. After those peace talks, we tiptoed around each other for a couple of weeks, but it didn't last. Soon enough we were back at each other 's throats.  



Usually on set everyone's mellow if some flubs a line. Not us. We'd be, like, “Gosh,” and roll our eyes in exasperation if the other one messed up. As soon as a take was over, I'd say, “Are we done with this scene now?” or she'd say, “Can we go?” There was no warmth, no chemistry. We were playing Bs, and neither of us wanted to be there. Finally the producers said, “You two have to pull it together.” I think sometimes people forget how old we are. They wonder why we're behaving the way we do. The pettiness. The drama. The acne depression ― I'll get to that later. We're teenagers! Our job is to fight. That's gotta be the downside of making a TV show about teenagers. You have to work with teenagers. On the upside .... hmm. Maybe there isn't an upside.  

普通収録中はセリフを飛ばしたりしても誰も目くじら立てずに穏やかに振る舞うものです。でも私達は違う。互いが間違えようものなら、「チッ」とか言って、ガン飛ばしまくりです。カットがかかった途端に、私が「今のシーン大丈夫でしたかねぇ?」、あるいは彼女が「これで終了できますぅ?」人としての温かみのカケラもなし。お互いの持っているものを出し合って、一つのものを作ろう、という姿勢も皆無。役の上では親友でも、一緒に居たくない、みたいなね。とうとうプロデューサーの方達から「お前ら、いい加減、お互い歩み寄れよ。」皆さん、うちらが何歳の子供か、忘れてません?うちらのやること成すこと、理解できないの?しょうもない事が気になるんですよ。どうでもいいことで喧嘩しちゃうんですよ。ニキビができれば落ち込むんですよ… あ、これは後ほどまた書きます。喧嘩はウチラ子供の仕事ですよ。ティーン・エイジャーを使ってテレビ番組作る上での問題点だってことぐらい、分かってよ。それを覚悟でティーン・エイジャーを使いなさいよ。ちなみに良いことだって… あ、良いことなんて無いか。 


I really wanted to be best friends with Email. My dad was playing my dad. Jason Earles, who plays Jackson, was like a big brother to me. The show felt real to me, and I wanted my relationship with Lilly to feel real, too. I knew it didn't have to ― show business is show business ― but I was disappointed. There were times when I didn't think we could ever be friends. We just couldn't figure out how to get along.  



SPOTLIGHT ON YOU written for Emily 

あなたにスポットライトを (エミリーに) 


I am tryin' to be brave 

Prayin' everything gonna go okay 

'Cuz I know I'm 'bout to be in ....  

The spotlight 

I see myself upon that stage 

With the spotlight 

With the cheerin' crowd before my eyes 

Rockin' on my guitar 

Bein' a superstar 

But all I really need is YOU 












Time went on, and the three of us ― me, Mitchel, and Emily ― were stuck together. So we stuck together. And over time we found ways to genuinely bond. There was a narrow wooden catwalk up above the set. We called it the “C.A.D” room.★ Getting up to the C.A.D. room was precarious. It was several stories high! You had to hang on to a bar or you'd fall down to certain death. The producers must have been glad to have us out of their hair. They didn't care where we went: “We don't see anything. We don't know anything. This isn't on us,” was their attitude. 

★C.A.D. = inside joke 




We'd sneak up there for lunch, and for an hour it felt like we were hiding out in a treehouse, high above our jobs and homework and parents. We were all in the same situation ― we had a great opportunity. It meant working like grown-ups, but it wasn't always easy to behave like grown-ups. Witness my spats with Emily. But up in the C.A.D. room we got to be normal, mischievous kids for a change. The pressure was off, and there were even hints of fondness between Emily and me. Our characters got along so well. Why couldn't we act the same in real life? For all our trouble, deep down I think(☓)★ we loved each other, even then. But we had a long way to go before we'd really be friends. 




第17話Rabbit Hunting: Miles to Go byマイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





Hunting Rabbits 



My earliest music memories aren't all on stage. As early as I can remember, music was part of my everyday life. Pappy's father, my great-grandfather (E. L. Cyrus), was a Pentecostal preacher. On top of being a legislator for the state of Kentucky, Pappy (Ronald Ray Cyrus) sang with the Crownsmen for a time and always had a gospel quartet. My dad's mother (Ruthie Cyrus) was also musical. She sang and played piano by ear. And when it came to our house, Dad's guitar was always out. He, my uncle, and my Pappy would sing “Little Red Caboose” or “Silent Night.” Especially around Christmas, the house was full of carols. 

ステージ上での話を、前の章で書きましたが、私のうんと小さな頃の音楽についての記憶は、そればかりではありません。物心ついた頃には、音楽は毎日の生活の一部だった、と記憶しています。じいじの、そのまたお父さん、つまり、ひいお爺さんのE.L.サイラスは、今の賛美歌やゴスベルを数多く手掛けた、ペンテコステ派プロテスタントの一派)の宣教師をしていました。じいじ(ロナルド・レイ・サイラス)は、ケンタッキー州議会の議員をしていましたが、クラウンズメンという音楽団体で歌っていた時期があり、いつもゴスペルのカルテットを組んでいました。お父さんのお母さん(ルーシー・サイラス)も、音楽に関わっていました。歌もピアノも、耳から覚えた人です。そして、家の中を見れば、お父さんはいつもギターを取り出しては、弾いていて、お父さんとおじさん、それと大好きなじいじとで、「Little Red Caboose(小さな赤い車掌車)」とか、「聖しこの夜」とかを歌っていました。特にクリスマスの時期になると、我が家はいつもクリスマスキャロルが響きまくってました 


When I was growing up, Dad brought home lots of his musician friends. I sat on Waylon Jenning's lap while he sang “Good-Hearted Woman.” When I was ten or eleven, Ed King★ showed me the chords for “Sweet Home Alabama” on my first guitar. 

★The Lynyrd Skynyrd guitarist. How cool is that? 




Music is the love of my life. It's a total escape from reality. Music transports you to another place, someplace unexpected and meaningful. 



One day Johnny Neel★ came to visit. Daddy and I took a walk with him up to the top of a hill near our house. Johnny was blind, so we walked carefully. He used a cane while I held his other hand. When we sat down at the top, Johnny said, “It must be so beautiful up here. I wish I could see how beautiful it is.” This happened before I can remember, but according to Dad, I said, “Just listen to the wind. You can hear God's voice in the wind.” And when Johnny Neel just sat there quietly, I said, “Put your head down close to the grass so you can hear it.” He got down on all fours, put his ear to the ground, and said, “You're right, baby.” 

★A former keyboardist for the Allmen Brothers. 

… Dad = wrapped around my finger. 





My dad tells all these stories about me and his musician friends. But my favorite is the one about Carl Perkins.★ Carl Perkins brought his rabbit hunting dogs over from Memphis to walk around the farm with Dad. Dad and Carl weren't really hunting. They just liked to watch the dogs trail the rabbits. I was six years old, but I went with them. I always went with them.  

★The great rockabilly pioneer. You know, “Blue Suede Shoes.” 




So Carl's dogs were walking through the field, they caught the scent of a rabbit, and they took off into the hollow. Carl looked down at me and said, “Now, honey, I want you to remember this day. Me and your dad, we ain't carrying no guns, but we love rabbit hunting. Always remember that rabbit hunting is just like the music business.” That made no sense to me. “What do you mean? “ I asked. He said, “It's not about killing the rabbit. It's about enjoying the chase.” Daddy says that the dogs were howling, and we were standing there ― him, me, and Carl Perkins, and he remembers that moment like it was yesterday. I'm not sure I remember it quite that clearly, but I know that day is still with me. 



No single one of those encounters made me who I am. Not one of them convinced me to be an actor or a musician. But our hours and days add up. Little moments attach themselves to other little moments and collect into big dreams. A sunset, a walk, a few small words of wisdom. We become what we experience.  


第16話Amazing Grace: Miles to Go byマイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 






Amazing Grace 



Well, I think I'm ready to go back to the very beginning now. It's tough to remember so far back when you're an old, wise broad like me, but here I go. Waaay back.★ 

★Note the subtle tone of sarcasm? 




I know that it seems like I took the whole Hannah thing in stride. Don't think I wasn't completely over the moon. But I also had an advantage. As a little girl, I had had my fair share of the spotlight. When I was tiny, I was my dad's shadow. He kind of got used to having me around. So when he went on the road to play concerts ― my dad was always a singer, this acting thing came later ― he wanted me with him as much as possible. And he was in the fast lane for a while there. I sat on his shoulders in front of thousands of people. I rode helicopters, Lear jets, buses, and limos. Sometimes he'd bring me onstage to sing “Hound Dog” with him, and I'm told they had some trouble getting me off. At the end of each show, when the fans gave him gifts, I'd run out in front of the cheering crowd, help my daddy gather up the flowers, home-made bracelets, and bras, and the we'd go straight to a hospital to donate them. Except the bras. They made excellent hammocks for my dolls.  



When I was all of two years old, my dad brought me along to an Elvis Presley tribute. Priscilla and Lisa Marie Presley had organized the event ― which was being taped live for television ― at the Pyramid, a 20,000-seat arena in Memphis. It was an all-star lineup: Aretha Franklin, the Jordanaires, Eddie Rabbitt, Bryan Adams, the Sweet Inspirations, Tony Bennett, all singing Elvis songs. Dad's turn came in the middle of the show. He sang “One Night with You” while I watched from backstage with Mammie in my frilly little party dress. Then, for the grand finale, Dad started singing “Amazing Grace,” and all the other singers came to join him onstage one by one. 



It was a bluesy, rock'n'roll, Memphis-style rendition of “Amazing Grace.” I can't really say whether I remember the moment, or whether it's been told to me so many times that I feel like I remember it, but finally I couldn't hold back any longer. I broke away from Mammie and ran out onto the stage. As Daddy tells it, the Sweet Inspirations just scooped me up and held me high, looking out at the audience.  



There I was, taking it all in, feeling the spirit of that song, the music, and Elvis as much as anyone ― in front of thousands of people! 



The Sweet Inspirations passed me to the Jordanaires, who passed me to Eddie Rabbitt. (Sort of like the famous-singer version of hot potato.) I was waving at the audience the whole time, loving it. The last person to hold me was Tony Bennett. (Sort of like the famous singer getting stuck with the hot potato.) At the end of the song, he brought me back to Dad, looked him straight in the eyes, and said, “You've got a special little girl here.” When Dad tells this story,★ he says that Tony Bennett said it like he meant it. Like he was really saying, Man, she's got something really special. A certain charisma. She connects with people. That's my dad for you. Always embellishing his stories in my favor.  

Like, every day 




I don't know what to say about Tony Bennett, but what I do know is that I wasn't a bit afraid of the stage. I was with my daddy, I dug the music, and I felt like I belonged there ― as if the stage was a puzzle, and I was a missing piece that fit right in. Or maybe I was the puzzle, and being onstage was a missing piece of me. Okay, let's just say I felt a lot more comfortable being up onstage than I do now trying to make up analogies! 


第15話Believe: Miles to Go by マイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 








Just because they shot a pilot ― the first episode of the show ― didn't mean Hannah Montana would ever see the light of day. Lots of executives had to decide if it was good enough. If they approved it, then they'd “pick it up.” That meant we'd make more episodes, and the show would go on the air. Which was what we all wanted. 



We were back in Nashville when the news came that Hannah Montana had been picked up for thirteen episodes. Disney wanted me in L. A. in seven days. Seven days! My mom didn't want to uproot the whole family so quickly without putting us in a place that would feel like a home. She didn't want the move to be hard or to feel like a sacrifice for my brothers and sisters. She isn't the type to get caught up in Hollywood or the idea of my being a star. She always thinks about the big picture. The whole family. How we can be stable and normal. Mom went online★ and bought the smallest house in La Canada she could find. Just like that. As if it were a T-shirt from a catalogue. Mom is so twenty-first century. 





One of the first things we did when we arrived in L. A. was to go to the Disney offices to say thank you. We had lunch with my agents, then drove in a convertible to Disney. My dad and I always rode four-wheelers around our farm, redneck style. Wasn't I glamorous in my convertible? A TV star, on her way to thank the producers. Except when I walked into Gary Marsh's office, a look of horror crossed his face. “What happened to you?” he asked. Riding in the convertible had messed up★ my hair. Which was dyed a weird blond color. I'd had two teeth pulled. And oh yeah, the braces. I had braces. It was not a pretty sight. I got off my high horse pretty fast.  





The hair went back to brown. The braces came off. I got a little retainer with fake teeth to fill in the holes while my grown-up teeth grew in. That was my first perk as a TV star: having an excuse to ditch the braces. 



After they “fixed” me, there was still more to accomplish before we started shooting the series. They had to do my wardrobe. I had go into a studio to record music for the whole first season. Oh, and they had to fit me for wigs. The pilot wig was a joke. Now I would get real, expensive wigs that were molded to my head. If you've never experienced a wig fitting, let me tell you ― it's not very glamorous. They put you in a wig cap, which is like a swimming cap made of stocking: they put Scotch tape all around it until it's a hard form: then they use that to make a mold.  



Wigs done, the series got rolling. Soon after, there was a party at the set for the premiere of the show. Emily and I both wore black dresses. We were so excited to watch the final version of the pilot ― the version that millions of viewers would watch on Disney Channel. We hoped.  



The show was far better than I expected it to be. You say a line six times, sixty times, and you end up with no idea which one they'll pick in the editing room, how it will sound, and how you'll look saying it. You sing a song in a studio and only imagine how it will come out with sound production and lip-synching. But there we are, up on screen. Me, Dad, and all my new friends. I have to say, I thought we were pretty awesome. No matter what happened, that moment was mine, and I will never let it go.  



The very next day I went to an amusement park with my aunt. We weren't thinking about the show. We had no idea what the ratings were. It didn't occur to us that people had actually seen my face on television the night before. We were on our way to the roller coaster, when six thirteen-year-old girls ran up to me and asked me for my autograph.★ I did an internal roundoff ― back handspring ― back flip for joy! “Sure!” I said, so hyperenthsiastically that I'm pretty sure I scared my very first fans (who were taller than I was). That was the moment when I realized that Hannah Montana wasn't just a new job that I loved. There were people out there watching us. Real people, who recognized me on the street. I wasn't just Miley Cyrus anymore. I was carrying Miley Stewart and Hannah Montana around with me. It was weird . It was cool. I was twelve.  



Haven't you practiced your signature in school notebooks or when you're talking on the phone? I have. Page after page where I should have been taking notes is covered with my name, accompanied by all different doodles and flourishes. I knew how to sign my name, but what else did I want to tell these girls, my first fans? I thought back to what I would have wanted to hear when I was just one of fifty Hannah Montana wannabes sitting nervously in a waiting room. I thought back to what I would have wanted hear when I was crouched alone in the school bathroom, at the end of my rope. I thought back to what my fish would have wanted to hear after his best friend bit the dust. Now I knew exactly what I wanted to write. I took a long time with those first six signatures, making sure I did them perfectly.  



Believe [heart] Miley Cyrus 

信じよう [ハートマーク] マイリー・サイラス 

第14話Losing Pappy: Miles to Go byマイリー・サイラス

Disney HYPERION BOOKS (currently, Hachette Books)  

MILES TO GO  by MILEY CYRUS  with Hilary Liftin 



MILES TO GO(題意:沢山の思い出と、やりたいこと) 

マイリー・サイラス著 ヒラリー・リフティン共著 





Losing Pappy 



Before I get back to the braces, I want to talk about Pappy. While we were taping the pilot, Dad was flying back and forth between the set of Hannah Montana and my pappy's bedside. Pappy was my grandfather on my dad's side. He was sick, really sick with lung cancer, but all the amazing memories I have of him were in my head as I worked. I knew he wanted me to follow this dream. 



Pappy had a log cabin in Cave Run, Kentucky. It is the most beautiful place on earth. In the morning, he'd make bacon for us and tell some crazy story about what the dogs were up to or what the neighbors said.  



Each of us kids had a room upstairs in his cabin. Whenever we came to visit, I'd head up to my room the first night and he'd have positioned an old bearskin rug flat on the floor with its head popping up. It scared me to death every time. But that was Pappy for you. I loved his teasing. I even loved the way Pappy smelled. He wore the same deodorant for years ― it's a generic country brand ― and now I keep it around because it reminds me of him. 



We spent plenty of time in that cabin, just goofing around. I would change the outgoing message on the answering machine to say “Hey, thanks for calling my pappy,” and then I would blow a whistle that sounded like a train ― whoo whoo whoo ― and say, “I love him and hope you love him too.” (If you'd known him you would have.)  



The cabin was near a mountain that had a cave. During the day, Pappy would help me, Brazz, and Trace (my sister Noah wasn't born yet) look for arrowheads and scout for bats. Pappy was a giant kid. When we'd go fishing,★ Pappy would drive ahead of us in his old-man car and my dad would follow behind, driving way too slow, never able to keep up. Dad is usually a cautious driver (except when he's behind the wheel of a dirt bike or a four wheeler).  

★:Well, ... at least I went along until I got my foot stuck in a hole on the bridge and they had to cut me out before the catfish ate my toes. After that I wasn't so into fishing. 





★★★7 things my Pappy used to say★★★ 



1. the more you stomp in poo, the more it stinks. 

2. persistence is to the quality of the character of man what carbon is to steel. 

3. good for the goose, good for the gander. 

4. wherever you go ... there ya are. 

5. a trying time is no time to quit trying 

6. you're as full of poop as a christmas turkey 

& my favorite one...  7. I love you. 







そして私の大のお気に入り 7.お前は本当に愛しい子だ 


Pappy had a husky voice like me and a stomach that always out a little ― like he'd just had a big meal. He was always spouting folk wisdom that made no sense to some people, but it did to me (usually). If I was talking about someone who made me angry, he'd say, “The more you stomp in poo, the more it stinks,” or “When you knock 'em out, you don't need no judge.” (That's what he always told my dad because he used to be a boxer.) When I was wearing something ― say, a hat ― I'd say, “Don't you like my hat, Pappy?” If he didn't like it he'd say, “Oh, sure, I'd like to have two of them. One to crap on and the other to cover it up with.” Then my dad would chime in, “Yeah, me too.” And I'd say, “I have no clue what either one of you is talking about.” It didn't matter, though. He was just the best granddad I can imagine.  



Pappy was always a good audience. The staircase in his cabin led to an upstairs loft, and when I was a little kid ― five or six ― I'd put on a show, belting out “Tomorrow” from Annie as I came down the stairs. Pappy would clap and whistle and say, “Go on up there and do it again.” I ate it up. I always played his piano. I never took piano lessons, but I liked ― and still like ― letting my fingers tinkle around the keys. Pappy called that tinkling “The Rain Song.”  



That's how I ended up writing the song “I Miss You” for Pappy. 

こうして出来た歌が「I Miss You」、じいじに捧げた曲。 


He was so sick. I knew he was dying, and slowly so did my heart. I couldn't imagine life without him. It was the hardest song for me to write. I was working on it with my mom's good friend Wendi, and it was just killing me. Finally I said, “I can't write anymore. I gotta stop.” But I knew what my heart wanted to say, and whatever's in my heart finds its way to my fingertips. So we pushed on and finished the song. I really wanted Pappy to hear “I Miss You” before he died. I never got to sing it for him, but toward the end my dad played Pappy a quick cut of the song, and I like to believe that it gave him hope, like he continues to give me hope. 

じいじの容態は相当悪いものでした。もう助からない、頭ではわかっていましたが、気持ちで納得するのに、ゆっくり時間がかかりました。この世にじいじがいない、という状況を、想像できませんでした。この曲は、私が一番つらい思いをして書いたものです。お母さんの親友のウェンディと一緒に作曲を進めましたが、二人して死ぬ思いをしました。「もう書けない、もうやめる」口ではそう言いましたが、心は別のことを言っています。そして、その心の内にあるものに、ペンを持つ指が突き動かされます。そうやってウェンディと私は背中を押され、ついに歌は完成しました。じいじの耳に届けたかった、「I Miss You」でもその前に、じいじは旅立ってしまいます。私が歌って聞かせることは叶いませんでしたが、お父さんが、じいじが亡くなるまでの間、病床に通う度に、そこまでできた部分をじいじに都度聞かせてくれていたのです。それがじいじにとって、希望となったことを信じたい、丁度じいじが私にとって、希望となり続けたように。 


Pappy said he refused to die before Hannah Montana aired on TV for the first time, but he passed away two days before the premiere. Still, he did get to see a tape of the pilot. I know he was proud.  



In the South, funerals are like weddings. Everyone shows up in big hats to gossip and pay their respects. It's practically a family reunion. At Pappy's funeral I couldn't see anything but my granddad. There was an open casket and I wanted to touch his hand one last time, to say good-bye. But I didn't want to remember him that way, so I stayed back. That moment still haunts me.  



After Pappy died, I kept circling around his death. If you've lost a grandparent, maybe you know how that goes. I missed him. I still do. I mourned him. I still do. I kept thinking about how I promised I'd let him take my older sister Brandi and me to King's Island (an amusement park), but never got a chance. I got stuck on the times I didn't talk to him on the phone. There was a voice mail from Pappy saved on our answering machine, and I listened to it over and over again, because every time it brought him back as if he'd never left.   



Then I had a dream. It was Pappy, wanting me to move on. 



He said, “I can't leave with you holding on so tightly. You can't let my death stop your life.” When I woke up, his voice was so alive in my head it was as if he'd just said good-bye and walked out the door. Out of habit, I went to the phone to listen to his voice mail. It was gone. Deleted. Floating away out into ether. As though Pappy was telling me to let go. 



My dad has taken over Pappy's tendency to talk in gibberish. He'll say “What's good for the goose is good for the gander.” The other day he said “spigot” instead of “faucet,” and the way he said it was just like Pappy: “spicket.” And I finally saw that it doesn't matter if I let go of Pappy. He'll always be with us. 


第13話Hannah Who?: Miles to Go by マイリー・サイラス

Hannah Who? 



While we were taping the pilot, Disney let me know that there was just, ah, one more tiny little thing they wanted me to do. A concert.★ That's right ― they wanted me to perform a concert as Hannah Montana in front of a crowd of people who had no idea who I was, before the show had even started.★★ When the big night came, I was a nervous wreck. Sure, I'd been backstage, even onstage with my dad at plenty of concerts. But now there were new songs, new choreography, new dancers, props, and wardrobe changes. And no Dad. The focus was all on me. 

(★: Yikes!) 

(★★:Double Yikes!) 




The crowd at Glendale Centre Theatre ― not far from the Disney studios ― didn't know who or what they were going to see.  They just knew they were watching an unknown girl named Hannah Montana, and she had something to do with a new Disney show. And it was free. I'm sure some of those people wish they could travel in time and scalp those free tickets for big bucks★ 

(★: Not that I approve of that behavior!) 




I couldn't believe anyone showed up at the concert. Who wanted to see an unknown singer? When I started, I was scared that I would tank ― and I felt stupid for pretending to be such a hotstar when nobody knew who I was. It was so weird. Between songs, I'd whisper into the mike, “I'll be right back,” and scurry off the stage like a little mouse to ask my mom and the producers if I was doing okay. 



Then, around when I was singing “Pumping Up the Party Now,” I noticed that people were into it. They seemed excited to see the show. It gave me a second to pause (in my head ― I kept singing, of course) and realize what was happening to me. It didn't matter how odd and contrived this performance was. I thought to myself, I'm happy to be here. I really am. That was it. After that moment I started to get into my groove. I found out later that Gary Marsh, an exec at Disney Channel, turned to my mom and said, “Didn't take her long to settle in.” 

やがて、「Pumping Up the Party Now」(題意さぁパーティーで盛り上がろう)を歌う頃には、観客がのめり込んでいることに気づきます。この本番に盛り上がっているようでした。となると、私にも考える余裕が少しでてきます(頭の中でね、歌は止めませんよ)。そして私の身に起きていることも実感できます。こうなったら、パフォーマンスのヘンテコさやワザトラしさなんて、どうだって良くなります。自分に言い聞かせました「ここに立てて、本当に幸せ」。それだけって気分。そこから先は、私も毎度お馴染み、いつものノリで、どんどん行き始めます。後から知ったことですが、舞台裏に、ディズニーチャンネルの重役のゲイリー・マーシュさんがいらしていて、お母さんに言ったそうです「パフォーマンスが安定するのに、そんなに時間がかからずに済みましたね。」 


By the end of the concert the audience was standing up, cheering, shouting “Han-nah! Han-nah! Han-nah!” I ran across the front of the stage. I high-fived them. I improvised. I just had fun.  



It was really happening. This was my moment. 



Some of that concert is still used in the show, sort of as if it's Hannah's music video. They use the footage from “Pumping Up the Party Now,” with me in my pajamas.★ in the opening sequence and to promote the show sometimes.  

(★:Hannah has grown up so much ― she'd never perform in sleepover PJ's now!) 

コンサート当日の一部は今でも番組内で、ハンナのミュージックビデオのように使用されています。「Pumping Up the Party Now」の場面をパジャマ姿の私一緒に使ったりするのです★。番組の冒頭シーンや、時には番組の宣伝用にも流れたりします。 



And then the pilot was done, and they slapped braces on my teeth. 
